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MON DAY July 9 7:00 pm Mens Open Gym (AU) 7:00 pm Elders Meeting (CR) T UES DAY July 1 0 7:00 am Intercessory Prayer (Trinity UMC Prayer Rm) WED NE SDAY July 1 1 7:00 pm Mens Wild at Heart Bible Study (FH)

WOULD YOU LIKE TO BLESS SOMEONE WHO HAD SURGERY WITH A HOME COOKED MEAL? Contact Patty Lou Levering (419-947-3401) today to find out how you can help with this wonderful ministry! Are you interested in joining the email prayer chain? Well, its not actually a chain at all. All you have to do is check your email and pray. Theres no one to call or pass the info on to. Super easy! Just give the church office a call at 419-946-1100 to get signed up. EFC-ERs 200th Yearly Meeting will be July 21-24, 2012. If you are interested in attending the Yearly Meeting you can pick up a brochure at the Welcome Center. Please note that the Yearly Meeting also offers Kids events. WMF Fall Retreat (Better Than our Dreams) Northern Location will be held October 19-21, 2012 at the Heartland Retreat Center in Marengo. If you are interested in attending, please stop by the Welcome Center today and pick up a brochure.

Welcome to Worship
Gilead Friends Church
3613 Twp. Rd. 115 Mount Gilead, Ohio 43338 419-946-1100 Senior Pastor Brian Mosher

AU:Auditorium CA:Caf CH:Chapel CR:ConferenceRoom FH:FellowshipHall

Shine your Light


Sunday July 8, 2012

9:15 am SUNDAY S C H OO L FO R ALL AG ES We meet in the Caf for an opening word of prayer, song and announcements followed by dismissal to classes. 10 :3 0 a m WO RSH I P - Nursery provided for newborns to age 2 in Rm. 101 - Stars (ages 3-5) meet in Room 102 - Kids in grades K-5 will be dismissed from main service to go to the Chapel following dismissal from service. 5:00 pm YO UTH G R OU P (6-12 th Grade ) at the home of Tim and Patty Hack (6434 County Road 100, Mt. Gilead)

at VBS this year August 17th & 18 . Visit the VBS table in the foyer to see how you can help.

MARK YOUR CALENDARS FOR THE LAST WEEKEND OF JULY! Work Camp is back. Stop at the welcome center today and sign the sheet indicated what days you can help. This will help us determine how much work were going to be able to do.

CHILDRENS Suspendisse CHURCH potenti. Planet Zero is our children's worship time for grades
K-5. The children are usually dismissed to go up to the chapel after the opening musical numbers and greeting time. We enjoy fun worship music of our own, along with lessons, skits and sometimes games and snacks. Parents then pick children up after the worship service is over. - Teachers: Steve Curts & Kyle Hack


Stars is a class for children ages 3-PreK. The preschoolers are dropped off in the Stars room next to the nursery at the beginning of worship. We offer lessons, crafts, games and snacks. Children younger than 3 or those not able to handle a story time or working on small projects should be taken to the nursery. - Teachers: Dina and Braelyn Snow

July 2 1-24 th EF C E R Ye arly M e eting July 2 6-28 th M ission C amp July 4 Church O ffice Close d Se ptembe r 3 C hurch O ffice Close d Octobe r 1 9-21 W FM Fa ll Retrea t at He artland

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