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Rapid Transit

The Ashton Vale to Temple Meads and Bristol City Centre Rapid Transit Order

Statement of Case

Bath & North East Somerset, Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire Councils working together to improve your local transport



THE ASHTON VALE TO TEMPLE MEADS AND BRISTOL CITY CENTRE RAPID TRANSIT ORDER and related applications for Deemed Planning Consent, Listed Building Consents, Conservation Area Consents and exchange land certificate




Glossary 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Introduction Promoting authorities and WELEP Policy background Existing problem Solution provided by the AVTM BRT scheme AVTM BRT scheme development Proposed scheme Construction of the scheme Operation of the scheme Transport and Works Act Order Planning permission, listed buildings consents and conservation area consents Open space land and application for certificate under Acquisition of Land Act 1981 Environmental Impact Assessment and Flood Risk Assessment Sustainability Delivery Costs, funding and revenue Economic case for AVTM BRT scheme Land and property required for AVTM BRT scheme Objections and representations Overall conclusions

i 1 2 3 10 14 17 25 31 37 41 43 45 46 49 55 56 58 58 62 63 64 71 73

Appendix 1: List of documents Appendix 2: Where Promoters documents may be inspected Appendix 3: Where other parties statements of case and documents may be inspected and copied




Definition Air Quality Management Area Ashton Vale to Temple Meads The works in the AVTM corridor and city centre section and the bus services (including those to and from North Somerset) that will use the busway in the AVTM corridor The route of the segregated part of the AVTM BRT scheme between and including the Long Ashton Park & Ride site, North Somerset, and Prince Street Bridge, Bristol, which is the subject to the TWAO application Best and Final Funding Bid Bristol City Council Benefit Cost Ratio Bristol Harbour Railway Bus Rapid Transit The bus rapid transit network of schemes in the West of England comprising the AVTM BRT scheme, the North Fringe to Hengrove Package and the South Bristol Link Construction Industry Research and Information Association That part of the AVTM BRT scheme that runs from the north of Prince Street Bridge to Bristol Temple Meads railway station and around Bristol city centre in an anti clockwise loop The economically most important areas in England outside of London, being Birmingham, Bristol, Leeds, Liverpool, Manchester, Newcastle, Nottingham and Sheffield ( The Comprehensive Spending Review of public expenditure undertaken by HM Government in 2010/11 Department for Communities and Local Government

AVTM corridor


CIRIA City centre section

Core Cities




Department for Transport Flood Management Plan Greater Bristol Bus Network The Greater Bristol Strategic Transport Study 2006 Joint Local Transport Plan by WEP in March 2006 JLTP by WoE in March 2011, covering the period to 2026 Joint Transport Executive Committee Key Performance Indicator Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 Local Enterprise Partnership Major Scheme Business Case Neighbourhood Planning Network Office of National Statistics The Ashton Vale to Temple Meads and Bristol City Centre Rapid Transit Order submitted to the Department for Transport on 10 June 2010 Park and Ride Programme Delivery Board DCLG Planning Policy Statement 5: Planning for the Historic Environment Bristol City Council and North Somerset Council Quality Partnership Scheme The south west of England Regional Economic Strategy Regional Funding Allocation Draft Regional Spatial Strategy The area of the WoE authorities

P&R PDB PPS 5 Promoters QPS Region RES RFA RSS Sub-region



Traffic Regulation Order An Order promoted under the Transport and Works Act 1992 Visual Identity Guidelines Department for Transports website for transport analysis guidance on the conduct of transport studies, including creating a transport model for the appraisal of the alternative solutions: West of England Local Enterprise Partnership West of England Bath and North East Somerset, North Somerset, Bristol City and South Gloucestershire Councils

WELEP WoE WoE authorities



1 1.1

Introduction This Statement of Case summarises the case of Bristol City Council and North Somerset Council for the Ashton Vale to Temple Meads Bus Rapid Transit scheme (AVTM BRT scheme), the AVTM corridor section of which is to be authorised by the making of the proposed Ashton Vale to Temple Meads and Bristol City Centre Rapid Transit Order and the granting of the related applications for deemed planning consent, Listed Building Consents, Conservation Area Consents and an exchange land certificate, if the Secretary of State so decides. Appendix 1 sets out the Promoters list of supporting documents, Appendix 2 sets out where the Promoters supporting documents may be inspected and Appendix 3 sets out where other parties statements of case and documents may be inspected and copied. The West of England area is the combined area of the four local authorities of Bath and North East Somerset, Bristol City, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire Councils. The area is the gateway to the south west region of England and accounts for 26% of the regions economy. It has a population of approximately one million and provides half a million jobs. The area has the highest Gross Value Added (GVA) per capita of any large English city outside London. The area also has relatively high car ownership and dependency. Car travel is the mode for 68% of all trips and car dependency for a city region is high. Peak hour vehicle speeds are low and air quality in parts of Bristol, Bath and South Gloucestershire fails to meet European Union standards. Future growth forecasts will potentially add considerably to this burden. The Greater Bristol Strategic Transport Study 2006 (GBSTS) was a strategic study assessing a range of potential transport interventions against projected development levels. It estimated that, by 2016, the burden of congestion on business will cost 600 million per year. The study forecast congestion levels if action is not taken to address traffic growth resulting from projected housing development and increases in jobs. It forecast a 34% rise in the number of vehicle trips on the road system in the morning peak by 2031. Owing to the limited capacity to accommodate this traffic, the study forecast a 35% reduction in average speeds and a 230% increase in delay. Bus speeds were predicted to fall between 20% and 40%, with a consequent rise in car mode share from 88.8% in 2003 to 90.8% in 2031. This will potentially place immense pressure on existing infrastructure. The GBSTS recommended a package of measures to address the forecast demand. A main feature of the package was a rapid transit network for the area based on four rapid transit corridors. The AVTM BRT scheme is part of this proposed rapid transit network. The AVTM BRT scheme will help tackle existing congestion on the corridor that lies







between North Somerset and Bristol city centre. It will address the transport impact of forecast development by providing a high quality public transport link, segregated in part from general traffic. In doing so, it will deliver a rapid and reliable alternative to private car use for journeys to and from the city centre. Further elements of the rapid transit network are being progressed through complementary schemes: the North Fringe to Hengrove Package and the South Bristol Link.

2 2.1

Promoting authorities and WELEP The AVTM BRT scheme is being jointly promoted by the West of England (WoE) authorities, that is Bath and North East Somerset, Bristol City, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire Councils. The other schemes forming the BRT network are also being promoted by these authorities. The WoE authorities have been working closely together to address jointly those matters that needed to be dealt with on a sub-regional basis in the best interests of their communities. Principal aims are to: 2.3 realise the potential of the sub-region and deliver improvements in infrastructure, environment and quality of life; set a vision and clear long-term direction to support the delivery of West of England strategies; promote the interests of the sub-region regionally, nationally and in Europe; add to the confidence in the West of England to attract public and private investment; and work holistically in the interests of the sub-region as a whole.


The West of England Local Enterprise Partnership (WELEP) was formed in Autumn 2010 in anticipation of the passing of the Public Bodies (Reform) Act 2011 as a partnership between local authorities and businesses in order to play a major role in promoting local economic development. WELEP aims to create optimum conditions for business to flourish, private sector jobs to be created and investment to be unlocked. It aims to provide a means for local authorities to work together with businesses in order to quicken the economic recovery. The WELEP has an ambition to create 95,000 new jobs in the sub-region by 2030. WELEP is managed by a board of business and council leaders and has taken a role in the promotion of the BRT network. The BRT network will complement WELEPs aims by serving regeneration areas and boosting access to job opportunities.



Policy background

Overview 3.1 An aim of local transport policy over the last 20 years has been to ensure that the development and operation of the transport network is sustainable. Measures to implement policy therefore include investment in sustainable alternatives to the private car, including public transport, walking and cycling schemes. The principle of sustainability is central to the rationale for the AVTM BRT scheme. The need for an uplift in the quality of the public transport network has been consistently identified and embedded in national, regional and local policy. In the sub-region, a particular emphasis has been placed in local transport plans since the early 1990s on the creation of a new, high profile, backbone to the public transport network, over and above conventional bus-based services.


National policy 3.3 The Future of Transport White Paper, published in July 2004, considered factors which would shape travel and transport over the next 30 years. It set out how transport would respond to increasing demands for travel and maximise the benefits of transport while minimising the negative impact on people and the environment. The Governments transport vision was as follows: The road network should provide a more reliable and free-flowing service for both personal travel and freight, with people able to make informed choices about how and when they travel; The rail network should provide a fast, reliable and efficient service, particularly for inter-urban journeys and commuting into large urban areas; Bus services should be reliable, flexible, convenient and tailored to local needs; Walking and cycling should become a real alternative for local trips; and Ports and airports should provide improved international and domestic links.

Investment in significant improvements to the bus network, through schemes such as the AVTM BRT scheme, is consistent with this vision. 3.4 This declared vision resulted in the formulation in 2004 of four agreed Shared Priorities for transport between the Government and the Local Government Association in order to guide the formulation of the 2006-2011 local transport plans under the Transport Act 2000. These were to: tackle congestion; improve road safety for all road users; improve air quality; and improve accessibility.



The AVTM BRT scheme is designed to meet these priorities, in particular by tackling congestion (through investment in public transport alternatives to car use on congested routes), by improving air quality (through modal shift from cars), particularly in Bristol city centres AQMA, and by improving accessibility (for example, to employment, leisure and retail opportunities). Government policy was further developed through Towards a Sustainable Transport System (TaSTS), 2007, produced in response to the Eddington Study and the Stern Review, and Delivering a Sustainable Transport System (DaSTS), 2008, which re-evaluated the Shared Priorities into five goals: To support national economic competitiveness and growth, by delivering reliable and efficient transport networks; To reduce transports emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, with the desired outcome of tackling climate change; To contribute to better safety, security and health and longer lifeexpectancy by reducing the risk of death, injury or illness arising from transport and by promoting travel modes that are beneficial to health; To promote greater equality of opportunity for all citizens, with the desired outcome of achieving a fairer society; and To improve quality of life for transport users and non-transport users, and to promote a healthy natural environment.


The AVTM BRT scheme implements these goals. In particular, it supports economic growth (by tackling congestion) and reduces greenhouse gas emissions (by reducing car dependency). 3.7 In May 2010, following the election of the Coalition Government, the Comprehensive Spending Review (CSR), for investment up to 2014/15, placed further emphasis on prioritising transport investment that contributes to boosting economic performance and job creation. Through its emphasis on tackling congestion and improving access to job opportunities, the AVTM BRT scheme will assist in driving forward economic growth. Following funding approval and reconfirmation of Programme Entry for the AVTM BRT scheme in the Chancellors Autumn Statement on 29 November 2011, the Secretary of State for Transport, Justine Greening, said on 14 December 2011: Transport infrastructure is central to growth, and I am announcing funding for a further 21 local major transport schemes. Along with the schemes announced last month weve supported investment of over 1.4bn that will strengthen local economies and improve local transport links for communities across the country. .. Almost all journeys begin and end on local authority networks, which provide the crucial links that allow people and businesses to prosper. We are investing in schemes that will provide better access to jobs and services, reduce congestion and enable more goods to move more easily around our country. This will be 1.4bn invested in local communities to build the transport system we need to get the economy back on track.



Regional policy 3.9 The draft Regional Spatial Strategy (RSS) for the South West, 2006-2026 under the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 forecast housing and employment development in the English regions. It set a regional framework outlining locations for development, its scale and necessary infrastructure. It forecast the delivery of 117,350 new dwellings and at least 122,200 new jobs by 2026. It informed the assessment of transport investment which would help to provide this level of development in a sustainable way. The RSSs guiding principles included: minimising the need to travel through better alignment of jobs, homes and services; reducing reliance on the private car by improved public transport, effective planning of future development and demand management; seeking to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and better manage the future impacts of climate change on the environment, economy and society; encouraging a shift to more sustainable modes of transport; and creating and maintaining sustainable communities by promoting a step change in public transport.

The AVTM BRT scheme is consistent with meeting all of these principles. 3.10 The objectives set out in the RSS were further reflected in the Regional Funding Allocation (RFA) process. To assist with its decision-making process on funding for major transport schemes, the previous Government announced in 2005 a new system of funding prioritisation, through the RFA. This process asked the Regional Assembly (subsequently changed to the South West Councils) to consider all potential major schemes over a ten year period being considered by local authorities and national agencies and to score them against national transport objectives. The aim was to achieve a list of regional priorities that would be recommended to Government as the preferred schemes for funding in the South West. The priorities were: Promoting more sustainable patterns of transport; Supporting development and economic activity in strategically significant towns and cities through improved public transport, demand management, and selectively providing for new roads; Improving the reliability and resilience of inter and intra-regional connectivity through a second strategic road route into the region from London, on regionally significant transport corridors and on other transport corridors; Tackling access to jobs and delivery of services in rural areas; and Delivering against DfT/Regional shared priorities.


The importance of the West of England sub-region was duly recognised in this process. Initially, eight schemes were identified in the first round of prioritisation and a further ten were recognised as strategically important but requiring further work. The initial eight schemes included BRT routes from Bristol International


Airport/Ashton Vale to Emersons Green, Hengrove to the North Fringe, and Bath to Cribbs Causeway, as well as the South Bristol Ring Road (later to become the South Bristol Link). 3.12 A subsequent refresh of the RFA prioritised schedule was undertaken in autumn 2008. This resulted in agreed support from South West Councils for a refined network of schemes, including the BRT network, the first of which was the AVTM BRT scheme, to be followed by the North Fringe to Hengrove Package and the South Bristol Link. The position of the AVTM BRT scheme in the RFA schedule was a pre-requisite to the submission of the Major Scheme Business Case for the scheme to the DfT in March 2009 and its subsequent designation in March 2010 of Programme Entry status (funding approval in principle). The election of the Coalition Government in May 2010 resulted in a review of regional working and the abolition of a range of regional initiatives, including the draft RSS, South West Councils and the RFA. In the meantime, the Core Strategies of each of the four WoE authorities have revised predicted development rates with a forecast of 72,000 new dwellings by 2026 (the equivalent of a population increase of approximately 250,000 (Office on National Statistics (ONS) projection from a 2006 base)). Prioritisation of transport major scheme investment is now undertaken by Government directly. This has been through the assignation of a development status for compliant schemes. The AVTM BRT scheme was initially given 'Development Pool' status in the CSR and then received funding support (Programme Entry) from the DfT in the Chancellor's Autumn Statement on 29 November 2011. The Government subsequently awarded funding support (Programme Entry) to the South Bristol Link and North Fringe to Hengrove Package scheme, which comprise the rest of the BRT network (see Figure 1). The South Bristol Link is a combined highway and rapid transit scheme. The rapid transit element will physically connect with the AVTM scheme through a bus only junction at the southern edge of the AVTM corridor immediately outside the Long Ashton Park and site. The South Bristol Link scheme will effectively extend the rapid transit route to South Bristol, enabling the provision of a rapid transit service from Hengrove Park to Bristol city centre (via the Long Ashton Park & Ride site) and upgrading of the Bristol Airport Bristol Flyer service between the airport and Bristol city centre.






Figure 1: BRT network

Local policy, plans and studies Greater Bristol Strategic Transport Study (GBSTS), 2006 3.17 GBSTS has its origins in the London to South West and South Wales Multi-modal Study (SWARMMS), May 2002, which considered the strategic needs of the main east-west transport corridors in the South West. The scale of this study excluded consideration of the complex, area-wide issues in Greater Bristol. GBSTS therefore built on SWARMMS but was not constrained by it. The principal partners for GBSTS were the DfT/Government Office for the South West (GOSW), the South West Regional Development Agency (SWRDA), the Highways Agency (HA) and the four West of England councils. The study was commissioned to:




develop a series of integrated, multi-modal transport strategies over a number of future year scenarios, identifying and assessing solutions to improve strategic transport movements into, out of and through the study area; develop transport strategies that support existing economic activity, continue sustainable development and assist economic regeneration of urban areas and the wider process of urban renewal within the study area; and reduce the negative impact of transport on the environment.


(c) 3.19

In developing and assessing strategies, the study was required to ensure that they would be affordable and implementable. The development of the strategies was based on future demand for travel, including the impact of projected growth in population and employment. GBSTS prepared travel forecasts for 2031 based on the construction of 138,000 extra dwellings in the study area (78,000 on brownfield sites) and 95,000 new jobs. Whilst the growth in travel demand resulting from this development would be constrained to some extent by existing network capacity, it was still predicted to result in severe operational problems for the network. In particular, bus operation was adversely affected with a consequent increase in modal shift from bus to car. A set of transport measures to manage the projected growth in demand was formulated and tested to: (a) (b) (c) (d) encourage the use of alternative modes; manage travel demand; improve public transport; and deliver highway measures.



