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Research For Cloud Computing Details

What is Cloud Computing?

Cloud Computing has become a buzzword now a days in the hosting industry. With the advancements in it companies like Google and Microsoft has extended their search/ investigations towards cloud computing. One of the hottest trends in small business and enterprise-sized IT is cloud computing. Cloud computing represents a major shift in the way companies view their technology infrastructure. In this post I am gonna explain some basics of cloud computing as to understand it in a more simplified way. May be you have heard about Cloud Computing, maybe not. One thing is for sure: It is all "the-buzz," and companies like Google and Microsoft are investing in it, along with many others. Here is a quick primer on Cloud Computing, what it is, how it can be used and more. Like the song says, Lets start at the very beginning, because its a very good place to start." For me the beginning is a definition. Basically, Cloud Computing is Internet computing, where "cloud" is a metaphor for the Internet. Using SaaS (software as a service), Web 2.0 and other virtual technologies, applications are provided to users via the net with the data stored on the providers servers. In other words, it is the Internet version of remote computing, just way more virtual in nature. Cloud Computing has its roots in the service bureau concepts of the 1960s. The cloud part, dates back to the 1990s, when the term was used to refer to ATM networks. Network diagrams use a cloud symbol to represent the Internet. So, dont let the term cloud mess you up--it simply represents the Internet. Cloud Computing provides an alternative to investing in ones own infrastructure and software. Instead, through Cloud Computing, companies can subscribe to an online service using a per use model, thus reducing capital investments and making computing a variable vs. Cloud computing and storage convert physical resources (like processors and storage) into scalable and shareable resources over the Internet (computing and storage "as a service"). Although not a new concept, virtualization makes this much more scalable and efficient through the sharing of physical systems through server virtualization. Cloud computing gives users access to massive computing and storage resources without their having to know where those resources are or how they're configured.

This brings us back to the initial question. What is cloud computing? It is the process of taking the services and tasks performed by our computers and bringing them to the web.

What does this mean to us? With the "cloud" doing most of the work, this frees us up to access the "cloud" however we choose. It could be a super-charged desktop PC designed for high-end gaming, or a "thin client" laptop running the Linux operating system with an 8 gig flash drive instead of a conventional hard drive, or even an iPhone or a Blackberry. We can also get at the same information and perform the same tasks whether we are at work, at home, or even a friend's house. Not that you would want to take a break between rounds of Texas Hold'em to do some work for the office -- but the prospect of being able to do it is pretty cool. Suggested Reading Cloud Computing is one of the hottest trends in the industry. This has proven as a bliss for small business and enterprise-sized IT. Cloud hosting has considered as the major shift in the way companies use to look their IT infrastructure. This type of approach to IT relies on the Internet, and usually involves provisioned, scalable, dynamic and virtual solutions. Cloud computing pulls the details of IT infrastructure management away from the business and puts it squarely in the hands of true experts. Cloud has been used as the metaphor for the internet computing. This can be categorized into SaaS(service as a software), IaaS ( Infrastructure as a service) & PaaS (Platform as a Service). While SaaS is by far the most common type of cloud computing implementation today, other types are rapidly gaining popularity as companies see the cost and expertise advantages of each. It also make use of Web 2.0 and other virtual technologies, applications are provided to users via the net with the data stored on the providers servers. The basic need of the rapid improvement of the capacity of online connectivity gave birth to cloud computing. In a way we can say that it is a collage of many different computers and linking them together to form one very big computer. The simplest thing that a computer does is allow us to store and retrieve information. Often people associate cloud computing with many other similar models like Grid computing which uses for example, uses a virtual super computer composed of networked, connected computers that act in concert to perform significantly large tasks. Utility computing is a model where computer resources are packaged and provided as a metered service, in the same way that traditional public utilities are packaged and provided. And additionally to the autonomic computing is often confused with cloud computing. This is a system of computing where the systems are capable of managing themselves. This is an alternative of investing in ones own infrastructure and software. Cloud hosting is considered as a utility for the internet services- much like electrical & water utility services where you pay only for the computing and storage that you use, as opposed to paying the overhead of creating & maintaining your own data center. Instead, through Cloud Computing, companies can subscribe to an online service using a per use model, thus reducing capital investments and making computing a variable. This concept has made many people and organization to change their thinking about the way they use to think previously. This has given the platform on which they have the liberty

