Seismic Resolution Intro

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Environmental and Exploration Geophysics II

Amplitude, Frequency and Bandwidth and their relationship to Seismic Resolution

tom.h.wilson Department of Geology and Geography West Virginia University Morgantown, WV

Tom Wilson, Department of Geology and Geography

Tom Wilson, Department of Geology and Geography

The range of frequencies present in the wavelet controls its ability to resolve the top and bottom of a layer of given thickness. Recall our general introduction to the concept of the wavelet earlier in the semester. The wavelet or transient mechanical disturbance generated by the source can be thought of as a superposition or summation of sinusoids with varying frequency and amplitude.
Tom Wilson, Department of Geology and Geography

Hilterman, 1985

The examples below illustrate the effect of increasing the frequency range or bandwidth of the wavelet.

See sumofcosines.xls
Tom Wilson, Department of Geology and Geography

O. Ilmaz, 1987

The following simple example helps illustrate the concept of an amplitude spectrum. Below is a signal consisting of two sinusoids.

Tom Wilson, Department of Geology and Geography

Each sinusoid is associated with a specific frequency. There are two frequency components. The 32 sample per cycle component has a frequency of 4 and the 8 samples per cycle component has a frequency of 16. The amplitude of the 32 sample/cycle component is twice that of the 8 sample/cycle component.

The frequency spectrum (above) of the signal at the top of the previous slide is an equivalent representation of the signal.
Tom Wilson, Department of Geology and Geography

Frequency domain

Time domain

O. Ilmaz, 1987
Tom Wilson, Department of Geology and Geography

Amplitude spectrum Phase spectrum

Individual frequency components

Time-domain wavelets
Tom Wilson, Department of Geology and Geography

Zero Phase

Minimum Phase
Hilterman, 1985

Extracting information about wavelet frequency content from an isolated reflection event. The dominant period (c) of the response corresponds to the time from one peak to the next or from one trough to the next. The reciprocal of this dominant period is a measure of the dominant frequency (fc) of the signal or wavelet spectrum. The reciprocal of the half-width of the response-envelop (b) provides an estimate of the bandwidth (fb) of the signal spectrum.
Tom Wilson, Department of Geology and Geography

Hilterman, 1985

The dominant frequency and bandwidth measured from the time-domain representation of the signal wavelet can be used to provide a sketch of the wavelet spectrum. Just as importantly these measures can be related directly to the resolution properties of the seismic wavelet.
Hilterman, 1985
Tom Wilson, Department of Geology and Geography

Review your basic understanding of how the composite seismic signal arises in terms of horizon reflection coefficients and the seismic wavelet. The view below provides a temporal view of reflection shape.

Shape of upgoing wave is reversed

Negative reflection coefficient

Tom Wilson, Department of Geology and Geography

Exxon in-house course notes

These are minimum phase wavelets

Shape of upgoing wave is unchanged

Positive reflection coefficient

Exxon in-house course notes
Tom Wilson, Department of Geology and Geography

Positive reflection coefficient <Lead cycle <Follow cycle Negative reflection coefficient <Lead cycle <Follow cycle negative positive

Tom Wilson, Department of Geology and Geography

Exxon in-house course notes

Decrease the two-way travel time between reflection coefficients

<Lead cycle Lead cycle >

Reflection from the base of the layer

<Follow cycle

If the two layers are located closer together we get to a point where the second cycle in the reflected wavelet from the top of the layer overlaps the lead cycle in the wavelet reflected from the base of the layer. This occurs at two-way time equal to 1/2 the dominant period of the wavelet (or the dominant cycle).
Tom Wilson, Department of Geology and Geography

Exxon in-house course notes

Sum of reflection amplitudes from overlap in the top and base reflections

bottom of the layer. The composite reflection event (at right above) reaches maximum negative value in this case.
Tom Wilson, Department of Geology and Geography

At this point there is maximum constructive interference between the reflections from the top and

Exxon in-house course notes

Dominant (or peak) frequency and wavelet phase (shape).

Referred to as 0phase since all frequency components are in phase

The peak period of the wavelet can be determined using peak-to-trough times which correspond to one half the dominant period of the wavelet. Multiply those times by two to get the dominant period.
Tom Wilson, Department of Geology and Geography

Reflection Coefficients


Side lobe


Maximum constructive interference illustrated for the zero phase wavelet. The peak-to-trough time equals c/2, which also equals delay time between consecutive reflection events
Tom Wilson, Department of Geology and Geography

Tom Wilson, Department of Geology and Geography

Environmental and Exploration Geophysics II

The Convolutional Model and Seismic Resolution (continued)

tom.h.wilson Department of Geology and Geography West Virginia University Morgantown, WV

Tom Wilson, Department of Geology and Geography

Once the separation in time drops to less than half the dominant period of the wavelet destructive interference in the reflections from the top and bottom of the layer will occur. However, as the layer continues to thin, the dominant period of the composite reflection event does not drop below 1/c. The amplitude of the composite continues to drop. But not the period.
Tom Wilson, Department of Geology and Geography

Exxon in-house course notes

Maximum Constructive Interference

Seismic Wavelet trough

Side lobe
Two-way interval time separating reflection coefficients is c/2

The peak-totrough time equals c/2.