A major component of the package to improve public transport was a network of rapid transit routes, to build on the Greater Bristol Bus Network (GBBN) (for which a major scheme bid was being considered by the DfT) and achieve segregation from general traffic wherever possible. The routes would be designed to serve many of the new residential and employment developments, with the initial plans comprising: (a) (b) (c) (d) Ashton Vale to Emersons Green; North Fringe to Hengrove; Bath to Cribbs Causeway; and Whitchurch to Avonmouth/Portishead.


The GBSTS assessed costs of bus, guided bus and light rail modes and concluded that:


modern, low-floor, articulated buses are likely to be the most appropriate, flexible and cost effective vehicles to satisfy the requirements of the service. Joint Local Transport Plans 3.23 The emerging recommendations from GBSTS were taken account of in the first Joint Local Transport Plan (JLTP) for the West of England sub-region, produced in March 2006. The JLTP set out transport proposals for the 2006-2011 period, with objectives also consistent with the 2004 Shared Priorities of the Government and the Local Government Association and with a strong emphasis on major scheme development. Three of the four GBSTS rapid transit corridors were incorporated as BRT routes in the major scheme programme in the JLTP, with a programme of studies leading to the submission of bids for funding. This progress is built on further through the new JLTP3, produced in March 2011 and covering the period up to 2026. An emphasis is again placed on the transport major schemes programme, including the AVTM BRT scheme. The clear and consistent theme of the policy documentation is the BRT network in general, including the AVTM BRT scheme in particular, with long-standing, strategic objectives to tackle congestion, deal with the impact of projected development and reduce carbon emissions and car dependency.



Core Strategies 3.26 A Core Strategic Document is currently the principal policy document of a local planning authority for its area. The four Core Strategies of the WoE authorities have common themes around encouraging cycling, walking and public transport and making sure new developments are supported by transport infrastructure. Bristols Core Strategy was adopted in June 2011. It includes aspirations to build a low carbon economy, across homes, business and transport. The city will rise to the challenge of climate change and peak oil, and adapt to their consequences. The strategy includes a framework to enable delivery of the transport infrastructure required for Bristol to grow sustainably, improve accessibility, provide a step change in public transport and minimise the need to travel, especially by private car. The Strategy aims to reduce the impacts of transport on the environment, tackle congestion and encourage healthy lifestyles through widening travel choices, significant public transport schemes, the provision of safe and attractive cycling and walking routes, and the promotion of smarter choices. Bristols Core Strategy specifically refers to rapid transit routes, including Ashton Vale to the city centre, within its transport package. The draft North Somerset Core Strategys locational strategy aims to place new jobs, services and facilities where they are easily accessible by public transport, walking and cycling, give existing and future residents a choice of how to travel. It aims to accommodate the car, where car-based movement is unavoidable, but seeks ways to minimise harm to the environment through good quality design and maximising car sharing. The use of the AVTM corridor by bus services from North Somerset is consistent with these aims.




Bristols 20:20 Plan 3.29 The Bristol City Partnership is a local strategic partnership for Bristol. It is a cross-sector group of agencies and organisations working together to make Bristol a successful city. It has produced Bristols 20:20 Plan. It emphasises the significance of climate change and the need to reduce energy use and carbon emissions from transport, homes and the economy. The Plan proposes the development of an integrated transport system that reduces congestion, increases the use of public transport and makes it easier and safer for cyclists and pedestrians. North Somersets Improving our Communities Together community strategy also envisages communities well connected with good transport and communication linking people to jobs, schools and health and other services. Temple Meads and its surrounding area was designated as an Enterprise Zone in June 2011. The Enterprise Zone covers 70 hectares of land surrounding, and to the north and east of, the railway station, and is intended to boost regeneration and inward investment in this area by a range of initiatives to attract employers and innovation, including attractive business rates and relaxation of certain planning requirements. The AVTM BRT scheme will improve public transport links to the Enterprise Zone and links with interchange opportunities at Temple Meads.


4 4.1

Existing problem The Bristol urban area is located at the gateway to the South West, alongside the Severn Estuary, and has a population of approximately 500,000, with a subregional total of over 1 million. Car ownership and dependency is relatively high compared to the other cities of the Core Cities Group. Peak period traffic speeds are correspondingly low. Bus mode share is also low and air quality is poor in Bristol city centre. It is estimated that the local economy will be burdened by the consequent delays to journeys by an estimated 600 million per year by 2016 if no remedial action is taken. The existing problem can be analysed in terms of: Congestion; Accessibility and integration; Climate change and air quality; Safety; Housing and economic growth; and Quality of life.



Congestion 4.4 Bristol currently experiences traffic speeds (per person) of over 3.5 minutes per mile in the morning peak on its designated congestion corridors. The A4/A370 corridor into Bristol city centre, which is served by the AVTM BRT scheme, is one of the designated congestion corridors in the West of Englands Congestion



Delivery Plan. The corridor is estimated to experience journey speeds of 2.9 minutes per mile (per person) between 8 and 9 am (2008/09) between the Long Ashton bypass and St James Barton roundabout. This also contributes to high (and rising) Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) emissions in the city centre AQMA. This is expected to worsen following the delivery of the forecast housing and employment development in the south west quadrant of the sub-region and city centre. 4.5 In 2006, average peak hour speeds in Bristol were 16mph (the lowest of the eight Core Cities outside London). In 2010, Bristol had the lowest peak period speeds on main routes of any major urban area outside of London. The main areas of traffic congestion are focused on central Bristol, the Bristol North Fringe, Bath, and the radial and orbital corridors that serve them. Congestion is frequently highlighted as a major issue by stakeholders and the wider public. Without intervention, this congestion is forecast to worsen. In the JLTP3, it has been estimated that, by 2016, there will be a further 12% growth in traffic and the cost of congestion is estimated to increase by 70%. It is estimated that 21% of peak period travel time in Bristol is spent stationary in traffic queues. Bus services are often held up in congestion such that bus journeys in peak periods are often considerably longer, and less dependable, than at other times. The number of motor vehicle kilometres travelled in the West of England area grew by 18% between 1997 and 2007, with Bristol experiencing a 9% growth. This sub-regional growth is larger than both the national (14%) and South West (16%) averages. In some areas, such as the North Fringe, where there has been large-scale growth in employment, traffic levels have grown by as much as 30%. This congestion has resulted in poor air quality, delays, unreliable journey times and unsustainable pressure on existing infrastructure and services. Continued growth of congestion threatens the quality of the environment and the quality of life for people who live within it. Whilst catering for up to 1,400 trips per day (one way), the current journey times of the existing 903 Long Ashton Park & Ride service do not provide sufficient time savings to attract larger numbers of car drivers.




Accessibility and integration 4.9 There are wide variations in peoples ability to access services in the West of England. Factors are geographic location, car ownership, income, age, and mobility. Up to 30% of residents in Ashton Vale do not have access to a car. Transport access is limited to two narrow road access points which are restricted to one way shuttle working due to narrow railway bridges. The area is poorly linked to the rail network and is without a direct bus service to any of the local railway stations or Bristol Temple Meads.





There is poor accessibility for car trips into Bristol from the urban settlements in North Somerset such as Clevedon, Nailsea and Weston-super-Mare owing to traffic congestion, which results in extended and variable journey times. Access from these neighbouring urban settlements in North Somerset into Bristol is via the A370. While household car ownership is higher in these settlements, extended journey times exacerbated by traffic congestion results in poor accessibility for trips into Bristol by car, bus and motorcycle/bicycle. Accessibility by bus is a function of service frequency and journey time. While bus service frequencies from these settlements are relatively good, journey times are relatively poor. Similarly, bus journey times are unreliable. Accessibility by car has been improved by the Long Ashton Park & Ride facility which is located on the A370. The Park & Ride facility has achieved substantial patronage levels. The existing journey times, however, do not provide sufficient time savings to attract further patronage growth.



Climate change and air quality 4.14 There are six Air Quality Management Areas (AQMAs) in the West of England. The two largest, central Bath and central Bristol, include the main strategic roads (M32, A38 (north and south), A4 and A37). Ashton Vale is on the edge of the central Bristol AQMA just south of the A370. Over 100,000 people live within the Bath and Bristol AQMAs and the Bristol AQMA covers 25% of the Bristol city area. Transport is estimated to account for over 20% of CO2 emissions nationally and 36% at the local level. Motorway and trunk road traffic is the major source of emissions, accounting for about 55% of total CO2 emissions in the West of England, with urban roads responsible for around 30%. Within Bristols central AQMA, 97% of NOx emissions are from road traffic. CO2 emissions are expected to rise by 19% by 2011, from 2004 levels.


Safety 4.16 Around 300 people are killed or seriously injured on the West of Englands roads every year. Accidents involving cars accounted for around 60% of casualties (killed, seriously or slightly injured) in 2007. Built-up areas account for the greatest proportion of road casualties. Traffic flows are high, there are more turning movements, and the greatest potential for conflict between motor vehicles and other, vulnerable, road users occurs here.

Housing and economic growth 4.17 The West of England is already undergoing an unprecedented level of development in terms of major regeneration schemes - in particular, the rejuvenation of Broadmead shopping centre in central Bristol (Cabot Circus) along with other city centre schemes at Harbourside, Temple Quay North and the Courage Brewery.




Latest forecasts also show that, by 2026, there will be an increase in the number of homes in the West of England of approximately 72,000. The areas population could grow by approximately 250,000 people. Land use and development changes will continue to have a significant impact on travel behaviour, generating an increased use of the car and increasing congestion. Within the corridor of the AVTM route there are a significant number of recent or planned projects that represent the ambitions for housing and economic growth within Bristol. These projects in particular show the strong mutual benefit between public transport infrastructure and achieving sustainable development. At the western end of the corridor, Bristol City Football Clubs proposals for a new 30,000 seat stadium and conference facility will benefit from this additional public transport investment. Within the Harbourside part of the city centre the recently completed Bristol Museum (known as M-Shed) will sit alongside the route and in due course will be complemented by a major mixed use development immediately to the northern side of the route at Wapping Wharf. Planning permission was granted for this development to Umberslade in 2007 and is currently subject to an application to renew the permission. Moving further east the route passes a development site at Redcliffe Wharf, where BCC is in the process of selecting its development partner for a mixed use scheme that is likely to include residential and hotel development. At Temple Meads, BCC has been successful in securing an Enterprise Zone for approximately 70ha of land surrounding Temple Meads station. Planning permissions already exist for a mix of development including more than 100,000 square metres of office space but there are other future development sites including two sites owned by the Homes and Communities Agency. These will come forward for planning in 2012 for mixed use development and simplified planning arrangements are being put in place to assist the planning and development process. Public transport investment in this corridor will therefore provide an incentive for development schemes to come forward to deliver the growth aspirations in Bristol, and recent and future development itself will support the public transport provision. A substantial increase in public transport capacity is essential if these ambitious plans for employment, commercial and housing provision are to be accommodated in a sustainable manner. The projected growth in population and employment was applied within the GBATS3 transport model in order to provide forecasts for the growth in travel across the area to 2016 and 2031 disaggregated by the principal modes. The locations of individual developments provided the basis for the forecasts which were controlled to overall growth in the DfTs TEMPRO projections (V6.2) in line with the DfT WebTAG guidance. With no improvements to the transport infrastructure, between the base year (2006) and 2016 across the West of England sub-region there would be an increase in overall travel across all modes of 6% in the morning peak hour and 7% in the evening peak hour. For 2031, the growth from 2006 is forecast at 16% and









19% for the morning and evening periods respectively. Without improvements to the public transport system, the proportion of journeys made by car would remain high in 2031, with 89.1% of motorised trips in the morning peak and 91.5% in the evening peak being made by car. Due to the additional volume of travel, delays on the highway network in the peak periods would increase by 28% between 2006 and 2016 and by 140% between 2006 and 2031. It is against this background that the need to improve the public transport system is paramount. Quality of life 4.25 Traffic creates community severance. High vehicle flows accentuate this severance and detract from the quality of life for local people by creating noise, pollution and road safety and health problems.

Solution provided by the AVTM BRT scheme Congestion 5.1 5.2 The AVTM BRT scheme helps tackle existing and forecast congestion on the AVTM corridor and in the city centre. The scheme will expand the capacity of the public transport network to the south west of the sub-region and, by providing a new choice for travel, encourage a shift away from private car use to public transport. The AVTM BRT scheme will reduce by half the forecast journey times from Long Ashton Park & Ride to Bristol Temple Meads Station and Bristol city centre compared with the existing Park & Ride bus service, whilst also offering greater reliability and a better travelling experience. The AVTM BRT scheme forms part of the proposed BRT network comprising routes to Bristol city centre from Ashton Vale, Hengrove, the North Fringe and Emersons Green which serve existing and proposed housing and employment developments. The BRT network is illustrated in Figure 1. The BRT network is directly related to some of the most congested routes in the sub-region. The AVTM BRT scheme will provide a system that is almost 85% segregated from general traffic, greatly increasing the reliability of services. By 2016, 12,000 trips are forecast to be made on an average weekday (12 hours) on the AVTM BRT scheme. The reduction in car trips across the West of England sub-region would deliver an estimated total journey time cost saving of 128 million over the scheme appraisal period. 7,000 existing bus users will have improved service reliability between Long Ashton Park & Ride and the city centre each day. By 2031 the AVTM BRT scheme will provide additional 87% public transport capacity for peak hour trips (comparing spaces on existing buses with those on bus and rapid transit services on the AVTM BRT scheme).







Accessibility and integration 5.7 The AVTM BRT scheme will improve accessibility through improved journey times and journey time reliability into the city centre. Level platforms, multiple doors and low floor vehicles will help to make access easier for a wider range of people, improving travel opportunities for disabled people and the mobility impaired and parents with young children. 20,400 people live within 600 metres walking distance of a rapid transit stop on the route between Long Ashton Park & Ride and Bristol city centre. The AVTM BRT scheme will provide improved links to Bristol Temple Meads Railway Station (including the Temple Quay Enterprise Zone) and thus enhance connectivity to the national rail network. The link with public transport hubs in the city centre, including the bus station, will allow interchange with other bus services. The flexible nature of the AVTM BRT scheme will remove the need for passengers from the urban settlements in North Somerset to change their mode of transport at the Long Ashton Park & Ride. This will encourage users to start their journey in their local town. The AVTM BRT scheme will also contribute to a high quality integrated public transport network for the sub-region.

5.8 5.9

Climate change and air quality 5.10 In GBSTS, the BRT network is forecast to reduce the number of vehicle trips in the morning peak across the West of England sub-region by 2%,(with 0.2% from the AVTM BRT scheme), with car mode share falling from 80% to 76% and total vehicle delay on the network falling by 4%, which is expected to improve air quality conditions significantly in the Bristol AQMA, particularly along the M32, A38 (South Bristol) and A370/A4 corridors. The AVTM BRT scheme is forecast to move 4,000 car trips per day to bus rapid transit. The AVTM BRT scheme will use environmentally friendly vehicles with low emissions.

5.11 5.12 Safety 5.13 5.14

The AVTM BRT scheme will move journeys made by private car to a safer public transport mode. Pedestrians and cyclists will also benefit from priority measures and improved crossing facilities and through the permissive use of the maintenance track as a car-free walking and cycling route along the rapid transit alignment. The AVTM BRT scheme is estimated to result in a reduction in personal injury accidents per annum by 2016 across the West of England sub-region, equivalent to a monetised benefit of 4.5 million over the scheme appraisal period.




Housing and economic growth 5.16 The AVTM BRT scheme will form part of the increased transport capacity needed to serve the anticipated housing and economic growth. It will enable staff and customers to travel efficiently to employment and retail sites, improve the efficiency of supply chains, improve access to markets and support business competitiveness. The corridors in the BRT network and their relationship with the forecast residential and employment developments are shown in Figure 2. The BRT network is directly related to the Core Strategies of the WoE authorities and is an essential part of delivering the proposed developments sustainably.


Figure 2: BRT network corridors

*The Enterprise Zone/Areas and other priority locations displayed account for 70,000+ of the LEP target of 95,000 new jobs by 2030. 5.18 5.19 The AVTM BRT scheme will link the potential growth in the south west of the sub-region with Bristol city centre, Cabot Circus and Bristol Temple Meads. Of further importance is the need to drive economic growth through the WELEP. The AVTM BRT scheme will provide significant benefits in terms of economic output, unlocking jobs and reducing carbon emissions.



Quality of life 5.20 5.21 The AVTM BRT scheme will promote social inclusion by improving access to job opportunities, employment, retail, community, leisure and educational facilities. The AVTM BRT scheme will increase connectivity of communities in the south west of the sub-region to employment opportunities and health, leisure and retail facilities. It will also act as a catalyst for improvements in the public realm and other environmental improvements. Work carried out on the Greater Bristol Bus Network (GBBN) illustrates how transport schemes can contribute to the improvement of the communities through which they pass. Rather than concentrating solely on buses and bus stops, the GBBN schemes along the A4, A432 and A4018 also included improvements to the streetscape and walking environment.


