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Form : Two Topic : Circles I Learning Outcomes : At the end of the lesson, students will be able to: i. estimate the value of phi, ii. derive the formula of the circumference of a circle iii. find the circumference of a circle Prior knowledge : i. student can identifiy parts of a circle ii. student know relationship between diameter and radius iii. student can determine the center and radius of a given circle by construction Teaching aids/resources : Powerpoint slaid, video of parts of a circle, activity task, worksheet , pieces of circle in different size Attitudes and values : Careful & meticulus, cooperative, diligent and confident. Creative and critical thinking skills : Generating idea, creating definition, making prediction, making hypotheses, making inferences, reflection

INSTRUCTIONAL STEPS Step/Duration Step 1 : Set induction ( 2 minutes) Content Recall the parts of a circle Activity (Discourse) Teachers Role Students Role The teacher shows a video Students listen and watch that describe about the the video. parts of circle that have learnt. - Teacher tells a story about Sir Circumference and Drogon of Pi. - Students listen carefully about the story. - Students try to understand the story and ask teacher if they not understand. - Students read and discuss the task given in group. - Students measure diameter and circumference of circle given without using formula. They measure it by using rope and ruler. - Students calculate the ratio of circumference and diameter to get the value of pi. - Students write all discussion in mahjung paper. AV/CCTS/Strategy/ Method/TA TA: powerpoint slaid and video AV: meticulous Strategy: using manipulative material AV: meticulous TA: powerpoint slaid

Step 2: Activity theme: Sir Instructional development ( Circumference and 3 minutes) Drogron of Pi : Saving Sir Circumference.

Step 3 : Instructional development (12 minutes)

Task: Group work Activity theme: Sir Circumference and Drogron of Pi : Saving Sir Circumference

- Teacher asks student to build 6 group. - Teacher gives the task to each group to solve the problem about the story. - Teacher gives vorious sizes of circle to group. Each group will have one circle in different size from other group.

AV: cooperative, careful, diligent TA: pieces of circle in different size, activity task Strategy: using model Method: Cooperative learninggroup investigation. CCTS: generating idea, creating definition

Step 4 : Instructional development (15 minutes)

Task: Presentation Activity theme: Sir Circumference and Drogron of Pi : Saving Sir Circumference. - finding value of phi 22 which is 3.14 / 7 - finding formula of circumference which is C = d / C = 2r

- Teacher ask each group to present their discussion. - Teacher discuss all task to solve the problem with the student. Teacher discuss the important term in the task. Teacher ask relationship about diameter and circumference. Teacher discusses the value of phi. - Teacher guide student to form formula of circumference.

- Students present their discussion in front of the class. - Students will try to interpret the meaning of certain term in story mathematically. - Student get the relationship of diameter and circumference from presentation and discussion with teacher. - Student relate the circumference and diameter with the value of phi. - students will generate formula of circumference by themself through discussion with teacher. - Student discuss with group and try answer all question in worksheet. - Student check the solution by discussing. Student reflect on their learning about value of phi, circumference formula and relationship

AV: cooperative, diligent, confidence Strategy: identifying patterns Method: Cooperative learninglearning together CCTS: generating idea, making hypotheses, making predicton

Step 5: Evaluation (5 minutes)

Task: Group work

- Teacher provide worksheet to each group. - teacher discusses the solution. Teacher ask student to reflect on what they have learnt.

AV: cooperative & diligent TA: worksheet Method: Cooperative learninglearning together. CCTS: reflection

Step 6 : Closure ( 2 minutes)

Circumference formula: C = d / C = 2r 22 Value of phi : 3.14 / 7

between circumference and diameter.

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