Vishnu Chakras

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Mirror of old mAnasollAsa: jIva, dharma, vij~nAna, itihAsa, krIDA

The chakras of viShNu

February 14, 2006 Leave a Comment

From viShNu emanate several chakra missiles, all of which may follow the deadly sudarshana and discs when used in battle against the dAnavas and rAkShasas. They represent the sum of the deadly destructive fury of viShNu. Likewise, the sampUrNa chakra prayoga rite invokes these weapons to power the countering or attacking mantra missiles. The following are the chakras: 1) mahArAtridhara chakra: This powered by mahAmAyA and is dark hued and terrifying with a single spoke. 2) uShash-chakra: This is powered by vAyu and agni and is of the color of dawn and with two spokes 3) udaya chakra: This is powered by the fury of the world-destroying venom of saMkarShaNa. It is the 3 spoked wheel 4) aishvarya chakra: This is powered by the all-prosperous pradyumna and has 4 spokes. 5) shaktimahAchakra: This is powered by the blazing aniruddha and has 5 spokes 6) ShaDara-chakra: This is powered by keshava and has 6-spokes. It comes out from the sudarshana disc.
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7) mahAsudarshana chakra: This is powered by padmanAbha and has 12 spokes. It is the destroyer of the asuras and the fiery atri durvAsa. 8) sahasrAra chakra: This is the wheel powered viShNu manifesting in the parame vyoman. It blazes with a 1000 spokes with all chakras, terrible shUlas, musalas, halAyudhas, gadAs, prAsa and other weapons surrounding it.
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Posted in Heathen thought

A rather edifying plot

February 12, 2006 Leave a Comment There has been much abuzz in our maNDala on the genetic support for Aryan invasion and allied issues of racial differentiation of human populations. In this regard, most of us in the know, now clearly see that the thing called the Aryan invasion is about the origins of the IEans of India and there is little doubt that IEans originated outside India. The more interesting issue is the matter of racial relationships. In this regard it is clear that the massive autosomal data is going to bear on us in many ways. All of us in our maNDala obviously turn to the now famous Shriver et al paper from Human Genomics last year. It is just a sample of things that can be done. Below is the plot they generated of the first and second principle components of their data of 11,555 SNPs from 12 different human populations: 1) Upper Caste Hindus 2) Lower Caste Hindus /(I need to see how good their definitions are) 3) Spanish 4) Japanese 5) Altaians (Mongolic people of Central Asian Altai of Russia) 6) Chinese 7) Mbuti- the pygmies of Zaire, Africa. 8) Burunge- A Tanzanian tribe speaking an Afro-Asiatic/Semitic language of the southern branch 9) Mende- A West African (Sierra Leone) tribe of Niger-Congo (Bantuoid) speaker. Their leader Kisimi Kamala invented a script for their language in the 1800s. 10) Quechua- The south American Andean people, the Inca peoples 11) Nahua- A native American people found in Mexico and central America 12) Nasioi- a Papuan tribe from the island of Bougainville What the plot shows is that distinct clusters are formed: 1) The Quechua and Nahua are thoroughly mixed with not much differentiation between them. 2) The Chinese, Japanese and Altaians form a clear cluster with noticeable overlap, though there is some differentiation in their populations. 3) The Spanish, Upper and Lower Caste Indians form a close cluster approximately comparable to the Chinese, Japanese and Altaians in clustering. 4) The 3 Africans form three distinct clusters with no overlap but are generally closer to each other than anyone else. 5) The Papuans lie all on their own. Thus the racial definition from physical anthropology is partly reproducible through molecular results, but there are issue missed byt it: 1) The Hindu-Spanish cluster is apparently congruent with the Caucasian physical type. 2) The Chinese-Japanese-Altaian cluster is congruent with the Mongoloid physical type. 3) The Native American cluster is indicative of a Native American physical type that was previously linked to Mongoloid in physical classification, but given their long isolation are likely to indeed be distinctive. 4) The Blacks are a more diverse group than many imagine. In fact the distinct African groups have had a long history of diversification through isolation. Of course the isolation of Papuans is not a matter of surprise. Further developments of such studies are going to be of greatest importance in understanding recent human biodiversity and evolution, and probably provide information complementary and beyond those inferred from uniparental markers.

