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/*ALL the necessary header files*/ #include"math.h" #include"cv.h" #include"conio.h" #include"highgui.h" #include"stdio.

h" int main() { int i,j,k;//for iterations int temp=0;//if we use a temporary var /*here lets look at the word heighthsv now lets breadk up this wordhere height means height as a regular IplImage Structure has now the addition hsv to the word heigh means this

height attribute is for the image which is color converted to the hsv,Similar conventions for the monochrome imageso you may find the attribute height for the monochrome image to be heightmonoSo i believe it is easy*/ int heighthsv,widthhsv,stephsv,channelshsv; int heightmono,widthmono,stepmono,channelsmono; uchar *datahsv,*datamono; int sthreshold=140;

double hlower=175,hupper=5;/*

here hlower is the lower cut off and the hupper is the upper cut off for hue values of red.*/ i=j=k=0;/*initializing the iteraiton variables to be zero*/ IplImage *frame=cvLoadImage(3d-09-5balls.jpg,1); if(frame==NULL ) {

puts("unable to load the frame");exit(0);} printf("frame loaded"); IplImage *colimgbot = cvCreateImage( cvGetSize(frame), 8, 3 ); IplImage *monoimgbot = cvCreateImage( cvGetSize(frame), 8, 1 );

// heighthsv = colimgbot->height; widthhsv = colimgbot->width; stephsv =colimgbot->widthStep;

channelshsv = colimgbot->nChannels; //

datahsv = (uchar *)colimgbot->imageData;

heightmono = monoimgbot ->height; widthmono = monoimgbot->width; stepmono = monoimgbot->widthStep;

channelsmono = monoimgbot->nChannels;

datamono = (uchar *)monoimgbot->imageData; cvCvtColor(frame,colimgbot,CV_RGB2HSV); cvNamedWindow("original", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE); cvNamedWindow("Monochrome Of red Blob",CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE); for(i=0;i< (heighthsv);i++) for(j=0;j<(widthhsv);j++) { if((datahsv[(i)*stephsv+j*channelshsv]<=hlower) && (datahsv[(i)*stephsv+j*channelshsv]>=hupper)) datamono[i*stepmono+j*channelsmono]=255;} else {

{ if((datahsv[(i)*stephsv+j*(channelshsv)+1])>sthreshold){

/*A very simple concept with the loops here if the hue values are in the aforementioned range and the threshold is met then logic one else logic zero*/ datamono[i*stepmono+j*channelsmono]=0;} }} { for(i=0;i< (heighthsv);i++) for(j=0;j<(widthhsv);j++){

if(!(datamono[i*stepmono+j*channelsmono]==0 || datamono[i*stepmono+j*channelsmono]==255))

datamono[i*stepmono+j*channelsmono]=0;}}/*Just a cross chek to ensure whether all the pixels have only either 0 or 255*/

/*Please check these links for the explanation of the erosion and dilation functions*/ /*so now the last parameter in the function indicates how many times you want to apply dilation or erosion*/ cvErode(monoimgbot,monoimgbot,0,6);

cvDilate( monoimgbot,monoimgbot,0,10);

/*here i have experimented with the values by changing themand i have found that i come to a good result by applying erosion 6 times and dilation 15 times you can comment/uncomment play with the values and see what is going on

Sometimes you will find the areas which are shining in the image also get detected Please think why and then try to post a comment the best commment would get visible on this page*/ cvShowImage("original",frame);

cvSaveImage("red-ballmonochrome.jpg",monoimgbot);/*if you want to save the image*/ cvShowImage("Monochrome Of red Blob",monoimgbot); cvWaitKey(0);

/*for all the other clarifications you can check the other posts. you will find an answer People who are getting started with the Opencv must make sure you check the other posts on this blog*/ cvDestroyWindow("Monochrome Of red Blob"); cvDestroyWindow("original"); return 0; }

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