of choosing the IT infrastructure as per their wish and requirements. This is in a most simpler way can be defined as cloud computing is taking services and moving them outside an organizations firewall on shared systems. Applications and services are accessed via the Web, instead of your hard drive. In cloud computing, the services that are delivered and used over the Internet are paid for by cloud customers on an as-needed, pay-per-use business model. The infrastructure is also maintained by the cloud provider, not the individual cloud customers. Cloud computing is a comprehensive solution that delivers IT as a service. It is an Internet-based computing solution where shared resources are provided like electricity distributed on the electrical grid. Computers in the cloud are configured to work together and the various applications use the collective computing power as if they are running on a single system. The flexibility of cloud computing is a function of the allocation of resources on demand. This facilitates the use of the system's cumulative resources, negating the need to assign specific hardware to a task. Before cloud computing, websites and server-based applications were executed on a specific system. With the advent of cloud computing, resources are used as an aggregated virtual computer. This amalgamated configuration provides an environment where applications execute independently without regard for any particular configuration.

Cloud computing changes the way we think about technology. Cloud is a computing model providing web-based software, middleware and computing resources on demand. By deploying technology as a service, you give users access only to the resources they need for a particular task. This prevents you from paying for idle computing resources. Cloud computing can also go beyond cost savings by allowing your users to access the latest software and infrastructure offerings to foster business innovation.
Issues and challenges
The issues of cloud computing are clearwith privacy and security being two of the most important. Privacy can be combated with encryption, but due diligence is required when selecting a cloud computing service. Even e-Commerce was viewed in a skeptical light when the Web started to grow. Worldwide, trillions of dollars-worth of e-Commerce transactions occur annually, so cloud computing will benefit from all the technologies (such as Secure Sockets Layer, or SSL) that make the Web safe today.

Going further
The cloud computing rush has just begun, and so has the open source development on Linux that will drive it. Given the massive investment being made in cloud computing, it's clear that a shift is occurring back to centralized data centers. It will be interesting to see the new technologies and architectures that are around the corner.

This guide provides a rapid and thorough grounding in cloud computing with a focus on the basic concepts; terminology definitions; types of cloud platforms, services, and products;

how to start developing applications for the cloud; and connections to resources that can further expand your knowledge of the cloud. Cloud computing is a category of computing solutions in which a technology and/or service lets users access computing resources on demand, as needed, whether the resources are physical or virtual, dedicated, or shared, and no matter how they are accessed (via a direct connection, LAN, WAN, or the Internet). The cloud is often characterized by self-service interfaces that let customers acquire resources when needed as long as needed. Cloud is also the concept behind an approach to building IT services that takes advantage of the growing power of servers and virtualization technologies. Cloud computing's importance rests in the cloud's potential to save investment costs in infrastructure, to save time in application development and deployment, and to save resource allocation overhead.

You can't read a technical Web site these days without some mention of so-called cloud computing. Cloud computing is really nothing more than the provisioning of computing resources (computers and storage) as a service. Along with that comes the ability to dynamically scale the service to additional computers and storage in a simple and transparent way. All this is similar to the ideas behind utility computing, in which computing resources were viewed as a metered service, as is the case for more traditional utilities (such as electricity or water). What's different is not the goal behind these ideas but the existing technologies that have come together to make them a reality. One of the most important ideas behind cloud computing is scalability, and the key technology that makes that possible is virtualization. Virtualization allows better use of a server by aggregating multiple operating systems and applications on a single shared computer. Virtualization also permits online migration so that if a server becomes overloaded, an instance of an operating system (and its applications) can be migrated to a new, less cluttered server. From an external view, cloud computing is simply the migration of computing and storage outside an enterprise and into the cloud. The user defines the resource requirements (such as computing and wide area network, or WAN, bandwidth needs), and the cloud provider virtually assembles these components within its infrastructure.