AVTM BRT scheme development

Overview 6.1 The GBSTS proposed, as part of a strategic package of transport schemes across the West of England area, four rapid transit corridors. The recommendations of the GBSTS were taken forward as part of the development of the first JLTP in 2006. The consultation process for the development of the JLTP included three investment options based on different levels of funding: Option A: based on DfT financial planning guidelines and therefore assumed no additional capital expenditure on transport; Option B: included some additional capital expenditure on transport including two major scheme investments, the Greater Bristol Bus Network and Bath Package; and Option C: included significant additional capital expenditure on transport incorporating the recommendations from the GBSTS including the rapid transit network and specifically, kerb-guided high quality bus rapid transit.


Consultation on the JLTP started with partners in Summer 2004 and results from specific events and consultations in Spring and Winter 2005 were incorporated in to the final Plan. Over 60,000 leaflets were distributed and the website,, received 50,000 hits. The results showed that Option B and Option C were strongly supported or supported in written responses and questionnaire by 54% and 62% respectively. The WoE authorities subsequently submitted a Transport Innovation Fund application to DfT in support of Option C and were successfully awarded pump priming funding in November 2005. This was reflected in the final JLTP and three of the four rapid transit corridors were incorporated. These were: North Fringe to Hengrove; Bristol International Airport/Ashton Vale/Emersons Green; and





Bath to Cribbs Causeway.

In November 2005, further consultation sought views from councillors, parish councillors, stakeholders, members of the public and other interested parties on which possible Major Scheme Bids should be investigated further. The results again showed considerable support for a second generation public transport major scheme bid. To take this forward, in 2006 the WoE authorities commissioned transport consultant Steer Davies Gleave (SDG) to look at the delivery of rapid transit in the sub-region and to recommend a detailed programme of delivery. Stage 1 of the study reviewed the policy and planning background to rapid transit and all the potential routes within the corridors identified in the GBSTS. This initial work assessed 32 possible route options in those corridors on the basis of a range of criteria including those of the DfTs New Approach to Appraisal (NATA), opportunities for segregation from general traffic, deliverability, links to new developments and forecast patronage. The study considered two options between Long Ashton Park & Ride site and Bristol city centre: D1 via Cumberland Road: A fully segregated, two lane busway running from Prince Street via the Harbour Railway alignment alongside Cumberland Road, crossing the Avon New Cut on the existing Ashton Avenue bridge and connecting with to the Park & Ride site via an alignment through the (then) proposed Ashton Vale development, including a crossing of the Portbury rail freight line; and D2 via Parson Street: A fully segregated, two-lane busway running from Prince Street via a new bridge over the Avon New Cut to Dalby Avenue, to join the existing railway south of Bedminster Station. It would then run parallel to the railway before crossing the railway and turning north to run through the proposed new Ashton Vale development and terminate at the Park & Ride site.




Further consideration was also given at this stage to on-street alignments running via Hotwell Road and Cumberland Road. However, both these latter options were dismissed at an early stage owing to their dependence on on-street running. D1 was assessed as delivering higher benefits for a lower impact than D2, and was consequently one of ten route options prioritised for the second stage of the study. Stage 2 involved qualitative and quantitative assessment of impacts and benefits as far as possible using some high level modelling results from the sub-regional GBATS-2 model. The consultants concluded that: Initial demand modelling showed that likely patronage levels supported the choice of rapid transit as the most appropriate mode for supporting this growth;





There was significant opportunity to deliver a rapid transit network in Greater Bristol and the identified routes were deliverable within the [then] regional funding/investment programme timescales; and The identified routes were likely to have the strongest economic cases with benefits resulting from both rapid transit-only services as well as journey time savings for existing services utilising the rapid transit infrastructure.


This assessment identified four options which performed best against the assessment criteria: Ashton Vale to Bristol city centre; Hengrove/Hartcliffe to Bristol city centre; North Fringe to Bristol city centre; and Emersons Green to Bristol city centre.

6.11 6.12

Progress with, and the findings of, this commission were progressively reported to a Rapid Transit Project Board. A Corridor Options Short List Report (May 2007) undertook a further assessment of these four options to recommend a preferred option, considering service levels, engineering issues, environmental, planning and land impacts, and catchment areas. This assessment further raised the profile of the AVTM scheme recommending the prioritisation of the Ashton Vale to Emersons Green corridor as the next route in the programme. The report also recommended a segregated busway, forming the first phase of a wider network, with routes to Hengrove and the North Fringe to follow as the next priority. This recommendation was accepted by the Project Board in May 2007. In Summer 2007, subsequent studies by Halcrow were commissioned to design and assess the scheme to a sufficient level to support an application for major scheme funding to the DfT and associated Council decisions to endorse such an application. Subsequent assessment of further route options also followed to meet DfT appraisal criteria and demonstrate that the route choice for the proposed scheme was robust. These included options which considered use of Brunel Way, Commercial Road and Redcliffe Hill and Merchants Road. The engineering design undertaken from Summer 2007 identified the opportunity to maximise segregation along the Cumberland Road section of the AVTM route by providing an outbound bus lane on Cumberland Road, with inbound vehicles running on the Bristol Harbour Railway alignment. This commission also included an initial review of potential mode options including specific options for BRT including the implications of various vehicle guidance and fuel options. This work informed a more comprehensive review undertaken in September 2008. Stakeholder engagement continued in November 2007 including a presentation of recommendations to the Joint Transport Forum, an annual stakeholder conference on sub-regional transport matters. Prior to wider engagement on the proposals, however, a substantial level of public opposition to the proposed route alignment between Temple Meads and Emersons Green followed amid concern over the






impact of the busway on the amenity value of the Bristol to Bath railway path and its important role in Council policies to promote cycling and walking. 6.16 In April 2008, BCC considered the extent of objections received to this aspect of the proposals. The Council took a decision to oppose any threat to the current or future use of the Bristol to Bath cycle path and requested further information about the various route options, including on-street, and for these to be the subject of full public consultation. In order to allow sufficient time for the additional route options to be considered, the Rapid Transit Project Board decided to prioritise the section of route between Long Ashton Park & Ride and the city centre (the AVTM corridor). In September 2008, a second technology review of the available modes was undertaken, and its findings reported to the Joint Transport Forum in September 2008. This wide ranging review was undertaken in two stages. Firstly, a high level, strategic review re-considered a wide range of potential modes, building on the Halcrow review undertaken in 2007, including Metro, heavy rail, light rail, tram/train, Ultra Light Rail (ULR), conventional buses and automated people movers. The second stage then prioritised three modes for more detailed assessment: tram/train, Ultra Light Rail (ULR) and BRT. This considered these options both for the AVTM corridor and the wider rapid transit network on the basis of a range of criteria including cost, capacity, fuel consumption, impact on underground utilities and deliverability. The review concluded that a tram/train option was not suitable due to cost and timescales (this option would be dependent on the completion of a trial in Yorkshire prior to further consideration in other locations). ULR was considered to be too expensive and, in terms of its track and vehicles, relatively unproven and therefore a deliverability risk for a scheme in the AVTM corridor. Bus-based rapid transit was considered the best option for the AVTM scheme on the basis of cost, flexibility, and ability to be delivered within the funding timescale for the scheme. Between September and December 2008, the South West Regional Funding Allocation (RFA) was re-prioritised. This process included consideration at a regional level of priorities for transport investment from councils across the South West including the four WoE authorities. As a consequence of representations from the WoE authorities, the revised RFA included a programme of rapid transit schemes including the AVTM scheme, the North Fringe to Hengrove Package (which included routes to the North Fringe, Emersons Green and Hengrove, and a further, more direct route, from the city centre to Emersons Green based on route options for the (second phase) Temple Meads to Emersons Green corridor). More detailed public consultation on the AVTM scheme was then undertaken in November 2008. 36,000 invitation flyers were sent to households along the route corridor and a series of exhibitions held and attended by approximately 900 people. Additional meetings were also held with interested groups in response to the exhibitions. A total of 112 paper questionnaires and 169 on-line responses were received. Of these, 65% were in favour of the scheme, 20% against and 15% undecided. In addition to the public consultation, a Wrights RTV vehicle was exhibited around the city in December 2008.







The major scheme business case (MSBC) submission for the AVTM scheme was submitted to the DfT in March 2009, with subsequent submissions for the North Fringe to Hengrove Package and the South Bristol Link in March 2010. AVTM was granted Programme Entry status in March 2010. In May 2011, a further, more detailed technology review was undertaken by SDG, building on the September 2008 review. This review was produced in response to an independent proposal received from the Sustraco Consortium for an alternative ULR scheme between Ashton Gate and Temple Meads. The basis of this review was agreed with Sustraco to design, cost and assess the Sustraco proposal to the same level of detail as the BRT scheme, to enable an economic appraisal and patronage forecast and to establish an equivalent Benefit:Cost Ratio (BCR). The review concluded that a ULR from Long Ashton to Temple Meads would cost 14 million more than the BRT alternative. The BCR for the ULR scheme was 0.6:1 - well below the threshold for funding consideration by the DfT. To pursue a ULR option at this stage could have jeopardised DfT funding in the allocated period for the AVTM scheme.




City centre options 6.24 Services in the city centre section of the AVTM BRT scheme are an important part of the success of the scheme in terms of accessibility, integration and journey time reliability. Bristol city centre consists of a series of centres or hubs including Temple Quarter, Broadmead/Cabot Circus and The Centre. The challenge has been to link these areas in a comprehensible service that retains, as far as possible, journey time reliability. Assessment of a city centre route option commenced with the SDG January 2007 report, with the 2007 Short List Report assessing potential city centre routes and stopping patterns in more detail. The Short List Report recognised the greater challenges faced in the city centre in terms of maximising segregation from general traffic, consideration of impacts on general traffic movement and demands on kerbside space. City centre route options therefore concentrated on the expansion of existing, on-highway bus priority measures for use by rapid transit vehicles and this principle has continued to play a role in determining the final, anti-clockwise loop which forms part of the AVTM scheme. A number of options continued to be considered. The main options were: Option 1 Minimal works option which simply used the existing bus priority in the city centre with some modest improvements. Services run in a horse-shoe inbound and outbound on the same alignment with the Horsefair made bus-only during the main part of the day; Option 2 Significant works and the reorganisation of bus services and car traffic circulation with increased segregation in the city centre, known as the radical option; and Option 3 Loop Option (preferred scheme) where services would run in an anti-clockwise direction around the key centre locations. This option




looks to improve significantly the interchange at Temple Meads and fit with planned development at Redcliffe and Temple Quay as well as the redevelopment of Temple Meads Station being pursued by Network Rail. 6.26 Qualitative and some quantitative assessment of the options were undertaken against the scheme objectives, NATA criteria and deliverability considerations. In summary the results were: Option 1 had minimum benefits, providing some increased segregation but not addressing the issues of improved interchange with buses in The Centre or with rail/bus at Temple Meads Railway Station. Option 1 had the lowest cost and no impacts outside the existing highway boundary; Option 2 had good benefits through provision of a high level of segregation but had the highest cost of the options. The total cost estimate of 34 million was considered to be unaffordable within the available funding and these costs were likely to be more than the benefits delivered. Consultation with key stakeholders showed that there could be significant opposition to works in The Centre; and Option 3 had good benefits and reliability resulting from the services making use of continual left turns. It also had a much reduced capital cost compared with Option 2. This option was developed in response to stakeholder input and has substantial local support as a result of better service of the Redcliffe and Temple Quay areas.


Throughout the duration of the development of the AVTM BRT scheme the possibility of the redevelopment of the site north of Bristol Temple Meads Railway Station has been considered. As a result, various options for a rapid transit stop and the interface with the station have been considered, including a total re-design of the Temple Circus roundabout, a stop on the eastern side of the roundabout accessed from The Friary and a stop on the western side of the roundabout which would mean the service would not need to cross twice the heavily-trafficked Temple Way. The aim of the project throughout the AVTM BRT scheme development has been to ensure that BRT and railway station are as integrated as far as practicable and to this extent the 2008 MSBC included a new interchange at Bristol Temple Meads. These works would have been part of the then wider regeneration and development proposals for the area. Subsequent to this, work on the redevelopment was delayed and in order not to prejudice any future development proposals or to delay the programme for the AVTM scheme, the option for a stop on the eastern side of the roundabout has been pursued as part of the current scheme. In October 2011, DCLG approved BCCs proposals for a Temple Quarter Enterprise Zone. This is centred around Bristol Temple Meads Railway Station. This opens up opportunities for closer integration of the AVTM BRT scheme with the railway station; and Network Rail, as one of the partners in the Enterprise Zone, is particularly keen to maximise the benefits of closer integration.






Discussions are now underway on how this can best be achieved. One of the driving forces for this is to maximise the impact of Network Rail electrification and to capture the increased passenger numbers that this will bring for BRT. The AVTM BRT scheme will be supportive of and complementary to the Enterprise Zone project. 6.31 The route between Redcliffe Hill roundabout and Temple Circus was changed after the submission of the MSBC for similar reasons. To enable the AVTM BRT scheme to progress in the absence of an agreed masterplan, and commitment to secure development funding, the proposed route now runs on-street along the existing Redcliffe Way. This interim solution will not prejudice any future development planning but will be supportive of the project as a whole.

Consultation and community involvement 6.32 Prior to the detailed public consultation on the AVTM scheme in November 2008, the Neighbourhood Planning Network (NPN) was formed by a number of voluntary groups in Bristol to enable local neighbourhood groups to exchange ideas, information, expertise and experience in relation to the production of local plans and respond to local planning applications. Its purpose is to increase and improve the ability and effectiveness of community groups to be involved in the local planning and development process. An initial meeting with representatives of NPN was held in October 2008. It was agreed that an ongoing relationship for engagement on transport proposals would be formed through a steering group. NPN suggested a format of local, focussed meetings with representatives of neighbourhood groups. This was widened to include non-geographic based groups. NPN facilitated a series of three meetings which were held between September and November 2009. These were: Meeting 1 - to concentrate on ensuring all the neighbourhood group representatives had a good understanding of the AVTM BRT scheme proposals, project timescales and the opportunities for influencing the design. The first meeting also generated some initial issues and concerns; Meeting 2 - in preparation for this second meeting the project provided a list of discussion questions via email. The meeting generated a further list of specific issues and concerns and a response to issues raised at the first meeting was provided. The project also presented ideas on the design principles of the AVTM BRT scheme for the group to comment on; and Meeting 3 - consisted of responding to the issues and concerns raised at the second meeting and providing advice to the group on the next stages of the project and how they could be involved.



All issues raised were noted and the AVTM BRT scheme details amended or responses were provided by the project team back to the steering group. These were emailed to attendees by the NPN co-ordinator and published on the WoE authorities website. Overall feedback was that the process was helpful in disseminating information about the AVTM BRT scheme and in providing opportunity for involvement.




In early 2011, the AVTM BRT scheme was refined in response to the CSR and account was taken then of representations received on the Order. During the development of the BAFB for the DfT (as part of the DfTs requirements under the CSR), further meetings were held with the NPN.

Community interest groups 6.36 The project team has also engaged with a variety of community interest groups. This has taken the form of meetings, presentations, written responses and site visits. The community groups consulted with include Friends of the Avon New Cut (FrANC), Transport for Greater Bristol Alliance, the Kingfisher Group, Spike Island Arts Centre and the Bristol Harbour Recreational Users Group.

Stakeholder engagement 6.37 Stakeholder consultation has been ongoing through the development of the AVTM BRT scheme, particularly with parties potentially affected by the proposals. Consultation with different stakeholders has varied depending on the type and interests of stakeholders. This has included: Individual meetings and interaction with parties with specific interests in certain elements of the AVTM BRT scheme, such as transport organisations, developers and emergency authorities particularly to obtain input into the design of the scheme at an early stage; Presentations to groups of people with similar interests, such as resident groups, industry groups and special interest groups; Formal, written consultation with relevant planning authorities, environmental authorities and equality groups at stages throughout development of the scheme; and Regular and formal communication with decision makers and funders (for which processes are already in place through project governance structures).

Statutory consultation 6.38 Under Rule 10(2)(d) of the Transport and Works (Applications and Objections Procedure) (England and Wales) Rules 2006 (the 2006 Rules), an applicant for a Transport and Works Act Order is required to confirm, in a consultation report, that there has been consultation with the relevant bodies or persons or category of body or person mentioned in Schedules 5 and 6 to the Rules, who are entitled to receive a copy of the application documents or be served with notice of the making of the application.

Scheme refinement 6.39 In response to the requirements of the DfT, as part of the CSR and in response to consultation, a scheme refinement exercise was carried out which involved a review of the entire alignment but included focus on higher cost and risk items.




