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The influence of employee satisfaction and organizational commitment on employee turnover Group Members: M.




First of all, we would like to say Alhamdulillah, for giving us the strengths and health to do this report work until it done. We have taken efforts in this report. However it would not have been possible without the kind support and help of our respected teacher. We are highly indebted for her guidance and constant supervision as well as for providing necessary information regarding the report and also for their support in completing the report. We remain grateful to our colleague for providing us important information and indicating different sources to help us to compile our report.

The survey was taken in order to check turnover behavior or intentions of organizations employees. This report provides the information that employee satisfaction and organizational commitment as a major predictor that results in employee turnover or turnover intentions. This report provides the turnover intentions and behavior of EMPLOYEES that how many of them are committed and satisfied with their jobs. This paper represents the turnover behavior of EMPLOYEES of the organization and the factors that are associated with it. We analyze a sample of 150 customers the data are collected through the questionnaire. Convenience sampling is used which a type of non probability is sampling. We found that employee turnover has negative relationship with the employee satisfaction and organizational commitment. This shows that the lesser the employee satisfaction and organizational commitment higher will be the turnover rate.

Turnover is a very important concern for all most all the organizations as well as universities. The negative relation of the satisfaction and commitment shows the turnover behavior of the FUUAST EMPLOYEES. Turnover has such an impact on companies that executive bonuses are being conditioned on retaining a certain percentage of employees. Turnover is a major concern of most of the organizations as it represents a significant cost of the organization. This report showed a significant negative relation between organizational commitment and employee satisfaction and turnover. Many studies have reported a significant association between organizational commitment employee turnover(Ferris & Aranya,1983;Hom,Katerberg,&Hulin,1979;OReilly & Caldwell,1980;Sters,1977;Stumph & Hartman,1984;Wiener & Vardi,1980).Other research has established a relationship between employee satisfaction and turnover intentions. Overall employee satisfaction appears to be associated with turnover intentions( Angle & Perry,1981;Bedeian & Armenakis,1981).Studies of facet satisfaction also have reported significant correlation between turnover intentions and satisfaction itself(Hom et al., 1979;Kraut ,1975;waters,Roach,& waters,1976)and pay and promotion(Hom et al.,1979;waters et al.,1976).Research has also compared the independent and joint effects of employee satisfaction and organizational commitment on employee turnover for example ,peters,Bhagat, and OConnor(1981)found that organizational commitment has a stronger relationship to turnover than satisfaction. Arnold and Feldman (1982) also found that both work attitudes correlated significantly to turnover .it appears that both commitment and satisfaction results in turnover. The key conceptual distinction between satisfaction, commitment, and turnover is that the first two concepts are employee attitudes or ``orientations,'' but turnover refers to an employee behavior. Job satisfaction is perhaps the

most widely studied work orientation over the last four decades of organizational research. Researchers have defined and measured satisfaction both as a global construct and as a concept with multiple dimensions or ``facets'' (Price, 1997).This study adopts the global approach over the facet approach, conceptualizing job satisfaction as the degree of positive emotions an employee has toward a work role (Kalleberg, 1977; Locke, 1976; Smith, Kendall, & Hulin, 1969). Whereas satisfaction denotes positive emotions toward a particular job, organizational commitment is the degree to which an employee feels loyalty to a particular organization. (Mueller, Wallace, & Price, 1992; Price, 1997). Similar to Meyer and Allen's dimension of affective commitment, this research Organizational commitment as an affective form of commitment based on feelings of loyalty toward the organization (Allen & Meyer, 1990; Meyer & Allen, 1984; Meyer, Allen, & Gellatly, 1990). Furthermore, this study focuses on commitment to an organization as a whole entity, rather than various constituencies or subgroups within the organization (Becker, 1992; Becker & Billings, 1992; Reichers, 1985). Whereas satisfaction and commitment focus on employee orientations toward their work and organization, turnover refers to actual movement across the membership boundary of an organization (Price, 1977, 1997). The specific form of turnover of interest in this study, and most organizational research, is voluntary separations or quits (Bluedorn, 1982; Price, 1997). Since data on employees who quit voluntarily is typically difficult to collect, researchers often focus on the most direct determinant of turnover, intent to stay (Bluedorn, 1982; Iverson, 1992; Price, 1997). Intent to stay is the degree of likelihood of an employee maintaining membership in an organization (Iverson, 1992; Mueller et al., 1994; Price & Mueller, 1981, 1986a). Intent to stay (or leave) refers to employees' behavioral intentions, and has been demonstrated to exert a strong negative influence on actual turnover (Bluedorn, 1982; Iverson, 1992; Muelleret al., 1992; Price & Mueller, 1981, 1986a). Turnover (or intent to stay) is one of the most widely studied outcomes of both satisfaction and commitment, based on an axiomatic connection researchers make between employee attitudes and behaviors (Bluedorn, 1982; Mowdayet al., 1982; Shore, Newton, & Thornton, 1990). Researchers often propose job satisfaction and organizational commitment as intervening variables between other determinants (e.g., structural and individual variables) and outcomes like stay intentions and employee turnover (Iverson, 1992; Mueller et al., 1992; Price & Mueller, 1986). Fewer studies support a direct link between satisfaction and turnover (Mueller et al., 1994), yet several support an indirect influence through commitment (Lincoln & Kalleberg, 1985, 1990; Mowday et al., 1982; Muelleret al., 1994; Price & Mueller, 1986a; Wallace, 1995). Several other studies have concluded a reciprocal relationship exists between satisfaction and commitment (Farkas & Tetrick, 1989; Lance, 1991; Mathieu, 1991; Mottaz, 1988). With the Farkas and Tetrick (1989) study as the one exception, three of the studies observed an asymmetric relationship where satisfaction had a stronger effect on commitment than the reverse. Likewise, Lincoln and Kalleberg (1990) actually

