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12 STEPS IN YEAST DOUGH PREPARATION 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

SCALING = ingredients purchased and measure MIXING = straight dough method. Pick up period, clean up period, development period, final gluten development FERMENTATION = the process in which yeasts acts on sugar and starches in the dough to produce carbon dioxide and alcohol PUNCHING = deflating the dough that expels CO2, redistributes yeast SCALING = divide dough into same weight pieces, according to the recipe ROUNDING = shaping into round smooth spheres BENCHING = allowed to rest 10-20 minutes. Relaxes the gluten MAKEUP & PANNING = shaping into the proper loaves and rolls PROOFING = continuation of fermentation BAKING = coagulation of the proteins and gelatinization of starches COOLING = remove from pans and rest on racks STORING = wrap in moisture proof bags after the product has cooled

General Kitchen Procedures

1. 2.

Students are not allowed in lab without an instructor present. Store food in hotel pan, bain marie pan and plastic containers, either with lids or wrapped well in plastic and labeled, (product and date). Do not store food in original containers or in aluminum. Always check to see if there is any of the product already opened before opening another. Open boxes of shortening, nuts, etc., by cutting three sides of the box, making a lid. Scrape down pails of fondant, shortening and icings to prevent the product from drying out. Leave bins full; clean them; lids are on at the end of class. Empty dishwasher; turn off and drain machine; clean out strainer; remove plate and clean out underneath. Return items borrowed from another kitchen. This practice should be kept to an absolute minimum.

3. 4.

5. 6. 7.

8. 9. 10.

Place all dirty towels in the soiled laundry bus pan. Save empty plastic containers or their lids. These can be re-used to store food products. All utensils have a place where they should be stored. Return them to their proper place. If in doubt, ask your instructor. (a) metal with metal, (b) plastic with wood Organize, clean and lock cage. Empty, clean and sanitized containers; store upside down. Organize refrigerators.

11. 12. 13.

The Straight Dough Mixing Method is one way to mix dough.. all the ingredients are mixed together at once. However, if you are using fresh and dry active yeast, make sure to make a slurry first (combine the water or milk with the yeast and whisk until the yeast has disolved). Then and in your flour to the slurry so its covered (you want to protect the yeast from any ingredient your using that might kill it, such as salt). Sprinkle your salt on top of that. Thats the basic ingredient list for bread. Now you can mix them together and then kneed. If you are using a mixer, use the bread (spiral) hook and mix for two to three minutes. If you have a three level mixer, use speed 1. If you have a 10 speed mixer, use level 3. If you find that your dough is too try or wet, this is the only time you can fix it. Now youll push the speed up to two (for the 3 speed mixer) or 6 (for the 10 speed mixer) for 6 8 minutes. To check if the dough is ready you will do the windowpane test. No, this does not mean throw your dough at a window to see if it will stick, as my dad thought.. You cut of a bit of your dough (always cut, never tare your gluten strands), stretch it thin. If you stretch it and it doesnt break and when you hold it up to light you can see the gluten strands, its good to go. If not, mix for another minute, check again, and so on. If it is, take it out of the bowl, round it, spray down your bowl so the dough doesnt stick, place your dough in, spray again, cover and place in a warm (about 80-95 F) and humid enviroment so it can ferment. If you want, you can ferement your dough in a cooler enviroment, it will just take longer. When the dough has doubled in size and passes the belly button test (poke the center with your finger, if the belly button stays, its good to go. If not, let it ferment longer. Then you can move on in the steps of the yeast formation..

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