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Now in terms of linguistics, it appears that in Africa the divergence of the major groups also corresponded to the break up of the languages families like Niger-Congo, Afro-Asiatic and the like. So is it possible that the diversification of the Mongoloid cluster in Asia corresponds to the divergence of Sino-Burman, Altaic and Japanese? Finally the issue of Indo-European and Caucasian diversification comes up. Here is where the future data will be of most interest to address the IE and Aryan invasion issues.

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Posted in Scientific ramblings

February 12, 2006 Leave a Comment -Then we spoke of Messier and Mechains objects in the sky. We simple yarned of the good old day when we conquered every Messier object with our small scope. Messier is supposed to have discovered 20 comets and 103 deep sky objects. Two of which are sort of spurious. He seems to have sparked the great hunt of W. Herschel. -Then we spoke on primate evolution First we spoke of the possibility of a primate-dermopteran-rodent evolutionary link. Superficially the plesiadapiforms seem to confirm such a link. But the jury is still out and we cannot be sure of this. Clearly, the recent analysis of skulls of the plesiadapiforms Ignacius and Carpolestes suggest that they were the most ancient precursors of the primates. The opposable thumb appears to be a synapomorphy of the euprimates. The basal most of the euprimate clade are the adapiforms, of which the lemurs of Madagascar and lorises seem to be an aberrant late surviving form. This followed by the the Omomyids from which arose the Haplorrhines with basal the tarsioids, followed by the anthropoids which split up into Platyrrhines (new world monkeys) and Catarrhines (old world monkeys+ apes). There are many mysteries in the evolution of catarrhines anthropoids alone. When did the ancestral Platyrrhines resembling the basal anthropoids from the Al Fayum Beds of Egypt reach South America Given that only they and the caviamorph rodents (which spawned Phoberomys) reached South America they seem to have floated across the narrower Paleo-Atlantic ocean, due to their small size on washed away branches perhaps. An amazing journey to make! What about the earliest Anthropoids like Eosimias: did Anthropoids first emerge in Asia or Africa What is the phylogenetic position of Oreopithecus. Did it convergently evolve to an ape-like state? We also wondered if the Platyrrhines and Catarrhines independently evolve larger brain sizes. This may have a bearing on when the South American monkeys separated. What was the issue with the gigantic Gigantopithecus- was it an extra-large orang like ape? Gigantopithecus like one of those legendary R^ikShas of the rAmAyaNa (jAmbavAn) was the largest primate. It was probably over 10ft tall when it stood erect and weighed about 400kgs or more. Its over-engineered dentition suggests that it was the only

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bamboo eating ape. We also spoke of the giant baboons and geladas, Theropithecus oswaldi and Dinopithecus ingens, which appear to have been large grass-eating monkeys that might have competed partly with the coeaval human ancestors. -Then we talked about a far-fetched idea as to whether the idea of praLayas and other doomsday scenarios are linked to the ancient appreciation of the shortest Milankovitch cycle. As it is possible that knowledge of precession is a very ancient issue, may be there was an idea that the changing precessional position may be correlated with climatic change. The shortest Milankovitch cycle happens because the Earth may precess to the state where winter is closer an amphelion and summer closer to perihelion. When it happens the winters and summers are accentuated in their severity. This could have devastating climatic consequences. -Then we spoke of various issues related to Arthropods: like the chemical warfare by whip scorpions, bombardier beetles, cockroaches and Polyxenid millipedes. All these arthropods are very accurate in directing their spray the prey. We wondered about the ant Thaumatomyrmex ferox that decimates polyxenid millipedes unlike other ants which are repulsed or killed by these millipedes.
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Posted in Scientific ramblings