observed a significant reciprocal relationship between satisfaction and commitment in the US and Japan, although they used the significantly stronger effect of the former on the latter to conclude that satisfaction precedes commitment. Farkas and Tetricks (1989) three-wave longitudinal analysis of the relationship between satisfaction and commitment produced a reciprocal relationship, but their results did not favor one causal direction over the other. While none of these researchers advanced a cogent argument to explain the reciprocal relationship,support for a reciprocal relationship between satisfaction and commitment suggests the competing arguments outlined in the two preceding paragraphs may be reconciled. Based on a finding of no significant causal relationship between satisfaction and commitment, other studies have suggested that the relationship between these two work attitudes may be spurious due to their multiple Common causes (Curry, Wakefield, Price, & Muller, 1986; Dougherty et al., 1985). This argument has some appeal, given the increasing tendency of researchers to assume similar determinants affect the two affective orientations (Kim et al., 1996; Lincoln & Kalleberg, 1985, 1990; Mottaz, 1988;Mueller et al., 1994; Wallace, 1995). Yet only two studies have produced this non-significant relationship, and some compelling arguments causally link Satisfaction and commitment.

Employee turnover is a great studied fact Shaw et al. (1998). But there is no standard reason why people go away from the organization. Employee turnover is the recurrence of workers on every side of the labor market; between firms, jobs and occupation; and between the condition of employment and unemployment Abassi et al. (200). Turnover is defined by Price (1977) as : the relationship of the number of organizational members who have leave throughout the time existence considered divided by the average number of people in that organization during the time period. Managers habitually direct to turnover. Complete process join with filling a unoccupied job. Every time a position is vacated, each of two voluntarily/involuntarily a new employee must be hired and trained. This replacement is known as Turnover. woods , (1995). Turnover is also many times utilized in efforts to measure ratio of employees in an organization as they left, consideration for reason. Unfolding model of unpaid turnover from based on thinking (Home and griffeth, 1995) , by concentrate on the formal judgment appearance of employee turnover, in other words, showing illustration of voluntary turnover as decision to leave. Really, the models based on a theory of decision making, Image theory Beach, (1990). Its explains the process of how an individuals process informed during decision making. The