Anatomy of cloud computing

As you peer inside the cloud, you find that it's actually not just a single service but a collection of services,let's start at the lowest level of service provided, which is the infrastructure (Infrastructure-as-a-Service, or IaaS). IaaS is the leasing of infrastructure (computing resources and storage) as a service. This means not only virtualized computers with guaranteed processing power but reserved bandwidth for storage and Internet access. In essence, it's the capability of leasing a computer or data center with specific quality-of-service constraints that has the ability to execute an arbitrary operating system and software.
The value of cloud computing

Besides reducing the management cost associated with cloud computing resources, there are other advantages. For example, when you separate yourself from your resources by the Internet, it doesn't really matter where those resources reside. They could be, for example, in a climate that offers ambient (natural) cooling and therefore minimizes energy usage. Moving up the stack, the next level of service is the platform (Platform-as-a-Service, or PaaS). PaaS is similar to IaaS but includes operating systems and required services that focus

on a particular application. For example, a PaaS in addition to virtualized servers and storage provides a particular operating system and application set (typically, as a virtual machine, or VM, file, such as VMware's .vmdk format) along with access to necessary services such as a MySQL database or other, specialized local resources. In other words, PaaS is IaaS with a custom software stack for the given application. Finally, at the top is the simplest service that can be provided: the application. This layer is called Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), and it is the model of deploying software from a centralized system to run on a local computer (or remotely from the cloud). As a metered service, SaaS allows you to lease an application and pay only for the time used. That's the 30,000-foot view of cloud computing. This view ignores some of the other aspects of the cloud, such as data-Storage-as-a-Service (dSaaS), which provides storage as a metered service in which the consumer is billed based on used capacity (the amount of storage used) and utilization (bandwidth requirements for the storage). Cloud services have also emerged, which provide internal mechanisms for interoperability as well as external application program interfaces (APIs), such as Web services.

The cloud computing landscape

In recent months, there's been an explosion of investment into cloud computing and related infrastructure. This massive investment indicates that there is demand for virtualization of resources inside the cloud.

Linux and open source in the cloud

Let's now explore how Linux and the open source community contribute to the world of cloud computing. As you might have guessed, Linux and open source technologies play a huge role.

Software-as-a-Service SaaS is the ability to access software over the Internet as a service. An early approach to SaaS was the Application Service Provider (ASP). ASPs provide subscriptions to software that is hosted or delivered over the Internet. The ASP delivers the software and charges fees based on its use. In this way, you don't purchase the software but simply lease it on an as-needed basis.

Example SaaS

An interesting example of traditional versus SaaS applications is the application life cycle management tool from This company offers their tool using the traditional model, where customers host the application suite within their enterprise, or as SaaS, where customers host the application suite and make it available over the Internet. Another perspective on SaaS is the use of software over the Internet that executes remotely. This software can be in the form of services used by a local application (defined as Web services) or a remote application observed through a Web browser. One example of a remote application service is Google Apps, which provides several enterprise applications through a standard Web browser. Remotely executing applications commonly rely on an application server to expose needed services. An application server is a software framework

that exposes APIs for software services (such as transaction management or database access). Examples include Red Hat JBoss Application Server, Apache Geronimo, Platform-as-a-Service PaaS can be described as an entire virtualized platform that includes one or more servers (virtualized over the set of physical servers), operating systems, and specific applications (such as Apache and MySQL for Web-based applications). In some cases, these platforms can be predefined and selected; in others, you can provide a VM image that contains all the necessary user-specific applications. One interesting example of a PaaS is Google App Engine. App Engine is a service that allows you to deploy your Web applications on Google's very scalable architecture. App Engine provides you with a sandbox for your Python application that can be referenced over the Internet (and additional languages will be supported in the future). App Engine provides Python APIs for persistently storing and managing data (using the Google Query Language, or GQL) in addition to support for authenticating users, manipulating images, and sending e-mail. The sandbox in which the Web application runs restricts access to the underlying operating system. Although App Engine limits the functionality available to your application, it supports the construction of useful Web services.. Infrastructure-as-a-Service IaaS is the delivery of computer infrastructure as a service. This layer differs from PaaS in that the virtual hardware is provided without a software stack. Instead, the consumer provides a VM image that is invoked on one or more virtualized servers. IaaS is the rawest form of computing as a service (outside of access to the physical infrastructure). The most well-known commercial IaaS provider is Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2). In EC2, you can specify a particular VM (operating system and application set), and then deploy your applications on it or provide your own VM image to execute on the servers. You're then billed simply for compute time, storage, and network bandwidth.

Other cloud developments

In addition to the developments already discussed, several other Linux-based open source packages are useful in cloud environments. Hadoop is an open source Java software framework similar to PaaS but focused on manipulating large data sets over a set of networked servers (inspired by Google MapReduce, which enables parallel processing of large data sets). As such, it finds use in Web search and advertising applicationsin particular, at Yahoo! Hadoop also provides several sub-projects, mimicking Google applications. For example, HBase provides Google BigTable database-like functionality, and the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) provides similar functionality to Google File System (GFS).

