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July 10, 2012

Pre-InternationaI AIDS Conference Briefing:

Assessing Domestic PoIicy Efforts to End AIDS in the U.S.

National Press Club, Murrow Room - 529 14th Street Northwest, Washington, DC 20045


CarI Schmid, Deputy Executive Director, The AIDS Institute

Carl Schmid has been with The ADS nstitute, a national public policy, advocacy and research
organization, since February 2004. He is co-chair of the ADS Budget and Appropriations
Coalition; a Convening Group member of the Federal ADS Policy Partnership, and co-chair
of an HV Testing Reimbursement Work Group. He is a former chair of the HV Prevention
Action Coalition and the Ryan White Reauthorization Work Group. He remains active in those
coalitions and others that advocate for Medicaid, Medicare, and Healthcare Reform; the ADS
Drug Assistance Program; and Hepatitis. He was a member of the Presidential Advisory Council
on HV/ADS from 2007-09, and chaired its Domestic Subcommittee. n 2010 he was named by
POZ Magazine as one of the 100 most effective ADS fighters and by Whitman Walker Health
as one of the 25 individuals who have played prominent roles in the fight against HV in DC.
Mr. Schmid earned a B.A. in Public Affairs and a M.B.A. in nternational Affairs from the George
Washington University in Washington, D.C.
Co-convener of "ADS in America.
A. CORNELIUS BAKER, National Policy Advisor,
NationaI BIack Gay Men's Advocacy CoaIition
Cornelius Baker has been a committed HV/ADS advocate at the local and national level for
nearly two decades. He joined the FH 360 Center on ADS & Community Health in 2006 as a
Senior Communications Advisor and the Project Director for the National nstitute of Allergy and
nfectious Disease (NAD)'s HV Vaccine Research Education nitiative (NHVRE), an effort to
build partnership and support for HV vaccine research among U.S. populations most affected
by HV/ADS. Additionally, his work at COACH includes providing technical advice for the
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Social Marketing nitiative Promoting HV Testing
among Black Gay Men.
He also serves as the NationaI PoIicy Advisor for the NationaI BIack Gay Men's Advocacy
CoaIition which is dedicated to addressing the exceptionaIIy and unacceptabIy high rates
of HIV infection among U.S. bIack gay men. In February 2010 he was appointed by the
Secretary of HeaIth and Human Services to the PresidentiaI Advisory CounciI on HIV/
From January 2000 through December 2004, Mr. Baker served as the Executive Director of
Whitman-WaIker CIinic, the Ieading provider of HIV prevention and HIV/AIDS treatment,
research, and sociaI services for peopIe Iiving with HIV/AIDS in the Washington, D.C.

metropoIitan area. From 1996 to 2000, Mr. Baker served as the Executive Director of
the NationaI Association of PeopIe with AIDS (NAPWA). He joined NAPWA in 1992 as the
organization's first director of public policy. His experience in government includes appointments
at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services under President George H.W. Bush, and
as an aide to Washington, D.C. City Councilmember Carol Schwartz.
n 1994, Mr. Baker co-chaired the U.S. Public Health Service Minority ADS Conference. From
its inception in 1997 until February 2009, he served as a member of the U.S. Department
of Health and Human Services' Panel on Clinical Practices in the Treatment of HV which
recommends the standards of care for antiretroviral therapy. He currently serves on the boards
of the Black ADS nstitute, Public Responsibility in Medicine and Research, Broadway Cares/
Equity Fights ADS, Us Helping Us/People nto Living, the Center for Nonprofit Advancement
and the Campaign for all DC Families which advocates for marriage equality in the District
of Columbia. n January 2006, he was nominated to serve on the Washington, D.C. Taxicab
Commission by Mayor Anthony Williams and confirmed by the City Council to a three-year term.
Mr. Baker is the recipient of numerous honors and awards, including: the National Lesbian
and Gay Health Association's Diego Lopez Award for leadership in HV/ADS advocacy
(1998), first recipient of the American Foundation for ADS Research Award of Courage for
Community Building (2000), the National Association of People with ADS' Braveheart Award
(2000), Planned Parenthood of Metropolitan Washington for his support of women's health
and community leadership (2000), LGBT Pride of Washington, DC Community Hero (2005),
Black ADS nstitute's Heroes in the Struggle (2005), the ADS nstitute's National Community
Leadership Award (2006), Rainbow History Project Community Pioneer (2007), and the National
Black Leadership Commission on ADS' Outstanding Leadership in Advocacy Award (2009). He
was honored to deliver the 2000 Bon Foster Memorial Civil Rights Lecture for Lambda Legal.
Mr. Baker is a native of central New York and received a Bachelor of Arts from Eisenhower
College/Rochester nstitute of Technology.

JuIie ScofieId, Executive Director,
NationaI AIIiance of State and TerritoriaI AIDS Directors
Julie Scofield joined the National Alliance of State and Territorial ADS Directors (NASTAD) as
their first Executive Director in February 1993. Under Ms. Scofield's leadership, NASTAD has
grown from a staff of one, to a highly respected national HV/ADS organization of 30 FTEs and
major programs in the areas of HV prevention, care and treatment, viral hepatitis, government
relations, and global HV/ADS technical assistance.
Prior to opening NASTAD's national office, Ms. Scofield served as legislative assistant in the
Washington, D.C. office of former New York State Governor Mario M. Cuomo. Ms. Scofield
represented Governor Cuomo on HV/ADS and science and technology policy and funding
issues before Congress and the Administration from 1987 to 1993. Ms. Scofield served on the
legislative staff of former U.S. Representative Stan Lundine (D-NY) from 1981 to 1987.
Co-convener of "ADS n America.
RonaId Johnson, VP of Policy & Advocacy, AIDS United
Ronald S. Johnson currently serves as the Vice President of Policy and Advocacy of ADS

United, a national organization that achieves its mission to end the HV/ADS epidemic in the
United States through national, regional and local policy/advocacy, strategic grantmaking, and
organizational capacity building. ADS United was formed from the merger of ADS Action and
the National ADS Fund. Mr. Johnson had served as the Deputy Director of ADS Action.
Prior to joining ADS Action, Mr. Johnson served as the Associate Executive Director of Gay
Men's Health Crisis (GMHC). n that capacity, he managed GMHC's public policy, advocacy
and government relations functions and served as a member of the senior management. Prior
to coming to GMHC in November 1997, Mr. Johnson served for five years in the Office of the
Mayor, City of New York as the first Citywide Coordinator for ADS Policy. Mr. Johnson also has
served as the executive director of a community-based organization, the Minority Task Force on
Mr. Johnson has served on numerous boards of directors of non-profit agencies, including Gay
Men's Health Crisis, Lambda Legal, and the NAMES Project, and was a member of the
Presidential Advisory Council on HV/ADS from 1996-2001.

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