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Order Type [OPJH] >=> Status Profile [BS02] > Order Type Dependent Parameters [OPL8] > Checking

Control for Order [OPJK] >=> Checking Rule (in combination with checking group in material master determines the scope of ch > Confirmation Parameters [OPK4] > Scheduling Parameters for Production Orders [OPU3] >=> Sheduling Type[OPJN] > Number Range for Orders [CO82] Production Scheduling Profile [OPJ9]

Checking Group [OVZ2] > Checking Rule [IMG Production Shop Floor Control Operations Availability Check Define Checking Rule] > Scope of Check [OPJJ] Single Entry Screen of Confirmation [OPK0] Reasons for Variances for Production Scrap [OPK5] Shopfloor Papers Print Control [OPK8]

Control Key for Operation [OPK8] Formula [OPKM] > Formula Parameters for Work Center [OPKL] Standard Value Key [OP19] > Formula Parameters for Work Center [OPKL / OPJQ] Capacity Categories [IMG Production Shop Floor Control Operations Capacity Requirements Planning Define Capacit

Production Scheduler [OPJ9] >=> Production Scheduling Profile [OPKP] Order Priority for BOM Usage [OPJI] Default Values for Operation [OPJG] Task List Automatic Selection [OPJF] Alternative Determination [OPJM]

master determines the scope of check)

ity Check Define Checking Rule]

ements Planning Define Capacity Categories]

Order Type [OPJH] > assign Settlement Profile > assign Status Profile Header > assign Operation Status Profile > set whether goods movements can take place for production orders that are linked to a collective order Order Type Dependent Parameters [OPL8] > assigned per plant and per order type > production version selection > routing selection > bom selection > batch determination > reservation and purchase requisition creation control > mrp controller and production scheduler assignment (if not entered in material master) > inspection type > doc changes documentation control > goods movement documentation control > costing variants, results analysis key, distribution rule > planned cost calculation control > display profile Confirmation Parameters [OPK4] > assigned per plant and per order type > (for order type unassigned to confirmation parameter, confirmation can not be carried out) > process control (control of execution of confirmation process) > check control (operation sequence, underdelivery, overdelivery, qm results) > HR update > time unit proposal > display of components on goods movements > confirmation type proposal > error handling (confirmation, actual cost) > control to propose data to be confirmed > control to display default and cofirmed data Scheduling Parameters for Production Orders [OPU3] > assigned per plant, per order type and production scheduler > routing selection > control on how dates is to be computed (by lead time scheduling using margin key or thru in house production time) > control whether capaity requirements are calculated > date adjustment control > date control for detailed scheduling > scheduling type (whether backward or forward scheduling) > specify how many days an order may lie in the past before today scheduling is triggered > scheduling control (automatic scheduling, automatic log, scheduling with breaks, from production dates, shift order, > reduction control Checking Control for Order [OPJK] > assigned per plant and per order type > material availability check (checking rule, component check type) > prt availability check (checking rule) > capacity availability check (capacity availability check profile)

> collective conversion availability check control > release control (for availability check at order release) Number Range for Orders [CO82] > assigned to order type > interval > element / group Checking Group [OVZ2] > assigned to material (MM01) > control whether the quantities confirmed in the availability check are to be locked > control whether during the check the normal ATP quantity or the cumulated ATP quantity is to be used Checking Rule [IMG Production Shop Floor Control Operations Availability Check Define Checking Rule] Scope of Check [OPJJ] > determine which elements (stock categories and inward/outward movements) are relevant to MRP > control whether replenishment lead time is checked > control whether the availability should always be checked at plant level or sloc > checking period for missing parts at goods receipts

Production Scheduling Profile [OPKP] > assigned to material (MM01) or Production Scheduler (OPJ9) > control whether to auto release order or document link on order creation > control whether to schedule order, execute printing or document link on release > control whether only partial quantities will be committed for all components if only a partial quantity can be commit > control whether automatic goods receipt will be carried out > specify an overall profile for capacity leveling > specify when finite scheduling is carried out in the capacity availability check > confirmation control whether no deficit quantities are updated, no surplus quantities are updated & to adjust quanti > control on batch creation, batch classifaction, and whether to always batch split > control for transport (WM) > specify which order type is proposed depending on the business process Sheduling Type[OPJN] Production Scheduler [OPJ9] > assigned to material for production control Scheduling Margin Key [IMG Production Shop Floor Control Operations Scheduling Define Scheduling Margin Key] > specify float before production, float after production, release period

Control Key for Operation [OPK8] > control whether the operation is scheduled > control whether capacity requirements records are written for the operation > control whether inspection characteristics have to be maintained for the operation > control whether confirmed quantity is automatically received (automatic goods receipt) > control whether shop floor paper (time tickets or completion confirmation slips) should be printed for an operation > costing relevancy > control whether the operation is to be processed externally or internally or both > control whether the confirmation of an operation is allowed, possible or required or milestone (whether the operati Formula Parameters for Work Center [OPKL] > used to create formula

Formula [OPKM] > created using formula parameters Standard Value Key [OP19 / OPJQ] > assign parameter ID to six standard values in the operation (from formula parameters with origin 'standard value') > define the key word displayed for the standard value on the screen and the dimension Capacity Categories [IMG Production Shop Floor Control Operations Capacity Requirements Planning Define Capac Default Values for Operation [OPJG] > if no valid routing exist Task List Automatic Selection [OPJF] Order Priority for BOM Usage [OPJI] Alternative Determination [OPJM] Single Entry Screen of Confirmation [OPK0] Reasons for Variances for Production Scrap [OPK5] Shopfloor Papers Print Control [OPK8] Status Profile [BS02] > along with the selection profile will be used torestrict the processing of transactions for particular status ofthe order Selection Profile [BS42] > defines when the user defined status is to beactivated

ollective order

in house production time)

oduction dates, shift order, requirement date for component)

is to be used Checking Rule]

ial quantity can be committed for one component during an availability check

updated & to adjust quantities in order to actual values

ne Scheduling Margin Key]

e printed for an operation

stone (whether the operation is to be marked as a partial completion confirmation)

h origin 'standard value')

nts Planning Define Capacity Categories]

articular status ofthe order

DEFINE CONTROL KEY [OP00] Set Controls for: Scheduling Determination of Capacity Requirements Inspection Characteristics Automatic Goods Receipt Print Time Tickets Rework Print Confirmation Print Cost Scheduling of External Operation Processing Type (Internal / External / Both) Confirmation

Costing Variant <= Valuation Variant

Strategy <= Requirements Type

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