What's the difference between a private and a public cloud? And what about hybrids?

In general, a public (external) cloud is an environment that exists outside a company's firewall. It can be a service offered by a third-party vendor. It could also be referred to as a shared or multi-tenanted, virtualized infrastructure managed by means of a self-service portal. A private (internal) cloud reproduces the delivery models of a public cloud and does so behind a firewall for the exclusive benefit of an organization and its customers. The self-service management interface is still in place while the IT infrastructure resources being collected are internal.

In a hybrid cloud environment, external services are leveraged to extend or supplement an internal cloud.
Is cloud computing the same as Software as a Service? Infrastructure as a Service? Platform as a Service?

A growing number of people in the industry consider Software as a Service (SaaS) -software applications delivered over the web to be a subset of cloud computing. And you could probably say the same thing about IaaS (remotely accessible server and storage capacity) and PaaS (lets developers build and deploy web applications on a hosted infrastructure).
Where can I learn more about cloud computing?

Start with our for technical articles, tutorials, demos, and other resources. Then, discover the wealth of interactive knowledge we've amassed on cloud computing by networking with your peers in the developerWorks community:

What types of applications can run in the cloud?

Anything can run in a cloud, but that doesn't mean anything should run in a cloud. Any software that benefits the user by being resident on a desktop or workstation (system analysis tools, defragmentation utilities, etc.) would be better off remaining local. Also, sensitive customer data maybe should not be on a public cloud. A cloud is right on target for applications that deal with IT management, business and productivity, development and deployment, capacity (server and/or storage), and collaboration

Cloud Computing is a term that is often bandied about the web these days and often attributed to different things that -- on the surface -- don't seem to have that much in common. So just what is Cloud Computing? I've heard it called a service, a platform, and even an operating system. Some even link it to such concepts as grid computing -- which is a way of taking many different computers and linking them together to form one very big computer. A basic definition of cloud computing is the use of the Internet for the tasks you perform on your computer. The "cloud" represents the Internet.

Cloud Computing is a Service

The simplest thing that a computer does is allow us to store and retrieve information. We can store our family photographs, our favorite songs, or even save movies on it. This is also the most basic service offered by cloud computing.

Cloud Computing is a Platform

The web is the operating system of the future. While not exactly true -- we'll always need a local operating system -- this popular saying really means that the web is the next great platform. What's a platform? It is the basic structure on which applications stand. In other words, it is what runs our apps. Windows is a platform. The Mac OS is a platform. But a platform doesn't have to be an operating system. Java is a platform even though it is not an operating system.

Cloud Computing and Interoperability

A major barrier to cloud computing is the interoperability of applications. While it is possible to insert an Adobe Acrobat file into a Microsoft Word document, things get a little bit stickier when we talk about web-based applications. This is where some of the most attractive elements to cloud computing -- storing the information on the web and allowing the web to do most of the 'computing' -- becomes a barrier to getting things done. While we might one day be able to insert our Google Docs word processor document into our Google Docs spreadsheet, things are a little stickier when it comes to inserting a Buzzword document into our Google Docs spreadsheet. Ignoring for a moment that Google probably doesn't want you to have the ability to insert a competitor's document into their spreadsheet, this creates a ton of data security issues. So not only would we need a standard for web 'documents' to become web 'objects' capable of being generically inserted into any other web document, we'll also need a system to maintain a certain level of security when it comes to this type of data sharing. In the last few years, Information Technology (IT) has embarked on a new paradigm cloud computing. Although cloud computing is only a different way to deliver computer resources, rather than a new technology, it has sparked a revolution in the way organizations provide information and service. Originally IT was dominated by mainframe computing. This sturdy configuration eventually gave way to the client-server model. Contemporary IT is increasingly a function of mobile technology, pervasive or ubiquitous computing, and of course, cloud computing. But this revolution, like every revolution, contains components of the past from which it evolved. Thus, to put cloud computing in the proper context, keep in mind that in the DNA of cloud computing is essentially the creation of its predecessor systems. In many ways, this momentous change is a matter of "back to the future" rather than the definitive end of the past. In the brave new world of cloud computing, there is room for innovative collaboration of cloud technology and for the proven utility of predecessor systems, such as the powerful mainframe. This veritable change in how we compute provides immense opportunities for IT personnel to take the reins of change and use them to their individual and institutional advantage.

