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The following article appeared in the daily newspaper Yediot Aharonot 6th July 20120706 [Reported by Ittamar Reichel]


The British weekly Jewish Chronicle reports: The organizers of the Opening Ceremony are preparing to hold a commemoration but not a minute of silence.. This is a drastic change in the stand of the IOC, which had refused until now to hold a memorial in memory of the 11 Israeli sportsmen, at the festive opening event of the London Olympics. The British Jewish weekly journal Jewish Chronicle, revealed yesterday that the head of the Olympics Organizing Committee, Lord Sebastian Coe, instructed his staff to be prepared to hold a commemoration within the framework of the opening ceremony which is watched by billions all over the world. According to the report, it is not clear what form this commemoration will take, but apparently there will not be a minutes silence as demanded by the IsraeliInternational Campaign Only One Minute. It has

become known that the IOC transmitted similar messages to the Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon, who lead the One Minute campaign.

The organizers of the ceremony are considering the mention of the victims in speeches or by video clips which will be screened on giant screens: they are also examining the possibility of inviting the families of the victims to the stage. The report is positive but we are urging the IOC to hold a minutes silence which is a basic humanitarian gesture and not a claim that is regarded as a conflict said Deputy-Minister Ayalon. It should be pointed out, that for 40 years, the IOC refused to mark the memory of the fallen at the opening ceremonies of the Olympics, because it feared, apparently, a confrontation with the Muslim world. Ilana Romano, widow of Joseph Romano, who was one of the leaders in this struggle, said last night: This is a

great surprise. I am right now exactly at the wedding of Anok Spitzer, daughter of Andre Spitzer who was murdered in Berlin. This is a wonderful gift which we can give Anok at her wedding, It is a victory! I want to cry because of the emotion. Our reporter adds, that nearing the Olympics, the fear is growing in Britain of a terrorist assault. Yesterday six British Muslims were arrested in London. some of them near the Olympic Stadium, on suspicion of belonging to a terrorist network and the suspicion of preparing an attack.

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