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How to Justify Your Attendance to

International Spectrum

ustifying your conference attendance to management can be challenging for some IT staff. Much

discussion is focused on the legitimacy of attending conference and trade show programs. The

reality is that conferences are among the most cost effective methods of obtaining education and infor-

mation, and in establishing a network.

Why Attend Conference And Trade yy Talk directly to your MultiValue database provider
Show Events? to get answers to questions
Conference sessions allow you to:
yy Talk with others who are using or considering a
yy Learn first hand from industry experts that have product or service you are researching
successfully implemented technology solutions
Who Attends This Conference?
yy Keep up to date on new and emerging technolo-
Executives, Chief Information Officer (CIO) and Ex-
ecutive and Senior Level Management, Owners, Con-
yy Take the opportunity to create a professional net- sultants, Influencers, Technical Staff, Implementers,
work Sales, Operations and Production, Industry Leaders,
and Vendors.
yy Create talking points to communicate more effec-
tively with vendors
Why Should You Attend?
yy Get immediate answers and solutions to issues To justify the cost you need to understand the pur-
within your organization pose of your attendance. Make a list of the things you
would like to accomplish:
yy Discover new products that can decrease expense
and increase revenue yy Is there a current issue at your company for which
you are looking for a solution?
Trade Show / Exhibition Events Allow
You To: yy Are there any developing technologies you feel
yy See the latest in technology would benefit your company?

yy Hear new product announcements yy Are there issues you would like to talk to your ven-
dors about?
yy Visit all of your vendors in one location
yy Can you find one idea that will increase revenue
yy Get answers directly from vendors on the exhibi- and/or decrease costs?
tion floor
yy Is your company looking at implementing new
yy Do some comparison shopping technology?
yy Seek solutions and find new technologies

40 u I N TERNATIONAL S P E C TR U M N ovem b er / D ecem b e r 2008

“How can we justify spending money to participate in a
conference when we are facing budget reductions?” The answer
lies in the value of the conference’s content and the focused
interaction it provides.

