Compare Between The Early and Late Adolescents Regarding Their Physical, Social, Cognitive and Emotional Development

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Compare between the early and late adolescents regarding their physical,social,cognitive and emotional development.

1.0 INTRODUCTION: Every individual in this world will experience an age level that makes them a ready to live a more sempurna.Base on the views of some psychologists, an individual can be said as a youngster when aged 12 years and ended at the age of 21tahun.For the example, according to Crain (1996), he stated that the youth involves many changes, especially in terms of physical, social, emotional and thinking.He also noted that youths will also experience confusion in concomitant themself. so these people can experience problems when interacting with children and the adult .Then, Shaffer (2001) stated that there are two levels of development in early adolescence and the level of the last explanation.Base on his early teens was started at the age of 12 to 15 years while the final stage began about teenagers age 16 until 21 years old .Stage between the two countries throughout the world is different because each society has different views and opinions in member assessment of the adolescent's own meaning. 2.0 BEGINNING AND END STAGE YOUTH Early stages of adolescent happen to individuals when the person has reached puberty or "come of age" which is the final stage of children puberty . Physiological changes the boys saw shows the properties of male and female teenagers show properties of women..Teenagers boys and girls have different levels to achieve the age of consent is Akil baligh.They says that girls puberty faster than teenagers boy .However , at this stage of adolescent behavior shows always appropriate to their gender and the situation is which gives rise to a conflict between them. The final stage of adolescence, boys and girls show there are almost similar to adults and is very different from the characteristics of this children.Children stage start from age16 to 21 years.In this stage they have fledged one with spiritual maturity,physical, intellectual and social. which causes them to want more freedom and begin to see this level of identity that truly.In this stage they want to know and they always want to try something and these people live in anxiety and challange.Beside that the teens at this level also have various interests, ambitions, activities and achievements and they will determine their own fate in the future whether to succeed or not.

2.1 DEVELOPMENT OF PHYSICAL DIFFERENCES AND THE END OF THE BEGINNING OF YOUTH: At this stage, physical changes occur rapidly, particularly during the prabaligh (ie a period of between one and two years before the young women menstruation). On reaching puberty, a girl will undergo changes in body hair in the armpits and the emergence of adolescent physical changes she is quite significant as the bottom will start to widen and fat will accumulate in the chest, buttocks, thighs and this waist .That cause the increase in hormone produced by the system endoktrin.Then, menstrual cycles make them more stable reproductive system. While the boys will undergo changes in the body, bones of hands and feet and hair grow long on the arm.They also experience spontaneous production at night and "broken voice". In a sign of puberty is the beginning of the reproductive ability butmaturity takes time 1 or 2 years. For males was evident physical changes with height and weight will increase with the increase began actively segments long arms and legs and ending with the expansion of the chest, shoulders, and the muscles of the body. Their muscles will be more tense, hard and solid and stronger, making them more active.Then, sperm production will make them more stable breeding sisem. Body of men and women, similar to the size and shape of an adult. While, at the end of adolescence, they had reached a high maximum body .teenager man will experience growth will end at the same level with the growth of girls. They will start to worry about height, weight, body shape when their growth is not good. Adolescent females are more concerned about these changes. Youth boys more robust of body, skills and psychomotor development of young adults stronger.It was happen rapid as the changes of the skeletal structure, body size, blood vessel wall and the higher.The high level maturity is 17 years old girl while the man is 18 years.

2.2 DIFFERENT ASPECTS OF COGNITIVE Level change is increasingly compleks.Piaget early teens, said increasing adolescent cognitive development, and they began to think who was known as a thought abstraksformal.Berdasarkan operations pieget also (1969), teenagers are able to do things likefinish the concrete and abstract problems, review fell and own minds, form hypotheses to finish the problem and skemata or mental structure will increase. The final stage of adolescent mental development continues. They will

becompeting for academic excellence and desire to work better.But not all able to accomplish depends on the ability of the ego mental.Remaja having to face questions of life and sensing with their identity.Their think that their have a good minds and this lead to a conflict with adults . At this point, they are no longer being able to see the authoritarian nature of the relationship between the problems they have.So now they can be a listener and ready to accept the views of others.

2.3 'IN DIFFERENT EMOTIONS: At this stage ,very difficult to predict emotional of teenager.This so because they have various conflicts within them. For example, they want freedom but still have to rely on their parent.The problem start because of a perception that they give to themselves that they are children or that they will have adult.Besise that, arrogance in order to close the loop themself.Besides, a feeling anger often appear for the soul distressed by the conflict that they have to go.At this stage you start evaluating the behavior of adults such as parents and teacher.They began to rebel when they could not do things as adults. At this stage suffer from stress and tension within himself and any family want freedom but feel grateful to parents who support the various aspect. This created a gap between them.At this stage, peers was a strong influence on behavior, dress and values this makes them teenager.When they want to follow their friend that cause divided between parents instilled values and values that brought a friend. Refusal them causes them to be removed and they do not ignore.At this point more closely with their partners than family.Beside, the boys at this level, they a level tolerant, open and easy interact while girls want to feel free and do not want to form a own personality .They shackled and harassed members 2.5 DIFFERENCE 'IN SOCIAL: At this stage, adolescents are more interested in mixing with the same group of men sex .Remaja lebihb many friends but not close friends while the little girls but the boys close.Beside packed with different games and sports oriented girls beautiful facial and clothing . By the boy in 14 years began partly attracted to the young man who is ekstrover female.teenager more successful with girls close but this factor depends on

the parents, religion and place ,.Then this level men and women began to demand independence and began to complain when asked to perform responsibility.They also started to build identity and personality disorders depends on their conflict and suffered .They more closely with their peers and peers are the people who believed and became follower.Teenager at this level also began to learn about a role to play and try to find a place among the friends that you choose .They more concerned about a friend of the same sex and passion. At the final stage, teens show there is a transfer of interest to different individuals sex.Beside, they start to learn the desired behavior by the adult.So, the individual opinion of the same class with them will be accept.They also began to present themselves and do not want depends on the acceptance and introduction of a team. Therefore, they began wearing unusual in color and fashion, speaks with a strong sense of humor, and submit ideas radikal.At this stage, adolescents are very sensitive to public opinion, to friends and declaration of society.In addition, the formation of adolescent self depends to a peer friend .They seems more confident and able to form a positive self-concept if it can be accepted by peer friends .Shape of teenagers and parents relationships depend on the nature and views of parents either itself or demokratik.Beside autocratic rule, youngsters will also fall in love and experiencing disappointment in love that teaches them what real life .At this stage also claims freedom continue to occur until there are teenagers who try to rebel and fight.That also showed they are rude, against their parents and the power just because of independence.

3.0 Conclusion: Early stage and late adolescents clearly show the changes that have occurred to an individual involved in the change from childhood to an age of older, and mature.This is very important to be understood by each individual, especially when we are faced with the situation as a parent, a teacher and a member of the people is so because at this stage of the two teens are in need of support and guidance in the face

of changes in them so that the change was towards a better and perfect.A good guide and advice well will produce an outstanding youth in the life of this world and hereafter.

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