Agenda NPC 9th July 12

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You are hereby summoned to attend a MEETING of NEWPORT PARISH COUNCIL to be held on MONDAY, 9 JULY 12 at the CARISBROOKE CASTLE MUSEUM , CARISBROOKE, ISLE OF WIGHT, for the transaction of the business set out in the agenda below.

Clerk to the Parish Council Email: Tel 201115/559119

2 July 12



Prior to the council meeting commencing there will be an opportunity of up to 15 minutes for members of the public to make comments and to ask questions of the Parish Council

1. To receive apologies for absence 2. 3. Declarations of Interest Minutes of the last meeting To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 11th June 12 (Paper A) Matters arising (for information only) Older Voices an invitation has been received to the AGM on 13th July Newport Youth Management Board this is no longer in operation but Darren Poplett the Senior Youth Worker has offered to attend the October meeting to explain the new arrangements Safer Neighbourhoods Team To receive an update from the Newport Safer Neighbourhoods Team Finance I. Financial Statement To receive and consider a financial statement (Paper B) II. Accounts for Payment To consider and approve accounts for payment (Paper C) 6. Traffic Issues To discuss the reply from Peter Hayward regarding the Foxes Road/Mill Street link road (Paper D)




Code of Conduct To consider and adopt a code of conduct and complaints procedure (Paper E) Apprentice Cllr Craven To note that four candidates have been identified for interview on 16th July To agree a selection panel comprising of Cllrs Craven, Smart and the Clerk Working Parties: Allotments to consider a report and recommendations (Paper F) Summer Fair to note the details of the Fair on Saturday 14th July to celebrate the Olympic Torch Relay Firework Event to note the use of St Georges Park training ground has been confirmed for the event on Saturday 3rd November. Green Town to receive a short report



10. Planning and Licensing Committee To receive and consider the minutes of the Planning and Licensing Committee held on 24th May and 7th June 12 (Paper G) IW Festival Consultation to consider a timetable for the next round of consultation and note any developments from the Festival sub group. To also discuss the related traffic problems at this years event. 11. IWALC Cllr Ward To receive a report on the IWALC AGM held on 21st June. 12. Reports from IW Councillors To receive reports from IW Councillors who are not members of the Parish Council 13. To receive items for next agenda 14. Date and location of next Parish Council meetings The next monthly meeting is scheduled for Monday 10th September 2012, 6.45pm at the Riverside Centre. There will not be a full council meeting in August.

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