Anxiety Is Your Red Light, Not A Red Rag! Learn How To Drive Yourself Safely.

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Anxiety is your red light,

not a red rag!

Learn how to drive yourself safely

Practical instructions by the hypnotist


"Jack will do for himself if he tells Wilmet her eyes are violet; it is like a red rag to a bull."

Pillars of the House by Charlotte Yonge , 1873

Hello my friend, I know that you will be free from your anxiety and any nervousness as soon as you finish reading my book. You can ask me, why I am so confident about eliminating anxiety and stress? I am confident about eliminating anxiety forever because I know how you feel, when your heart is jumping out and you think that it's end of your life , and cold fear is squeezing your brain , your legs are absolutely useless, your hands are shaking and you are ready to die. I had a number of panick attacks long time ago. I never had anything like that before. It's a very painful experience, but the good side of it is that I learned how to get over it, how to live without anxiety. I have at least 20 years of successfuly controlling anxiety and nervousness with self hypnosis relaxation, contrast shower, and healthy diet. Also you can ask me, why my english is so perfect? Well , my english is a 2 nd language. I am russian. I came to New York City from St.Petersburg (USSR) in 1991 with only $28 in my pocket and no place to live. I didn't have anybody, who could help me at first time. Imagine how it was, what level of anxiety and nervousness I had back in that time. Anyway, I have been living in NYC for more than 20 years now, my family is here with me. I am a happy person and anxiety in not the issue for me anymore. I want you to learn how to control your nervousness and anxiety without any drugs. You can and you will be free from anxiety! Most importantly, you will be absolutely healthy person! Hypnotically yours, Alexandre Ivlev.

The whole pack, on haunches, with noses pointed skyward, was howling its hunger cry. WHITE FANG by Jack London, 1911

Jack London's gold rush heroes dropped everything and went to Klondike for adventuries. They had a lot of stress and anxiety, but after struggling in a wild world if survived they became stronger and happier. Why? I know that you probably think: I can't live that life, I have family and job, I have bills to pay. My boss is asshole, my neighbor is always noisy, my spouse never supports me, the whole world is giving me a constant headache. Well, you are not alone. 90% of all people live life just like you, they see and get only stress, anxiety, speed aging, financial crisis.

When you are young, it's easy to face situations like money ending or aging, because you don't think a lot about it. That's the Nature of Youth. You probably think that I will be teaching you how to not thinking about stress and aging, no, I won't. But I do want to help you learn how to think about things like aging, stress, anxiety, financial crisis and other unpleasurable material. If you will learn how to think right, you will become stronger and happier!

( just like Gold Rush men)

We all have been kids and some of us had a good childhood time, some not, but we all have childhood memories, bad and good ones. As grown up adolts we remember mostly good events and hide bad ones deeply inside. If stress happens we react as we have to react without understanding why it happened so quckly and later we regret about what happened and keep thinking about the stressful episode over and over. You know that stress is a unconscious reaction of a human body to danger. It's not possible to control stress and be calm when you are standing on the edge of the roof of 100 fl building or when wind trow some sand in your eyes, ...or when your boss is yelling on you ... But there are professional people who work on hights without fears, remember the photo of Empair State Building workers, sitting on the rails above 300 ft? They weren't born to be fierless or stressless, they have been trained to control themself. If they could do it, you can do it as well.

Stress is not harmful for you if it happens sometime, but when it is constant, it's breaking you. And almost nothing can you do to prevent stress, because it's a natural reaction of your body. More important thing is how to be not involved in stressful situations and how to be recharged quickly after stress.

First of all, train your mind to accept the world around you as if it is your friend, not your enemy. Doesn't matter, if it seems strange to you now, just say it to your self: I love myself , everybody loves me. Repeat it again please. I love myself , everybody loves me. How do you feel now? Your tension is going away. Your mind is getting clear. Would you be suprise, if I tell you that all stressful events happened, because of you? Yes my friend, this is true. Every time when you think that you are the poor victim of circumstances, guilt is only yours. It's hard to svallow, I know. Imagine yourself that you are the invisible man and you are in your boss's office or any other places, where you want to be. Now it's different, because they don't see you and you can do whatever you want to do: you can mess around with all papers and files, you can even smash your boss with a book, you can do a lot of things...And you are absolutely free of stress! Why? Because you are invisible! What's the difference between you invisible and you normal? Your personality, your behavior, your look, your name, mostly your mindset. You react to the events as it's wrong event, as it's enemy event. Your mind is telling you that everything is against you, that nobody likes you. It's only your imagination actually. Train your mind and you will be the happiest person as soon as possible. It's easy. I will help you with this. You can use my Invisible manaudio training program as well. Exercise 10-20 min a day. Every day. Any place you want, but it has to be a safe quiet place, where you can't be disturbed for 10-20 minutes. Check regularly my website for more info:

