Freedom Flyer Final Printer Version

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Freedom Flyer


7:26 AM

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If you think health care is expensive now, wait until you see what it costs when its free. P.J. OR OURKE ( AUTHOR AND SATIRIST)

What you need to know about the new health care law*
One of the traditional methods of imposing statism or socialism on a people has been by way of medicine. R ONALD R EAGAN

The Lehigh Valley COALITION for Health Care Reform is a non-partisan grassroots coalition of concerned citizens and health care professionals committed to educating the public about the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) and other legislative measures and policies impacting Americas health. Please join our coalition at or you email us at Sources and additional information: Heritage Foundation National Center for Policy Analysis The Galen Institute The Cato Institute Independent Womens Forum Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) Docs 4 Patient Care American Majority The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
Freedom Flyer.PPACA.v1.overview 9.1.11 2011 - All rights reserved. Copying prohibited without express written permission.

* Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act - PPACA Passed on March 23, 2010

Freedom Flyer


7:26 AM

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How does the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) affect your rights, your wallet, and your health care?
Supporters of the PPACA promised it would increase access, reduce costs, and improve the quality of health care for all Americans. Unfortunately, the PPACA (aka ObamaCare) will do none of the things its name implies. Instead, it will: I Increase the price and diminish the quality and innovation of Americas health care, I Force millions to lose the doctors or insurance they choose, I Exacerbate an already serious doctor shortage and decrease access to health care, I Further destabilize Medicare and Medicaid, I Extend an unprecedented level of government control over Americans lives and health care choices, I Cost as much as SEVEN TRILLION dollars if fully implemented, including mandates on individuals, businesses, and states, I And, even after the law takes full effect in 2019, 21 million Americans will STILL BE UNINSURED.

How the PPACA affects:

PERSONAL LIBERTY: Mandates individuals to buy health insurance or pay substantial fines; government chooses essential benefits, forces individual purchases through government exchanges, reduces access to benefits from tax free HSA and FSA accounts, mandates electronic medical records endangering patient privacy. FAMILIES AND CHILDREN: Government regulation of insurance benefits undermines parental rights to make childrens health care decisions. Penalizes marriage with unequal tax benefits. TAXPAYERS: Many new federal taxes, including 40% penalty on full benefit cadillac health insurance plans, payroll tax increases, higher threshold for health expense deductions, higher costs for 16 million new Medicaid recipients will eventually increase state tax burdens. HEALTH INSURANCE AND MEDICARE: Mandated benefits and government regulations will increase health insurance premiums for those with commercial insurance. New payment schemes and reductions in reimbursement will limit access for Medicare recipients. THE UNINSURED: Millions will get new Medicaid cards, but reimbursements which fail to cover the cost of care will force many doctors to limit or refuse participation. Families which receive partial temporary subsidies for mandated coverage will be subject to constant IRS oversight and potential loss of benefits due to job advancement. BUSINESSES AND WORKERS: Health coverage and jobs are jeopardized as businesses must choose between higher premiums and fines. Fewer choices and increased administrative burden due to government mandates. DOCTORS: Less time with patients and more on administrative mandates which may delay care, fewer specialists for referrals, less autonomy, lower reimbursements, diminished doctor-patient relationship. MEDICAL INNOVATION: New taxes, fees and regulations will severely limit medical research which may lead to new discoveries and lifesaving advances, job creation, investment, and growth. For more information on these and other effects of the PPACA, go to:

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