Tom Wilson, Department of Geology and Geography

Model of a thinning layer

15,000 fps

11,300 fps
Low velocity sand

19,000 fps

Tom Wilson, Department of Geology and Geography

These amplitude relationships are summarized below in the model seismic response of a thinning layer similar to that shown in the preceding slides.
Zero phase wavelet

Tom Wilson, Department of Geology and Geography

The amplitude difference trough-to-peak remains constant for two-way travel times much greater than half the dominant period. As the top and bottom of the layers merge closer and closer together, the lead cycle in the reflection from the base of the layer overlaps with the followcycle in the reflection from the top and the amplitude of the composite reflection event begins to increase.
Tom Wilson, Department of Geology and Geography

cti v


nte rf e ren


De str u

Thickness =Vt/2

to one-half the dominant period (c/2). If the interval velocity of the layer in question is known, the dominant period can be converted into the tuning thickness.

Layer thickness is simply Vt/2, where t is the two-way interval transit time. Tuning occurs at two-way times equal

Let layer thickness = d; then d=?

Tom Wilson, Department of Geology and Geography

Difference of arrival time between the reflections from the top and bottom of the layer decreases abruptly at about 8 milliseconds. 8 milliseconds represents the two-way travel time through the layer; it is also the time at which tuning occurs and is half the dominant period of the seismic wavelet. 8 milliseconds is c/2 and the two way time through the layer. Thus, c/4 is the one-way time through the layer.
Tom Wilson, Department of Geology and Geography

De str uc tiv

In this plot the conversion to thickness has already been made. Compute c.

ei n te rf e ren ce

11,300 f/s * 0.004s = 45.2 feet

c/4, the one-way time through the layer, equals 4 milliseconds. The interval velocity in the layer is 11,300 f/s. Hence, the thickness of the layer at this point is ~45 feet. This is the tuning thickness or minimum resolvable thickness of the layer obtainable with the given seismic wavelet.
Tom Wilson, Department of Geology and Geography

What is the amplitude spectrum of wavelet #5?

Broader spectra produce sharper, shorter duration wavelets

Ilmaz, 1987
Tom Wilson, Department of Geology and Geography

Spectral bandwidth, wavelet duration in the time domain and resolution. C is only one parameter that affects resolution. b is also an important parameter.
Greatest Bandwidth

Smallest Bandwidth

Tom Wilson, Department of Geology and Geography

Hilterman, 1985

The Convolutional Model

s(t ) = r ( ) w(t )d

Hilterman, 1985

Physical nature of the seismic response

Tom Wilson, Department of Geology and Geography

1 1 The seismic response is dominated by reflections from layers 1 and 2. We see two prominent events. They are delayed 2a because the wavelet 2b phase is minimum.

2a 2b

The output is a superposition of reflections from all acoustic interfaces

Tom Wilson, Department of Geology and Geography

Exxon in-house course notes

The wavelet in this case is also minimum phase

Tom Wilson, Department of Geology and Geography

One additional topic to consider is the process of wavelet deconvolution. As youve seen already, wavelet shape can affect geologic interpretations . Consider the following structural model Subsurface structure - North Sea

Tom Wilson, Department of Geology and Geography

Neidel, 1991

Below is the synthetic seismic response computed for the North Sea model. Potential hydrocarbon trap?
Consider part 2 of the handout

Tom Wilson, Department of Geology and Geography

Neidel, 1991

Consider the effect of wavelet shape on the geologic interpretation of seismic response. In the case shown below, the primary reflection from the base of the Jurassic shale crosses a side-lobe in the wavelet reflected from the overlying basal Cretaceous interval.

Tom Wilson, Department of Geology and Geography

Neidel, 1991

Deconvolution is a filter operation which compresses and simplifies the shape of the seismic wavelet. Deconvolution improves seismic resolution and simplifies interpretation.
Tom Wilson, Department of Geology and Geography

Neidel, 1991

North Sea Seismic display after deconvolution. The geometrical interrelationships between reflectors are clearly portrayed.
Tom Wilson, Department of Geology and Geography

Any questions about todays exercises?

Using the estimation procedure discussed in class today measure the appropriate feature on the above seismic wavelet and answer the following questions: What is the minimum resolvable thickness of a layer having an interval velocity of 10,000fps? Show work on your handout What is the phase of the wavelet? Why do you say that?
Tom Wilson, Department of Geology and Geography

The zero-phase wavelet is also considered to have higher resolving power. It is generally more compact than the equivalent minimum phase wavelet and is, overall, easier to interpret. The exploration data is in a zero phase format.

Tom Wilson, Department of Geology and Geography

Hilterman, 1985

Zero versus minimum

Tom Wilson, Department of Geology and Geography

Hilterman, 1985

If you havent already finish reading chapter 4!

Tom Wilson, Department of Geology and Geography

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