What about anxiety? How to manage your anxiety? My answer for you is easy! You don't have to take medicine pils for relaxation or for being calming, any chemicals are not good for your body, only natural ones that in vegetables and fruits are good for you. Eat organic vegetables and fruits and you will be healthier. All right, let's get back to anxiety. Long time ago when

I was much younger I had my first panick attack. I woke up in the morning with horrible feeling that something is not right with me: my legs were shaking, my heart was jumping and fear was sneaking in me as coold sprut. My wife called my next door indian friend Rady, he was working in a hospital as a X ray technition, so to me he was as good as a doctor. Immediately my friend Rady came to me and took a look at me, then he checked my pulse and said that he dosn't see anything wrong. Later I went to local hospital emergency room and they have checked me as they have to check (Xray, EKG, Blood) So nothing wrong was found. I didn't feel good whole week. I called russian extracense guy and he gave me advice that I should use contrast shower, after hot shower taking cold shower. I tried it and I liked it. I am using contrast shower every day since 1995, I recomend it to you, it helps to reduce anxiety. Always finish with coldest shower you can get.

What couses anxiety?

You know already that it's financial problems, relations problems, stress, inner discomfort, mostly your mind. I say it again: Your Mind. Train your mind to think and react positively and your anxiety will be gone. Meditation helps a lot as well. If you don't know how to meditate, here is useful link : You can become the Master of Yourself and live free of stress and anxiety. All you have to do is listening to my audio program and do exactly what it says to do. Fallow the instructions. Enjoy it!

What a wonderful world! Louis Armstrong

Let's get together and feel all right! Bob Marly

My friend, when you are calm and relaxed , you feel yourself good and every one likes you. Usually we are looking for the situations that will make us calm and relaxed and if we don't find it, we got stressed out and feel unhappy. My advice: don't look for situations, create them yourself, creat your happy feelings without any situation! This is art of self tuning for happiness. Good news is that you can learn how to tune yourself to happy feelings, how to create good events without waiting the right moment that always late. Here is what you can do for achieving good balance in yourself: 1. Learn how to breath effectively in stress situation. 2. Learn how to relax your body and give yourself positive suggestions after stress. 3. Learn how to be grateful for everything you have in your life. 4. Learn what to eat so your brain chemical balance will be just right. 5. Learn how to meditate at any time and any place you can 5 min a day. 6. Learn how to be the Invisible Man when stress hits you. 7. Learn how to think positively at wotk and at home. When you learn all this 7 steps you will be untouchable to any stressful event. Your health will be improved. Your prestige will be increased. You will be happy person! Just relax and feel all right! Do you know that all psychosomatic issues can be released with simple relaxation? It does. Consciously relax yourself and your pulse will be slower, smile no matter what and good people will be attracted to you. Think positively, act friendly and anxiety will be gone from your life forever!

Practical training for reducing and eliminating your anxiety: How to breath when in stress situations.
Stand in front of mirror, look at your body profile, so you can see your stomach area. Slowly inhale with diaphragm (a muscle located horizontally between the chest cavity and stomach cavity ), which is just a upper part of your belly, don't inhale with your chest, your chest is not moving in diaphragmatic breathing. Exhale with your upper belly part slowly, your chest is not moving. This is easy. Breath with your diaphragm slowly when you are stressing out, don't use your regular chest type of breathing. Benefits: It's more effective breathing, more oxygen gets in your blood. You can think clearly and react positively.

How to recharge yourself after stressful event. How to relax. How to give yourself positive suggestions
If you are involved already in stressful event and getting angrier, stop right there, count up to 10 and go away. If you can't go away and you got stoned with your teeth crashing, stop thinking, agree with the opponent or enemy and wait for opportunity to go away. Don't forget about diaphragmatic breathing, use it consciously, focus on it while you are under negative attack. Soon as you are out of stressful situation, find safe place ( empty room, outside yard, coffee shop) , sit comfortably and begin relaxing your muscles, starting from stomach area muscles, where your solar plexus is. Relax it, make it lose, feel warm wave flowing in it. Then relax your face muscles, your lips, eye leads, forehead line, relax your neck, back, legs. Feel warm waves flowing through your entire body from the tips of your head to the tips of your toes. Feel calm and relaxed, breath with your diaphragm while you are relaxing.

Now begin to give yourself positive suggestions: I feel good, my heart is beating normally, my pulse is normal, I am fine, nothing happened, it's just a lesson for me, I am relaxed and calm, I feel wonderful, I am full of energy, I love myself, I accept myself. Repeat it as many times as you want. After 5-10 minutes you will feel much better.

Benefits: After stressful event your whole body is still stressed out and your muscles became rigid and stiff, blood circulation is affected, that's why you have to relax all body and normalize blood circulation as soon as possible. This technique helps to minimize the destructive results of stress events that cause all psychosomatic illnesses.

