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ABSTRACT Yoga teachings are universal.

Yoga is a way to achieve harmony between the physical body, mind and soul or spirit as yoga movements can affect the physical and mental to be healthy, so that the soul is concentrated. In yoga activities, communication behavior to achieve the objectives expected by the yogic aspirant. When the communication occurred between the participants and the instructor or yoga teacher, there is a change in each participant. Changes are not only at physical level but also have a positive impact for the moral, mental and spiritual in the dynamics of the application or yoga practices that emphasize flexibility. The research is titled "The dynamics of internal communication in the form of yoga activities in Ambarashram shaped the moral behavior of its practitoners, in Banjar Nyuh Kuning, Mas Village, Ubud District, Gianyar regency", by raising three issues, namely how the activity of yoga in Ambarashram, what is the benefits of yoga for yoga participants, and why internal communication in the form of yoga in Ambarashram activity can shape moral behavior. The research was conducted using qualitative methods, so the data were analyzed qualitatively and interpretively. Ambarashram, Banjar Nyuh Kuning, Mas Village, Ubud district, Gianyar regency was chosen as a research site due to the activity of yoga in Ambarashram have a method of healing and self awareness as a whole (holistic) to apply the concept of yoga in modern way. Dynamics of internal communication in the form of yoga activities in Ambarashram moral shaped the moral behavior of its practitioners, combined some theories such as the theory of social behavior of Max Weber, the theory of symbolic interactionism of GH Mead, Charles H. Cooley, William I. Thomas, Herbert Blumer and Erving Goffman, and communication accommodation theories of Howard Giles. Based on the results of the research can be revealed: (1) The activities of yoga practiced in Ambarashram can be divided into three programs they are healthy without drugs, diksha suputra, and the highest form of asceticism yoga samadhi. Ambarashram also invited spiritual leaders both local and national caliber even from foreign countries to give speech to its participats, (2) the benefits of yoga activities for participants in Ambarashram yoga, among others, it can improve moral behavior, health, increase mental balance, and increase spiritual awareness, (3 ) The dynamics of internal communication in the activity of yoga can shape moral behavior of the participants in Ambarashram because of a verbal and nonverbal communication that lead to changes in both face to face communication, strengthen faith, increase self-introspection, and apply the teaching of tri kaya parisudha. By practicing yoga one can shape his or her moral behavior such as establishing calmness, speech control, and be kind to all creatures. The Dynamics of internal communication in yoga activities in Ambarashram shaped moral behaviors of its participants. It also provided a selfrealization to the participants, for the purpose of yoga is to reach bliss by living harmoniously with other human being, human being and nature, and human being with God. Key words: dynamics, internal communication, yoga activities, moral behavior.

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