Speech Day Youth Speaks Competition

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The Weekly Newsletter of Tockington Manor School

6th July 2012

Speech Day
We look forward to welcoming parents to Speech Day on Saturday 14th July when the guest speaker will be Dr Steven Connors, Headmaster of Monmouth School. Speech Day is the formal event of the year at Tockington Manor. Upper School boys should wear blazer, grey shirt, trousers and tie, Years 7 and 8 girls blazer, kilt, white blouse and tie, junior girls blazer and summer dress. Children in Years 3 and 4 should come in at the normal time. We hope parents will dress appropriately for the occasion. Ladies are welcome to wear hats if they wish. If your child attends the leavers supper and is made an Old Tockingtonian then he/she should wear their OT tie/ scarf on Speech Day.

Youth Speaks Competition

This Monday, after a very hectic two weeks of exams and activities, Seren Clayton, from Year 6, took part in the Rotary Clubs Youth Speaks competition and won. She gave a delightful talk in an After Dinner Speech style on her Vision of the Future. To get to this point, Seren had already had to compete against all of her classmates in Year 6. The final involved eight children from many local primary schools and the quality of the talks was outstanding. Children talked on a range of subjects including The Bermuda Triangle, the Ancient Greeks, The Gas Mask and Feelings. All of the children were excellent and the judges had to deliberate for forty-five agonising minutes before they were able to bring their verdict. Last year Jack Chesser won the competition and took away the Ron Nicholas Cup and so TMS finds itself engraved on the cup two years in a row, which is very exciting. Next year it will be the present Year 5s turn, so who knows, we might make it a hat-trick! Seren won a shield, 50 and a certificate in the final as well as a dictionary in the first round so her hard work more than paid off. She also had the pleasure of competing which she thought was very exciting and she later told me that when she got up to speak she really enjoyed it. Thats the spirit! Well done, Seren! Judith Case Head of English

Friday 13th July

There will be no breakfast club on Friday 13th July. Children may arrive at school from 8.15 am to sign in. Would parents also please note that school will finish for Upper School children at 3.30 pm that day so that preparations for the Leavers Supper and Speech Day can take place. Transport running at 3.30 pm

Summer Concert
The Upper School Summer Concert will take place on Tuesday 10th July at 7.00 pm. All welcome. All the children taking part must sign in for supper on Tuesday. Performers should all wear clean summer school uniform. Please look as tidy as possible. Transport running at 5.45 pm

Payment of Fees
If you would like to pay your fees on a monthly basis please collect a form from the Bursars office.

TMS Books
Please could you all check your homes for any library books, text books or any other books belonging to Tockington Manor School and leave these at the signing out desk next week or with individual teachers.

Bronze Medal
Congratulations to Poppy Carter who won a bronze medal in a judo competition at Bedminster last Saturday. Poppy was competing against 20 other children. Well done, Poppy!



2012 Tockington Manor School, Washingpool Hill Road, Tockington, Bristol, BS32 4NY.

The Weekly Newsletter of Tockington Manor School

6th July 2012

FOTM Summer Ball

Now the ball is all but here we urgently need any preorder drinks forms and special dietary requirement instructions. Please may I ask you to return your orders to the office with payment in full by Monday 9th July at the latest. We look forward to seeing you on Saturday 14th July at 7.00pm for a fun packed evening which includes dinner, live band, disco, raffle and silent auction. If you have any queries please don't hesitate to contact me on 07968 508941. Anita Williamson, FOTM

Music Department
Karate Recorder Belts Congratulations to all the children in Year 2 who have gained their orange belts. Special mention must be made of Joe Ancell who was awarded a green belt. After lots of hard work Tabitha Huby in Year 3 gained her purple belt. Well done to everyone! Instruments Please remember to take musical instruments home at the end of term. Dont forget you will need them for the Summer Concert and rehearsals at the start of the week.

Each academic year the school supports three charities. If any parents have a connection with a charity they feel the school would like to support, please forward details to the office.

Aztec Feast
Year 4 will be tucking into some delicious Aztec style food at their feast on Tuesday 10th July. Please bring your food to the kitchen on Tuesday morning. Thank you. Mrs Tovey

Nursery French Taster Session

Last Wednesday I was invited to spend the afternoon with the Wrens and the Robins at the Nursery. All the children took part in language action games and sang traditional nursery rhymes enthusiastically. We also played with puppets to learn about greetings in French. After the hard work we enjoyed croissants and pains au chocolat. We had a really fun and pleasant afternoon together. I cannot wait to start teaching them next term! Next term I will be teaching Owls on Tuesday mornings and the Robins will have their language session on Thursdays. Madame Vron

Swimming News
The most improved swimmers of the term are Alex Ganfield, Bennie Sanzo, Hugo Watts, Jessica Portch, Harvey Jones and Rosie Dalziel. Congratulations also go to the following who will receive their colours for hard work, community service and dedication to swimming over the years: Tobias Burden, Simon Sheppard, Jessica Portch, Jason Ingamells and Daisy Williamson. Day children may go home at 4.00 pm after the Swimming Gala on Wednesday.

House Athletics Finals

Please read the email sent to you today (Friday) regarding the House Athletics tomorrow.

Moving Up Morning
There will be an internal moving up morning for Owls, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 on Tuesday 10th July.

2012 Tockington Manor School, Washingpool Hill Road, Tockington, Bristol, BS32 4NY.

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