Cloud computing building blocks

The cloud computing model is comprised of a front end and a back end. These two elements are connected through a network, in most cases the Internet. The front end is the vehicle by which the user interacts with the system; the back end is the cloud itself. The front end is composed of a client computer, or the computer network of an enterprise, and the applications used to access the cloud. The back end provides the applications, computers, servers, and data storage that creates the cloud of services.

Layers: Computing as a commodity

The cloud concept is built on layers, each providing a distinct level of functionality. This stratification of the cloud's components has provided a means for the layers of cloud computing to becoming a commodity just like electricity, telephone service, or natural gas. The commodity that cloud computing sells is computing power at a lower cost and expense to the user. Cloud computing is poised to become the next mega-utility service. The virtual machine monitor (VMM) provides the means for simultaneous use of cloud facilities VMM is a program on a host system that lets one computer support multiple, identical execution environments. From the user's point of view, the system is a self-contained computer which is isolated from other users. In reality, every user is being served by the same machine. A virtual machine is one operating system (OS) that is being managed by an underlying control program allowing it to appear to be multiple operating systems. In cloud computing, VMM allows users to monitor and thus manage aspects of the process such as data access, data storage, encryption, addressing, topology, and workload movement.

These are the layers the cloud provides:

The infrastructure layer is the foundation of the cloud. It consists of the physical assets

servers, network devices, storage disks, etc. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) has providers such as the IBM Cloud. Using IaaS you dont actually control the underlying infrastructure, but you do have control of the operating systems, storage, deployment applications, and, to a limited degree, control over select networking components. Print On Demand (POD) services are an example of organizations that can benefit from IaaS. The POD model is based on the selling of customizable products. PODs allow individuals to open shops and sell designs on products. Shopkeepers can upload as many or as few designs as they can create. Many upload thousands. With cloud storage capabilities, a POD can provide unlimited storage space. The middle layer is the platform. It provides the application infrastructure. Platform as a Service (PaaS) provides access to operating systems and associated services. It provides a way to deploy applications to the cloud using programming languages and tools supported by the provider. You do not have to manage or control the underlying infrastructure, but you do have control over the deployed applications and, to some degree over application hosting environment configurations. PaaS has providers such as Amazon's Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2). The small entrepreneur software house is an ideal enterprise for PaaS. With the elaborated platform, world-class products can be created without the overhead of in-house production. The top layer is the application layer, the layer most visualize as the cloud. Applications run here and are provided on demand to users. Software as a Service (SaaS) has providers such as Google Pack. Google Pack includes Internet accessible applications, tools such as Calendar, Gmail, Google Talk, Docs, and many more.

Cloud formations
There are three types of cloud formations: private (on premise), public, and hybrid.
Public clouds are available to the general public or a large industry group and are owned

and provisioned by an organization selling cloud services. A public cloud is what is thought of as the cloud in the usual sense; that is, resources dynamically provisioned over the Internet using web applications from an off-site third-party provider that supplies shared resources and bills on a utility computing basis.

Private clouds exist within your company's firewall and are managed by your

organization. They are cloud services you create and control within your enterprise. Private clouds offer many of the same benefits as the public clouds the major distinction being that your organization is in charge of setting up and maintaining the cloud. Hybrid clouds are a combination of the public and the private cloud using services that are in both the public and private space. Management responsibilities are divided between the public cloud provider and the business itself. Using a hybrid cloud, organizations can determine the objectives and requirements of the services to be created and obtain them based on the most suitable alternative.

IT roles in the cloud

Let us consider the probability that management and administration will require greater automation, requiring a change in the tasks of personnel responsible for scripting due to the growth in code production. You see, IT may be consolidating, with a need for less hardware and software implementation, but it is also creating new formations. The shift in IT is toward the knowledge worker. In the new paradigm, the technical human assets will have greater responsibilities for enhancing and upgrading general business processes.

The developer
The growing use of mobile devices, the popularity of social networking, and other aspects of the evolution of commercial IT processes and systems, will guarantee work for the developer community; however, some of the traditional roles of development personnel will be shifted away from the enterprise's developers due to the systemic and systematic processes of the cloud configuration model.

