You Are My Wings

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You Are My Wings

Young Saeng (Main), Hyun Joong, Kyu Jong, Jung Min, Hyung Jun, and some other one....

"No! Sol. What about you?" the woman whimpered.

the guy turned around and spoke softly, directing to Young Saeng, "Welcome home, Master!".

Angel is born with a beautiful white dove's wings, and devil is born with a charisma black raven's wings. But what would the wings look like if a creature was born from the love of a devil and an angel? and what would happen to it?

Chapter 1: Last Words

"Hurry! This way" A man appeared from far away, one hand holding a child and the other hand to kept his lover from getting lost. The two shadows rushed through the cloudy forest. They kept run, run and run without turning back for once. Suddenly, the woman fell on her knees, she tried to catch her breath but the man insisted on pulling her along. The two quarreled for a while until they heard the sound of people rummaged in the forest came nearer. The couple got back on their feet on started running again until they reach a waterfall.

Gave his lover the child, the man shook his head and put his hand on her lips, signaled the woman to stay quiet, "Diana, listen to what I'm about to say! What they want is me, not you or this child. Don't cry! Don't cry! Go and live your life peacefully in that world, give this child a better life for me, okay?" Sol caressed his lover gently on her cheek, slightly kissed her while wiping off those tears, what were running down continuously. After a couple second, the man went on, "Sou... Ah no! Young Saeng, forgive me my son. I can't raise you up, I can't give you what called fatherlove, but keep this..." Sol brought out a cross-earring and gave it to Diana and hug both of them tightly, "... keep this earring so that one day I can recognize you if you return to this world. Farewell, my family."

A strong wind strongly passed by, burst into Young Saeng's slender body made him chill. The cute boy found himself standing high on a cliff looking down a wide kingdom, a place he yet didn't know but somehow familiar. Took in a deep breath, he enjoyed the fresh air, the amazing view and the warm from the foreign place. A sound of footstep soon interrupted his little happy moment, Saengie turned around. He noticed the guy was looking at him, his eyes glimpsed with respect, Young Saeng were flustered by that look; he couldn't understand what that look meant at the time. "You called me master just now, didn't you?"

Gave Young Saeng a respective nod "Yes, master." said the guy.

Pushed Diana down the cliff, Sol turned around and faced the crowd. He didn't mind what will happen to him, the fact that Diana and his son are now safe made him feel relieved. He closed his eyes, recalled his memories once last time before got devoured by the cruelest being of the world, Victoria.

"Who are...?

Chapter 2: Prohibited Love

"This way, please" Young Saeng making his way through the tunnel, following a guy who appeared before him and claimed that he knows Young Saeng's real identity; out of curiosity, Young Saeng went with him. As the exit slowly appeared to reveal the outside world,

"I'm Jung Min, master. From today, the day you return to this kingdom, I shall be your private servant." Min knelt down before Young Saeng, still bowed his head to show his loyalty towards his master.

"I don't understand. What is the meaning of this?"

"You have to jump." The man told the woman, "Get out of here before they found you."

"This might sound unreal to you, but this is the truth..." Hesitated a bit, Jung Min went on, "You're a crossbred child, between the angel's king and his lover, a devil."

Went blanked for a long while, Young Saeng shuffled his hair then a little sarcastic laugh slipped out of his lips, "Don't joke with me. What kind of moron are you? Dragged me all the way here to just tell me that I'm a child of the two fictional creatures?" Grabbed Jung Min collar, Young Saeng despicably shouted at the guy, "My mom just died two months ago, don't joke with me, she was the most gentle woman I've ever met, and you're telling me that she was a devil?"

Young Saeng was surprised at himself; he couldn't believe that he gave in to believe what the guy he thought was weird said. But in the other hand, a part of his own heart told him that he should trust Jung Min. He wondered what will happen to him if he really is that child, and why did he end up grown up in a human world instead of where he was born. "I want to know more", said Young Saeng.

instant, he remembered how his life had been until the day his mom's death; so peaceful and normal. Suddenly, he jerked up to follow two figures floating on the sky. He promptly on his feet and pushed the door wide opened. Leaned oneself on the balcony, straightened his back and opened wide his eyes to catch up with the two winged figures. Young Saeng's whole body tensed up, his mouth went dry in amazement. The two beings slowly alighted when they noticed Young Saeng. Their wings moved gently up and down as they moving down towards the strange boy. "Is he by any chance?" One of them spoke up. "Innocent eyes, dimples and a slender body. No doubt at all. It must be him." "Whoa! Really? Oh my Holy Sol. So the lost prince really did come back." The blue hair angel fluttered closer to Saengie gave him a surprised. "What's your name? How old are you? When did you come back?" He hovering around Young Saeng and question him non-stop. The boy smiling brightly as he soared high up the sky, he circled around for a couple round then swooped down again. Unexpectedly, a hand stops him. Young Saeng flinched as he noticed the other angel, who was right next to him now was the one who stop the boy, "Don't hyper up you idiot!" scolded the angel. Steadied themself, the two turned over Saengie. The younger-look one spoke up, "I'm Blue teehee, and this blood-headed is my little brother, Red. Please to meet you, my prince." "Eh?" "Hm?" "No, no. Did you say he's your 'little' brother?" Young Saeng stuttered.

"This is the truth." Jung Min directly repeated his words, this time more serious.

"Alright, you're quite interesting; just quickly finish your fiction already. I want to go home."

Sighed, Jung Min went on, "In this world, there are angels and devils. These two creatures can never get along, never at peace, and PROHIBITED TO FALL IN LOVE WITH EACH OTHER. Why? Because their love would create a child, born without any wings." Jung Min stopped in the middle and looked up to the part between Young Saeng's shoulders. Gave Jung Min an anxious look, Young Saeng swallowed his saliva and turned over.

Gave out a relieved smile, Jung Min nodded his head gracefully to his master. In his whole life, he had never feel this happy before, when he first met the king, he didn't even feel this excited compare to the prince's return. Grabbed Young Saeng's hand, he revealed his white wings and spread it widely, gave the cute boy a surprise. He chuckled then flew up, dragging Young Saeng along. It's been a while since the last time he reveals his wings to anybody; he flew up higher and higher as bliss invaded his anxiety about what will happen next to his master. He slowed down to pull Saengie up and wrapped his hand around the boy's waist. Looked down, he saw Saengie smiling innocently while turning his head from left to right, excitedly viewing the splendid scenery of his birthplace. Min decided to stay quiet, giving his master the last freedom before bring him to that person's place.

"I assume you're telling me that I'm that child."