Changes made as a result of this exercise, which would not jeopardise the performance of the scheme or its value for money, included: The length and style of platforms; Reduction of the width of the maintenance track along the AVTM corridor from 4m to 3m; Relocating the Silbury Road stop away from Colliters Brook; Removal of a proposed cantilevered section on the Ashton Avenue Swing Bridge for pedestrians and cyclists, and shuttle working of BRT (under traffic signal control) across the bridge; Re-aligning the Bristol Harbour Railway terminus spur to avoid the demolition of the tin shed at the A Bond warehouse; Revising the specification for the temporary Prince Street Bridge to that of a sufficiently high temporary bridge to obviate the need for it to lift or swing to permit navigation beneath it; Reducing the specification of the proposed off-bus ticket machines; and Reducing the proposed ITS infrastructure to CCTV on the platforms only and simple communication networks;

These were included in the BAFB submitted to the DfT on 9 September 2011. 7 Proposed scheme

Outline of the AVTM BRT scheme and the AVTM corridor 7.1 The AVTM BRT scheme will provide a high quality public transport service between North Somerset and Bristol city centre with stops en route to provide a step-change in public transport provision. The scheme comprises three elements: The AVTM corridor; The city centre section; and The bus services (including those to and from North Somerset) that will use the busway in the AVTM corridor.



The works and powers required for the AVTM corridor are the subject of this TWA application. The AVTM corridor is the section from Long Ashton Park & Ride to the Arnolfini stop, just north of Prince Street Bridge, Bristol. It is a 4km long largely segregated and guided busway using kerb guidance. The AVTM corridor section provides additional reliability and improved journey times for the bus services. After the corridor section, the route serves the city centre in the form of an anticlockwise loop running on existing highway via Temple Circus, Cabot Circus, Broadmead and The Centre with additional link and junction priorities.




AVTM corridor 7.5 The infrastructure starts at the existing Long Ashton Park & Ride site, with the segregated busway and adjacent maintenance track available for use by pedestrians and cyclists heading from the Park & Ride access road across Ashton Fields to the south and east to skirt the site of the proposed new stadium for Bristol City Football Club. A more direct route across Ashton Fields is also proposed as an alternative, if the stadium development does not take place. A stop is proposed to serve Ashton Vale. The busway then continues east and turns north to run parallel with and then cross the Portbury Freight Line on a new bridge and then continues on a disused railway alignment passing under Brunel Way. Passive provision is made for a stop at Ashton Gate. The route crosses the River Avon New Cut on the (disused but for pedestrians and cyclists) Ashton Avenue Swing Bridge to pass the CREATE centre where the busway will displace the current terminus of the Bristol Harbour Railway and its alignment up to the Avon Crescent/Cumberland Road junction. From here to the Cumberland Road bridge, the inbound busway shares the alignment with the Bristol Harbour Railway. On the occasions when the railway is used, inbound buses will use the Cumberland Road carriageway. The outbound alignment will run on a new bus lane along Cumberland Road. There is an intermediate stop at Spike Island which will also serve the SS Great Britain and areas to the south of the New Cut (via the Vauxhall pedestrian bridge). Passing under Cumberland Road at the existing skew bridge the route heads east along the back of the railway sidings on the southern side of the Harbourside and behind the M-Shed (where a stop is proposed), to enter Wapping Road and turn north across Prince Street Bridge to the Arnolfini stop, which will serve the north Harbourside area and The Centre. General traffic will be prohibited from Prince Street Bridge and facilities for pedestrians and cyclists improved. The AVTM corridor section is designed for use by single decked, double-decked and single decked articulated vehicles.





Bristol city centre loop 7.10 Immediately north of the Arnolfini stop the route turns right along The Grove and commences the anti-clockwise loop of the city centre. The loop is on existing highway and the AVTM BRT scheme will augment existing public transport priority provision. After travelling along Redcliffe Way, the stop on Temple Circus will serve Bristol Temple Meads. The alignment then follows Temple Way northwards with a stop to serve the Cabot Circus retail centre and thence use existing bus priority provision along Bond Street. A stop to serve the Broadmead shopping area with access to the bus station, Bristol Royal Infirmary and other medical facilities would be provided east of St James Barton roundabout. The alignment then continues along The Haymarket, Rupert Street and Colston Avenue to a stop at The Centre on Broad Quay. The loop would be completed by the provision of a new bus lane along Prince Street, towards Prince Street Bridge. New high quality rapid transit stops will be incorporated throughout.



Prince Street Bridge 7.11 Prince Street Bridge currently operates with a two-way signalised shuttle working for vehicles on its eastern side, with pedestrians and cyclists on its western side, segregated from traffic. The bridge currently has a weight restriction of 3 tonnes and is narrowed to 7 6 to help in enforcing the restriction. The AVTM BRT scheme will structurally strengthen the bridge to enable BRT as well as other bus services to use the bridge. At the same time, the bridge will be closed to general traffic. By 2031, the hourly two-way traffic using the bridge is projected at 650 and 500 vehicles in the morning and evening respectively. With the closure to general traffic, the traffic would find a number of alternative routes with a ripple effect across the city centre creating small changes to a number of links. The main impact would be to add some 200 more vehicles onto the roads through Bedminster Bridge (e.g. Commercial Road, Clarence Road and York Road) with a small increase in journey times through the junction. In turn this would divert some traffic onto Bath Road and Temple Circus. Elsewhere small volumes of traffic would switch routes, e.g. from Cumberland Road to Hotwell Road and Coronation Road. However, the overall effect does not create a significant increase in delay on the local network.


City centre traffic 7.13 The introduction of BRT has some impact on the movement of traffic within the city centre, through the change to the way in which the road space in the city centre is shared between BRT/bus services and general traffic. However, the effects are spread across a number of alternative sections of the road network such that the net impact is dissipated. In some cases, small-scale adjustments to the design of junctions or to the traffic signal timings will minimise the impacts. Key junctions in the city centre have been modelled to assess the immediate impact of the scheme and then examine the effects of altering the design or operation of the junction. Across all junctions assessed in the city centre, the scheme produces a slight overall improvement to the operation of a congested highway network, with an average of 4% less traffic in 2016 and 2% less traffic in 2031. As indicated above, through the closure of Prince Street Bridge, there is additional pressure on Bedminster Bridge in the evening peak hour in 2016 and 2031, although it operates within capacity at other times. Analysis of St James Barton Roundabout shows that by 2031 the link between Haymarket and Marlborough Street would be oversaturated in the evening peak. The Temple Circus and Bath Bridge gyratory system is marginally improved.


Principles of AVTM BRT scheme design 7.15 As well as providing a step-change in public transport provision, the introduction of the AVTM BRT scheme affords the opportunity to impact positively on the surrounding environment. The application of good design principles to the route, stop locations and operational infrastructure will establish an overall visual



identity for the system that will help to define public perceptions and passenger experience. 7.16 Therefore, as part of the project, Visual Identity Guidelines (VIG) were established. The VIG set out the design approach and principles of design for rapid transit in the region and go on to set out the context of the AVTM BRT scheme, guidelines for wayfinding, information provision, stop design, ticket machines, branding and vehicle design. The principles were presented to the NPN and discussed in the meetings with them in autumn 2009.

Design approach 7.17 The overall approach is to create a strong visual identity for the system that is composed of a range of interrelated design elements that can be creatively combined in order to: reveal and communicate the scheme as a whole; respond to the specific qualities and opportunities of individual locations, especially in areas valued for their heritage and public realm; promote a system that facilitates connecting with walking and cycling journeys; and ensure low environmental impact in terms of impact on the local context of, and the use of, sustainable construction and energy technologies.

Guided busway 7.18 The guided busway will have a minimum width of 2.6 metres with an approximate kerb upstand of 200mm for the side guidance tracking mechanism fitted to the buses. This will consist of small horizontal jockey wheels attached to the front axle steering mechanisms. The twin busways will be separated by a central reservation with a minimum width of 0.6 metres and typically 1.0 metre. Entry and exit flares will align the guided bus into the guided busway channel. A linear infiltration channel will be incorporated in the centre of each guided busway to manage surface water drainage in accordance with the Sustainable Urban Drainage System (SUDS) philosophy, which will either discharge into existing railway construction before outfalling into Environment Agency brooks, the Avon New Cut or the existing highway drainage network.

7.19 7.20

Stops and interchanges 7.21 The construction of the stop platforms will be fully integrated with the guided busway in order to provide level boarding facilities with ramped access from the adjacent highway. The stops will be made up of flexible modular units, which can be tailored for each individual stop location. Along the AVTM corridor there will be stops at the Long Ashton Park & Ride site, Ashton Vale, CREATE Centre, Spike Island (for SS Great Britain) and MShed; and space for an additional stop at Ashton Gate has been allowed for.





Stops along the AVTM corridor will offer: level boarding and easy alighting; suitably weatherproof waiting facilities; secure cycle facilities, real time Information; off-bus ticketing where required; sympathetic adjacency with public realm context and materials whilst maintaining strong system visual identity lighting designed to a high standard; CCTV; ramped access for the adjacent public highway; connections to existing footpaths; and way-finding information.


Around the city centre loop there will be a stop at Arnolfini; and on the rest of the loop there will be single platforms at Temple Circus, Cabot Circus, Broadmead and the City Centre.

Junctions and crossings 7.25 Where the guided busway intersects with the existing public highway, relevant highway standards will be applied to ensure the safety of junctions. Priority will be given to the guided buses to ensure journey time reliability. Where stops are adjacent to junctions, speeds will be lower and the signals will be coordinated to minimise the red time on the intersecting roads. All traffic signal controlled junctions will be subject to a road safety audit by a team independent of the designers.


Maintenance track 7.27 A maintenance track will be constructed parallel to the route between the Park & Ride site at Long Ashton to, and across, Ashton Avenue Swing Bridge (with the exception of the Portbury Freight line bridge). It is proposed that the maintenance track will be available for use by pedestrians and cyclists and any planned closures will be publicised. The width will accommodate maintenance and emergency vehicles and meets national guidance for the width of an area to be shared by pedestrians and cyclists who will be permitted to use it once the route is open. It is envisaged that emergency procedures will be as for conventional buses. In the event of an emergency when vehicles are on the guideway, passengers will be evacuated to the evacuation strip and will proceed to the nearest stop, suitable footway or road junction.




Public realm design 7.29 The importance of the public realm and landscape is recognised in the design approach and the need to integrate the scheme successfully into the existing streets and spaces. The scheme responds in detail to the character of these streets and spaces in terms of layout and appropriate use of materials. Where possible existing heritage features are to be retained or incorporated into the scheme. Appropriate materials will be used which match the surrounding materials, such as pennant stone walls and metal work, so that the character is retained and enhanced where possible. At A Bond some of the existing railway features will be retained such as the stone walling. Along the Chocolate Path the existing block path will be retained and repaired in places with the low wall and railings replaced. The railings on Cumberland Road will be repaired and replaced as required with the new stops using materials to match the existing. Particular attention will be paid to the interface with the listed buildings such as the Vauxhall Bridge. The new walls at the Cumberland Road bridge would be clad in pennant stone and the detail designed to match the existing. Concrete slabs, as well as ballast would be used for the BHR so that the realigned tracks retain their existing character. The small scale railway features, which make an important contribution to the character of the area, would be retained and re-used. At Prince Street Bridge, the opportunity will be taken to remove existing street clutter and thereby offer enhancements to the street. New structures will be designed so that they respond to their context. The bridges and culverts at Ashton Vale will be simple and low key in design. Retaining walls will be appropriately finished and clad in natural stone where required. Embankment and cut slopes will be designed to fit into the adjacent landform with graded out slopes and naturalised slopes. Existing planting will be protected where it is being retained and new planting carried out to replace that lost. The new planting will be appropriate to its context, be it native species in a more natural context or more ornamental in style.



7.32 7.33

Lighting 7.34 In order to reduce light pollution, particularly on the more rural and residential length of the busway only limited street lighting will be included between the Long Ashton Park & Ride site and the junction of Avon Crescent and Cumberland Road. Lighting will be provided at pedestrian crossing points. Where appropriate busway lighting will be combined with road lighting to minimise the numbers of lamp columns and therefore reduce the effects on the public realm. All stops will be illuminated with energy efficient lighting to provide a safe environment for passengers. Lighting will be included along footpaths to and from stops to adjacent roads with screening to reduce light pollution.





Traffic Regulation Orders 7.37 The equivalent of Traffic Regulation Orders (TROs) are proposed, for example in relation to parking, where there is a proven need and in order to provide for the safe and reliable access to, and operation of, the system and when the BHR is operating to the east of Cumberland Road.

AVTM corridor 7.38 A combination of No Waiting at Any Time and No Loading at Any Time restrictions will be required on the north-east side of Avon Crescent in order to prohibit or restrict parking and maintain vehicular flow. On Cumberland Road (both sides) a combination of No Waiting at Any Time and No Loading at Any Time restrictions will be required to maintain vehicular flow and to accommodate a new bus lane. A new 24-hour westbound bus lane will be provided on the south side of Cumberland Road to enable rapid transit vehicles to progress without delay. A Prohibition of Driving will be introduced on Prince Street, Prince Street Bridge and Wapping Road, and between The Grove and Merchants Quay to avoid BRT vehicles being delayed. The equivalent of Traffic Regulation Order Schedules is included in Schedule 8 to the draft TWA Order.

7.39 7.40


City centre section 7.42 BRT vehicles will use existing bus lanes whilst travelling around the anticlockwise city centre loop. As the city centre experiences congestion, additional 24-hour bus lanes will be provided on The Grove, Redcliffe Way, Temple Way, Bond Street, The Haymarket, Rupert Street, Colston Avenue and Prince Street in order to avoid BRT vehicles being delayed. These elements will be co-ordinated with city centre proposals for the North Fringe to Hengrove Package.

Construction of the scheme

Introduction 8.1 The construction of the busway and ancillary works for the AVTM corridor, is expected to last approximately 18 months. This will include building the works, landscaping, mitigation measures and commissioning. Advanced works including archaeological excavation, ecological works, ground investigation and the structural upgrade of Ashton Avenue Swing Bridge which will form part of the haul route for the scheme and will take place prior to the main construction works. Diversion of some statutory undertakers equipment may also take place prior to construction. The city centre loop consists of a series of isolated sites, the major ones being Arnolfini, Temple Circus and Haymarket. Bus lanes will be laid using a moving31



site train. There will be a strong emphasis on traffic management throughout the city centre works to maximise road safety and minimise congestion during works. 8.3 As both the AVTM BRT scheme and North Fringe to Hengrove Package require works in the city centre, the proposals and programmes of the two schemes will be coordinated. Construction activity will be covered by a Code of Construction Practice (CoCP). The CoCP will be developed in consultation with the relevant authorities and included in the construction contract. It is anticipated that compliance with it will be a condition of planning consent. The CoCP will cover traffic management environmental and safety issues.


Advance works Construction activities 8.5 Ashton Avenue Swing Bridge is in the critical link across the Avon New Cut and will form an integral part of the haul route for major guided elements of the corridor. Therefore the strengthening works will be carried out in advance of the main works. In general, the works required will be of a form that is typical of construction of a major highway scheme. There are no works envisaged that could require untested methods of construction. All techniques to be adopted are proven methods of construction which major civil engineering contractors in the UK are experienced in undertaking.


Demolition activities 8.7 On the AVTM corridor, a total of three commercial properties will need to be demolished. They are: 8.8 The Sidings, Ashton Vale Road; Shed behind Miranda Guinness Building, Wapping Wharf; and Jubilee House, Wapping Road.

To construct the city centre loop it is necessary to demolish and relocate a public stairway to Rupert Street. This will maintain access to Fromesgate House and provide sufficient road space for the new bus lane. The new stairway will be constructed in sympathy with surrounding buildings.

Statutory undertakers equipment 8.9 Where diversions are necessary, works will include digging new trenches, laying of new services, backfill to trenches and the installation of concrete protection slabs. In developing the AVTM BRT scheme the location of all existing services has been identified. Discussion with statutory undertakers will be held to determine the most appropriate diversion route which minimises impact on their services and




is least disruptive for their maintenance. The project has been developed to minimise the need for the diversion of major services. Route construction Earthworks 8.11 A preliminary earthworks assessment has concluded that the majority of the existing route is suitable for the use of the guideway system, owing to the presence of the abandoned heavy rail line. The presence of any contamination will be identified and the engineering properties of the existing ground will be established as part of the ground investigation. Contaminated material will be disposed of in accordance with statutory requirements at licensed sites. The current assessment of the earthworks has identified that there is a net import of material. The precise volumes can only be determined following detailed design. The current assessment shows that the excavated volume for the project is, for example in scenario 2, 22,000m3 and the fill volume is 33,000m3 resulting in a net import to the site of 11,000m3. Most of the disused railway corridor is characterised by existing scrubby vegetation that has naturally regenerated over the years. As the construction working width is limited along the corridor, and drainage features need to be constructed at the site boundaries, a large proportion of the existing vegetation will need to be removed.