The interlocution
February 12, 2006 Leave a Comment

The might of agni invoked by the mantra of vAmadeva had finally repulsed one of the attacks comprehensively. We hoped the same mantra may also overthrow the other bAdhamAna. Having kept aside the duties and cares, hemmed in by the hima praLaya, we decided to drown ourselves in the long conversation that could only happen between us. We covered a wide range of topics, which I hope to re-visit at a later point if the wind of inspiration blows in the desirable direction. But for now I put them down just to keep a record. First we talked of pterosaurs Origins of pterosaurs are murky:They contain an antorbital fenestra just like the archosauriforms, but lack the mandibular fenestra. Given that they were moving towards weight reduction associated with flight, it appears unlikely that such a fenestra closed up. They show some general similarities of limbs and pelvis to the dinosauriforms like the fragmentary Scleromochlus. However, we have no intermediates that illuminate if this might be convergent. So all we can say now is that they are likely to be a sister group of archosauriforms, but it is unclear if they lie within them. Pterosaur hair: It is clear from Sordes and Jeholopterus that the pterosaurs were pretty hairy. One expert, Unwin, believes that it is convergent to the hair-like feathers of many theropod dinosaurs and the tail bristles of Psittacosaurs. However, there is no reason not to believe that they are not ancient feature of ornithodiran archosauriforms in the least (if pterosaurs are within archosauriforms). Some pterosaurs like Batrachognathus had

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special hair on their face that might have served as whiskers. Pterosaur eggs: They come both in hard-shelled and soft-shelled forms but mainly the latter it seems from the apparent rarity of their remains. The embryos suggest that they might actually have flown at birth itself. Pterosaur growth and metabolism: Pterosaurs seem to have fibrolamellar bone suggesting they grew rapidly. They had hair which could have insulated them and had to perform complex flying maneuvers, which need flapping. They seem to have spent most of their time in the air flying around. This meant that they should have most probably been endothermic, comparable to the dinosaurs and mammals. Pterosaurs flight: They had a specialized pteroid bone, which seems to have adjusted the front side of the wing membrane. The wing membrane was strengthened by a sophisticated system of fibers running through it. The membrane was attached to the legs too, and one of the toes adjusted it posteriorly. Witmers studies indicate that they flew with their heads oriented either straight (the earlier forms) or facing down (later pterodactyloids). The giant flocculus of their brains suggests that they were integrating enormous amounts of information from their wing membranes while flying. Pterosaur walking: It is pretty clear the pterosaurs walked flat-footed unlike dinosaurs. The current belief is that the more primitive forms like Dimorphodon and Rhamphorynchus were were not great walkers on land, though they were probably good climbers. The more derived pterodactyloids were possibly better walkers using all four legs to walk with wing membranes folded in. The pterosaur tracks show the peculiar positioning of the forelimb in a reversed fashion while walking. Head ornamentation: Most pterosaurs had impressive head ornamentation in the form of crests and ridges. The simple diversity of these and even obstructive nature suggest that they were sexual ornamentation exaggerated by the handicap principle. End of pterosaurs: Pterosaurs went out in the K-T event along with most dinosaurs except birds that survived. Some believe that there was general decline of pterosaurs after the middle Cretaceous and by the end of the Cretaceous there were only giant Azhdarchids like Quetzalcoatlus. Perhaps they were not replacing extinct lineages rapidly due to the rapid diversification of birds. I am not sure of this idea at all. I suspect sampling error may have a factor here.
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Posted in Scientific ramblings

Tyrannosaurs and morphological evolution in coelurosaurs

February 11, 2006 Leave a Comment The recent find of the tyrannosaur Guanlong going back to the late Jurassic, around 156-161 Myr is of interest when placed in the context of the oldest bird, Archaeopteryx, which from a slightly later Jurassic layer dating to around 150 Myr. Guanlong also suggests that the other primitive tyrannosaurs which were roughly coeval with Archaeopteryx, like Stokesosaurus and Aviatyrannus were approximately in the same morphological grade. The current phylogenetic analysis (by number of researchers) supports a more basal position for the tyrannosaurs in the coelurosaur clade, with several successive clades, namely the ornithomimosaurs and the therizinosaur-oviraptorosaur clade forming the sister-group of a crown assemblage comprising of scansoriopterygids-deinonychosaurs (=troodontids+dromeosaurs)-birds. This would mean that the major lineages of coelurosaurs had definitely split up by the late Jurassic and probably occurred in the early Jurassic. The lower jaw which forms the basis of the species Eshanosaurus, a supposed therizinosaur from the early Jurassic of Yunnan, if real, might suggest that this happened even earlier. The upshot of all this, assuming that there are no major problems with the current phylogeny, is that the coelurosaurian morphology evolved at very different rates. The crown group of the scansoriopterygid-