Chapter 3: New Friends

Young Saeng looked out the window while lying down on his bed. A new room, a new home and even a new status. Everything seems so foreign to him. A sigh slipped out of the Young Saeng's mouth, he wondered if his life would go on like this until the day he dies. For an


"Then what will happen to me?"

"Yes." Blue looked blankly at Young Saeng, but then his eyes annoyingly stared down at the Prince, his lips jerked up on one-side created a scary smile, "Don't talk about height in front of me." Young Saeng face turned blue, he wondered if the boy called Blue because he makes people turned blue with that smirk of him. "My name is Soul, Yearning Soul." Young Saeng's voice trembling as he revealed his real name to the first two angel he talks since he came back; yes, his birth name. He laughed off at Blue to calm the guy down then make way for them to enter his room. They didn't want to waste an opportunity to make new friends. Though Myth - Jung Min told him to be careful before he went to settle some matter, Soul believe in his instinct that Blue and Red ain't someone suspicious. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------"Myth! Myth!" Soul called out for the charisma angel "I want to go to school too." Myth' face stiffed as Soul mentioned about the school. Put his hands onto Soul's shoulders, Myth worriedly asked, "Who told you about the school?" "Red! I met him just now!" Soul happily announced. His eyes gleamed on with hope about going to school again. He has been so fed up that he could no longer bear with this boring life of royal. "But master, that school is... " "Mixed between angel and devil right? right? right? That's why it's awesome Jung Min-ah. Yo... pft" "SSHHHHHHHH... Don't call me by that name..." Myth closed his eyes and shook his head. "Really. When will you learn, master? The King was so mad at me yesterday because I gave you my birth name."

"But Myth? How come only I and my brother have different birth names than other people." "What you mean?" "I mean you have Jung Min as your birth name and Jovial Myth as your assumed name. On the contrary, my brother birth name is Halcyon Jade and his other name is Hyun Joong. Seems weird to me." Young Saeng pouted cutely at Myth, gave him a little smile. "Babo! The answer is because you're royal and so is the king. Stop being stupid, my prince." Myth tapped on Soul's forehead as he walked away, "I'll tell you more when I get back, and be good." Unsatisfied with Myth's halfway conversation. The young prince demanded for more, and of course what he wants the most; to enroll in the mixed school. An idea came to his mind. He smiled complacently and rushed to the place of that person.

boundary between the two species. He couldn't understand this feeling he was having in his heart at the time, which was why he must find it out.


"Are you mad?" Young Saeng asked while averting his eyes elsewhere to avoid Minnie's glare. His contorted face has been violently attacking Saengie's back for a while, and he knows damn well what Jung Min was angry about. Yet, he had decided to play innocent, and turned over, "If you're mad then just say it. Why silent?"

Chapter 4: New School

"Master! Please get ready!"

"Oh! I'm coming!" Soul happily replies to Myth. Today is his first day to school. It was really hard, but he somehow managed to get his brother approval. Of course, the king was mad about him wanting to go to the mixed school between devils and angels. He was told that even though it mixed, the school is still 95% devils and it's really rare for an angel to survive. Somehow, the fact that it's full of devils even makes him more determined to enroll in that school. He wants to know more, he doesn't know why but part of his heart was eager to meet some devils. He wants to break through the

"Yes! Yes! I'm so mad that I want to hit you right an instant! What's wrong with you? Why would you choose this school to begin with? Any school is fine. Why this one?" Min tried to catch his breath after yelling out loud at the now frightening prince. He didn't want Soul to go to this school. He was preparing enrolling paper for the prince to a better school; a school with the balance between devils and angels are equal. He wanted to surprise his master with this present to brighten the prince up as he noticed he was bored. "He's there... He's there... I don't want to meet him.... Do you know that?"

"But who is 'him' huh, Myth?"

Jung Min put two of his hands on his mouth as he realized he had given out his deepest thought of his mind. Steadied himself, he patted on Saengie's head and gestured him it was okay. The two remained in silent all the way to school.

cocky devil jumped on his feet, spat back to the girl's comment. The school slowly appeared. Young Saeng stuck his head outside the car to take a good look of the school. It was a huge and magnificent castle. It was so high that even with all the thick fog, Young Saeng still could see its rooftop. Suddenly, a speedy figure whiz past Young Saeng, gave him a surprised as well as curiosity. He wondered if what that was. He commands the car driver to drive faster to catch up with that flying being; but they failed. "Ivy! July and I were having fun...", "SHUT UP!!!!" The crowd got noisier and noisier as more and more people came into the argument about Young Saeng's arrival. Jung Min stepped forward, signal them to stay quiet; surprisingly, they obeyed. "As you all know, I'm Jovial Myth and this person right here is Garden of Angel's prince, Yearning Soul. From today on, he'll be a part of this school. As for more information about him. Please ask him yourself." Jung Min turned away after he finished what he had to do. "I'll pick you up afterschool. Blue and Red are here too. They'll help you." He told Young Saeng then coldly returned to his car and went off.

The young prince arrived at the school soon after that. Stepped down from the car, he took a deep breath, preparing himself for whatever might come next. Raised his head highly, the prince elegantly walked through the crowd. He spotted some of them were hovering on the sky, chasing after one another; shouting out their friends names happily. Some of the girls were sitting on the bench chatting, some other boys were noisily discussing about something. They seem to be individual but one thing they didn't look different; the colors of their wings are solid black. Everyone was doing their own things until he appeared, their eyes turned over to look at him; a wave of indignation came along soon after that.

Young Saeng flinched when a loud voice came from behind him. He turned around to see where did that voice came from. A guy were sitting, leaning backward while both of his legs placed on the table comfortably; an opened book were placing on his face. The guy sat straight up and threw the book into the class corner. His eyes lazily opened, revealed a face like its owner was in some kind of doldrums.

"Jinx. We didn't mean to..."


"Soul-kun. You don't have wings?" A girl asked Young Saeng. She sounds friendly but Young Saeng doesn't feel right at all. He was not that stupid to not know that she was mocking him.

"Just get out of my sight!" Jinx yelled at the girls, scared them away. Then he averted his eyes over Young Saeng. He was so scary that Young Saeng screamed in his thought.


"Well look at what we've got here. A human?" One on them mockingly spoke up.

"A prince without any wings? A half-bred prince?" Another girl added in.

"Don't you dare to think I did that for you?" He finished Young Saeng off in one blow, then stood up and walked away; left Young Saeng stunned like a stone.

"Anya. He came with the palace's soldier. Must be someone close to the angel's king."