Maintenance track 8.14 Drainage AVTM corridor 8.15 The drainage system along the AVTM corridor will adopt a Sustainable Drainage System. Infiltration drains filled with free draining granular material will be constructed along the centre of each guided busway for the dispersal of surface water. The infiltration drain will be connected to either underground storage tanks or swales before discharging at a controlled rate into the local water network (river or brooks) where possible. Where this cannot be achieved, traditional positive drainage systems will be introduced adopting gullies and pipes to tie-in to existing highway drainage or outfalls into drainage ditches. An area will be provided around each outfall for their construction and maintenance. All outfalls will be formed in concrete. The maintenance track will consist of bituminous surface free draining into adjacent swales and filter drains.

City centre loop 8.16 Drainage of the city centre loop will be to existing highway drainage.



Structures 8.17 There will be six new or altered structures. Three will span watercourses, one will span a railway line, one is a ramp joining Cumberland Road to the Bristol Harbour Railway alignment, and one is a new public stairway on Rupert Street in the city centre. The construction methodology will ensure that any temporary work and temporary rights of way diversions will not impede the flow of water even during a flood. A new bridge will be constructed across the Portbury Freight Line, crossing the railway at a point south of the existing Winterstoke Road level crossing. The approaches will be constructed on a combination of earth embankment and piers. Adequate inter-visibility at the traffic signal controlled junction of Ashton Gate Underpass and the link road to the CALA Industrial Estate will be provided. The bridge deck will be constructed remotely and will be lowered into place during weekend working that will require possession of the Portbury Freight Line and highway closure to the industrial estate.

8.18 8.19


Bristol Harbour Railway 8.21 BCC operates and maintains the Bristol Harbour Railway (BHR) which runs steam trains from its base at M-Shed along two routes: M-Shed to the SS Great Britain and M-Shed via the Avon New Cut to its terminus at the CREATE centre. The BHR infrastructure associated with the Avon New Cut line will be replaced by a combined guided busway and heavy rail system. The combined system will allow shared use by BHR and rapid transit vehicles. It will only be used by BHR on Sundays in the summer months. On these days, the rapid transit vehicles will use an alternative route between Prince Street Bridge and the junction of Avon Crescent and Cumberland Road.


Off-line highway works 8.23 (a) All off-line highway works are shown on the Illustrative Corridor Value Engineering plans. They include: Works to the existing link road to the Long Ashton Park & Ride site to facilitate a bus only right turn lane for buses entering the AVTM BRT scheme. A realignment of the existing footway at Ashton Road and the Winterstoke Underpass resulting in the loss of an existing lay-by. The re-alignment of the existing public highway in this area will necessitate the re-alignment of the existing Toucan crossing at the junction of Winterstoke Road and Marsh Road. Traffic signals, including tram like signals, at the junction of Cumberland Road and Avon Crescent in order to permit the safe scissor movement for





rapid transit vehicles. Controlled pedestrian crossing facilities will be implemented as part of the works to this junction. (d) (e) (f) A re-profiling of Cumberland Road so that inbound and outbound traffic and vehicles using the proposed bus lane are not on an adverse camber. Works at the top of the proposed Cumberland Road ramp to tie in to Cumberland Road. An upgrading of the existing junction between Museum Street and Wapping Road to a full priority junction.

On-street works 8.24 The Haymarket works consist of major works on a live highway with limited space. Works will be carried out under lane closures while maintaining live traffic and any road closures necessary will be at weekends only. Other works will be relatively minor in nature and can be carried out under offpeak or weekend lane closures and shuttle working and short-term or weekend road closures. The Arnolfini works will be carried out while Prince Street is closed to traffic during the bridge works and only pedestrian and cycle traffic needs to be maintained. Temple Circus works may require closure of Redcliffe Way eastbound for a time. Laying of red surface treatment to bus lanes will use a moving-site train, working inside a coned-off area.



Construction access and compounds 8.27 The efficiency of completing the works is dependent on the location of site compounds, and the need to ensure distance travelled from the compound to the site of work is not too great. A single main compound is considered appropriate, with local compounds at areas of significant activity such as new bridge sites. The main material storage compound is to be situated at the Long Ashton Park & Ride site due to its excellent access to the adjacent A370. There will be a storage compound at Cumberland Road basin for the pre-cast guided busway beams. Other local compounds are to be located adjacent to the works at Portbury Rail bridge and at Wapping Wharf and Prince Street Bridge, Temple Circus and the Haymarket. Small satellite facilities will be provided for the minor roadworks around the city centre loop. If the successful contractor wishes to use additional or alternative compound sites, they will be the subject of separate planning applications and require the consent of the landowner.






Construction traffic 8.31 To minimise the numbers of construction vehicles on the highway network, it is planned to use the river and port through the Cumberland Basin to bring in the main structural elements of the BRT route, such as the pre-cast concrete guide beams. Some materials will need to be delivered via the strategic highway network (e.g. M4, M5, A4 and A370). Locally, construction traffic will use a haul route along the footprint of the scheme wherever possible thus avoiding the local road network. However, use of the haul route may be constrained in the early part of the construction programme by the construction of the new bridge crossings and the refurbishment of existing crossings. Where the haul route cannot be used, construction traffic will be routed along the local road network with access to the sites via one of the several construction access points. Where construction traffic has to use the local road network, journeys will be timed to avoid peak periods wherever possible. The manoeuvres of construction vehicles at the proposed access and egress points have been modelled to ensure that larger vehicles (e.g. articulated vehicles) are able to gain access to the site from the existing highway at certain locations.


Rights of way 8.33 The Order includes powers temporarily and permanently to stop up rights of way and provide diversions and replacements as appropriate. In the Ashton Vale area it will be necessary to temporarily close footpaths FP207 and FP422 during the construction of the AVTM corridor. In addition, it will be necessary to permanently close footpaths FP424, FP423 and parts of LA12/14 and FP207. Replacement footpaths will be created in order to minimise any adverse effects to the local community who use the existing footpath network. In the Cumberland Road area it will be necessary to temporarily close footpaths FP392 and FP393 during the construction of the AVTM corridor. Following the completion of the AVTM corridor, the public footpath network in the area will be improved by the creation of new paths (including a maintenance track adjacent to the busway which will also be made available to pedestrians and cyclists).


Construction programme 8.35 The following indicative programme (Table 1) shows a possible timescale for the works. Table 1: Indicative construction programme Month Activity 1 Set-up site, mobilise, protection of selected areas of vegetation and individual specimens Site clearance, demolitions, fencing and security Earthworks, embankments, drainage including storage tack 36

2 3-12



Refurbish, adapt, raise and strengthen existing structures; construct major new structures Guideway, BHR construction, traffic signals, stops Installation, testing and commissioning of communications system Landscaping and ecological mitigation measures including acoustic barrier Driver training and trial running Scheme opens.

6-12 13-15 16

17 18

Operation of the scheme

Rapid transit and feeder bus operations 9.1 It is intended that the current 903 service between Long Ashton Park & Ride and Broadmead will be replaced and augmented by a core BRT service. Services in the peaks will run up to every six minutes (ten vehicles per hour) and every twelve minutes in the off peak (five vehicles per hour). The AVTM corridor will also provide the ability for bus services to/from North Somerset (e.g. Nailsea, Clevedon and Weston-super-Mare) to join the busway using appropriate vehicles and serving a variety of different destinations. The total level of service on the AVTM corridor would be 15 services per hour in the peaks, one every four minutes and ten services per hour in the off-peak, one every six minutes. The operation of the BRT on the segregated alignment has been assessed to ensure the operation of the combined service (BRT and feeder services) particularly at the pinch-points at Ashton Avenue Swing Bridge, Cumberland Road Bridge and Prince Street Bridge where signalised alternate working will be required. Furthermore, the overall scheme includes measures within the city centre to ensure the smooth operation of these services within the city centre loop. Where necessary, further refinements will be made to traffic signal settings to reflect changes in the BRT services and traffic conditions over time. The AVTM BRT scheme will significantly improve journey times and journey time reliability. In 2016, the current 903 Park & Ride service journey time to Bristol Temple Meads is forecast to take 26 minutes in the peak and 20 minutes in the off-peak. Rapid transit will improve this to 9 minutes in the peak and 9 minutes in the off-peak, savings of 17 and 11 minutes respectively. There will be further time savings for journeys starting or ending in the city centre.



Access to the busway 9.4 All bus operators will be given access to the BRT infrastructure subject to meeting minimum quality and operational standards and the terms of a bus-way



operational code. The details of the minimum quality standards are still to be finalised but are likely to focus on vehicle specification, minimum frequency, emission standards and ticketing requirements. 9.5 Access to the busway will be controlled through a combination of (a) rights granted under the TWA Order and (b) a tendered service specification alongside (and consistent with) a Quality Partnership Scheme (QPS), under the provisions of the Local Transport Act 2008. The QPS will set out most of the minimum quality and operational standards for the BRT network. Finalisation of the QPS will include a process of dialogue with bus operators, by which agreement is reached on the facilities to be provided by the councils and the standard of services to be provided by the bus operators. The councils aspiration is that the QPS should include the following provisions: The facilities to include: the busway; specific bus lanes; and provision of passenger facilities such as interchanges and real-time information hardware and software.


The Standard of Services to include: Minimum vehicle specifications, e.g. emission standards, vehicle accessibility specifications, vehicle cleaning and driver training; Minimum service frequency and co-ordination of service headways; Maximum fares; and Joint branding and service promotion.

The councils may levy a charge on bus operators to cover the costs of maintenance and cleaning. Service characteristics 9.7 The following table (Table 2) sets out the primary service characteristics currently intended for both the core BRT service and the feeder bus services from North Somerset. The detailed service specifications and requirements will be finalised following the completion of the QPS and the procurement of the core BRT service. Table 2: Primary service characteristics Core BRT service Buses per hour Weekdays AM peak frequency every 6 mins North Somerset services Weekdays Bus service X1 (Weston-superMare) feeder bus



Inter peak frequency every 12 mins PM peak frequency every 6 mins

AM peak, inter peak and PM frequency every 30 mins Bus service 354 (Nailsea) AM peak, inter peak and PM frequency every 30 mins Bus service 361 (Clevedon) AM peak, inter peak and PM frequency every 60 mins

Vehicle specification

Articulated 18m single deck based vehicles Vehicle carrying capacity minimum 110 people, minimum seating capacity 50 seats, remainder standing. Power plant either diesel EURO 5/EEV or diesel hybrid or other emerging technology Air conditioning On-board media systems plug in power charging points, information screens

Predominantly 11m/12m single and double deck buses Vehicle carrying capacities between 50 90 people

Power plant diesel - minimum emission requirement to be determined (likely to be EURO 3 or higher)

Fares and Ticketing

Fares specified by the councils

Fares specified by the commercial bus operators, subject to possible regulations to regulate fare level consistency Ticketing hardware and system functionality specified by the councils ITSO ticketing architecture via the sub-regional technological platform Host Operator Processing System (HOPS) and Card Management System (CMS)

Ticketing hardware and system functionality specified by the councils ITSO ticketing architecture via the subregional technological platform Host Operator Processing System (HOPS) and Card Management System (CMS)



Operator to supply EMV card readers on all vehicles Special conditions All vehicles to be fitted with guide wheels. All operators to accept a Busway Safety and Operational Procedures Agreement. All operators to accept a Joint Branding and Service Promotion Agreement

Operator to supply EMV card readers on all vehicles All vehicles to be fitted with guide wheels All operators to accept a Busway Safety and Operational Procedures Agreement. All operators to accept a Joint Branding and Service Promotion Agreement

Operational management 9.8 BCC and NSC will be responsible for overseeing safety of the BRT and feeder bus services using the facilities and infrastructure provided by them. As well as being responsible for all scheme infrastructure and hardware/software systems they will also ensure that the service is operated according to expectations and that the councils achieve value for money. The above roles will be fulfilled by two operational teams: 9.9 Highway Control Centre; and BRT network management team.

The Highway Control Centre will involve expanding BCCs existing highway control centre in Bristol, and take a number of additional data feeds including: CCTV at stops and on buses; Additional traffic signal data feeds; and Real time information data feeds.


The BRT network management teams responsibilities will include: Inspection, maintenance and cleaning including the busway passenger; facilities, and hardware/software systems; Responding to issues, incidents and breakdowns; Monitoring operator performance and quality standards; Managing interface with hardware and software systems; Monitoring customer satisfaction; Managing the core BRT bus service contract; Providing a point of contact for commercial bus operators using the BRT system; and Scheme branding and promotional activity.



Ticketing 9.11 The ticketing system architecture has been designed in line with the DfT guidance by building upon the existing ITSO ticketing architecture via the sub-regional technological platform Host Operator Processing System (HOPS) and Card Management System (CMS). This is already supported by all of the commercial and tendered service operators of the West of England. The councils will build on this further and incorporate EMV (Europay, MasterCard and VISA) capability. Utilising a combination of ITSO for interoperable ticketing products and smartcard payments via an E-Purse, with the convenience of EMV, provides the best solution for maximising off-bus transactions and reducing bus stop dwell times.



Transport and Works Act Order 10.1 On 10 June 2010 the Promoters submitted an application to the Secretary of State for Transport for a TWAO under sections 1 and 3 of the Transport and Works Act 1992 (the TWAO application). The purpose of the proposed Order is to obtain the powers necessary for the Promoters to construct and operate the works in the AVTM corridor. The proposed Order will also permit the Promoters to acquire, compulsorily or by agreement, land and rights in land and to use land for that purpose. The TWAO application was made in accordance with the procedures contained in the Transport and Works (Applications and Objections Procedure) (England and Wales) Rules 2006 (SI 2006/1466 (the Procedure Rules). The TWAO application was the subject of publicity and notices as required by the Procedure Rules. The proposals were also the subject of consultation, as described in the Consultation Report submitted with the TWAO application. As a result of the CSR, the TWAO application was effectively placed on hold. The starting date for the purposes of the Transport and Works (Inquiries Procedure) Rules 2004 (the Inquiries Rules) was deferred more than once until 2 December 2011, following the grant of renewed programme entry status for the project.





Scope of proposed Order 10.6 As well as authorising the construction, operation and maintenance of the busway, the proposed Order authorises the councils to carry out associated works to the existing Bristol Harbour Railway, Prince Street Bridge, Ashton Avenue Swing Bridge and Vauxhall Bridge and it authorises a new bridge over the Portbury freight line. The proposed Order is in 7 Parts with 9 Schedules. Part 1 contains preliminary provisions. Part 2, together with Schedules 1, 3, 4 and 5 makes provision for, and 41



relating to, the construction of the works. This includes a choice of route at the initial length of busway from the Ashton Vale Park & Ride site according to whether or not the new Bristol City Football Club stadium will proceed. Part 3, together with Schedules 2, 6 and 7, makes provision for the compulsory acquisition of land and rights in land and for the temporary possession of land for the purposes of the intended works. Part 4 and Schedule 8 makes provisions for the operation of the AVTM BRT scheme. Part 5 makes provision for the operation of penalty fares in relation to travel on the AVTM BRT scheme Part 6 and Schedule 9 contain protective provisions for statutory undertakers. Part 7 contains a number of miscellaneous and general provisions. 10.8 The provisions of the proposed Order are substantially based on the Model Clauses for Tramways, as contained in Schedule 2 to the Transport and Works (Model Clauses for Railways and Tramways) Order 2006. In accordance with the requirements of Rule 10(2)(b) of the Procedure Rules the application to the Secretary of State for Transport is accompanied by an Explanatory Memorandum. This Explanatory Memorandum explains the purpose and effect of each article of, and Schedule to, the proposed Order.


Application documents 10.10 The following documents were submitted as the formal application documents: Letter of application; Draft Order; Explanatory Memorandum; Concise statement of the aims of the proposals; Report summarising the consultations which have been undertaken; Declaration as to status; List of all consents, permissions or licences required under other enactments for the purposes of the project; The applicants proposals for funding that part of the AVTM scheme to be authorised by the Order; An estimate of the cost of carrying out the works provided for in the proposed Order; Request for a direction under section 90(2A) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, including Statement of proposed planning conditions; Draft Code of Construction Practice; Environmental Statement; Non Technical Summary of Environmental Statement; Visual Identity Guidelines; Order Plans consisting of Works and Land Plans and Sections and Rights of Way Plans; Book of Reference; and Plans for Information.

10.11 After the submission of the application, as a result of the Comprehensive Spending Review, an updated Estimate of Costs was submitted to the DfT along



with the Best and Final Funding Bid for the AVTM BRT scheme on 9 September 2011.