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deinonychosaur-bird appears to have reached their basic specialized morphological condition rather early on. The tyrannosaurs in contrast appear to have lingered on in a generalist mophological state till the very late Cretaceous. This is sort of consistent with the fact that even in the Cretaceous, perhaps until quite late the tyrannosaurs retained their generalist ancestral morphology as seen in Dilong, Eotyrannus and Dryptosaurus, only growing a larger in size. The Archaeopteryx condition appears to be primitive for the deinonychosaur-bird clade, with experiments seen in dromeosaurs like Microraptor, that further developed the leg feathers to become the 4-winged fliers.
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Posted in Scientific ramblings

The rise of tyrannosaurs

February 10, 2006 Leave a Comment

In my youth I wondered about the emergence of tyrannosaurs, their origins and relationship with other theropods. In those days the tyrannosaurs we knew were few in number and all pretty similar. There was the famed Tyrannosaurus rex, which was believed to be one of the largest land predators of all times, which was the epitome of the tyrannosaurs. Then there were smaller but essentially similar predators from the late Cretaceous namely Albertosaurus and Daspletosaurus. When I first began studying theropod anatomy it became clear to me that the osteology of these late Cretaceous tyrannosaurs was so distinctive that they could not have been derived from the Late Jurassic predators such as Allosaurus, Yangchuanosaurus or Sinraptor. I was puzzled and wondered if their roots may lie elsewhere in Theropoda, perhaps in the coelurosaurs- but a more detailed study was needed. There were a few enigmatic earlier central Asian tyrannosaurs Alioramus and Alectrosaurus, but they were described in old Russian journals and little information was available to determine their affinities. Chatterjee had earlier claimed that Indosaurus, a horned predatory dinosaur was a tyrannosaur, but early on it became clear to me that it was of the ceratosaurian lineage and definitely no tyrannosaur. Another brief spike excitement was caused by the announcement of Nanotyrannus a small tyrannosaur, but paleontological consensus regarded it merely a juvenile T.rex. Then there was Siamotyrannus, a supposed earlier tyrannosaur from Thailand. But the day I examined that paper in Nature, I realized that these remains were no tyrannosaur but some scrappy posterior of some tetanuran theropod. Then came the key works of Currie, Holtz and co-workers who established that tyrannosaurs were indeed coelurosaurs and were possibly located to the base of the coelurosaur tree. But then most coelurosaurs were pretty small and there was no clue as to how the tyrannosaurs came to be the large top predators of the late Cretaceous ecosystems. Enigmatic glimpses of early tyrannosaurus were offered by two fragmentary late Jurassic forms Stokesosaurus from Utah and Aviatyrannus from the co-eval beds in Portugal. Finally in the past 5 years a flurry of finds have gone a long way in clarifying the secret of tyrannosaur origins, and also coelurosaur evolution in general. The most recent in this spate of finds is Guanlong wucaii, a Jurassic tyrannosaur from the Junggar basin. Phylogenetic analysis using Guanlong suggests that the early tyrannosaurs began their lives as smaller-sized predators. Guanlong itself was 3 meters in length and lived in a world with other large allosauroid tetanuran predators, like