"A son of a mistress I guess. I never heard about that kingdom having any other prince beside the current king."


"Yo! Stupid-bitch! Look at how he dressed. He has a crown symbol on his robe. Must be a relative." A

"Ya! Midnight! You're so mean. What if the prince cries?" the 3rd one enters the scene.

"Jinx?" Blue asked while stuffing himself with waffles. "Don't tell me you messed with him on your first day already."

"Anya. Some of the girls were mocking me and he got mad for some reason."

"Of course he would." Red added in, "That guy is like a delinquent of this school, he hates noise. A bad-temper slipper"

people slowly scattered after a long time trying to get Saengie's attention. No need for them to say it out loud, the fact that he doesn't have any wings was always bothered him since the day he returned to the kingdom. If he hadn't known about this side of him, he wouldn't dream of one day he could fly like others. If he hadn't known that he could never have any wings, he wouldn't suffer with that dream like this.

Young Saeng raised his head, his face brighten up as Hyun Joong mentioned about having wings. "Hyung! So you did notice that I want to fly?" Hyun shook his head then spoke up, "I didn't notice, but I knew this day will come when you eagerly wanting to have wings, Soul." "How?"

"You mean sleeper?" Young Saeng innocently corrected Red, didn't have a clue about how much Red hates being corrected. Lost his temper, Red subdued Young Saeng down and almost choked him. Fortunately, Blue charged in and dragged him away from Red. Caught his breath, the young prince swore to himself to not do that again. He stood up and noticed Blue was holding Red in his arms to calm his brother down. The guy was smaller, and almost looks like an elementary kid; but somehow in that moment, Young Saeng could feel he was the older one. Young Saeng looked at them, wished his hyung and he could be this much close; the king is always so busy and cold toward him. He just simply approved to everything Saengie requested, sometimes he does angry at Saengie to show that he cares for his dongsaeng; but for some reason, he also kept his distance with Young Saeng.

On the way home, Jung Min still kept his silent towards Young Saeng and the prince couldn't do anything about it. Before he say goodbye to Jung Min, he asked sullenly, "Myth, how does it feel to have wings?" but Jung Min said nothing. The prince frowned then dejectedly closed the door. -----------------------------------------------------------

"Because I'm a half-bred child myself"

Chapter 5: "Jinx, let's be friend!"

"Soul. When the time comes, your wings will appear, and it'll ask you whether you want to remain a human, an angel or a devil. You have to choose, you must choose or else it'll disappear forever."


Young Saeng shyly showed himself up in front of Hyun Joong. He could feel the sadness on his dongsaeng's face, but he didn't know what makes him be. He gestured Young Saeng to get closer so he could take a good look at his only and one brother. He was so busy on the day Young Saeng returned and also the day he came to ask him for permission to go to school; that was why he couldn't take time to look at the prince's beautiful face. "What's with the look on your face?" He cursed himself for saying the line so coldly, but he couldn't help it since he was bad at expressing himself. "Nothing, hyung!" "How was your first day?"

After lunch, Young Saeng returned to his class. He kept in mind what Red told him, "Don't take those insult in your hearts. Just ignore them and one day they'll get bored of doing that. You'll be fine." He left all the flout aside, and drifting off to his own world. As Red said, the

"It was okay." Still stooped his head, Young Saeng replied "Soul..." Hyun Joong dejectedly call out his dongsaeng's name. "Don't you want to have wings?"

Young Saeng sat still, bemused by what Hyun Joong told him last night; but what makes him more surprised was the fact that the king also a half-breed. How could it possibly be like that? And why did his hyung got to stay and he was the one had to go to live in the human world? All the questions kept on attacking Young Saeng's lazy brain makes him felt dizzy. He stood up, yawned then walked out the balcony. The night sky sure was beautiful, there were no clouds and the stars were shining brightly; it wasn't a cold night. Young Saeng took a deep breath; the air went in and blew away every annoying thought he was having in his mind. Viewing the splendid scenery of the palace's garden, Young Saeng noticed a shadow beside a small pond. Out of curiosity, the prince sneaked out of his room and ran to the garden.

Unfortunately, when he arrived the person had already gone. The prince hit himself on the head, and blaming his legs for being so short. Twirling around in depression for a while, he noticed a shiny thing on the ground.

"The rooftop doesn't have your name on it."



Gave out a short snort, "You think?" said Jinx. He pointed at the door, gestured Young Saeng to take a clearer look at it. The prince got on his feet and obediently did as he was told. A pang of embarrassment ran through Young Saeng's body; the name was right there. "Erm... Can we share this place from now on?"

"You're persistent right?" Jinx asked in disbelief. He wondered what was wrong with this guy anyway; did he already give out his thought about hating him yesterday? So why is he here, in Jinx's territory again?

"Let's be friend!" Young Saeng opened the door to the rooftop. For some reason, he could get a hold of neither Blue nor Red today, and it disappointed him. The classroom was full of morons who'd try to tease him when they have times, the prince sneaked to the rooftop; hoping to find a peaceful place to enjoy his meal. Stuffing himself with foods, Young Saeng looked around, enjoying the fresh ambience. He choked on his last piece of meat when he noticed a person lying beside the hedge; wondered what fooled his eyes when he just got here.

"No!" Without hesitation, Jinx replied, "You should know already that I hate you, what reason is there for me to let you in my territory?"

A wave of disgust pierces through his skin, "BWA... HAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAH HAHAHA!"

"Because..." "Eh?"

"Get lost already!" "Don't 'Eh?' with me. You're hopeless really. I..." He stopped when he felt his head being spun around. It been so long since the last time he laughed like this; yes, so long already. He used to be a joyful and bright kid, everyone loved him. From devils to angels, none of them ever said anything about him being a too friendly devil; but then one day, everything just shattered by that man's hands. Jinx felt his blood boiled in anger, his life wouldn't become like this if that man didn't discard all the promises they made together.

"JINX!!!!????" Young Saeng suffocatingly sputtered out the person-he-doesn't-want-to-meet-themost's name.

"Okay! But why do you hate me so much anyway? I did nothing wrong to you."

"Why should I tell you?" Jinx lazily opened his eyes, stared annoyingly at Young Saeng, makes Saengie wondered why he always ended up doing something this guy hates.

"Because I'm your victim."

"This is my territory." Jinx claimed.

Not given in to the school's tyrant, Young Saeng told himself to have confidence in his status as a prince,

Expected to be satisfied by Jinx's answer, Saengie stretched his ears to its limit; but not whole-heartedly. Part of his heart doesn't want him to accepted the answer; that was why he somehow felt relieved when Jinx turned his face away and ignored Young Saeng.

