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1. Traffic plan can relieve traffic problems in Montreal [Study]............................................................................ 1

10 May 2012


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Traffic plan can relieve traffic problems in Montreal [Study]


Publication info: The Canadian Press [Toronto] 12 Jan 2000: n/a.


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Abstract: MONTREAL (CP) - The $900 million solution to the city's traffic mess is two new bridges and a rapidtransit monorail, says a consultant's study to be made public today by Federal Bridge Corp., which administers two existing bridges connecting to the island's southern tip. An aide to federal Transport Minister David Collenette said there has been no promise of cash from Ottawa for the proposed links, despite a history of federal funding for bridges and tunnels.

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Full Text: MONTREAL (CP) - The $900 million solution to the city's traffic mess is two new bridges and a rapidtransit monorail, says a consultant's study to be made public today by Federal Bridge Corp., which administers two existing bridges connecting to the island's southern tip. The study by Montreal engineering firm Roche DeLuc calls for $600 million to be spent on two bridges and an extension of an already-existing highway. The study says traffic congestion "cannot go on indefinitely" and it makes a pitch for an "elegant" $300 million monorail crossing the St. Lawrence River on the existing Champlain Bridge ice-control structure. An aide to federal Transport Minister David Collenette said there has been no promise of cash from Ottawa for the proposed links, despite a history of federal funding for bridges and tunnels. Provincial government money and approval are key to the project's realization, the aide said. However, there was a chance that Ottawa might be able to kick in some cash eventually. Finance Minister Paul Martin is strongly considering a new federal infrastructure program for next month's budget, the aide said, which would free up some federal cash for provincial governments to spend on roads, bridges and other public-works projects. The federal infrastructure program under consideration would involve a federal contribution of $500 million to $1 billion spread out across Canada, meaning Quebec could expect between $125 million and $250 million for works projects based on the province's proportion of the national population, another government official said. The study notes that traffic on the Champlain Bridge has increased by 16 per cent, or 18,000 vehicles, to 132,000 vehicles a day between 1991 and 1998, but there have been no new links built since the Lafontaine Tunnel was opened in 1967. (Montreal Gazette)

Subject: Bridges;

Location: Montreal Quebec Canada


Company/organization: Roche DeLuc; NAICS: ; Duns: ); Federal Bridge Corp. Ltd.; NAICS: ; Duns: );

Classification: 9172: Canada


Publication title: The Canadian Press


Pages: n/a

Number of pages: 0

10 May 2012

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Publication year: 2000


Publication date: Jan 12, 2000


Year: 2000

Publisher: The Canadian Press


Place of publication: Toronto


Country of publication: Canada


Journal subject: General Interest Periodicals--Canada


Source type: Wire Feeds


Language of publication: English


Document type: NEWSPAPER


ProQuest document ID: 359565272


Document URL:


Copyright: Copyright Canadian Press Jan 12, 2000


Last updated: 2011-09-07


Database: Canadian Newsstand Complete


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10 May 2012

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