Planning permission, listed buildings consents and conservation area consents Planning permission 11.1 Rule 10(6) of the Procedure Rules allows an application to be made for a direction granting deemed planning permission under section 90(2A) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. The applicants have sought a direction for deemed planning permission to be granted, so far as it is required for the development provided for in the proposed Order. The request was accompanied by a statement of proposed planning conditions. The proposed conditions relate to: A time limit for commencement of development; The siting, design and external appearance of the development; Landscaping and the protection of trees and hedges; Drainage and flood management; Ecology; Compliance with the projects Code of Construction Practice (CoCP); Archaeology; Lighting; Contaminated land; and Public footpaths.



Listed building consents and conservation area consents 11.4 When the application for the Order was submitted, it was anticipated that the proposed works in the AVTM corridor would affect three listed buildings or structures, and three conservation areas. Accordingly, in accordance with the Transport and Works Applications (Listed Buildings, Conservation Areas and Ancient Monuments Procedure) Regulations 1992, the Promoters submitted the six applications shown in Table 3 for listed building consent or conservation area consent under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 (the LBA) to the local planning authority. These have been referred to the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government in accordance with section 12(3A) of the 1990 Act.




Table 3: consent

Applications for listed building consent and conservation area

Listed building consent Location Vauxhall Bridge Ashton Avenue Swing Bridge Prince Street Bridge Conservation area consent Location Green Metal Shed east of A Bond Warehouse Railings along south side of Cumberland Road Jubilee House Application reference no 11/02495/Lc 11/02493/Lc 11/02496/LC Application reference no 11/02492/la 11/02494/la 11/02491/la


As explained above, it has since been decided that the application for conservation area consent to demolish the Green Metal Shed, east of A Bond Warehouse (Reference 11/02495/Lc) can be withdrawn and this is being done. In the light of the above, it will be the Promoters case that the proposals accord with the development plan and other material considerations so that planning should be granted subject to the conditions as proposed. Moreover, with regard to the listed buildings affected the Promoters have had regard to the duties under the LBA and the advice in DCLG Planning Policy Statement 5: Planning for the Historic Environment (PPS 5) among other relevant considerations. In the light of this, it will be submitted that there would be no substantial harm or loss of significance caused by the proposals but that there would be benefit in restoration of the structures and in that they would be put to active use in connection with their historic use for the purposes of transportation. Alternatively the public benefit associated with the proposals would justify such harm or loss as there may be found to be. In respect of the conservation area consents it is submitted that the proposals would preserve or enhance the character and appearance of the conservation area and that the proposed demolition would not cause substantial or any harm to or loss of the significance of the relevant conservation area as a heritage asset. Alternatively, any such harm or loss would be justified by the public benefit that would be associated with the proposals as a whole.






11.10 Further it will be submitted that with particular regard to the cultural heritage the proposals would properly respect and enhance the relevant heritage assets and their setting in line with the policies in PPS 5 and otherwise.


Open space land and application for certificate under Acquisition of Land Act 1981 12.1 The AVTM BRT scheme will require the permanent acquisition of 29,966 m2 of land that is or may be used as public open space for the purposes of sections 19 and 28 of, and Schedule 3 to, the Acquisition of Land Act 1981 (the 1981 Act). On 23 July 2010, the Promoters applied to the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government through the National Unit for Land Acquisition and Disposals (NULAD) for certificates under section 19 and 28 of, and schedule 3 to, the 1981 Act, confirming that replacement land will be provided in exchange for open space being acquired compulsorily. Section 19 of the 1981 Act states that Special Parliamentary Procedure will apply unless the Secretary of State certifies that, inter alia, the land offered in exchange for the open space land being acquired will vest in the person in whom the open space land being compulsorily acquired was vested. However, the Order proposes at article 34(4) a modification to the normal procedure by seeking to modify section 19 of the 1981 Act so that the exchange land vests in the local authority. This is to ensure that the exchange land can be used as open space land in substitution for the open space land to be taken, rather than fall into private ownership and use. On 30 September 2011, NULAD confirmed that the Secretary of State would be willing in principle to grant a certificate conditional upon the Order being made, if made with the modification to the 1981 Act that is sought. There are two areas of open space land to be permanently acquired, both of which are in private ownership. The first area includes land at Ashton Fields. The land is designated as Green Belt (NE13, NE14), Open Space (NE1), a County and City Wide Site (NE5) and Wildlife Network Site (NE6) in the adopted Bristol Local Plan 1997. The land is currently used for informal recreation, mainly dog walking. The second area is situated at Bower Ashton which is situated to the north of the new Meridian housing development, off Brunel Way. The land may not currently be open space land. It does not benefit from any public access, as it secured by high fencing. The land is designated as Open Space (NE1) and a County and City Wide Site (NE5) in the adopted Bristol Local Plan 1997. Two areas of replacement open space have been included in the Order, totalling 30,000 m2 in size. The first area is situated to the west of the Long Ashton Park & Ride site and is shown on the Open Space Plan in the Deposited Plans. The land is currently in agricultural use and is lightly covered with immature trees which were planted under the Forest of Avon Community Forest Programme. The land is designated as Green Belt (Policy RD/3) and Forest of Avon (ECH/9) in the North Somerset Replacement Local Plan 2007.








The second area of replacement open space is a linear strip north of the Bristol to Western Super Mare railway line close to Ashton Vale and is shown on the Open Space Plan in the Deposited Plans. The land is currently used as a field margin adjacent to established agricultural land. The land is designated as Green Belt (Policy RD/3) in the North Somerset Replacement Local Plan 2007. The replacement open space would maintain overall levels of provision and access for local people such that the acquisition of open space in the Order will not materially impact on peoples recreational enjoyment. It is considered that the replacement open space meets the tests set out in Appendix L of Circular 06/2004 and the Policy Guidance. The replacement open space is considered to be: of a comparable size to the area being taken; no less accessible generally than the area being taken; of comparable quality to the area being taken; and multi functional and can be applied to a number of uses at least comparable to the area being taken.




In the circumstances, having regard to the interests of the neighbourhood and the nature of the use of the land concerned and the public interest together with the other relevant considerations, a certificate can and should be granted.

13 EIA

Environmental Impact Assessment and Flood Risk Assessment


An environmental impact assessment (EIA) of the proposed scheme, comprising the corridor and city centre sections, was undertaken to evaluate the effects on people and the environment. The objective of an EIA is to inform decisionmakers of the effects of the Scheme. In this case, planning approval for the corridor section is sought through the Transport and Works Act process and the decision on the application is made by the Secretary of State. Permission for the works required for the city centre section will be sought under Traffic Regulation Orders and Compulsory Purchase Orders by BCC as the highways authority. The results of the EIA were published in an Environmental Statement (ES) in May 2010. The scope of the EIA is defined in legislation as covering population, fauna, flora, soil, water, air, climatic factors, material assets, including the architectural and archaeological heritage, landscape and the inter-relationship between the above factors. The scope is interpreted broadly within these categories. The study area comprises the proposed route alignment, plus a corridor on either side varying in width depending on the assessment topic. For example noise assessments are based on a corridor 600m either side of the centre line, while data searches on ecological sites extend to 2km.

13.2 13.3





The EIA was conducted for three scenarios for the alignment across Ashton Fields between Long Ashton Park & Ride and Colliters Brook. Scenarios 1 and 2 assume that Bristol City Football Club will build a new stadium at Ashton Fields and the alignment of the AVTM BRT will skirt around the perimeter of the stadium. Under Scenario 1 it is assumed that the stadium is built before construction of the AVTM BRT. Under Scenario 2 it is assumed that the AVTM BRT is built first. Scenario 3 assumes that the stadium is not built and the alignment cuts across Ashton Fields on a direct path. In the remainder of the corridor section and in the city centre section, the EIA was conducted for the single proposed scheme.

Summary of changes since publication of ES 13.6 In the year since publication of the ES, aspects of the design of the AVTM BRT scheme have been revised and some changes to the AVTM BRT scheme have been adopted, having regard to consultation responses and representations on the Order. Potentially positive and negative impacts were considered but only those changes which improved or had no effect on the evaluation of the impacts were taken forward. The main changes were as follows: The length and style of platforms with a potential reduction of the visual impact of the AVTM scheme; Reduction of the width of the maintenance track along the AVTM corridor from 4m to 3m. This would reduce the embankment heights and width, requiring less land-take within the floodplain, (without comprising the value of the track for pedestrians and cyclists) and proposed planting; Under scenarios 1 and 2, relocating the Silbury Road stop away from Colliters Brook. This would reduce the adverse impacts on woodland and watercourse, while improving the buswaysgreen transport link with proposed new housing; Removal of a proposed cantilevered section on the Ashton Avenue Swing Bridge for pedestrians and cyclists, in favour of shuttle working for BRT (under traffic signal control) across the bridge that will allow a single lane busway and safe crossing for pedestrians and cyclists, without comprising the architectural value of this listed structure; Realigning the Bristol Harbour Railway terminus spur to avoid the demolition of the tin shed at the A Bond warehouse, obviating the need for Conservation Area Consent to demolish the shed and in respect of which concern had been expressed on consultation. Revising the specification for the temporary Prince Street Bridge to that of a sufficiently high temporary bridge to obviate the need for it to lift or swing to permit navigation beneath it. This will reduce the costs without creating severance for navigable craft using the Floating Harbour or the pedestrians and cyclist who wish to cross the water; Reducing the specification of the proposed off-bus ticket machines. Originally it was planned to provide high specification ticket machines at all platforms. Now it is proposed to provide a high specification machine at the Long Ashton Park & Ride, with the remaining stops equipped with



lower specification machines, coupled with a move towards cashless payments; and Reducing the proposed ITS infrastructure to CCTV on the platforms only and simple communication networks.

Flood Risk Assessment 13.7 The Flood Risk Assessment (FRA) considers the probability of flooding on the various sections of the route between Long Ashton Park & Ride and the city centre. The impacts on the structure and operation of the rapid transit services are considered and, in the light of existing and proposed constraints along the route, proposals are made for developing an appropriate response to the probability of flooding. The FRA considers current and future flood risks to the AVTM BRT scheme. Detailed design of all elements of the scheme will be finalised in due course and it will be necessary to revisit certain elements for example by the introduction of a Flood Management Plan (FMP) which will be required to address safe operation of the system when flooding may be imminent. Drafts of the FRA report and the proposals in it have been considered by officers at the Environment Agency (EA) and BCC and their comments have been incorporated as appropriate. The strategy is to seek to achieve improvements in flood protection where reasonably feasible whilst acknowledging that an operational response and limitation of service will be required for extreme events when other areas of the city will also be affected. At no point along the route will the proposed works place the scheme or adjacent land at greater risk of flooding than currently exists. The FMP, which will form an integral part of the strategy for the operation of the rapid transit services, will be developed in conjunction with BCC, North Somerset Council, the Environment Agency and the operator of the core BRT service, before the service commences.



13.10 Within the AVTM BRT scheme, the proposals do provide some improved protection against tidal flooding of property, particularly near the Underfall Yard on Cumberland Road, by adjustment of ground and road levels. 13.11 The possibility of including elements within the construction of the proposed scheme, so as not to compromise the later inclusion of a raised defence along the River Avon section to further protect adjacent property has also been considered briefly within the FRA. Habitats Regulations Assessment and Environment Protection Act statement 13.12 The works do not affect a Special Area of Conservation or a Special Protection Area and so no appropriate assessment or HRA screening is required under the Habitats Directive or the Birds Directive. The works to be authorised by the Order are not expected to cause statutory nuisance, within the meaning of the Environmental Protection Act 1990, and so a statement is not required to be made under that Act.




Sustainability 14.1 The sustainability credentials of the AVTM BRT scheme are reviewed below in terms of economic and environmental factors.

Sustainable development 14.2 The current model of global and national development is unsustainable; it is placing ever increasing demands on our planet and the people living on it. The UK Government is committed to sustainable development and recognises that the three pillars of the economy, society and the environment are interconnected. Our long term economic growth relies on protecting and enhancing the environmental resources that underpin it, and paying due regard to social needs. Sustainable transport is a critical part of the sustainable development jigsaw, with domestic transport accounting for 21% of UK carbon emissions. The UKs vision for a sustainable transport system is one that is an engine for economic growth but is also greener and safer and improves quality of life in our communities. To support the UK vision, local transport must: 14.4 support the local economy and facilitate economic development and employment; reduce carbon emissions; improve safety; help to deliver wider social and economic benefits; improve air quality and increased compliance with air quality standards; provide wider environmental benefits such as noise reduction; and support wider health benefits.


The AVTM BRT scheme supports the above requirements by providing a mass transport system which is accessible to all, which is designed to minimise its impact on the environment through good design and mitigation and is financially viable.

Economic benefits 14.5 The appraisal of the AVTM scheme has been conducted in line with the DfTs guidelines on Cost Benefit Analysis which are specified within the DfTs WebTAG system. In turn, the DfT approach is in line with the Treasury Green Book which specifies the assumptions (such as the appraisal period and discount rates) which should be used in appraising measures to be funded by central Government. The bulk of the economic impacts have been estimated using the Departments standard TUBA appraisal software which uses the output from the transport model to derive the stream of benefits and costs over the 60 year appraisal period (2016 to 2075). The three time periods covered by the transport model were expanded to provide the equivalent annual values through the use of the following factors, based on an analysis of the observed travel volumes (See Table 4).




Table 4: Transport modelling Modelled Hour to Day Factor Highway (a) AM peak hour to AM period (b) Inter-peak average hour to IP period (c) PM peak hour to PM period (d) Inter-peak hour to off peak period (e) Inter-peak hour to weekend period 2.55 Bus/Rapid Transit 2.40 Rail 2.70 Day to Year Factor 253





2.56 0.69 6.07

2.8 0.40 16.00

2.1 0.60 16.00

253 253 56

14.7 14.8

An underlying inflation rate of 2.79% was used to forecast throughout the 60 year appraisal period. Where TUBA does not calculate specific costs and benefits, corresponding DfT WebTAG guidance has been followed to produce estimates, e.g. WebTAG 3.4.1 for the treatment of benefits from reductions in traffic accidents. Through the discounting process, the stream of costs and benefits which occur at different points in time can be compared on a consistent basis. As outlined in WebTAG 3.5.4, the costs and benefits have been converted to the standard DfT price base of 2002 and are then discounted back to a standard DfT base year (2002). The Treasury specified discount rates of 3.5% for the first 30 years and 3.0% thereafter have been used to produce the discounted benefits (Present Value of Benefits or PVB) and discounted costs (Present Value of Costs or PVC). The PVB and PVC are then used to calculate the indicators of the overall economic performance of the scheme in the form of the Net Present Value (PVB PVC) and Benefit Cost Ratio (PVB/PVC). The principal economic benefits generated by the AVTM BRT scheme are estimated to be 178.8m through the savings in travel times and vehicle operating costs experienced by travellers using the public transport system and highway network and the increased revenue gained by public transport operators from the growth in passengers. Further economic benefits are gained from improvements in journey time reliability, fewer traffic accidents and wider impacts of the scheme on the local economy. These benefits are offset slightly by a reduction in central




government tax receipts from fuel duties brought about by reduced fuel consumption. 14.10 The DfTs TUBA software (version 1.8) was used to estimate the impact of the AVTM BRT scheme on journey times, vehicle operating costs and fares for transport users and cost and revenues for transport providers and the government. 14.11 Table 5 summarises the results of the TUBA assessment together additional benefits such as wider impacts, accidents and reliability, showing the estimated total PVB of 178.8 million (2002 prices and values). Table 5: Summary of economic benefits for AVTM BRT scheme Impact Economic efficiency: consumer users Economic efficiency: business users Economic efficiency: transport providers Wider public finances (indirect taxation revenues) Journey time reliability Greenhouse gases Reduction in accidents Wider impacts Present Value of Benefits (PVB) NPV, 000 2002 prices/values 122,066 7,934 39,711 -9,036 2,931 -9 4,487 10,707 178,791

14.12 The overall economic efficiency benefits comprise benefits across both public transport and highway modes. For the consumer users group, there are benefits of 122.1 million which are enjoyed by public transport users, predominantly passengers on the AVTM BRT scheme and the other bus services on the segregated alignment. There is a small increase in disbenefits to drivers of 9.2 million due to changes in the road network in the city centre to accommodate the BRT priority measures. 14.13 The overall benefits of 7.9 million to business users are formed by 12.1 million benefits to public transport users and 1.1 million benefits to freight operations; these are offset by a small level of disbenefits of 5.3 million to car travel, again arising from changes to the city centre road network.