yy Would you benefit from expanding Ask how to make it happen and get the The cost of attending this conference
your personal and professional net- ball rolling: is often less than the cost of attending
work? classes at other training sites or online.
yy Do I get corporate travel involved?
By offering workshops, peer-to-peer
yy Does your company need to invest
yy Do I need to have dollars in the bud- discussions, and varied IT and Enter-
in your business system to gain or
get right now? Is there money in an- prise presentations, International Spec-
maintain their competitive edge?
other departmental budget that is trum 2009 offers you the knowledge
unused? of multiple trainers, professionals, and
Presenting To Your
Management companies that are focused on the use
yy What are some of the things that I
The first and foremost communication of different techniques, methodolo-
should look for while attending?
should be your company’s standard re- gies, and products designed to increase
quest form or a formal memo directed yy Is there a branch office in the area your productivity and ability to meet
to your manager requesting attendance that I can visit? the challenges your company or orga-
and why. Be sure to include the ROI nization faces.
yy If you are serious about purchasing
and cost savings for attending (see be- “x” software can a vendor sched-
The Conference Costs:
low for some examples.) A sample of ule an on-site visit to demo or meet
a memo requesting attendance can Early Bird Registration by Feb 15th,
with current users?
be found at 2009 $795.00
s1006. Schedule a follow-up meeting It is only natural for an administrator to
Hotel $169.00 Per Night x 5 nights
with your boss to discuss the request. ask, “How can we justify spending mon-
(plus taxes)
ey to participate in a conference when
In your memo and follow-up meeting we are facing budget reductions?” The Meals $50.00 per day x 5 days
focus on how attending the confer- answer lies in the value of the confer-
ence is relevant to your company and/ Travel: $450.00 Round trip
ence’s content and the focused inter-
or your team’ goals and future projects. action it provides. Sometimes learning Total (approximate): $2547.00
Here are some talking points to help one new piece of information or gain-
you make a case for attending: ing better understanding about only Your Return On Investment
yy International Spectrum has been one process can justify the entire cost To help you create your ROI state-
hosting this conference for over 25 of attending International Spectrum. ment, I’ve compiled a few items and
years and it is regarded by the indus- And making one professional contact assigned values to them. Use these as
try as “the premier MultiValue Edu- can be worth much more. a starting point, and feel free to modi-
cational event.” fy the information as you see fit.
As companies decrease training bud-
gets, they still require IT to do more
yy I am going to look for a solution for Research Time:
“this” problem. with less. As companies increasingly
37 Hours x $70.00 per hour = $2590
turn to technology to compensate for
yy I believe “this new technology” Per product or tool
a lack of employees, the needs for up-
could benefit the company and I to-date solutions and products become How much time would you spend re-
would like to learn more about it. more important and cheaper to imple- search all the available products, which
yy I plan on meeting with “x” vendors ment. Since International Spectrum companies have them, how they work,
to discuss these issues. brings all the tools providers under their costs, and see demos? For exam-
one roof, you save time and money on ple, if you were researching reporting
yy I am going to talk with several com- research by seeing everything in one tools, how much time would it take
panies about “x” technology we are place. to find all the available products, and
looking at. setup times to see demos. You could
Continues on page 44
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How to Justify Your Atten- hours or more in industry training, not changes. They are no longer in busi-
dance to International to mention product-specific training. ness. If your company doesn’t keep up,
Spectrum 2009 then it will cost them more in the long
Continued from page 41 Many of the sessions at International
run or they will start to loose business
Spectrum Conference cost well over
and money just because they chose to
spend a good day to day and a half just $500 apiece as webinars. With the
stay in the same place.
looking for the available products and advantage of face to face time with
scheduling demos. the speakers and presenters, you are
Professional Networking:
getting the benefit of onsite training,
The demo itself might take two hours. 30 hours
which can normally cost over $1200 a
If you assume you will also lose 30 min-
day. Professional networking is one those
utes before the demo getting prepared
items that is hard to quantify. User
and then another 30 minutes after the
groups and online forums have taken
demo writing up your notes about the
demo and your impressions, that is
Attendees will over some of this, but sometimes you
three hours per product. return to their can be more productive just meeting
and talking to people in person. You
You also have the research on imple- companies with may find someone in your vertical mar-
ket place that has the same problem,
mentation which could take three or
four days per product just to under- increased knowledge or has already solved the problem you
stand how you would integrate the new
product into your existing systems. of the practices, have, that you would not find any-
where else.
Now this is just for one product or techniques, and Attendees for the International Spec-
tool. If you are planning to look at all
the different tools and their competi-
tools of technology trum Conference come from many dif-
ferent vertical marketplaces: housing,
tors, then multiply this by the number that will make them retail, banking, manufacturing, distri-
of vendors available. bution, trucking, and the list goes on
more productive. and on.
Consulting Time:
Some attendees find they learn a great
12 Hours x $100-120.00 per hour =
deal from talking to one another be-
$1200.00 Intangibles: cause they are talking to someone that
Many of International Spectrums speak- Don’t invest In Software, Lose has already solved the problem versus
ers are industry experts and work as Business: someone who will help you solve the
professional consultants. They are pre- You have likely already seen this with problem. If you have to place a value
senting at the conferences to help you your existing system, or will see it on this, then I would look at it as con-
understand new technologies and how soon. If you don’t invest in your exist- sulting time.
best to implement them without cost- ing enterprise systems, you will start
ing your company tons of money. If losing business. Or you will start hear- Make The Most Of Your
you schedule time with speakers after ing rumblings of “you have got to move Conference Attendance
sessions, you can get more in-depth an- off this old technology”, when there is When discussing your attendance with
swers to your questions. nothing wrong with your advanced your manager, be sure to share how
complex business system except that you will make the most of your confer-
You can easily spend three hours a day ence attendance. Here are a few things
those using the system—both manage-
with one or more of the speakers. With you can do to get the most out of the
ment and staff—want different user
a normal consultant’s fee at over $100 conference:
interfaces, nicer reporting options, and
an hour, you can recoup most, if not
web connectivity.
all, of your conference expenses. Before the Conference:
You have to invest in training and soft- 1. Match a list of session topics to
Training And/Or Continuing ware exploration now, so that in the fu- specific challenges your business
Education Hours: ture, even just two to three years from faces.
24 Hours x $70.00 = $1680 now, you know what your options are.
Look closely at what has happened 2. Compare the cost of an outside or
With four days running five tracks of
to Wall Street in the last few months. on-site consultant versus the confer-
educational sessions and workshops,
There are many companies that didn’t ence fee.
you could spend a minimum of 24 Continues on page 45
move fast enough to keep up with the