The administrator
Administrators are the guardians and legislators of an IT system. They are responsible for the control of user access to the network. This means sitting on top of the creation of user passwords and the formulation of rules and procedures for such fundamental functionality as general access to the system assets. The advent of cloud computing will necessitate adjustments to this process since the administrator in such an environment is no longer merely concerned about internal matters, but also the external relationship of his enterprise and the cloud computing concern, as well as the actions of other tenants in a public cloud. This alters the role of the firewall constructs put in place by the administration and the nature of the general security procedures of the enterprise. It does not negate the need for the guardian of the system. With cloud computing comes even greater responsibility, not less. Under cloud computing, the administrator must not only ensure data and systems internal to the organization, they must also monitor and manage the cloud to ensure the safety of their system and data everywhere.

The architect
The function of the architecture is the effective modeling of the given system's functionality in the real IT world. The basic responsibility of the architect is development of the architectural framework of the agency's cloud computing model. The architecture of cloud computing is essentially comprised of the abstraction of the three layer constructs, IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS, in such a way that the particular enterprise deploying the cloud computing approach meets its stated goals and objectives. The abstraction of the functionality of the layers is developed so the decision-makers and the foot soldiers can use the abstraction to plan, execute, and evaluate the efficacy of the IT system's procedures and processes. The role of the architect in the age of cloud computing is to conceive and model a functional interaction of the cloud's layers. The architect must use the abstraction as a means to ensure that IT is playing its proper role in the attainment of organizational objectives.

To cloud or not to cloud: Risk assessment

The main concerns voiced by those moving to the cloud are security and privacy. The companies supplying cloud computing services know this and understand that without reliable security, their businesses will collapse. So security and privacy are high priorities for all cloud computing entities.

Governance: How will industry standards be monitored?

Governance is the primary responsibility of the owner of a private cloud and the shared responsibility of the service provider and service consumer in the public cloud. However, given elements such as transnational terrorism, denial of service, viruses, worms and the like which do or could have aspects beyond the control of either the private cloud owner or public cloud service provider and service consumer there is a need for some kind of broader collaboration, particularly on the global, regional, and national levels. Of course, this collaboration has to be instituted in a manner that will not dilute or otherwise harm the control of the owner of the process or subscribers in the case of the public cloud.

Bandwidth requirements
If you are going to adopt the cloud framework, bandwidth and the potential bandwidth bottleneck must be evaluated in your strategy. In the article: The Skinny Straw: Cloud Computing's Bottleneck and How to Address It, the following statement is made: Virtualization implementers found that the key bottleneck to virtual machine density is memory capacity; now there's a whole new slew of servers coming out with much larger memory footprints, removing memory as a system bottleneck. Cloud computing negates that bottleneck by removing the issue of machine density from the equationsorting that out becomes the responsibility of the cloud provider, freeing the cloud user from worrying about it. For cloud computing, bandwidth to and from the cloud provider is a bottleneck. So what is the best current solution for the bandwidth issue? In today's market the best answer is the blade server. A blade server is a server that has been optimized to minimize the use of

physical space and energy. One of the huge advantages of the blade server for cloud computing use is bandwidth speed improvement. For example, the IBM BladeCenter is designed to accelerate the high-performance computing workloads both quickly and efficiently. Just as the memory issue had to be overcome to effectively alleviate the bottleneck of virtual high machine density, the bottleneck of cloud computing bandwidth must also be overcome, so look to the capabilities of your provider to determine if the bandwidth bottleneck will be a major performance issue.

Financial impact
Because a sizable proportion of the cost in IT operations comes from administrative and management functions, the implicit automation of some of these functions will per se cut costs in a cloud computing environment. Automation can reduce the error factor and the cost of the redundancy of manual repetition significantly. There are other contributors to financial problems such as the cost of maintaining physical facilities, electrical power usage, cooling systems, and of course administration and management factors. As you can see, bandwidth is not alone, by any means.

Mitigate the risk

Consider these possible risks: Adverse impact of mishandling of data. Unwarranted service charges. Financial or legal problems of vendor. Vendor operational problems or shutdowns. Data recovery and confidentiality problems. General security concerns. Systems attacks by external forces. With the use of systems in the cloud, there is the ever present risk of data security, connectivity, and malicious actions interfering with the computing processes. However, with a carefully thought out plan and methodology of selecting the service provider, and an astute perspective on general risk management, most companies can safely leverage this technology.

In conclusion
In this revolutionary new era, cloud computing can provide organizations with the means and methods needed to ensure financial stability and high quality service. Of course, there must be global cooperation if the cloud computing process is to attain optimal security and general operational standards. With the advent of cloud computing it is imperative for us all to be ready for the revolution.

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