14.14 Changes in the consumption of fuel by car drivers as a result of the switch from car to BRT and other public transport produces a reduction in indirect tax revenue receipts by central government of 9m. Journey times 14.15 Passengers on the rapid transit route and other bus services that use the segregated BRT alignment will benefit from significant savings in journey times compared with current times. Over the appraisal period, this represents 131.6m of benefits. On the highway network, while there are journey time savings for drivers along the Hotwell Road and Coronation Road corridors, the benefits from these are reduced by localised increases in delays within the city centre. 14.16 In addition to the benefits from journey time savings, further benefits are produced through improved reliability of journey times. In line with the guidance in DfT WebTAG Unit 3.5.7, the size of benefits from reliability improvements are estimated at 2.9 million (NPV, 2002 prices and values). Safety 14.17 The AVTM BRT scheme will result in a modal shift by current car drivers onto public transport in order to take advantage of the journey time benefits created by the scheme. The reduction of traffic on the road network should in turn produce a reduction in the number of traffic accidents. 14.18 The calculation of the impact of the AVTM BRT scheme on accidents has been estimated in line with the DfTs COBA software for combined link and junction accident rates. These benefits were annualised using the hourly and daily factors in the TUBA assessment and discounted to 2002 values, in line with the benefit calculations performed in TUBA. The total value of accident savings has been estimated at 4.5 million (NPV, 2002 prices and values). Wider impacts 14.19 The introduction of the AVTM BRT scheme will generate wider benefits to the local economy which are estimated at 10.7m. The DfT guidance in WebTAG unit 2.8c identifies a number of wider impacts of transport schemes. These are effects which occur as a result of imperfections in markets that use transport. They are not therefore captured in conventional transport appraisal (as carried out by TUBA), which is based on the assumption that markets behave in a perfectly competitive manner. 14.20 The DfT guidance identifies three wider impacts that occur in real, imperfect markets: Agglomeration productivity benefits arising from the proximity between firms, other firms and employees; Labour market impacts (due to reduced commuting costs) increased participation in the labour market and the relocation of jobs and workers to more productive locations; and



Output change in imperfectly competitive markets reflecting the situation that conventional assessment (with its assumption of perfect markets) does not capture the profit that firms make in real imperfect markets from the additional output that they generate (e.g. as a result of transport improvements).

14.21 The DfTs WITA software was used to estimate the value of agglomeration benefits and the additional workers element of labour market impacts. 14.22 Outputs were in terms of the NPV (in 2002 prices and values) of the identified wider impacts in the area covering the three authorities of Bristol City, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire. 14.23 Table 6 summarises the combined results for the three core areas, showing a total value of wider impacts of 10.7m, comprising 9.6m of agglomeration benefits, a slight loss in labour market impacts of -0.4m and benefits of increased output in imperfect markets worth 1.5m. Table 6: Benefits from wider impacts Wider impact Agglomeration Labour market impacts Increased output in imperfect markets Total NPV, 000 2002 prices/values 9,681 -430 1,456 10,707

Social impacts 14.24 Low-income households and deprived communities often do not benefit from the transport user benefits resulting from improvements to the transport system if they are not users of the network, either because they do not have access to a car or have limited travel horizons in their use of public transport. 14.25 Overall, the benefits of the scheme are distributed similarly to what may be expected from the overall distribution of income across the population apart from the group with most income deprivation, which experiences lower disbenefits, and with the high income group receiving a higher than expected proportion of disbenefits. Personal security assessment 14.26 It is anticipated that the improved network infrastructure and improved services, stops and crossings will provide a beneficial impact on security. The increased use of CCTV and high standard of lighting at bus shelters and CCTV on the vehicles aims to provide high levels of security for users.



Accessibility 14.27 Accessibility modelling has been completed to assess the public transport journey time differences to any one of the identified destinations, i.e. Bristol City Centre and the major employment areas in the Greater Bristol area (Bath City Centre, Filton, Aztec West, Almondsbury Business Park and UWE/MoD/AXA) as a result of the proposed scheme. The introduction of the BRT scheme and the associated journey time reductions to the services from North Somerset have the effect of increasing the proportion of the West of England area that is within 60 minutes of Bristol city centre and the major employment areas. The impact of the RT scheme is small when measured across the whole sub-region but more significant when viewed locally within the areas directly served by the scheme. Severance 14.28 Severance is often an unintended consequence of a measure intended to address other problems. Severance of communities by traffic and transport infrastructure is a particular problem for people without access to a car, some older people, people with disabilities, and school children, because they are often reliant on walking in the local community and in some cases have restricted mobility. 14.29 Although the AVTM BRT scheme will mean an increase in the number of buses along the route, the maintenance track which it is proposed will be available for use by pedestrians and cyclists will have a positive impact for pedestrians, especially those who can be vulnerable travellers. The provision of the walking and cycling routes along the alignment will therefore offset any increase in severance caused by the route itself. Overall the AVTM BRT scheme is considered to have a slight beneficial effect on severance. Integration 14.30 The main interchange benefits include significant improvements to the facilities and environment at the stops, better information for passengers at stops and on vehicles, improved reliability of operation and better interchange with other public transport services, particularly Temple Circus but also local bus and ferry services. 14.31 BRT passengers will benefit from the better waiting environment and other facilities. Smaller volumes will receive benefits from integration improvements at Temple Circus and Bristol bus station. Overall, the assessment of passenger interchange impact is large beneficial. Environmental impacts 14.32 An iterative approach was taken to the EIA, which involved identifying the potential environmental impacts of the scheme, developing mitigation measures, followed by the assessment of the residual impacts. The committed mitigation measures to be implemented during construction and operation and an assessment of the residual impacts to illustrate the environmental impact of the mitigated scheme are reported in the Environmental Statement. The EIA also took account



of the potential cumulative impacts of anticipated development in the vicinity of the works.



Governance 15.1 It is clear that to bring forward ambitious and extensive transport proposals requires robust governance arrangements. The West of England councils have taken major steps to strengthen and formalise sub-regional governance. The creation of the JTEC in April 2009 brought together the four authority Executive Members with responsibility for transport in a forum legally constituted via a Joint Working Agreement. Meeting regularly, JTEC guides the development of the transport major scheme programme, including making recommendations to the four councils on scheme endorsement and delivery, and has approved the governance arrangements for the major scheme programme including the main responsibilities. Recognising the role JTEC plays in the governance of major schemes, the Committee is also being integrated into the new LEP structures but with a continuing role and unchanged level of importance. A robust and compliant project management structure has been designated and endorsed for the AVTM Scheme including a Senior Responsible Owner, Project Manager and Project Board. Representation on the Project Board is integrated between the different schemes in the BRT network to ensure consistency and maximise opportunities for economies of scale in delivery. The three BRT schemes in the programme are being progressively brought together through strengthened, joint governance to co-ordinate procurement, network planning and communities, to ensure a consistent level of delivery across the three schemes.



Capacity and capability 15.4 The West of England councils have a proven track record in the delivery of major transport infrastructure, most notably through the Greater Bristol Bus Network scheme on track for completion in March 2012. Over the last year the councils have taken further steps to enhance delivery arrangements including the development of capacity and capability, through the appointment of specialist transport consultants and advisers, and the creation of a Programme Delivery Board (PDB) in April 2011 comprising the SROs for each scheme, section 151 officers and independent procurement support.

Procurement of services 15.5 Closer alignment of the major scheme programme has heightened the need and opportunities to consider benefits which could arise from joint procurement approaches. The PDB is examining these opportunities for cost reduction,



efficiency benefits and joint risk management. A joint Procurement Strategy has been formulated, which includes: Alliance Charter all delivery partners will sign an overarching agreement providing for a common approach for the design, construction and implementation of the BRT schemes; Package Approach to construction procurement, to reduce risks through framework, Design and Build and task order packages; Area-wide Quality Partnership Scheme (QPS) - umbrella approach to the provision of BRT services, complemented by targeted contracted services where appropriate (such as for the AVTM BRT scheme).


The services for the AVTM BRT scheme will be procured via a local bus service tender, using existing powers. A contract will be awarded to the successful operator to provide BRT services for a period of between 5 to 8 years. It is intend that the AVTM BRT scheme service will replace the existing Park & Ride service 903. In terms of the financial sustainability of the ongoing operation of the service, financial modelling undertaken by the councils show that the forecast revenue streams will exceed the estimated operating costs, thereby potentially producing a net operating surplus after an initial period of establishing the new service on opening the scheme. The contractual model for the service is yet to be finalised. However the councils are likely to take the full revenue risk. The operator will be incentivised through a package of Key Performance Indicators.



Costs, funding and revenue

Overall estimate of costs 16.1 A full Quantitative Risk Assessment was undertaken to understand and measure the impacts of the principal risks associated with the cost of the AVTM BRT scheme. The assessment identified the cost implications for the scheme of 12.020m at the P(80) level and 8.580m at the P(50) level. The costs were converted into outturn (in-year) prices based on the following central assumptions: Construction profile of 25% in 2013, 65% in 2014 and 10% in 2015; Land purchase would take place in 2013; Site supervision and risk profiled in line with the expenditure profile for engineering works; More than 50% of the total estimated preparatory costs spent since the original Programme Entry status was awarded, in order to progress the scheme. Remaining preparatory costs to be spent during 2012 and 2013, with an allowance for evaluation after scheme opening; Annual Maintenance costs (lighting, cleaning, etc); Periodic maintenance costs (resurfacing, etc) every 6 years; and 56




Fleet replacement every 15 years.

A range of inflation assumptions were adopted for the different elements of the outturn investment and operating costs associated with the scheme. These are set against a general base inflation rate of 2.79%. The combined outcome of the projections outlined above breaks down as shown in the following table (Table 7). The figures shown below include an allowance for Part 1 claims. Table 7: Cost projections Item Construction Land Preparation/evaluation Supervision Risk Inflation Total Cost () 25,316,000 2,135,000 6,066,000 762,000 12,020,000 3,322,000 49,621,000


16.5 Funding 16.6

Vehicles will be provided and funded by operators.

The overall funding of the scheme is divided between the following contributions, specified in terms of outturn prices: 1,250,000 (Bristol International Airport) - In December 2010, a section 106 Agreement was signed between all relevant parties (Bristol International Airport, NSC and BCC) committing BIA to support the AVTM BRT scheme; 12,090,000 (Bristol City Council) - BCCs total financial contribution will be funded from Business Rate Supplement; Workplace Parking Levy, Local Transport Plan or Community Infrastructure Levy; 1,7726,000 (North Somerset Council) - The NSC contribution will be funded from its own non-earmarked resources. These have been identified and approved by full Council and now form part of the approved Capital Programme; and 34,508,000 Department for Transport.




A submission was made by BCC and NSC to the DfT on 9 September 2011 as a Best and Final Funding Bid within the Local Authority Major Scheme process. The scheme received funding support from the DfT in the Chancellors Autumn Statement on 29 November 2011.

Revenue 16.8 Patronage forecasts demonstrate that the fare-box revenues from the established rapid transit network will exceed operating costs, after an initial period of establishing the service. The forecasts are based on the existing revenue streams of Park & Ride service 903, together with modelling forecasts of the AVTM BRT scheme, which replaces service 903. Having a known base line for patronage gives a greater confidence for the councils, and reduces risk. The revenue forecasts take account of both initial growth in patronage following scheme opening and the build out and completion of subsequent housing and employment developments.


Economic case for AVTM BRT scheme

Value for money and BCR 17.1 The quantified benefits of the project were set against the outturn costs in order to calculate the economic performance of the AVTM BRT scheme. The annual benefits and costs over the appraisal period were then converted to present values (Present Value of Benefits (PVB) and Present Value of Costs (PVC)) using the following assumptions: 17.2 Base year of 2002; Price base of 2002; Opening year 2016; 60 year appraisal period 2016-2075; Discount rate of 3.5% for first 30 years of appraisal 2016-2045; and Discount rate of 3.0% for second 30 years of appraisal 2046-2075.

On this basis, the PVB is estimated at 178.791m and the PVC of 42.351m, resulting in a Net Present Value (NPV) of 136.440m and a Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR), of 4.22. A strong BCR of this magnitude represents Very High Value for Money as defined by DfT.


Land and property required for AVTM BRT scheme

Overview 18.1 The Promoters policy during the development of the AVTM BRT scheme has been to minimise the land and interests in land to be acquired having regard to the DCLG guidance in Circular 06/2004: Compulsory Purchase and the Crichel Down Rules refining the design of the scheme.




Property impacts have been discussed with affected parties in the development of the AVTM BRT scheme. The scheme has evolved during the consultation process. In some cases, this has led to a review of the design in order to reduce or avoid impacts. Where impacts remain, the national Compulsory Purchase Compensation Code will apply. In addition to the consultation with affected owners and occupiers, all parties listed in the Book of Reference have been served with statutory notices in accordance with the Transport and Works (Applications and Objections Procedure) (England and Wales) Rules 2006.


Justification 18.4 The Promoters recognise that the use of compulsory purchase powers should only be authorised where there is a compelling case in the public interest and where its purposes are sufficient to justify interfering with the human rights of those with an interest in the land affected. The Promoters consider that there are sufficient social, environmental and economic benefits provided by the scheme to justify, in the public interest, the use of the compulsory purchase powers sought. The Promoters consider that its case for such powers meets the test set out in circular 06/2004:. The Promoters are satisfied that it has clearly shown how it intends to use the land which it is proposing to acquire as the land identified in the Works and Land Plans is required for the construction or operation of the AVTM BRT scheme. The scheme has been designed in such a way as to minimise the effect on private interests by only acquiring land and rights required for the scheme. The Promoters are satisfied it has provided sufficient information regarding the financial resources for both acquiring the land and implementing the scheme for which the land is required. Details of funding implications and sources have been set out above. The Promoters are satisfied that all the main consents required for the implementation of the AVTM BRT scheme are captured within the TWAO and related process. The Promoters recognise that the use of compulsory purchase powers needs to be fully justified given its impact on private interests. The Promoters will continue to seek to acquire land by negotiation where practicable and rely on the use of compulsory purchase powers as a last resort. Given the linear nature of the scheme and the number of private interests and rights required for the construction and operation of the scheme, the Promoters consider that a compulsory purchase process is required in order to ensure timely delivery of the private land and rights required to construct and operate the scheme.





Land requirements 18.9 The amount of land to be acquired or used for the AVTM scheme in the AVTM corridor is defined in the TWAO as the Limits of Deviation and the Limits of Land to be Acquired or Used. These Limits are shown on the Deposited Plans 59


and Sections and the Open Space Plan deposited with the application for the Order. They limits have been drawn to include: (a) (b) land required temporarily, including land for work sites and working areas; and land required permanently for permanent structures and equipment or where new rights will be required in order to maintain and operate the works and to deliver mitigation measures.

Permanent 18.10 In the AVTM corridor, the AVTM BRT scheme requires the acquisition of 22.91 hectares of land either as Land to be Acquired or Used within the Limits of Deviation (13.96 hectares) or as Additional Land to be Acquired or Used (8.95 hectares). 18.11 The interests to be acquired permanently are summarised in Table 8. Table 8: Summary of compulsory purchase of land Type of Land Land used for agricultural purposes * Land used as Park & Ride site Size m2 (ha) 44,834.20 (4.48) 48,852.30 (4.89)

Land set out as roads, verges, footways and 42.948.50 (4.29) structures Land used as open space land Land used for local interest groups Land used for industrial purposes Land used as heritage railway corridor Land used for car parking 55,986.30 (5.60) 4,054.50 (0.41) 4,104.90 (0.41) 24,474.00 (2.45) 2,477.80 (0.25)

* this includes land being provided in exchange for open space land. 18.12 The AVTM BRT scheme provides for two potential routes across Ashton Fields. It is intended that the final route to be chosen should depend on whether Bristol City Football Club will build a new stadium on this land. If the stadium development does not proceed, the scheme will proceed on the basis of Work 1B which is the more direct route across Ashton Fields. If the stadium development proceeds the scheme will proceed on the basis of Work 1A a route around the perimeter of the stadium development (which will require more permanent and



temporary land acquisition). (Table 8 above provides areas for the maximum amount of land acquisition). Land used for agricultural purposes 18.13 This land is required for the provision of land in exchange for the acquisition of open space land. A small parcel of agricultural land between Longmoor Brook and Colliters Brook is also required for the busway. The land is currently in grass and is grazed by cattle from a nearby farm. The amount of agricultural land to be acquired is not expected to affect seriously the ability to continue the current agricultural operations. Land used as Park & Ride site 18.14 This land has been included in the Order as Additional Land to be Acquired or Used and is required to secure adequate car parking for the AVTM BRT scheme. The land is currently used as the Long Ashton Park & Ride site. The Order will enable the Promoters to ensure the continued use of the site for this purpose. Commercial buildings 18.15 A total of three commercial properties will need to be demolished to accommodate the busway alignment. They are: The Sidings, Ashton Vale Road; Shed behind Miranda Guinness Building, Wapping Wharf; and Jubilee House, Wapping Road.

