Lectura No3 - The Atom

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Lus Fernando Vargas Tamayo

Tomado de: http://www.aboutnuclear.org/view.cgi?fC=The_Atom,Structure_of_the_Atom

The Atom: Structure of the Atom

All matter (solid, liquid or gaseous) consists of elements, of which there are more than 100. If, in theory, we cut a block of iron into smaller and smaller pieces, we would finally end up with the smallest piece possible that still has all the characteristics of the iron element. That smallest piece is called an iron atom. An atom is very, very small. In fact, the size of an atom compared to the size of an apple, is like the size of an apple compared to the size of the Earth. Most atoms consist of three basic particles: protons (with a positive electrical charge), electrons (with a negative electrical charge), and neutrons (with no electrical charge). Protons and neutrons are bundled together in the center of the atom, called the nucleus. The electrons move around the nucleus, each in its own orbit like the moon around the earth. Each atom of the same element is characterized by a certain number of protons in the nucleus. That number is called the atomic number. Normally, the atom has the same number of electrons in orbit around the nucleus. This atomic number identifies the elements. The list of elements (ranked according to an increasing number of protons) is called the Periodic Table. For example, Helium has 2 protons in its nucleus. Its atomic number is therefore 2. Iron has 26 protons in its nucleus. Its atomic number is therefore 26. Uranium has 92 protons. Its atomic number is therefore 92. Even though the number of protons in the nucleus is the same for all atoms of a particular element, the number of neutrons in the nucleus can differ for different atoms of the same element. Atoms of an element that contain the same number of protons, but different numbers of neutrons, are called isotopes of the element. Isotopes are identified by adding the number of protons and neutrons together -- a number which is referred to as the mass number. For example, hydrogen: the element hydrogen has 3 isotopes: hydrogen 1 (also called hydrogen), hydrogen 2 (also called deuterium) and hydrogen 3 (also called tritium).

Hydrogen 1 (hydrogen) 1 proton, 0 neutrons Mass number = 1

Hydrogen 2 (deuterium) 1 proton, 1 neutron Mass number = 2

Hydrogen 3 (tritium) 1 proton, 2 neutrons Mass number = 3

Notice that even though the masses of the above atoms are different, each nucleus has only one proton. The one proton identifies all these atoms as hydrogen isotopes. It is the number of neutrons that defines them as different types of hydrogen isotopes. Normally, atoms have the same number of protons and electrons. The number of positively charged protons is the same as the number of negatively charged electrons so that the atom is electrically neutral. The electrons orbiting at the outside of an atom are the part of the atom that takes part in chemical reactions. They identify the atom chemically. These electrons can be thrown off by the atom, or more can be absorbed. An atom that has lost one or more electrons is positively charged; one that has picked up electrons is negatively charged. These "charged" atoms are called ions. The nucleus of the atom also contains neutrons. Neutrons are about the same size as protons but have no electric charge. Neutrons are bound very tightly in the atom's nucleus with the protons. When the atom's nucleus contains as many neutrons as protons, the atom is stable. Most atoms are stable. However, when the atom's nucleus contains more neutrons than protons, the nucleus is unstable. The nucleus of such an unstable atom will try to become stable by giving off particles or packets of energy (quanta). These emissions are called radioactivity. The particles and quanta are emitted from the nucleus at high energy. If a particle or quantum hits the electron of another atom, it can knock that electron off of the atom, which makes that atom positively charged and, therefore, an ion. That is why we refer to the particles and quanta emitted by radioactive nuclei as "ionizing radiation." Very large and heavy atoms that occur in nature are unstable and, therefore, radioactive. These include atoms of the elements uranium (atomic number 92), thorium (atomic number 90), radon (atomic number 86), and radium (atomic number 88), among others. Many smaller atoms are made radioactive artificially for specific uses. Smaller elements like carbon (atomic number 14), often have a stable, non-radioactive form as well as an unstable radioactive form.

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