underlie logic of the model is that people left the organization after they have examine the reason for leaving the organization. Beach (1990) indicates that individuals rarely have the perceiving resources to methodical asses all incoming information, so individuals as an alternative of simply and quickly compare succeeding another information to more allowingtype decision making alternatives. Meyar and allen(1991). Feelings to ones employee organization. And also describe about the feelings to ones employing organization and also describe about the will of working for employer and attachment of employer with organization to achieve goals. Barnard 1938. He describe that the org commitment in organization. He says that it is psychological commitment with his org his employer. Employees attached with organization from ones comes and hard work with sense of responsibility and experience attached with org . (Tett and Meyers, 1993), sates that the turnover intention as knowing intentional to sought for other choices in other organizations. According to the ( Bockermann and llmakunnas,2004), turnover intention is the individual behavioral opinion to retract from the organization, taking into the consideration the fact that turnover is examines to the current separation from the organization. There are some circumstances with connection between satisfaction and turnover intention. These are commitment and including economy. Because of bad economy the personnel like better to continue in same place in the organization. The staff of an organization who supposes that economy is better and the well economic stipulation is going on, likely better to go away from the organization. Raju and sirvastava 1994. Organization commitment is a relationship b/w employer and org and it is factors that influence the employer and org attached the factors that Force to employer for working hard in organization and to make effort to achieve a goals or tasks. Ellen and mayer 1993 . Commitment with org and membership in organization from frame work hand work strong effort, norms and values to achieve the org goals and strong membership in organization. Most of the studied have reported a indicative companionship between organizational engagement and employee turnover (Ferris and Aranya, 1983; Home, Katerberg, and Hulin, 1979; OReilly and Caldwell, 1980; Sters, 1977; Stumph and Hartman, 1984; Wiener and Vardi, 1980). Other research has recognized a relationship between employee satisfaction and turnover intention. Overall employee satisfaction becomes to be combining with turnover intending (Angle and Perry, 1981; Bedeian and Armenakis, 1981). Aspect satisfaction also have indicative interdependency between turnover intentions and satisfied itself (Home et al.

1979; Kraut, 1975; Waters, Roach and Waters 1976) and pay and promotions (Home et al, 1979; Waters et al. 1976). Raju and sirvastava 1994. It is very necessary need to understand about the relationship b/w employer and org in view of conceptual frame work with organization commitment. Barnard 1938 . He says that org commitment that the employer makes work hard from his norms and values and factor that influence to employer for save energy and work hard for attaining organizational membership and to achieve org specific goals and making trust of organization. Arnold and Feldman (1982) also states that the two work opinions dependence significantly to turnover. It visible that both obligation and satisfaction results in turning over. The key element of mutual conception between the satisfaction, commitment and turnover is that the first two concepts are employee behavior or being oriented, but turnover have recourse to an employee attitude. Job satisfaction is possibly the most extensively studied task being oriented over the last four decades of organizational research. Many researchers have defined the satisfaction and also measured the satisfaction, both as a worldwide build and as a concept with various aspects or facets (Price, 1997). This acquisition of knowledge choose the world wide techniques over the aspect approach, idea of job satisfaction as the process of positive emotions an employee has in the directions of a work role ( Kalleberg, 1977; Lock, 1976; Smith, Kendall, and Hulin, 1969). Taking into consideration the fact that satisfaction indicates positive intensive feeling toward relating to job, organizational commitment is the stage to which an employee examines loyalty to a particular organization (Muller, Wallace, and Price, 1992; Price, 1997). Like that Meyer and Allens aspect of affective engagement, this research organizational commitment as an affective visible part of engagement based on emotion of loyalty toward the organization ( Allen and Meyer, 1990,; Meyer and Allen, 1984; Meyer, Allen, and Gellatly, 1990). Employee turnover is also expected due to the deficiency of organizational commitment. Less the commitment higher will be the turnover rate. Many models ( Mobley et al., 1979; Steers and Rhodes, 1978) connect organizational engagement, or job involvement idea of to turnover and illicitly or absenteeism. Experiment research on organizational commitment usually has shown engagement to be an important foretell of turnover. As a predictor of turnover organizational commitment has accounted for as much as 34 percent of the discrapencies (Hom, Katerberg, and Hulin, 1979) and as little as three percent (Michaels and Spector 1982). Obviously, inconsistence on the other side of premature studies may be expected due to any reality is being combined of three reason :