"Are you okay, Jinx?"

He snapped out of his thought when Young Saeng spoke up, "Nothing. What you got right there?" Unconsciously spoke up; he cursed himself afterward for being stupid.

"Ah! Just ddukbokki. Want to try?"

"Why would I?" Still acting tough even though his stomach was grumbling loudly, his face turned pit read when Young Saeng giggled cutely, amused by the funny sound.

slowly away, and turned his face elsewhere to avoid the prince's gaze. Even though he had swear to himself that he would never feel this way to anyone again; but somehow deep inside his heart, a greedy wish was formed right at that moment. Still he fought back to that wish, telling himself to control his feeling. He didn't want to end up like before, ever again.

your laps", said Jinx, blushing till his ears all red.

"How about I bring you a pillow next time?"

"Anya. No need, your laps is enough for me."

"Okay, here. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..."

Chapter 6: The Object

"Are you sleeping again?"

"What are you doing?" Jinx stuttered in embarrassment as the guy tried to spoon-feed him. And what made him flustered the most was his heart; it was beating so hard that all the blood came to his head as one, made his face swollen with all the pressure.

Young Saeng felt his heart skipped a beat. The prince pressed his two small hands against Jinx's cheek, then leant down closely, looked straight to Jinx's beautiful eyes.

"Oh." "What?" "Wake up! I brought you food." Young Saeng gently shook Jinx's body, trying to wake him up. The guy slowly opened his eyes, revealed its beautiful grayish color. He moved closer to the lunchbox, and then eats up one piece of egg roll. A smile appeared on Jinx's face, notified Young Saeng that the food was good; it relieved Young Saeng somehow that Jinx had smile more than before.

"You're being weird these days you know?"

"Why acting shy all of sudden? Because you look so lazy so I thought I should help you eat as a friend."


"Who's yo...." Wouldn't let him finish the line. The prince slipped the spoon inside his mouth forcefully.

"Hmmm.... Protecting me, pulling me out here with weird reasons... Are those things weird enough?"

"How is it?"


Jinx blushed when the prince gave out a bright smile after he replied him. A smile that was irresistible cute and so beautiful that Jinx couldn't take his eyes off. He moved

The two have been spending most of their time in school together. It also surprised their classmates, but because of that Young Saeng didn't get bullied anymore. Instead, he was being treated ardently since Jinx would kill anybody who dares to talk bad about him. He felt weird at first at how Jinx suddenly became so over-protective, but deep inside his heart the prince was very happy. Though, Jinx was the one who treated him pretty rough; he would pulled Young Saeng out of the crowd anytime he wants or dragged him all the way to the rooftop for just one reason, "I want to sleep on

Shook his head playfully, Jinx pulled Young Saeng down then gave him a short peck. Jerked his head up instantly, the prince clumsily hit the back of his head on the wall. Feeling the pain slowly spreading throughout his body, Young Saeng hugged his head then bent his back down; telling himself it'll be okay. Still, it was too painful that tears slowly appeared on his face while he bit his lips, tried to prevent his weak side to come out.

"Whoa! Does it hurt that much? Mianhae... Mianhae..."


"Whoa whoa whoa... I'm sorry okay? I scared you right? Mianhae Soul-ah"

Young Saeng slammed the car's door, sulkily made his way to his room. He was mad, so mad that he snatched the glass of water on Myth's hand and drank it all up in one shot. Panted while wiping his face in anger, Young Saeng then furiously putted the glass onto the table near the window; gave Myth a real surprise at how the prince acts.

"Wae? Something wrong?" Jinx rubbed gently on the swollen place on Young Saeng's head while one of his hands wiping all the tears on the prince's face. Every moment he spends with Young Saeng is precious to him, which was why he doesn't want to make the prince cried at all; even today it wasn't his fault, but the fact Young Saeng had to cry irritated him.

"You wouldn't understand."

"If you tell me then I would."

"But I won't tell you so you wouldn't" "Why?" Dropped his mouth in disbelief, Myth stared blankly at the irate prince. He couldn't understand what makes his master so mad that he now talks back to Myth in that kind of manner. His prince wasn't the one who would act this ignorant; and it bothered him by this fact. Unwillingly, he bowed to Young Saeng then quietly left the room; leaving the prince some space to calm down.

over this side then that side, the prince made his marks all over every inch of the bed. He couldn't stay calm every time he thought about the kiss he shared with Jinx. It was his first kiss, first of all. Ran his hands through his hair then stretched it out reach the under of the pillow; he felt a pang of a shaft object cut through his finger's flesh. Jolted, he pulled out and sucked on the place where the blood were about to ooze out. Sat up properly, the prince pushed the pillow aside, revealed a beautiful ring hidden under it. Bewildered for a couple second, he flicked his finger then his face turn bright like a light bulb; signed that he had remember where he got that. The night when he ran out to see who it was standing near the pond, the ring was found lying on the ground. Guessed that it was belonged to the mystery shadow, the prince kept it carefully under his pillow when he got back; hoped that someday that person would come back to look for it. The benefit for his unrequited waiting was the identity of the mystery shadow; no more than that.


"Why did you... kiss me?"

"You don't like it?"

"You didn't answer my question."

"You didn't too."


After Myth left, Young Saeng threw himself on the bed. The prince putted one hand on his forehead and remained in a thinking position. 'What was wrong with him? Tell me the reason wouldn't kill him right? It's not like I hated it anyway... Well... but why wasn't I hating it? Am I getting weird by day? Argh~~~ I'm going to crazy.' Rolled

After bandaged his finger, Young Saeng picked the ring up and looked at it more closely. The outside of it was covered with pure white-gold; he can detect it just by looking because his own earring was made in the same material. "Kindhearted?" Young Saeng questioningly read out the word was carved on the ring in a low voice then slightly inclined his head to the side, wondered what does it meant. Suddenly, the ring glowed greenly; surprised Young Saeng. He dropped the ring on the floor, promptly sat back on the bed and surrounded his arms around his knees; staring intently at the glowing object. The light spread throughout the room, so green but yet so warm. Unconsciously, tears ran down Young Saeng's cute cheeks, dropped on the back of his hand; the light reminded him of the warm of his mom. He sobbed quietly while starring at the ring then closed his

eyes, drifted away from reality to drown himself in the images of his mom. She was smiling warmly at him, caressed his face gently and sang a lullaby for him like she always did in the past. Unexpectedly, reality rushed back to him when light returned to it shell. Instantly jumped down the bed to get to where the ring was laying now, he slowly picked it up and took a look at it one more time. Weird, a new word appeared on the inside area of the ring.


king wanted to tell his dongsaeng, but still why he was still feeling so anxious about this decision.