How to be grateful for everything you have in your life.

If you want to be healthy and free of anxiety you have to be grateful for everything you have in your life. Every day repeat many times Thank you God for everything I have You can thank also yourself for being smart, you can thank your body for being strong, you can thank your job for helping you making money, be creative. Gratitude is a healing power. Develop it. Get rid of your anxiety.

What to eat for your perfect brain chemical balance

We are what we eat, said Harvard scientists. That's absolutely true, because if we eat only meat we are aggressive, if we eat only fruits and vegetables we are peaceful. Average people eat everything: meat,vegetables, fish, pizza, and nothing wrong with this. But eating too much sweet can cause anxiety, driniking too much soda and coffee can cause anxiety as well. So the healthy diet includes organic fruits and vegetables, purified or distilled water, organic fish, nuts, organic olive oil, brown rice, nuts and seeds If you can't afford organic fruits, eat conventional fruits but peel them. Eat healthy food and your brain chemicals balance will be just fine to keep anxiety level at zero. Cigarrets are not helping you to be relaxed, believe me. You can be relaxed much better with relaxation technique and diaphragmatic breathing that

you already learned from me. Drink plenty of water every day, at least a 5 glasses. Don't use top water, it's poisened. Filters don't help, so don't even bother with any filters. Buy purified spring or distilled water. If you are overweight I can help you to lose weight effortlessly, click here this link: This is my website, where you can find useful info about my Lose Weight Effortlessly system. If are smoker and want to stop smoking I can help you too, click here this link: and find useful info about my Stop Smoking in 30 days program. By the way I offer money back guarantee. A couple words about salt. Get rid of any kind of salt! Salt is poison. Salt causes high blood pressure.

How to meditate, why you should meditate.

Meditation is a proccess of turning off yourself from everyday tasks. This is very helpful for cleaning your mind and very healthful for your body, because it helps to be relaxed and be free from anxiety. Here is how to meditate: Find quiet place, empty room, or even you can seat in your car, make sure that you can't be disturbed for 10-20 min. Seat in chair lie in bed and get yourself comportable as much as you can. Begin to breath slowly with your diaphragm, close your eyes. Relax your whole body (as you learned from above), every muscle is lose and relaxed. Feel warm waves flowing throught your body. Imagine yourself a white wall before you. See if it's painted uneven, or there are some graffiti, absorve every inch of this wall. Now take a painting roller and super strong white paint and paint it over the spots you don't like. Paint the entire wall in white, if you want. See how beatiful your wall now, be proud of yourself! Let your mind to be as clear as white this wall. Keep your wall white, enjoy it! P.S. If you got bored with the wall, try seeing blue sky with clouds that lool like animals, or try to see ocean or even the stars at night sky. The idea is to stop your inner dialogue and let your mind to be clear. Let yourself to be free from anxiety.

Invisible man funny technique

Imagine that you are invisible and only your cloth and the hat on your head is visible , you are actually have a feedom to run to where you want. Your opponent, your agressor is screaming on your emty cloth thinking that you are shaking and crying... But you are already behind this person and making funny faces and smiling. Or you can instantly move yourself somewhere far far away, to the safe place the best place where you can be happy. Your boss is yelling on you , but you are smiling...that's how invisible man technique working. And don't forget: always breath abdominaly and relax your face and all body muscles, if you are in stress event. Combine it with IM technique. You will become damageless in all stress situations.

How to think positively and why to think positively

Remember my friend that you always have two choices: bad and good. There are only two choices In any situation. Bad is negative, good is positive. Negative choice brings negative results, positive choice brings positive results. Let's call positive choice right choice. How to know what is right and what is not right in particular situation? The answer is your feelings. If you feel good when you pick your direction that's good choice, that's right choice. Always pay attention to your feeling about something that you want to do. Follow it , if you feel good and don't follow it, if it feels bad. Easy? I think so! How to think positively. It's not possible to think only positively, we are the humans and sometime we think negatively, sometime positively, sometime mixedly. The secret is that you can think positively if you consciously will be focusing on good things like your kids, your

vacation ideas, your friends, anything that is good for you. Whatever is make you feel good. Make a habbit thinking about it constantly. Develope positive thinking ability, become the optimist. See only good qualities in other people. Talk only about good things. Don't watch TV news, they are all negative, because the journalists make money with bad news, nobody is interested in good news. News papers reductors want to print only bad news, only then they will make money, selling the news papers. Read good positive books, listen to good positive music, watch good comedy movies, surround yourself with good positive people and you will be free from anxiety!

A couple of words about your sleep.

Your healthy sleep should be about 8 hrs. I go to bed before midnight , 10 PM is the best. When you are sleeping not less than 8 hrs a night, your organism is recharging completely and you feel well all day. Adopt the habit of regular 8 hrs sleep and your anxiety will be gone. Don't use any sleeping tablets, they are poison!