(A) The way organizational commitment has been conceptualized and operational zed ( Steers and Porter, 1983), (B) the way turnover has been conceptualized and operational zed ( Price, 1977, or (C) the result of statistical artifacts such as sampling and measurement or a restriction of range ( Hunter, Schmidt, and Jackson 1982). The concerned reader may express similarities the studies of Arnold and Feldman (1982) with that of Clegg (1983). The relationship between the organizational engagement and absenteeism also has been not consistent (Angle Steers, 1977). According to the( Mowday et al,1979; 226) Job in involvement and commitment with organization is very important factor. Job commitment with organization for employee satisfaction. If the employee satisfaction then 100% job commitment with organization. Employee wants to achieve organization goal and benefits. They do more & more work for the fever of organization, because of organization good rewards they become as part of organization for long term period with fall commitment. In Pakistan job commitment affiliate with salary packages and other facilities e.g. medical, transportation and accommodation etc all above aspect face only government departments only in other hand all private departments pay less salary and give more work and job commitment. As stated by the (Richard et al,1994) Job satisfaction depends on employees, organization, organizational behavior and employees attitude. Job satisfaction event more benefits for organization. In the all over the world any employee of any organization want to need job security, social benefits, working environment and attitude for job satisfaction e.g in Pak Army government provide all facilities to soldiers for job satisfaction. In other view job satisfaction is very armed for organization. Job satisfaction is very important for turnover. According to the (Bourcier & Palobart, 1997)Employee turnover among driver recognized with Job and very well perform key use personal relationship. Thanks feeling etc. Recognition motivates the employee and gives him bouts for job commitment and job satisfaction among the drivers and organization. As stated by the (Folger & Corpanzano, 1998) in this study we concentrate on pie apple fairness which is related to methods, proper procedure determine the organization out comes and achievements. If employee follows the procedure then organization achieves goals, value and achievements. According to the (Wells, J. E., Peachey, J. W.. 2011, pp. 23-40) Employ turnover intention is create negative impact on leader if it shows the leadership qualities which prevent the people to leave organization.

According to the (Slatten, T.. 2011, pp.205-221) Service qualities also play an important role in employees turnover. If the services are hard according to the employees demand in shortly they quit the job. According to the (Moncarz, E., Zhao,J., & Kay,C.. 2009, pp.437-458) The culture, promotion, training also influences the employee retention. Whereas goal mission reward helps to reduce the turnover culture in employ. According to the (Appelbaum, S. H., Carriere, D., Chaker, M. A., Benmoussa, K., Elghawanmeh, B., Shash, S. 2009,pp.238-247) Effective communication among the leader and employ, sharing vision reduce the turnover impact among the employees. According to the (Hurley, R.F.,& Estelami, H.. 2007, pp. 186-199)Mostly the turnover of employees shows that their personal achievement. Murvay 1991. He describe about employee can't leave his organizational for searching new job in any other org because he receive a lot of benefit and willingness payment from org he can't leave the org and can't break the org benefit .The collaborative cultural environment both extrinsic and intrinsic factor of job. (Abdulla, J., Djebarni, R., & Mellahi, K. 2011, pp. 126-146). Job commitment and organization support reduce the employ turnover. According to the (Min, H.. 2007, pp. 375-388) Job security is considering most important factor to reduce turnover of employ. Mostly they employ that have low income has more intension to turn over the job. Experience also a key factor. As experience increase the ratio of turnover or decease. According to the (Lee, S. Y.. 2006, pp. 343-353) If the employee not satisfied in the organization, because of organization environment, behavior and attitude satisfied and dissatisfied to employee. Decrease turnover satisfaction of employees and dissatisfaction increase the turnover. Satisfaction make employee committed organizational goal and value. Satisfaction of drivers improving their engagement with organization. As stated by the (Wickramasinghe, V.. 2010, pp.246-255) Relationship must required b/w turnover of employee and work need necessary for the relationship of commitment and employee satisfaction in organization. Build relation /mutual understanding with each other maintain work environment in organizational, that thing reduce the turnover and improve the relationship among the drivers. The two separate techniques have been acquired in defining organizational commitment (Steers and Porter, 1983). According to the first technique organizational commitment is directed to as an attitude, while in the second approximation or technique organizational