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Monolophosaurus. The delicate crest, probably for sexual signaling on the head of Guanlong, along with its long arms, suggest that it hunted in the typical ancestral coelurosaurian mode by catching prey with the arms and overpowering it before biting it. Stokesosaurus and Aviatyrannus are likely to have played a similar ecological role in comparison to the dominant large predator of the time, Allosaurus. The small-sized tyrannosaurs remained in place in the early Cretaceous as seen in the form the spectacularly preserved Dilong paradoxus from the Liaoning beds a 1.5 meter long form. Slightly larger than Guanlong, was the form Eotyrannus from the early Cretaceous Isle of Wight, which was still small compared to the top predator of this ecosystem, the allosauroid Neovenator salerii. Dilong and Eotyrannus form successive sister groups to the tyrannosaur crown group, excluding the Jurassic forms and retain their long arms. The fragmentary form Dryptosaurus suggests that there was probably a long armed form persisting till the late Cretaceous. However, starting Dryptosaurus, the tyrannosaurs started growing in size with several medium-sized forms like the recently reported Applachiosaurus from the late Cretaceous of Alabama, in addition to the Central Asian forms Alectrosaurus and Alioramus. It was only in the last epoch of the Cretaceous, the Maastrichtian, that in a series, as postulated by Horner, the progressive larger tyrannosaurs- Albertosaurus, Daspletosaurus and Tyrannosaurus rose to being the top predators of the Asian and North American ecosystems. Interestingly, in other continents the top predators seem to have been the descendents of the allosauroids of the Neovenator line, like Carcharodontosaurus and Giganotosaurus, or abelisaur theropods like Abelisaurus, Aucasaurus, Carnotaurus, Majungasaurus, Indosaurus and Rajasaurus. Even in the middle Cretaceous of North America the allosauroids like the giant Acrocanthosaurus remained the chief predators. Thus, a localized extinction even of the allosauroids in the late Cretaceous North American and Asia seems to provided the ecological release to allow the rise of the giant tyrannosaurs. The giant tyrannosaurs adopted a wholly different predatory strategy- they greatly reduced the use of their arms and instead developed huge heads with which they probably lunged head first at their prey. Their arms instead grew tiny and two fingered, but they still remained robust and mobile suggesting that they had some unknown use which we poorly understand, such as rising up perhaps, from a bird-like resting posture. A convergent reduction of arms is seen in the large abelisaurs like Carnotaurus and Aucasaurus. Interestingly, the most primitive tyrannosaur Guanlong has the most elaborate pneumatic head ornamentation in the form of the crest. In the Jurassic, this seems to have really worked with dinosaurian females because we see it Monolophosaurus, the allosauroid, Proceratosaurus, the primitive coelurosaur, Cryolophosaurus, the basal tetanuran, and Ceratosaurus the archetypal ceratosaur. This is not surprising given that this fashion is adopted by many modern dinosaurs from the Cassowary to the Peacock. The tyrannosaurs retained some type of head ornamentation on the nasal bones throughout their career. Dilong had small medial ridge, Alioramus a low row of horns, Appalchiosaurus a row of bumps, and others some type of rugosity. This meant that recogizing signals on the head was an ancient neural loop that was constantly subject to natural selection. The basal most groups in coelurosauria where the Compsognathids formed by Mirischia, Sinosauropteryx, Huxiagnathus, Compsognathus and Scipionyx, and other distinctive basal forms such as Coelurus, Tanycolagreus, Proceratosaurus and Ornitholestes, and the discovery of Guanlong suggests that tyrannosaurs were more advanced than these. Bagaraatan appears to be an even more advanced form (?).
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Posted in Scientific ramblings

The wanderings
February 8, 2006 Leave a Comment yo vai rudraH sa bhagavAn yash cha mR^ityus tasmai vai namo-namaH || sa rudro vasu-vanir-vasudeye namovAke vaShaTkAro .anu saMhitaH | tasyeme sarve yAtava upa prashiShamAsate | tasyAmU sarvA nakShatrA vashe chandramasA saha || yo .agnau rudro yo .apsv antar ya oShadhIr vIrudha Avivesha |

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ya imA vishvA bhuvanAni chaklape tasmai rudrAya namo .astv agnaye | yo rudro .agnau yo rudro .apsv antar yo rudra oShadhIr vIrudha Avivesha | yo rudra imA vishvA bhuvanAni chaklape tasmai rudrAya namo-namaH | yo rudro .apsu yo rudra oShadhiShu yo rudro vanaspatiShu | yena rudreNa jagad UrdhvaM dhAritaM pR^ithivI dvidhA tridhA dhartA dhAritA nAgA ye .antarikShe tasmai rudrAya vai namo-namaH | mUrdhAnam asya saMsevyApy atharvA hR^idayaM cha yat mastiShkAd UrdhvaM prerayaty avamAno .adhishIrShataH || The god was our only companion we descended to pAtAla and walked around the regions where we had seen yasha and roga. We began to reminesce: Then there was AshA, there was the indrajAla too. We flew like a bird that had never seen a cage, we were filled with the confidence of youth. Then we saw Hayastanika and her grandmother and started moving slowly towards the great shmashAna. We first passed the wooden bridge where numerous revellers were sporting by the river. Then we advanced to the path by the shmashAna. We were all by ourselves. There were trees and the rustling of their in the breeze. There was a little pond and a hollow beyond that and great grassy plains further beyond. There in silence we sat- we were seeing the vidyA. Towards us came those reduced to pretas. While those full of jIva ran away from us. That was the realm of bhavA-sharvA, the bhUtapati.
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Posted in Life

