School Policy Concerning Cyberbullying Ryan Land 7330/summer 2012

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School Policy Concerning Cyberbullying Ryan Land 7330/summer 2012


Fairview Middle School. (N.D.) Bullying Policy. Retrieved from m Hadley Public Schools. (N.D.) Bullying Prevention and Intervention Plan. Retrieved from

Notre Dame Academy. (N.D.) Bullying Prevention and Intervention Plan. Retrieved from

Hadley Public Schools. (N.D.) Bullying Prevention and Intervention Plan. Retrieved from Summary: This policy is very simply stated and is put into very general terms as it relates to creating a safe environment for all members of the system. There is no mention of how specific cases would be handled. The general/vague nature of this policy leaves the school a great deal of flexibility on how to handle these individual cases. The policy illicitly states that the schools principal is primarily responsible for the implementation of it. Pros: As I mentioned above, it may be a good idea for schools to remain somewhat vague in their statement of cyber bullying policy. It allows them a great deal of flexibility to handle individual/unique situations that may arise. If written too specifically, the school may tie their own hands behind their back. The freedom to adapt decisions to fit specific cases is important, so long as cases are handled in accordance with state and federal law. Cons: Placing so much of the onus on the singular individual (principal) may spell failure for the policy. To police such a broad-reaching issue like cyber bullying, the entire staff would be better equipped to police it as a group/organization. Accountability for compliance/implementation should be more evenly distributed across the staff.

Notre Dame Academy. (N.D.) Bullying Prevention and Intervention Plan. Retrieved from Summary: This is a rather comprehensive approach to the bullying/cyber bullying issue. They begin by stating the schools attitude toward bullying in what they call an introduction. Next the academy outlines the definition of bullying/cyber bullying according to Massachusetts state law. As they go on to state school policy concerning the issue, they make repeated use of the phrase, includes but is not limited to.. The policy states that the students, faculty, and administration share in the responsibility to prevent, report, and respond to any act that qualifies as bullying. It does, however go on to state that the principal is responsible for insuring the policy is implemented consistently, fairly, etc. Pros: Given their more specifically stated approach to how cases will be handled, this allows them to maintain some flexibility to adapt their action to the needs of a specific incident and respond accordingly. It is good that the policy clearly defines the roles and responsibilities of students, staff, and stakeholders in preventing and responding to bullying. If people know what is expected of them, they can do a better job of it. Furthermore, this takes some of the onus off the principal. While it is his/her responsibility to ensure all are doing their part, the policy clearly defines that many are accountable, whether directly or indirectly, for the implementation of it.

Cons: Overall, I felt this was a pretty solid anti-bullying policy. In attempting to be comprehensive, the policy branches out beyond school grounds, property, etc. There is the acknowledgement that actions away from school can impact the safety/security of those on campus, and thus the policy prohibits broadly defined actions beyond campus as well. Some may argue this is a violation of free speech rights of the students while away from school. However, I believe they justify this by stating that its in an effort to maintain a safe/secure school.

Fairview Middle School. (N.D.) Bullying Policy. Retrieved from m Summary: Initially the policy outlines the detailed definition of bullying, then cyber bullying. Next the policy outlines the expectations of the administration/supervisors in the school to ensure proper implementation/enforcement. Taking that same point further, the policy states, The School Committee further expects Administration to ensure that an antibullying program is implemented across all grade levels on a yearly basis. As the plan goes on it states that any case brought before those responsible will be handled according to the student grievance procedures. Those procedures and the anti discrimination policy is outlined in extensive detail along with a definition of discrimination as defined by state law. Pros: There is an incredible amount of information within the policy. There seems to be an emphasis on defining each possible issue, and providing a detailed description of the resulting response by the school system. While they are attempting to make a clear statement of action=resulting consequences, the policy is written to allow for interpretation by the administrators so that they can adapt responses according to the specifics of the situation. Cons: While I appreciate the extensive nature of the policy, I fear it may be too much for those without a legal degree to process. If I worked in this system, I may struggle to define my role within this policy as far as how to report an incident, etc.

Cyber Bullying Policy

"Cyber-bullying (is) bullying through the use of technology or any electronic communication, which shall include, but shall not be limited to, any transfer of signs, signals, writing, images, sounds, data or intelligence of any nature transmitted in whole or in part by a wire, radio, electromagnetic, photo electronic or photo optical system, including, but not limited to, electronic mail, internet communications, instant messages or facsimile communications. Cyber-bullying shall also include (i) the creation of a web page or blog in which the creator assumes the identity of another person or (ii) the knowing impersonation of another person as the author of posted content or messages...."

Common Forms of Cyber Bullying

**Cyber bullying includes, but is not limited to the following examples. These are some of the more commonly observed examples: Harassment: Repeatedly sending offensive, rude, and insulting messages Denigration: Distributing information about another that is derogatory and untrue through posting it on a Web page, sending it to others through email or instant messaging, or posting or sending digitally altered photos of someone Flaming: Online "fighting" using electronic messages with angry, vulgar language Impersonation: Breaking into an email or social networking account and using that person's online identity to send or post vicious or embarrassing material to/about others. Outing and Trickery: Sharing someone's secrets or embarrassing information, or tricking someone into revealing secrets or embarrassing information and forwarding it to others Cyber Stalking: Repeatedly sending messages that include threats of harm or are highly intimidating, or engaging in other online activities that make a person afraid for his or her safety (depending on the content of the message, it may be illegal)

All incidences of cyber bullying observed, discovered by, or brought to the attention of school administrators will be thoroughly investigated and brought to a decision in accordance with state and federal law that ensures the safety and security of all members of the school community. All members of the school community bare the responsibility of fostering a safe, secure, and productive atmosphere. All members of the school community are responsible for their own conduct within this policy as well as the

responsibility to report any violations that they have knowledge of. Cases where violations are through a medium/source outside of the school will result in consequences based on any negative impacts that those actions have on the school environment. The school principal and any designees are responsible for taking measures to ensure the proper implementation of this policy and a thorough response to any violation of it.

**Critique/justification of my own Policy: As I reviewed several school policies for this assignment, the need to be comprehensive was obvious. However, I feel that it is equally important for the document to be a functional policy. It must be as comprehensive as possible, while still be simplified enough to foster proper implementation by all members involved. If it is too laden with legal jargon, those responsible for implementing it may struggle to do their part consistently. Also, the need to state the policy in general enough terms to allow the principal or appointees to adapt decisions/responses to individual situations. I believe there is sufficient legal jargon to protect the school from legal recourse, while still being easily understood by those involved.

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