commitment is directed to as an opinion. In the behavioral technique, the individual is seen as committed to an organization if helshe is restrain by a former time actions of sunk cost (fringe benefits, salary as a function of age or tenure). In this way a single becomes committed to an organization because it has suited too expensive for hid her to go away from the organization. In this technique organizational commitment is describes as additional calculative in nature ( Etzioni, 1961), and the works of Becker (1960), Hrebiniak and Alutto (1972), and Salancik (1977) are admitted as member. As stated by ( Barned 1938), organization obligation that the employer construct work hard give shapes to norms and worth and circumstances that affect to employer for keep energy and work hard for gaining organizational being a member and to attain organization exact tasks and making trust of organization. Recently ( Blau and Boal, 1987) have suggested a mental conceptions model which states the characteristics how an interaction of job involvement and organizational commitment can be beneficial for predicting employee turnover and satisfaction. Organizational engagement is defined as the degree to which an employee select of recognize with the essential character and destination of a relating to organization and desires to maintain membership in that organization (Mowday et. All, 1982). Hop pock defined the employee satisfaction, as stated by Hop pock, the one of the sequence of imaginary and surroundings factors that affect a person habitually speaking to say that, I am be adequate with my job or I am satisfied with job. When companies are impressive in satisfying their employees, employees stay longer; make a deeper dedication with the tasks, suggested direction to make better the companys products and services, and work harder to satisfy the customer. Rahman also describe the job satisfaction, as stated by the Rahman, the job satisfaction had expressing the refusal affect on turnover intention of IT professional. From the above talk about the following hypotheses are elaborated: Important positive companionship between total job satisfaction and reality of job satisfaction Important negative companionship between facts of job satisfaction and turnover intentions Important negative association between total job satisfaction and turnover intending Employee satisfaction used to measure the level of total employee satisfaction and satisfaction with its Nin facts: Pay Promotion

Supervision Fringes benefits Contingent rewards Working condition Coworkers Nature of works Communication

Satisfied employees are having following qualities such are given below: Satisfied employees are suppose that the organization will be satisfying in the long run Satisfied employees are more committed to the organization Satisfied employees have higher retention rates Satisfied employees are more engaged in the production of goods Satisfied employees forceful and energetic Satisfied employees concerned in productive activities of organization

Following factors they affect on employees job satisfaction: Mentally challenging work Equitable rewards Supportive working conditions The bosss behavior The managers and organization can regulate the position of employee job satisfaction is inherently pleasant. It well suited precision with the prospect that managers immediately affect a person organizational progress and results. Unfortunately, a development body of circumstances this plan and exist conclusion point out job satisfaction is largely genetically determined.


In the current research we want to check the relationship of different variables on employee turnover hence our dependent variable is employee turnover. We took employee satisfaction and organizational commitment as independent variable.

At the end we have checked the relationships among these variables whether this is positive or negative.

Employee turnover:
Turnover intention is the individual behavioral opinion to retract from the organization, taking into the consideration the fact that turnover is examines to the current separation from the organization.

Organizational commitment:
It is the positive attribute of the physical sensation responsibility that an employ has in the direction of the goal of the organization.

Employee satisfaction:
Idea of job satisfaction as the process of positive emotions an employee has in the directions of a work role. Job satisfaction depends on employees, organization, organizational behavior and employees attitude.

In the literature studied above, we have observed the following variables. Organizational commitment, transformational leadership, environmental management, stress/burnout, gender, organizational policies, organizational justice, job satisfaction, voluntary initiatives and job attitude. The relationship among the variables was discussed establishing that three independent variables are related to the dependent variables, and that the independent variables organizational commitment is related to the other independent variables namely voluntary initiatives and job attitude. The nature and direction of relationship of each independent variable with the dependent variables were clearly stated.

Schematic diagram:

Employee satisfaction Employees turnover

Organizational commitment


1. There is a relationship between organizational commitment and employees turnover. When employee satisfaction and organizational commitment increases, employee turnover is decreases.

In this article we work on hypotheses testing. We take a sample of 150 employees of public and private organizations of Islamabad. Then we find the means of this sample data. We work on qualitative research. Organizational Employee turnover is measured by two independent variables (Organizational commitment and employee satisfaction).we use five (5) likert scale to get the response of organizations employees. We find the relationship of between the variables we find that It is highly correlated because its values rely between +1,-1. So that it is highly correlated. Its regression line also shows that if one unit of independent variable increases it also changes the dependent variable.

SUMMARY OUTPUT Regression Statistics Multiple R R Square Adjusted R Square Standard Error Observations 0.666531962 0.444264856 0.436703834 0.548439487 150

ANOVA df 2 147 149 SS 35.34669922 44.215523 79.56222222 MS 17.67335 0.300786 F 58.75725 Significance F 1.769E-19

Regression Residual Total


Standard Coefficients Error t Stat 0.912292843 0.206935214 4.408592

Lower P-value 95% 2E-05 0.5033406

Upper 95% 1.3212451

0.873015213 0.082236756 10.61588 6.75E-20 0.7104962 1.03553423 0.143975335 0.079174861 -1.81845 0.071031 0.3004433 0.01249266