Anxiety takes several forms: phobia, social anxiety, obsessive-compulsive, and post-traumatic stress.[9] The physical effects of anxiety may include , tachycardia, muscle weakness and tension, fatigue, nausea, chest pain, shortness of breath, headache, stomach aches, or tension headaches. As the body prepares to deal with a threat, blood pressure, heart rate, perspiration, blood flow to the major muscle groups are increased, while immune and digestive functions are inhibited (the fight or flight response). External signs of anxiety may include pallor, sweating, trembling, and pupillary dilation. Someone who has anxiety might also experience it subjectively as a sense of dread or panic (Wikipedia)

How to control your anxiety with self hypnosis

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. What is hypnosis How to induce self hypnosis How to make self suggestions How to implant the trigger for instant self hypnosis What else can you achieve with self hypnosis

What is hypnosis? We have altered states of minds several times a day: when we watch the TV, read the books, drive the car...Even when we are daydreaming. Every time when our attention is focused on something our mind is altered. Another word is trance. So we experience trances every day without even thinking about it. That's the nature of the human. The word hypnosis was suggested by Scottish surgeon James Braid in 1941 as the name for process which brings the trance state and the very first original name was Neuro-Hypnotism, what meant nervous sleep, later James Braid used to use only one word 'Hypnotism. Today professionals use the word hypnosis as a name for everything regarding to hypnotizing. Do you know that all hypnosis is self hypnosis? Yes my friend! All hypnosis is about self hypnotizing, because there is nothing mystical or occult in the hypnotist's eyes or voice, only the suggestions for sleep or any other suggestions

help hypnosis happens. Of course your attention have to be focused on something like hypnotist's eyes or even your own finger, it's doesn't matter. When your mind is captured you are in hypnosis. Hypnotism is still enigmatic science and nobody actually can explain what is it and why it's working like that. All we know that we can induce the state of nervous sleep in which the suggestions are more then acceptable when we are awake. Thus hypnosis is a natural state of mind. Hypnosis is absolutely safe. Especially self hypnosis, when you are giving the suggestions to yourself.

How to induce self hypnosis

Find a quiet place where you can't be disturbed for at lest 10 minutes (20 minutes is better) Disconnect your phones. Sit in a chair or lie in bed comfortably. Take a deep breath, exhale it slowly, repeat one more time. Close your eyes and think about sleep. Relax your face muscles, lips, neck. Make all your muscles loose. Relax your chest muscles, hands, your back, abdominal area, your legs muscles. Focus your attention on each muscle and relax it, make it loose. Feel warm waves flowing through your body from the top of your head to the tips of your toes. Think about sleep. Focus your attention on your breathing now. Congrads, you have induced self hypnosis!

How to give self suggestions

You have learned how to induce self hypnosis, which is a half of the pie. Hypnosis without suggestions is only trance, which is great cure by the way, but the suggestions help you to change your mind effectively. Think of suggestions as the instructions or even as the road signs. Do you want to get rid off your anxiety? Give yourself the suggestions to be free from nervousness. It's easy to do. After you induced your trance with self hypnosis, begin saying: I feel wonderful, all my body is relaxed and calm. I feel very good. Nothing is disturbing me. Everybody loves me. I love everybody. My heart is biting perfectly, my pulse is perfect. I am calm and peaceful. Repeat every sentence several times slowly and with feeling. Enjoy it. When you decide to wake yourself up, say to yourself: I am starting counting from 1 to 5 now. When I say 5, I will open my eyes and be refreshed, wide awake and full of energy. I will be free from any anxiety! 1-2-3-4-5 Wide awake! Open your eyes and be free from anxiety. Your heart is beating perfectly, your pulse is normal, you are full of love and fresh energy. That's it. You've got it! You have the power of self hypnosis now. You can be free from anxiety

forever. Use self hypnosis every day any time of a day and be happy! Teach your family members self hypnosis, do relaxations with them, make them happy as well.

How to implant the trigger for instant self hypnosis

As you see self hypnotizing take time, at least 10 minutes. Would you like to be relaxed instantly? Well, you can do it with self hypnosis too. Here is how to do it: while you are under self hypnosis give yourself the suggestion that at any time you want to become relaxed, you will touch your nose or your finger (whatever you want to touch) . You will be instantly relaxed and calm. Use this trigger in stressful situations.

What else you can achieve with self hypnosis?

With self hypnosis you can achieve a lot of things. You can stop smoking, lose weight, become more confident, increase your memory, get rid of fear, attract money, learn new language. Most important thing is that you can become The Master of Yourself. No more anxiety, because you have the power of self hypnosis now. Good luck to you my friend! Sign up for more news about anxiety elimination at my website:

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