Land used as roads, footways and structures 18.16 This land is required for the alignment of the busway or to provide permanent access to the busway. The majority of this land is owned by Bristol City Council and North Somerset Council. It also includes part of the access road to the Long Ashton Park & Ride site, which is privately owned. Land used as open space 18.17 This is land is required for the alignment of the busway, to provide mitigation measures or for environmental protection measures. This includes land at Ashton Fields and Bower Ashton. In addition it includes land at the former Alderman Moore Allotments site, south of Colliters Brook. There is also a small area of land locally known as the Butterfly Junction, to the north of Ashton Avenue Bridge, which is subject to acquisition. Land used as car parking 18.18 This land is required for the alignment of the busway and is situated at Wapping Wharf, Wapping Road. Currently the land is used for car parking but it is subject to an extant outline planning permission for the redevelopment of the site to provide a mixed use scheme including residential, retail, office, community workspace, hotel and leisure uses.



Land used by public interest groups 18.19 This land is required for the alignment of the busway. It is land to the rear of premises occupied by the Ashton Vale Club for Young People and by Ashton Social Club. It is currently used as a football pitch, car parking and landscaping. Land used for industrial purposes 18.20 This land is required for the alignment of the busway including the provision of a bridge over the Portbury freight line, adjacent to Winterstoke Road. Currently the land is used for general industrial purposes and forms part of the Cala Industrial Estate on Ashton Vale Road. Land used as heritage railway corridor 18.21 This land is required for the alignment of the busway and for carriageway widening works. The land comprises railway tracks, sidings and equipment used by the BHR. Temporary (includes safeguarding of buildings) 18.22 The Order would authorise the temporary use of 12.7 hectares of land to be used temporarily for flood mitigation works, construction working areas and compounds, temporary accesses and temporary pedestrian/cycle crossings. The Order powers allow the Promoters to remove any buildings and vegetation on the land and construct temporary works (including the provision of means of access) and buildings on the land. 18.23 In addition, the Order provides for the Promoters to carry out safeguarding works to buildings if, it is deemed necessary or expedient. 18.24 In conclusion, it will be submitted that there is a compelling case in the public interest for the powers sought for the acquisition of or rights over or in respect of land and that any interference with the rights of those affected would be justified in the public interest and proportionate.


Objections and representations 19.1 The Promoters have had careful regard to all material considerations in promoting, reviewing and refining the proposals, including those raised in consultation and by way of representation or objection. As part of its case the Promoters will respond to the objections individually or as appropriate. It will be submitted that the matters raised do not individually or taken as a whole justify the refusal or modification of the powers sought in and associated with the Order.




Overall conclusions 20.1 20.2 20.3 20.4 20.5 20.6 The AVTM BRT scheme seeks to implement a principal feature of the transport strategy of the WoE authorities. The scheme accords with policy at all levels. The benefits of the scheme greatly outweigh any disbenefits. The way in which the scheme is to be implemented is compliant with Convention rights. The powers sought are necessary, reasonable, proportionate and justified. In all the circumstances, the Order should be made to include the provisions referred to above; and the planning permission, listed building consents, conservation area consents and the exchange land certificate should be granted, as sought and set out above.



Appendix 1: List of documents Doc Category A Documents Transport and Works Comment Ref Order and Related Applications A1 Letter of Application A2 Draft Order A3 Explanatory Memorandum (explaining the purpose and effect of each article and schedule in the draft Order)

A4 Concise statement of the aims of the proposals A5 Consultation Report, May 2010 All included in the folder: Rapid Transit - The Ashton Vale to Temple Meads and List of all Consents, Permissions and Licences Required Bristol City Centre Rapid A7 under other Enactments for the purposes of the powers Transit Order - Draft Order sought in the application and Other Application Documents Details of the applicant's proposals for funding the cost A8 of implementing the Order A6 Declaration as to status of applicant A9 Estimate of the cost of carrying out the works provided for in the proposed Order

Request for a direction under section 90 (2A) of the A10 Town and Country Planning Act 1990, including a statement of proposed planning conditions A11 Draft Code of Construction Practice A12 Environmental Statement, West of England Partnership, Consists of 3 volumes May 2010 Environmental Statement - Non-Technical Summary, West of England Partnership, May 2010 Visual Identity Guidelines, Bristol City Council, March 2010 Order Plans - consisting of Works & Land Plans and Large map roll Sections and Rights of Way Plans




A16 Book of Reference



A17 Plans for Information Section 19 Acquisition of Land Act 1981 - Letter of A18 Application with Open Space Plan Rapid Transit - The Ashton Vale to Temple Meads and Bristol City Centre Rapid Transit - Heritage, Design and A19 Consists of 2 volumes Access Statement, West of England Partnership (Halcrow), November 2010 List entry: Applications for Listed Building Consent: A20 Vauxhall Bridge - Ref: 11/02492/LA Ashton Vale Swing Bridge - Ref: 11/02494/LA, Prince Street Bridge - Ref: 11/02491/LA .aspx?uid=1202162 .aspx?uid=1380341 .aspx?uid=1209521

Applications for Conservation Area Consent: A21 Green Metal Shed East of a Bond Warehouse Ref: 11/02495/LC Railings along the south side of Cumberland Road - Ref: 11/02493/LC, Jubilee House - Ref: 11/02496/LC,

Category B Documents - Supporting documents to Doc the Ashton Vale to Temple Meads Scheme that may Comment Ref be referred to in evidence Rapid transit: Ashton Vale to Temple Meads and Bristol City Centre - Programme Entry - Major Scheme B1 Consists of 4 volumes Business Case, West of England Partnership, March 2009 Major Scheme Best and Final Funding Bids - Ashton B2 Vale to Bristol City Centre Rapid Transit, West of Consists of 3 volumes England Partnership, 8 September 2011 Greater Bristol: Public Transport Corridor Options Final Can be found in B1, Appendix B3 Report, West of England Partnership (Steer Davies 2B (i) Gleave), January 2007



West of England Partnership: Bus Rapid Transit Can be found in B1, Appendix B4 Corridor Options Short List Report, West of England 2B (ii) Partnership (Steer Davies Gleave), May 2007 Greater Bristol Bus Rapid transit (BRT) - Technology Can be found in B1, Appendix B5 Review of Systems, West of England Partnership 2B (iii), Appendix B (Halcrow), September 2007 West of England Bus Rapid Transit - Technology Can be found in B1, Appendix B6 Review - Final Report, West of England Partnership 2B (iv) (Steer Davies Gleave), September 2008 Ashton Vale Corridor Rapid Transit - Ultra Light Rail Transit Review - Summary of Bristol City Council Can be found in B2, Appendix B7 Responses to Sustraco, Bristol City Council (Steer C Davies Gleave), May 2011 West of England Major Schemes Business Case Development - DfT Engagement - 2a - Modal Constant Can be found in B2, B8 Assumption, West of England Partnership (Atkins), Supplementary Document D August 2011 Ashton Vale to Temple Meads Rapid Transit - Local Can be found in B2, B9 Model Validation Report, West of England Partnership Supplementary Document A (Atkins), September 2011 Ashton Vale to Temple Meads Rapid Transit - Public Can be found in B2, B10 Transport Assignment Model Development Report, Supplementary Document B West of England Partnership (Atkins), September 2011 Ashton Vale to Temple Meads Rapid Transit - Demand Can be found in B2, B11 Model Development Report, West of England Supplementary Document C Partnership (Atkins), September 2011 Ashton Vale to Temple Meads Rapid Transit Can be found in B2, B12 Forecasting Report, West of England Partnership Supplementary Document H (Atkins), September 2011 Ashton Vale to Temple Meads - Social and B13 Distributional Impacts - Full Appraisal, West of England Partnership (Atkins), 31 October 2011 B14 Ashton Vale to Temple Meads Rapid Transit Quantitative Risk Analysis, (Atkins) March 2009

Ashton Vale to Temple Meads via Bristol City Centre Can be found in B1, Appendix B15 Rapid Transit Scheme Identification of the Lower 2B (v) Cost Alternative, Atkins, 20 February 2009



Design Freeze A: Value Engineering Options - Ashton Vale to Temple Meads and City Centre BRT, Bristol Can be found in B2, Appendix B16 City Council and North Somerset Council (Halcrow), B 12 April 2011 B17 Affordable Mass Transit Guidance, Commission for Integrated Transport Great Bristol Bus Network Map, South Gloucester Council, 2010


Ashton Gateway Project - Flood Risk Assessment, B19 Ashton Gate Ashton Vale Project and Vence LLP, June 2009 Strategic Flood Risk Assessment - Level 1 SFRA B20 Final Report, Bristol City Council (Halcrow), March 2009 Strategic Flood Risk Assessment - Level 2 SFRA B21 Main Report - Final, Bristol City Council (Halcrow), November 2009 Ashton Vale to Temple Meads (AVTM) Public Enquiry Documents - City Centre Loop - Design and Construction, Bristol Engineer Consultancy: B22 Consists of 2 volumes Engineering Design Criteria and Design Decisions, Construction Methodology, Waste Management Plan and Drawings Ashton Vale to Temple Meads Rapid Transit - Design B23 Standards Report, West of England Partnership (Halcrow), 20 January 2012 Ashton Vale to Temple Meads Rapid Transit Construction Methodology - Document 1 Version Draft, B24 West of England Partnership (Halcrow), 24 January 2012

Doc Category C Documents Strategy and Context Ref C1 The Future of Transport - a network for 2030, Department for Transport, July 2004 Delivering a Sustainable Transport System: Main Report, Department for Transport, November 2008





Towards a Sustainable Transport System - Supporting C3 Economic Growth in a Low Carbon World, Department for Transport, October 2007 C4 Greater Bristol Strategic Transport Study - Final Report, West of England Partnership (Atkins), June 2006 Final Joint Local Transport Plan 2006/07 - 2010/11, West of England Partnership, March 2006


Joint Local Transport Plan 2006/07 - 2010/11 - Five C6 Year Progress Review, West of England Partnership, November 2011 C7 Joint Local Transport Plan 3 2011 - 2026, West of England Partnership, March 2011 Bristol Development Framework Core Strategy, Bristol City Council, Adopted June 2011


North Somerset Council Local Development C9 Framework - Core Strategy - Publication Version, North Somerset Council, January 2011 Improving our Communities Together - North Somerset C10 Sustainable Community Strategy 2008 - 2026, North Somerset Partnership North Somerset Replacement Local Plan - Written C11 Statement, North Somerset Council, Adopted March 2007 C12 The Bristol 20:20 Plan - Bristol's Sustainable City Strategy, The Bristol Partnership Congestion Delivery Plan, West of England Partnership, 2009 (update) Table CGN0201 a & b, Congestion & Reliability Statistics, Department for Transport, November 2011



Bristol City Tidal Risk Strategy - Final Report, C15 Environment Agency South West Region (Halcrow), January 2004 Bristol Frome Flood Management Study - Strategic review Report (including Environmental Overview) C16 Issue 2 Final, Environment Agency South West Region (Atkins), 28 June 2005



Extracts of Agreement under s106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 between the City Council of C17 Bristol and Ashton Vale Project LLP and Vence LLP relating to land at Ashton Vale Bristol, 5 April 2011 Funding decisions on local authority major transport Web site: C18 schemes, Written Statement, Rt Hon Justine Greening MP, 14 December 2011 atements/greening-20111214/ Web site: Written ministerial statement by Minister of State for C19 Decentralisation, Mr. Greg Clark, on planning for k/statements/corporate/plannin growth, 23 March 2011 gforgrowth

Doc Category D Documents Legislation and Guidance Comment Ref Transport and Works Act 1992 - Section 1 (Orders as to railways, tramways etc.), Section 3 (Orders as to inland D1 waterways etc.), Schedule 2 (Model Clauses for Tramways) D2 The Transport and Works (Inquiries Procedure) Rules 2004 The Transport and Works (Applications and Objections Procedure) (England and Wales) Rules 2006


Transport and Works (Listed Buildings, Conservation D4 Areas and Ancient Monuments Procedure) Regulations 1992 D5 Town and Country Planning Act 1990 - Section 90 (Development with government authorisation)

Acquisition of Land Act 1981 - Section 19 (Commons, Open Spaces etc.), Section 20 (Acquisition of rights D6 over land by the creation of new rights), Schedule 3 ( Acquisition of rights over land by the creation of new rights) D7 ODPM Circular 06/2004 - Compulsory Purchase and the Crichel Down Rules, 31 October 2004

Planning Policy Statement 25: Development and Flood D8 Risk, Department for Communities and Local Government, March 2010 (Revised)




EA supplied (2010) flood level data for River Avon and Flood Zone Maps

Web site: Planning Policy Statement 1: Delivering Sustainable k/documents/planningandbuild D10 Development ing/pdf/planningpolicystateme nt1.pdf Web site: Planning Policy Statement 4: Planning for Sustainable D11 k/documents/planningandbuild Economic Growth ing/pdf/planningpolicystateme nt4.pdf Web site: Planning Policy Statement 5: Planning for the Historic D12 Environment k/documents/planningandbuild ing/pdf/1514132.pdf Web site: Planning Policy Statement 25: Development and Flood k/documents/planningandbuild D13 Risk ing/pdf/planningpolicystateme nt25.pdf Web site: k/documents/planningandbuild ing/pdf/1758358.pdf Web site: index.php Web site: ort

D14 Planning Policy Guidance 13: Transport

D15 WebTAG guidance, Department for Transport

D16 West of

London to South West and South Wales Multi-Modal Web site: D17 Study (SWARMMS), Government Office for the South West (Halcrow), May 2002



Appendix 2: Where Promoters documents may be inspected In accordance with Rule 7(2)(b) of the Transport and Works (Inquiries Procedure) Rules 2004, a copy of every document or the relevant part of any document which the Promoters intend to refer to or put in evidence may be inspected free of charge at the following locations at the following times: From 27 January 2012 Location Bristol Central Library Address College Green, Bristol, BS1 5TL Usual Opening Times Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 9.30am to 7.30pm 9.30am to 7.30pm 10am to 5pm 9.30am to 7.30pm 9.30am to 5pm 9.30am to 5pm 1pm to 5pm

Closed on public holidays

From 30 January 2012 Location Bedminster Library Address 4 St Peters Court, Bedminster Parade, Bristol, BS3 4AQ Usual Opening Times Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Thursday* Friday Saturday 9.30am to 5pm 9.30am to 7.30pm 9.30am to 5pm 9.30am to 7.30pm 1pm to 4pm 1pm to 4pm 1pm to 4pm 9.30am to 5.00pm 9.30am to 7pm 9.30am to 5.00pm 9.30am to 7pm 9.30am to 1.00pm 2.00pm to 5.00pm

Closed on public holidays Clevedon Library 37 Old Church Road, Clevedon, BS21 6NN

*On the first Thursday of each month the library will open at 10am after staff training. Closed on public holidays Weston-super-Mare Library The Boulevard Weston-super-Mare BS23 1PL Monday Tuesday Wednesday* Thursday Friday 9.30am to 7.30pm 9.30am to 5.30pm 9.30am to 5.30pm 9.30am to 7.30pm 9.30am to 5.30pm




9.30am to 4.00pm

*On the first Wednesday of each month the library will open at 11am after staff training. Closed on public holidays

From 31 January 2012 Location B Bond Address Usual Opening Times 9.30am to 4.30pm 9.30am to 4.30pm 9.30am to 4.30pm 9.30am to 4.30pm 10am to 4pm

B Bond Warehouse, Tuesday Wednesday Smeaton Road, Thursday* Bristol, BS1 6XN Friday Saturday**

*First two Thursdays of month: 9.30am to 7pm **First two Saturdays of month Closed on public holidays Note: B Bond will be closed until Monday 31 January 2012 Long Ashton Library Lovelinch Gardens, Long Ashton, BS41 9AH Tuesday Thursday Friday Saturday 9.30am to 12.30pm 1.30pm to 5.00pm 9.30am to 12.30pm 1.30pm to 7.00pm 9.30am to 12.30pm 9.30am to 12.30pm 1.30pm to 4.00pm 9.30am to 7.00pm 9.30am to 5.00pm 9.30am to 5.00pm 9.30am to 7.00pm 9.30am to 1.00pm 2.00pm to 4.00pm

Closed on public holidays Nailsea Library Somerset Square, Nailsea, BS48 1RQ Tuesday Wednesday* Thursday Friday Saturday

*On the second Wednesday of each month the library will open at 10am after staff training. Closed on public holidays



Appendix 3: Where other parties statements of case and documents may be inspected and copied In accordance with Rule 7(9) of the Transport and Works (Inquiries Procedure) Rules 2004, a copy of every Statement of Case served by every other parties and of every document served with them (once received and copied by the Promoters) may be inspected free of charge and, where practicable and subject to the payment of a reasonable charge, copied, at the following location at the following times: Location Bristol City Council Address Brunel House St George's Road Bristol BS1 5UY Usual Opening Times Monday to Friday 10am to 3pm



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