"Why mad at me? I-- I picked it on the ground near the garden's pond."

"What is the meaning of this?"

Let out a relieved sigh, the king turned over to look at his little dongsaeng. The prince now knelt beside the bed, looked at him with his eyes seem a bit different; but Hyun Joong ignored it.

"Tomorrow--- Stayed at home. No, from now on just stay inside the palace. Don't go out, and then I'll tell you." Hyun Joong ordered Young Saeng then walked coldly away; wouldn't let the prince has 1 second to argue back.


Chapter 7: Him
"Where did you get that thing?" Young Saeng jolted as a familiar voice came from behind him. Abashed, he turned around and hid the ring behind his back.

"Aren't you going to explain to me why you were so persistent to get that thing away from me?" Young Saeng asked in a low voice.

Hyun Joong returned to his room, he throws the ring on the table and stared blankly at it. Myth arrived soon after that. After the formal greeting, he gestured Myth into his private room.

"This isn't the time---" "He came here."

Hyun Joong fixedly looked at how his dongsaeng reacted then came closer to confirm what he saw again. He dragged the prince close to him roughly then subdued him down on the bed. The king jumped onto his brother, reached out his hand; tried to snatch away the suspicious object in Young Saeng's hand. As the prince struggled to get away, Hyun Joong pushed his head down into the pillow to distract him; then rapidly clapped his wings to fly up a little, reached the Young Saeng's hand. He slowly stood up after finally got the object from the young prince.

"I want to know." "Who?" "I said---" "Who do you think would make me dragged you all the way in here to talk about?"

"Then when will it be the right time exactly?"

"Where did you get this?"


Hyun Joong glared at Young Saeng, gave him a warning not to mess with him; but the prince's eyes wouldn't shake one bit. Instead, there was something flared up inside his eyes; something different. Was it because of what he saw on the ring? Hyun Joong asked himself. He stared at Young Saeng, doubting his own thought. There were still a lot of thing the prince needed to know; the

Jung Min's eyes slowly widen up as he finally got who Hyun Joong mentioned about, but then turned back to normal. He smacked the king on the back, and then laughed it off. His lips jerked up on one side, "Don't joke with me." said Jung Min skeptically. But seeing how Hyun Joong reacted to his joke, Jung Min's face tensed up in terror. He unsteadily stood up, and then started walking around the room. His face

turned whiter and whiter as all the sad memories rushed back to him. When his legs seem to not able to support him anymore, Jung Min knelt down. Surrounded his arms around his body, Jung Min bent down touched his head on the floor; whispering quietly, but loud enough for Hyun Joong to hear it. There was sorrow, regret as well as hatred in his tone.

From the shadow, a pair of eyes blinked at him - eye as gray as the night's sky. A tall person with wings still unfolded due to his recent landing. He stepped forward, raised his hands then pushed the door wide opened. The guy slowly revealed himself as the light of the room came across his face.

guy closer to him. He too, had been missing the strong but warm scent of Jinx. He missed those moments they spent together in school. Times when Jinx soundly sleeping on his laps, or times when he smiled at Young Saeng, and also the time when he pulled him down to give him a little peck; what made him confused and realized his own feeling.

"Myth--- It wasn't your fault. We'll get him back." Hyun Joong came down and hugs Jung Min. It been long since the last time he saw Myth this pathetic. For Min, this new would be something deserved to be celebrate but also something that would worry him to death. Hyun Joong pulled Min in, rested his head on his shoulder and patted on Min's head to console him.

Young Saeng tensed, "Jinx?" he said. "Why are you here?"

"I miss you." Jinx whispered into Young Saeng's ears, made him shivered in embarrassment.

"I came to see you", replied Jinx. "You werent there, at school. Without you, I was lonely. Why didn't you go to school?"


"It'll be fine, I promise. For Hyung Jun as well as Young Saeng. We'll protect them."

Chapter 8: Everything Started

Young Saeng was spacing out in his room. It been 2 weeks since the day his brother prohibited him to go to school. He could go if he wants to but he chose to stay because he wants to know the truth. He had been obediently stayed in his room, with hope that one day Hyun Joong would come and give him what he wants. Unfortunately, nothing has happen since then. Bored, the prince lazily lumbered away from the sofa. He gloomily dragged his body across the room, passed the main door to go out the balcony. A sound was heard. Carefully padded up toward the entrance, narrowing his eyes as he neared.

Young Saeng's eyes glittered uncertainly as he searched for the words to answer. He averted his eyes elsewhere, avoiding Jinx's intent look. Swallowed his saliva, Young Saeng turned over to face Jinx as the guy moved closer to him; until the space between them couldn't be called a safety distance anymore.

"Jinx---" Young Saeng called out to Jinx, the person who was lying comfortably on his laps. He then softly replied while his eyes still shut.

"What's your real name?"

Jinx, half hesitated and half resolved; slowly leant down to the now stunned prince. He slightly closed his eyes, and then placed his lips on Young Saeng's forehead. A smooch sound quietly slipped out between the peck. Jinx then ran his right hand upward through the prince's hair; bathed himself in the sweet scent he had craving for the past 2 weeks.

"Wae? Why are you interest in it now?"

"Nothing really, just tell me." Young Saeng calmly urged Jinx, while poking Jinx's cheek naughtily.

Something seems different, there was no struggle or any question came from the usual doubtful prince. Instead, he shyly grabbed onto Jinx's shirt, and then flimsily pulled the

Jinx wasn't going to let Young Saeng know his real name so easily, he hurriedly sat up face to face at the prince. "Kiss me then." he suggested teasingly.

The prince, with a priceless expression, stared at Jinx with round eyes. His face then quickly turned to pit red as the suggestion finally hit his brain. Even though there were some hesitations mixed in the atmosphere, the prince purged it by his unusual bravery. Got on his knees, then closed his eyes tightly, he put his hands on Jinx' shoulders and moved his head closer. Intended to end the kiss quickly, but something stopped him to do so. Instead, the kiss lasted longer than he thought. It started with a halfdone peck, the followed up with some salivary kisses. Everything was fine with Young Saeng until Jinx's tongue slipped inside his mouth; now gasp and pant joined the party.

back, looking steadily at the back of Kyu Jong slowly disappearing into the dark night. A pang of regret went through his body. It was something foreshadowing him something bad would happen real soon, but still he didn't get what it meant. The only thing he could do at that time was to pray, pray and pray.