Attaining atharvaNa mantra GYAna

February 6, 2006 Leave a Comment Acquiring the atharvaveda either requires you to be born as a scion of the atharvan clan or acquire it through a separate upanayanaM. The key to this new upanayanam is the need for the student to chant the sUktaM known as triShaptIyaM (AV-S 1.1 or AV-P 1.6). Only by chanting the triShaptIyaM does the power of the atharvanic mantras enter him so that he can use them. Thus the triShaptIyaM is also used before commencing practice of atharvanic recitation or svAdhyAyaH. For deploying an atharvanic spell for protection one needs the first mantra of the triShaptiyaM to be recited. In the atharvanic upanayanaM there is a special ritual apparently not seen in other vedic traditions. The father or teacher ties feathers of a shUka (parrot), a sAri (myna) and a kR^isha (Wren warbler) with a yellow string around the students neck. Then these are offered in the sacrificial fire with the triShaptIyaM. In a more gory shaunaka rite of the past the tongues of these birds were similarly tied and offered. This qualifies him to start acquiring atharvanic vidya. AV-S 1.1 ye triShaptAH pariyanti vishvA rUpANi bibhrataH / vAchaspatir balA teShAM tanvo adya dadhAtu me //1// Three times seven that go around, bearing all forms; let vAchaspati put their powers into my bodys [parts] punar ehi vachaspate devena manasA saha / vasoShpate ni ramaya mayy evAstu mayi shrutam //2// Come here again vAchaspati with the mind of the devas; lord of riches, make it stay in me, in myself the shruti. ihaivAbhi vi tanUbhe ArtnI iva jyayA / vAchaspatir ni yachhatu mayy evAstu mayi shrutam //3// Just here stretch on, like the two ears of the bow with the bowstring; Let vAchaspati hold in me, in myself the shruti. upahUto vAchaspatir upAsmAn vAchaspatir hvayatAm / saM shrutena gamemahi mA shrutena vi rAdhiShi //4//

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vAchaspati is called upon, on us let vAchaspati call; may we united with the shruti and not parted from the shruti. The key rahasyas here are: the jaws are the Artni-s of the bow (1.1.2) and the vocal cords are the jya or the bow-string. The first mantra gives the most reduced form of the sounds of saMskR^ita. It is from this most condensed set described as 3*7=21 that all sounds of the shruti are derived by knowning this (as the mantravit-s know it, not the plebeian) one gains the profound insight of the shruti. Hence the kaushika calls it the medhAprajanana mantra. Thus we have: 1) a -> A 2) i->I 3) u->U 4) R^i->R^I, L^i, L^I 5) e 6) ai 7) o 8) au = all above svara 9) aH=visarga 10) ya, 11) ra, 12) la, 13) va =anthaHstha (half vowels) 14) ka->kha, ga, gha 15) c-> cha, ja, jha 16) T->Tha, Da, Dha->La 17) ta-> tha, da, dha 18) p->pha, ba, bha= all above sparsha 19) sa->sha, Sha = sibilants 20) ha = UShman 21) M->anunAsika+ma, na, Na, ~na, ~Na = nasals Thus the atharvan tradition condenses all the sounds of Chandas to a set of 21 that are invoked to enter you in the triShaptIya rite. This marks the beginning of Hindu linguistics where the principle of homologous condensation was recognized. This is summed up by pata~njali in his mahAbhAShya thus: avarNAkR^itir upadiShTA sarvaM avarNa-kulaM grahIShyati, tathevarNAkR^itiH tathovarNAkR^itiH The theoretical form of the a sound, when being taught, with contain the whole family of a-like sounds, so also with the theoretical forms of i and u sounds. Thus, the principle of homologous reduction stems from the root of the vedic tradition itself and made explicit in atharvanic education.
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Posted in Heathen thought