44 u I N TERNATIONAL S P E C TR U M N ovem b er / D ecem b e r 2008

How to Justify Your Atten- Are you Prepared? Clif Notes
dance to International Continued from page 34 Continued from page 46
Spectrum 2009
Continued from page 44 breaker box, flips the switch to turn off this a bit too far. After all, no amount of
the power to the whole building. This believing I can transform myself into a
3. Develop a complete cost justifica- throws the company into the disaster fighter jet (all right, in my case, a jum-
tion using the information provided recovery process for power outages. bo jet) is going to permit me to sprout
in “Why Attend” page on the Inter- wings and develop a jet engine. (Don’t
Things run smoothly into disaster re-
national Spectrum web site. even go there.) No amount of positive
covery mode, until they realize that
attitude or daily group recitation of
During The Conference the customer service department relies
“Every day, in every way, our software
more heavily on the computer systems
4. Network with MultiValue profes- gets better and better,” is going to help
now, than they did when the plan was
sionals and users to understand a piece of junk software become the
created two years ago. Now they can’t
how to solve specific business chal- next Killer App. No, I am not talking
log calls and can barely even answer
lenges. about affirmations, laws of attraction,
the phones.
and other metaphysical woo-woo. I’m
5. Attend training sessions and work-
So the VP rushes back down to flip the interested in the studies, theories, and
power back on. The breaker gets stuck findings of the area known as Positive
6. Request one-on-one consulting with between on and off, so now they can’t Psychology. Work in the areas of goal-
the speakers, product experts, ex- do anything because the power to the directed thinking, learned optimism,
ecutives and account managers to site is truly and surely broken until they consequences of positive emotions,
discuss your needs. can get an electrician out to fix it. and so forth indicate that yes, up to a
point, changing our thinking and atti-
After The Conference While that is happening, they fall fur-
tudes really can change our outcomes.
ther into the disaster recovery plan,
1. Create action reports with detailed Rather than discuss theory, let me give
preparing to move the computers to
content, form execution teams, take you an example.
their off-site warehouse to setup and
the necessary action and follow up.
run. They start moving the comput- We all know that no matter how much
See the trip report template on the
ers, and come to find out they changed you test, there will always be bugs in
International Spectrum web site.
warehouses as well, and it doesn’t have our software. Industry pundits assure
2. Train others and give a presentation the power or networking infrastructure us this is true. Software systems are
to co-workers on what you learned. that the old warehouse had. Now they just so complex, complete correctness
have moved all their computers from is simply not possible. This, of course,
3. Implement at least one performance
the main office to the warehouse, but is common knowledge. It is also an
change you’ve learned.
can’t do anything with them. attitude that irritates me to no end. I
4. Document savings associated with wonder how many of these people
Now you can see where this story is
what you learned for next year. who have this attitude would get on
going. Make sure you review and test
an airplane to fly coast to coast if all
your disaster recovery planning. With
Conclusion of the aircraft engineers publicly pro-
more and more systems being integrat-
The International Spectrum 2009 Con- nounced, “You know, these aircraft
ed with your networking systems, you
ference is one of the best places to are so complex, there is no way all the
may find you have to review your disas-
get MultiValue education and product parts can be expected to be put togeth-
ter recovery plan every time you add
information. Just by reviewing the dol- er properly and always work correctly.
new hardware, software, programs, or
lars spent versus the dollars saved, how Besides, the FAA is just going to issue
buildings, regardless if it is IT related
can you pass it up? change orders, so why even bother?”
or not.
Yeah, I didn’t think so. Besides, I have
Along with a copy of this article, I’ve
Disaster recovery plans should always experiences to the contrary.
included a “Why Attend” section on
be a key part of your business systems.
the International Spectrum Confer- Back in the late 70s, I read a book on
The time and money it takes to set one
ence site. This section includes “Justi- programming methodology that as-
up is worth it in the long run. Make
fication Toolkits” to help you convince serted that programs that compiled and
sure the plan is written down and put
management of the value and savings ran correctly the first time should be
somewhere that it can be found, and
of attending the conference on March the rule rather than the exception. Be-
always go over your plan periodically
23rd-26th, 2009. IS ing young and dumb and not knowing
to make sure it is current and that ev-
any better, I started trying to do it. It
eryone knows what to do. IS
Continues on page 31

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