Interpretation of excel data analysis

Regression Statistics Multiple R R Square Adjusted R Square 0.666531962 0.444264856 0.436703834 R = square root of R2 Adjusted R2 used if more than one x variable This is the sample estimate of the standard deviation of the Standard Error 0.548439487 Observations 150 error u Number of observations used in the regression (n)
Multiple R is called coefficient of correlation. Its value is 0.666531962 which shows that variable X and Y vary together 66 % of the time and its range should be between -1 and 1. R2 is also known as coefficient of determination. The value of R square is

Explanation R2

0.444264856. This means 44 % change in dependent variable is due to

these independent variables. The value of adjusted R square is0.436703834. This means 43% change in dependent variable is due to these independent variables. The value of standard error of regression is 0.548439487. This value is the standard error of the dependent variable from the regression line. The smaller the value of the standard error of the regression, the better is the fit of the regression line to the observation or sample points.

The Anova analysis of variance

ANOVA Regression Residual Total df 2 147 149 SS 35.34669922 44.215523 79.56222222 MS 17.67335 0.300786 F 58.75725 Significance F 1.769E-19

1st column shows the degree of freedom 2nd column shows the Total sums of squares that is equal to = Residual (or error) sum of squares + Regression (or explained) sum of squares. 3rd column shows the mean sample 4th column shows the F-statistics And the 5th column shows the significance level of F-statistics


Standard Coefficients Error t Stat 0.912292843 0.206935214 4.408592

Lower P-value 95% 2E-05 0.5033406

Upper 95% 1.3212451

0.873015213 0.082236756 10.61588 6.75E-20 0.7104962 1.03553423 0.143975335 0.079174861 -1.81845 0.071031 0.3004433 0.01249266

Column "Coefficient" gives the least squares Column "Standard error" gives the standard errors (i.e. the estimated standard deviation) of the least squares Column "t Stat" gives the computed t-statistic for H0 against H1 Column "P-value" gives the p-value for test of H0 against H1 Columns "Lower 95%" and "Upper 95%" values define a 95% confidence interval.

This study was limited to a sample of 150 employees of 3 organizations of Islamabad. Its result may be change if we analysis other organizations. So that is reliable for the specifics organizations. This study has also a number of limitations, firstly the data collected is based on a very small sample size, and therefore its results cannot be generalized. Secondly for data collection has been made through questionnaire which may not capture the true responses of the respondents. The respondent responds haphazardly.

In the above report we adopt the modern technique such as Microsoft excel to show the relationship between dependent and independent variables. The results show that there is a relationship between dependent variable index and independent variables (employee turnover, organizational commitment and employee satisfactions) and also index is affected with the independent variables.

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SURVEY ON FACTORS THAT CREATES EMPLOYEE TURNOVER Dear Respondents, Your cooperation regarding this survey is valuable to complete this research. This is an academic research survey and the data will kept confidential. For each of the following statements please check ( ) the number that indicates your Decision Making Styles on employee turnover. The description ranged from strongly Agree 5, Agree 4, Neutral 3, Disagree 2, and Strongly Disagree 1. Gender: Age: Sector: Profession: Job Tenure in This Organization: Less than one year 1-5 year 5-10 year More than 10 years


20 Yrs or less




21 Yrs - 29 Yrs 30 Yrs - 39 Yrs 40 Yrs - 49 Yrs


Supervisr Executive Manager

50 Yrs or above


EMPLOYEE TURNOVER: S.NO 1 2 3 STATEMENTS I feel very little loyalty to this organization. I often think about quitting. I probably look for a new job next year. Strongly agree agree neutral disagree Strongly disagree

ORGANIZATIONAL COMMITMENT: S.NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 STATEMENTS . If the values of this organization were different, I would not attach. Since I join, my personal and organizational values are same. I prefer this organization for its value. Im proud to tell other that I am part of this organization. I talk up to my friends as a great organization to work for. I feel ownership for this organization rather than being just an employee. Strongly agree agree neutral disagree Strongly disagree

EMPLOYEE SATISFACTION: S.NO STATMENTS I feel encouraged of doings in new and better ways. My work gives me a feeling of personal accomplishment. I have resources to do my job well. On my job, I have clearly defined quality goals. The Company informed us about our affecting matters. When a manager is dissatisfied, I can correct the problem for his satisfaction. Strongly agree agree neutral disagree Strongly disagree

3 4

Thank you for your valuable time and cooperation

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