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John Fife, Moderator, 204th General Assembly

Preserving the Presbyterian Commitment to Human Rights

When I chaired the MRTI committee for 11 years during South African apartheid, our church led the way in nonviolent, corporate divestment, ultimately leading to peace in South Africa. Have faith, and vote with your heart instead of your fear. Divest from Caterpillar, Motorola Solutions and HewlettPackard, and invest in peace. God bless you.

Divest from Violence. Invest in Peace.

Nick Walrath

Rev. Peggy Howland

Christian Churches in Palestine are United in Asking Us for Divestment

When I was moderator of the Synod of the Northeast, I visited churches in the Middle East and spoke with our Christian brothers and sisters and Arab church leaders in several countries, including Israel and Palestine. Our brothers and sisters in Christ, the Christian Churches in Palestine, are united in asking us for divestment. They see this as a nonviolent response to the violence of a brutal occupation. Please let us help them in their commitment to nonviolence.

Palestinian Christians Need Freedom of Movement

I am a Palestinian Christian. My family in Ramallah lives under constant surveillance and fear, unable to visit Christian holy sites. We need your help to end this injustice, so they can live in peace and equality with their neighbors. Please vote to end the churchs profiting from the suffering of Christians in the Holy Land.

 lease vote to add Caterpillar, Motorola P Solutions, and Hewlett-Packard to the MRTI divestment list.  leasevotetoaffirmthechurchs P continued commitment to engagement and support of peaceful pursuits in Israel/ Palestine.

 lease vote to add Caterpillar, Motorola P Solutions, and Hewlett-Packard to the MRTI divestment list.  leasevotetoaffirmthechurchs P continued commitment to engagement and support of peaceful pursuits in Israel/ Palestine.

Bruce Reyes-Chow, Moderator, 218th General Assembly

A Thoughtful Decision Endorsed by Many Segments of the Church

Having listened to the call from our brothers and sisters in Christ in the Middle East, wrestled with the diversity of voices in the Jewish community, and after eight years of failed corporate engagement, the Middle East Peacemaking Issues Committee has overwhelmingly recommended that three companies profiting from non-peaceful pursuits be placed on the divestment list. This conclusion to a long process has now been endorsed by MRTI, GMAC, ACSWP, ACREC and twelve former moderators. I hope the Assembly will stand with us in affirming our churchs witness to a just peace.

Kyle Cristofalo

Divest from Violence. Invest in Peace.

Dr. Nahida Halaby Gordon

Listening to Kairos and Young Leaders

As a life-long Presbyterian and a seminary student, I hope the PC(USA) joins our brothers and sisters in Christ, the Quakers, in taking a vital step toward peace in the Middle East by divesting from companies profiting from non-peaceful pursuits in the Holy Land. Young leaders like me are seeking to continue our churchs tradition of leading the way towards justice. Even in the face of controversy, we stood on the side of justice against segregation, for ordaining female ministers, and for divesting from Apartheid South Africa. Through all these difficult choices, our church has remained faithful, strong, and true to its values.

A Call from Our Palestinian Brothers and Sisters in Christ

As a Presbyterian Palestinian refugee, I know the pain of losing a home. I have seen the pain and suffering caused by Caterpillar bulldozers destroying homes and livelihoods. The prophetic mission of the church is to follow the example of Jesus by standing alongside the oppressed and promote justice, peace and reconciliation. I urge you to follow the recomendation from the MRTI, and support divestment.

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