A devilish smile formed on the woman's face; a proud smile. She slowly moved closer to the boy, and then wrapped her arms around his shoulders. Licked him on the cheeks, the woman stared down coldly at the man now being tortured by the young boy. She giggled in pleasure when more blood dripping out from the man's mouth, entertaining her eyes. She then leant her head against the back of his head, ran her hand through his silky black hair. "It's your fault, it's his fault. Both of you shouldn't be born in the first place. It's not my fault." said the woman.


"Stop!" Young Saeng finally managed to stop the man after the long French-kiss. Jinx glared at him in disappointment but then let it go.

"Oh my baby, did I wake you up just now?"

Chapter 9: Deadly Encounter

Hyun Joong glanced up at the moon, shining full and bright down his big kingdom. It was a beautiful night but instead the king's mind was controlled by something else. He stared blankly at the scenery made people walked by thought that he was just admiring the view. Opened up his hand, revealed the ring he took away from his brother; a flood of anxiety ran through his composed self made him suddenly hold his head painfully. "Jade----" Myth called out to Hyun Joong. Glanced back at Jung Min, he said while smiling with hope that it would pulled the guy's sad face away, "I'm fine" but he failed. "Don't give me that face. I promised you right? I'll protect all three of you and I won't take it back----" "But----"

"What happened, mom? Why is hyung...?" Childishly stole another kiss from the prince before pulled off, Jinx satisfactorily nodded his head, "Araso araso, my real name is Kyu Jong. Okay now?"

The woman brushed her thumb over the boy's lips, "Nothing my child, why bother worrying for that nuisance. Let's go inside!"

Young Saeng's heart loosens as he heard Jinx's answer. 'So it wasn't him then." thought the prince. He jumped onto Kyu Jong, tightly hugged him and smiling happily. There was relief mixed with satisfaction, as well as another worrisome matter came across Young Saeng's mind. 'Then whose name was that?'

Shook his mother's hand away, the boy steadily walked toward the helpless man.

"Omo, son. What are you trying to do?"

After a couple hours meeting each other, the hardest part for them to do in the day was saying goodbye. Jinx stood on the balcony, gazing at his love for some more seconds then finally took off. Young Saeng stayed

"I want to play with your prey this time too mom. Why keep using him when I'm the one who is more capable?"

Jung Min's voice died out as a shadow appeared, stood outside the room just right behind the window, looking at them with two mad eyes and with its tongue sticked out like a blood-thirsty monster. It smiled at

Jung Min, a smile that gave him almost immidiately a intense thrill. The creature started to open its mouth revealed an obvious demented grin. It arched its back and swung one hand up, then swiftly swooped down smashed through the glass of the window. A lunatic laugh slipped out of its lips, "So you guys really ended up together huh?" The man raised his voice, and at the same time Jung Min let out a terrific scream. Hyun Joong pulled Jung Min's stiffed body close to him, tried to be calm even though his mind was already in chaos. The man folded his solid black wings, then carefully slipped down until one of his feet touched the floor. Then he raised his head, directing to the place where the light would make his face be seen most clearly. He then stopped right at the spot when he saw the other two's face turned blue; signed that they had realize who they were facing. "Good evening, Your Majesty." He ironically bowed down at Hyun Joong, then glanced up to look at Jung Min, who was in Hyun Joong's arms at this time. "and--- Jovial Myth. So the rumours were all true then, you guys really going out huh? Having fun?" "You are unwelcome here Joey." "Tsk tsk tsk--- Don't talk to me like that Myth. You're nothing to me now so stop being so full of yourself. And by the way, give me a reason why I shouldn't be here to begin with." Still kept his mock tone, Joey turned over to look at Hyun Joong instead of Jung Min; gestured him to open his mouth. "Because------" "See? There's no reason. I can come to visit right, Jade?" "Why ask me for permission now when you already came here once?"

Hyun Joong finally spoke up, made Joey's smile died away. He turned his head over and glared at Hyun Joong, "So you are keeping it right? Give it back to me!" "Tell me why you are here then--I'll give it back to you." "Haahahahahhahahahahahah! Are you threatening me now? Whoa Jade, you're so unbelievable---" Joey holding his stomach, felt on his knees laughing out loud while slamming his hand on the floor. But the laughter died soon, soon enough for the guy to despicably glared at Hyun Joong, "You don't even deserved to be the one who could raise his voice against me--- If you want to do that--- Give it back to me then--- My family--- My childhood-- My freedom--- My big brother--and--- My heart--- Heal my heart by putting all the broken pieces back together then---" "You don't understand---" "Understand what, Myth?" Joey yelled back at Jung Min. He flung himself directed at the place where Min was standing, then grabbed the charisma guy's arm; pulled him out of Hyun Joong's secure protection. Jung Min felt his arm's bone being crushed by the strong hand. But before he could even open his mouth to scream, the guy quickly flung him down, slammed his body on the floor then kicked him in the chest. The push was so powerful that Jung Min's body flung far away until it hit on the wall, stopped at where all the broken glass pieces scattered. Everything happened so fast that Hyun Joong couldn't even do anything. He rushed to Jung Min side, desperately call out his name while Joey on the other hand had already picked up the ring that Hyun Joong dropped; but there was no smile on his face. Jung Min's painfully gasping in Hyun Joong's arms. His eyes went dark but his ears were stil working.

The pain on his left arm drove him almost to his insanity. Even a normal breathing now seems hard to him. Gript Hyun Joong's shirt, he heaved up his chest up and down, tried his best to stay awake. "Ah yeah! I almost forgot. When you two are still impassively chatting with me here, your beloved prince is already in our hands. Heheheheeh. Goodbye--- Your Majesty and hyung" Joey finished his last line then flew off, leaving Hyun Joong dumbfounded with Jung Min in his arms. Promptly on his feet after put Min down safety on the floor, the king ran with all his might to the little prince's room. Didn't even care about any politeness, he kicked the door wide open. An extremely hot gas streamed out as soon as there was an entrance, made Hyun Joong stepped back one step to cover his face. When all the murky air went away, a scene that couldn't be seen terrify the great king. He felt on his knees, his eyes stared blankly at the the body hanging lifelessly in the mid-air. "No--- No--- GIVE HIM BACK TO MEEEEE!!!!!!!"

Chapter 10: Guardians

"Joey! Come here" Hyung Jun spun around, looked at his lover while smiling brightly. The man just got back from a long meeting with the crown still on his head. He slightly bent down a bit to catch the joyful boy who was running direct straight into his arms. He rebounded a little due to the collision.


"Anya. Did you keep your promise to stay as a good boy while I'm away?" The man said while looking at the boy with eyes filled of love.

"I did. Where is Myth?" Hyung Jun stood on his tiptoe, looked pass his lover's shoulder to find his big brother.

"He has something to do. He'll be back soon. Now I have to go again, you'll be fine right?"

room through the window right before he went to bed. The stranger charged in, pulled both of his arms then flew up near the ceiling of the room. Unable to fly was one of Young Saeng's weaknesses; he struggled to get down but failed. In a sudden without the prince knowing it, the intruder wrapped his arm around Young Saeng's neck and started to strangle him. Choked due to the need of air, his eyes started close unwillingly by itself. The last thing he could catch was the expression of his brother, painfully looked at him.

"I'll at least introduce myself then. I'm Heteroclite Joey, the crownprince of this kingdom, Hell of Devil. This girl right here is Green, both Orange and Green are my guardians."

"And can you please explain to me why I'm being held in prison? I believe there's a peace treaty between our two kingdoms and this action could be assumed as a violation toward the treaty--- I hope you have a better explanation, Mr. Joey"

"No--- Why leaving so soon--- You just got back."

"Are you even listening to me?" A voice that woke him up just now reclaimed its existence. "Well said! Well said!" A smirk slightly appear on the guy's face, crept Young Saeng somehow, "But how sad, at this time of days, the treaty has lost its utility--- You're really smart, prince--- use the treaty to go against me--- but again--- you fail! hmmmm--- said--- Do you want to know more about your birth?"

"I'm sorry--- I came here because I wanted to meet you but I still have things to do--- I'll be back in the evening--- Be good okay." The man said then hurriedly walked away, unknowing that this might be the last time they could be together.

Eyeing the guy for a couple second, "Who are you?" the prince strongly without any fear replied.

"You insolent bastard! You dare to talk to the crown-prince like that? I'll----" What Joey said hit Young Saeng's mind, activated his hunger for veracity. The prince desperately looked up to that guy's face, his expression showed Joey all how much it means to him. A satisfactory smile slowly revealed on Joey's face, he reached out his hand, touched up from Young Saeng's Adam apple to his chin; but he stopped when sounds of someone coming closer started to get louder. The door was opened widely again, this time two people appeared behind it.


"It's fine! It's fine, Orange! Not knowing isn't a crime. You go ahead and drag that failure over here."

"Wake up!" "Yes, master." Young Saeng regained his consciousness, found himself being seized in an unfamiliar maze. His two hands were tied up into two direction and the rope's extremities ended at two corner of the room. His body was roughly suspended mid-air, gave him no choice but to stay on his knees. How many days had passed? The prince had no ideas. The only thing he could remember was someone suddenly barged in his

After the guy named Orange went away to do a certain mission that the so called crown-prince ordered him to, Young Saeng was left alone in the jail-like room with the remained two people. Somehow, Young Saeng felt a bit uneasy because he didn't understand what was going on. But his inquisitive self soon be satisfied.


"Your---- Majesty--- urgghhh----"

"Now-- now--- Myth! Don't moving so soon! Lie down!" Hyun Joong obliged the wounded Jung Min to lie down, "You're still a bit feverish--Just stay there--- No argues, okay?"

"Kay, but--- how is the prince?" Hyun Joong slightly flinched as Myth mentioned about his brother. He didn't want Myth to know about Young Saeng was being kidnapped yet; not if he was in this condition. He had sent Red and Blue, his two guardians to go after the kidnapper shortly after he flew to escape through the way he used to get in. Forced himself to smile, he turned over at Myth, telling the guy that Young Saeng was fine; but Myth saw through his acting skill.

even though his older brother was an angel, Jun still finely grew up to be a beautiful young man. But the life of a devil in an angel's kingdom wasn't all smooth, even he was conferred as a part of the royal family, people still isolated him. For Hyung Jun's sake, Hyun Joong built him a small private place right in the middle of the palace. It was a flower garden, for Hyung Jun to play and also for the king could come visit him anytime he wanted during the daytime. And of course its real purpose was to bring Hyung Jun out of anyone's eyes, who had intention to just kill off the so called stray. Everything was still fine until one day Hyung Jun suddenly broke through the barrier and said he wanted to go to the devil's kingdom with hatred in his eyes toward Jung Min; even Hyun Joong couldn't stop him. The incident left Jung Min and the king a big question in their minds. What happened? From that day on, Min blamed himself for too sunk in works and Hyun Joong also did the same thing. The two couldn't forgive themself.

able to use our powers, remember? Violet and Indigo sacrificed their life to save your life as your guardians. You have to stay alive for their sakes. And--- for Joey."

"For you also, Jade. You have to come back." Jung Min gently touched Hyun Joong flawless skin, gave him one last hug before the guy set out to a place where it was called hell. Min lying on the bed looked at Hyun Joong's back moving around the room, taking any necessary equipment for the quest. The king turned over and looked at Jung Min one last time, then walked straight out the door without any hesitation. They both know what will waiting for them after their separation and promised to themself that no matter what might happen, there'll be no regret in their hearts.

"Don't lie to me! You are dead worrying about him--- It writes all over you face--- I heard the last sentence Joey said before he left. Of course you couldn't get there on time because of me--- Why lie?"

Chapter 11: Into The Battle


"Let's go rescue Soul together okay?" Min suggested.

"What should I do? Joey--- He wasn't like that in the past--- Why did he left? I still don't get it--- I--- I love him so much--- Why did he betray us?"

"No. I'll go. You stay here!"

"Lying or not, see it yourself!" The two soldiers roughly pushed Young Saeng in a gaol, who was screaming in disbelief.

Min heaved up his head and reached out his still-fine right arm then embraced the king gently. He knew so well how much Hyun Joong loves his younger blood brother. From the day they were brought to the palace, the king at this time was still a crown-prince, had always tend to like Joey more than him. It couldn't be help since Hyung Jun was a bright kid. Despite the fact he was born with a pair of raven's wings

"Why? Jade, that place is dangerous and Joey wouldn't spare you. He hates us now. Beside my powers are Protection and Love, I'll be a great help." Jung Min stubbornly gainsaid Hyun Joong, despised about the king permitted him to go.

Hyun Joong signed, shook his head then calmly explained his reason for Jung Min, "The thing is not about Joey. It's about you. Your guardians are dead, what could you possibly do? We need our guardians to be

"Those are all lies--- lies--- how could it be?" The prince one hand wiped away his tears, the other banging on the door in anger. Suddenly, a rustle voiced up in the darkness of the room. Young Saeng turned his head over to see what it was. A man dressed in rags and looks pretty dirty was staring at Young Saeng. To be clear, it was the place under the young prince's left ear that the man was constantly looking at without any blink.

"What is it?" Young Saeng asked coldly at him, it was obvious that he had reached his limitation of patient.

"Well--- you're right---" Young Saeng came closer to the old man and started his story. He told the man everything. Even he just got to know the man 2 minutes ago, but there was something that didn't stop him to finish it.

And the two guys arrived soon after that.

"Your M---"

"Nothing! It's rare for this place to have any visitor." "They said my father betrayed his wife to come across my mom--- they said that my mom seduced the king and my brother right now is just half related to me--- and--- they even went as far as making me believe that my lover, Jinx is the son of the woman my father married to--ridiculous right? It can't be like that? Then what makes us? Incestuous siblings? Stupid right mister? You---" When Young Saeng turned over to ask for the geezer's opinion. There was only sadness in his eyes. The prince couldn't understand what that look meant at that moment. And of course, he had no idea that this encounter would make a great impact to his future as well as other's.

"Don't call me by that phrase when we're out here--- Just my name is fine--- Now give me more detail about this situation?"

"I'm NOT a visitor." Young Saeng spoke up, getting annoyed in his tone.

"Jade--- Yellow came just now." Red was the first one to inform.

"Okay-- Okay-- No needs to be so mad about it--- Geez---"

"Huh? So you guys still keep in contact after all those years."

There was a long awkward silence rampage around the narrow room. Felt a bit uneasy, Young Saeng decided to open his mouth after he calmed down a little.

"Of course, we're in one team after all." Blue added in, "No matter how much our masters hating each other, we guardians still trust in each other. But the situation is real bad now---"


----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"Yeah! Jinx is now being held captive and I heard that they chased out Yellow. They let no one comes near Jinx even though he's wounded badly. I don't know what kind of tactics is this, but beaten up your own son isn't what a good mother should do."

"What did you do to get tossed in here?"

"Wow, you sure talk like a teenager for an old geezer--- Oh yeah--Some personal matter---" He scratched his head, sat back with his back touched the door and sighed.

"You can tell me if you want--- I mean I'll never get myself out of here anyway--- No one going to know about your story--- Right?"

Hyun Joong rushed through the misty forest in a hurry because had no time to waste under these circumstances. The king didn't bring any soldiers with him since he knew this wouldn't end with just talking; and of course if there'd war, the war would be a place where no normal soldier would return as a whole. The only thing that still worried him was Jung Min's stubbornness. He was sure that the guy wasn't the kind who would stayed as a good boy, waiting obediently for him way back in the palace; but he hoped this time, things would change since Min was now injured. He kept thinking too much that he didn't even notice when he already got to the place where Red and Blue told him to wait.

Stayed in silence for a while, Hyun Joong kept on with the conversation, "So where is Yellow now?"

Blue looked at Red, then turned back at Hyun Joong and replied, "He said without him, Jinx couldn't use his power--- so he ran back to the castle's direction right after he gave us the information. We tried to stop

him, but you know the guy--- he wouldn't back off when it comes to his master. And----"

"And what?" Hyun Joong impatiently grilled back Blue, made the guy angrily glared at him in annoyance. Laughed it off, he gestured Blue to keep going. But instead, another voice came from behind the three of them.

powerful. Hyun Joong jumped on his wings, flew with full speed at Yellow and subdued the guy down on the ground. One hand ready to strangle his neck, and the other swung up highly with fire blazing on his hand; ready to shoot in any moment.

"What's wrong? asked bluntly the king.

"I wonder if--- this is the last time we could be together, Jade--- I have a bad feeling about this---"

"--- I told Blue that you should've kept your promise with young master, Your Majesty. You broke his heart as a child--- if you hadn't do that, then he wouldn't be angry at you and came back with that wicked woman---"

"It's none of your business--- You only know one but there are nine more for you to learn--- I didn't abandon them--- I abandoned none of them--- I'll be okay if you bash me about Jinx but I won't stay calm if you blame me for Joey's behavior-- None of us know anything about his matter--- That's why we're here now--- Yellow, I came here today not only for Soul--- but for Jinx and Joey also--- I have to get them back-- and--- I need your help---"

Chuckled, Hyun Joong shuffled Red's red hair; it was rare for the guy to be in worry, but it couldn't be help. For this kind of place, this really might be the last as Red said. Hid his sad face inside, the king smiled brightly at Red, telling the guy it would be okay. Responded Hyun Joong with another forceful smile, Red moved his lips.

"Jade--- Do you know why Blue and I chose to stay by your side?" "I had no choice back then---" After Yellow's head slightly nodded, but not fully. Hyun Joong sighed in half depression but still withdrew his power and helped Yellow to get up. As the king's wings returned to its normal state, Red's body also did. They gathered together under the moonlight and listened to Yellow's instruction of how to get into the castle. After everyone was clear about what he had to do. The four men got to their position, ready to proceed. Yellow was the first one to go, he charged with full speed toward the bushiest side of the forest. His Light power would be an advantage in that kind of dark place. The second one was Blue; he spread out both of his arms and wings then skimmed around the river. He did it for two rounds, made the water bounced up and down, showing off his power as a comforting word for his blood brother - Red - that he'll be fine. Supposedly, Red was the third to go; but instead, he hesitated for a while made Hyun Joong wondered why.


"Because I'm handsome?" Hyun Joong jokingly replied, still showing his naughty side considered it as the last time he could do it.

"I had duties to carry on my shoulders--- You expected me to abandon my people and go live my own happy life?"

"Haha--- Funny--- You're still the same after all those years--- Come here--- I'll tell you---"

"Because---" Yellow hesitated as he spoke, "Because you always acted like that--- That was why prince Joey is now such a hateful person---"


Red's body suddenly brightens up with a reddish color, and a second after that a strong push was felt. At the same time, Hyun Joong's usual beautiful white wings also turned into a pair of fire wings, made that part of forest lighted up brightly; the power of the Sun God sure was

"So that how it was huh? OKAY--Let's go---" Hyun Joong stretched out his arms, doing some basic exercises before the quest.

Looking at how Hyun Joong acted, Red's face twisted excitedly, brought

out a confident smile on his childlike face, "Don't die so soon--- you idiot---"

"Ha! Mind your own business--That's my line--- Don't die too soon-- I need your power--- as well as your existence--- Bye!"

This time, without delay, the two men rapidly disappeared into two opposite direction.

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