ekAnamshA: a deity of tantric vaiShNavism

February 4, 2006 Leave a Comment

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The core pantheon of the pA~ncharAtra texts is the chaturvyuha or the serial emanations of nArAyaNa. The primary manifestation of nArAyaNa is vAsudeva, from whom emerge saMkarShaNa and pradyumna. From pradyumna emerges aniruddha. This pantheon appears to be a unique feature of the yadu tribes that subsequently seems to have spawned the classical pA~ncharAtra. However, the early texts suggest that there was another parallel system that appears to have largely passed out of subsequent vaiShNavism. That was the cult of the goddess ekAnamshA. Who is she ? namaste .astu ekAnamshAyai | yogakanyAyai namo .astute | viShNor sharIrajAm nidrAM viShNor nirdeshakAriNIM | vivesha rUpiNI kAlI kAla-meghAvaguNThitA | kAlI cha kAmarUpiNi sarvaharasya sakhI tatha | mahendra-viShNu-bhaginI kAlarAtri cha mohini | Salutations be to ekAnamshA, salutation to the yogakanyA. She is Sleep, born of viShNus body and carries out the instructions of viShNu. Of diverse forms, of the form of time, she is enveloped in black clouds. She is kAlI, able to assume any form, and the friend of the destroyer of all. She is the sister of the great indra and viShNu, the night of total destruction between kalpas and the deluderess. Mythology of ekAnamshA In the days of yore deva viShNu in the form of the terrifying nR^isiMha had rent apart the entrails of the great daitya hiraNyakashipu at his own doorstead, after emerging from a pillar. After that viShNu of a thousand heads retired to his eternal loka in the ekArNava, where he lay in a deep slumber on the coils of the snake of time. But his sleep was not to last for long the leadership of the demons had passed on to the dAnava kAlanemI- the wheel of death. The other devas came to him to seek his aid in the battle against the dAnava emperor. From his forehead emerged the beautiful black goddess, ekAnamshA, veiled by a dark nebulosity. Then viShNu arose and assumed a terrifying black form. His hair filled the skies like a dark nebulosity, his eyes shone like suns at the end of the kalpa and his body was covered with a deep yellow robes. He held in his 8 arms the famed shara~Nga bow, the nandaka sword, the long-handled mace, the chakra, the lA~Ngala missile and other weapons, and a dagger in his belt. Mounted on tArkShyo ariShTanemI, with his elder brother mahendra and he and other devas set forth for battle against kAlanemI and his demons. The goddess ekAnamshA proceeded with them to delude the demons with her mAyA. A fierce battle with the demons ensued. indra fought a demon virochana and his several daityas, varuNa fought hetI, mitra fought prahetI, yama fought with kAlanAbha the brother of kAlanemI, the ashvins fought with vR^iShaprava and his hordes, rudra dealt with the vicious jambha and his armies. The six-headed son of deva rudra fought the terrifying demon krodhavAsa, while savitA fought bANa. indra and the devas used weapons known as bhusundi-s, chakra-s, maces, R^iShTi-s (cone-headed spears), paTTiShas (flexible blades), shakti-s (broad-headed spears), ulmuka-s (fire-throwers), prAsa-s and axes. They shot missiles such as nistrimsha-s, bhAllas (broad-headed arrows) and hurled fiery clubs such as, parighas (dome-headed mace), mudgara-s (blade-sided mace), and bhindipala-s

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(electrical maces). The demons surrounded indra and attacked him with a shower of shakti-s, but wielding his vijaya bow he shot fiery bhAllas that destroyed the dAnavas weapons before they left their hands. The devas started gaining the upper hand, when kAlanemi dispatched utkalAsura an expert in mAyA to delude the devas. But ekAnaMsha countering his spells with her own, she attacked him directly. Bending her bow to a circle, she aimed a vastsadanta missile at his car and shattered the axle of his wheel. He jumped out deftly and aimed a shilImukha shara (toad-poisoned dart) at her. But she intercepted it in mid-air with an a~Njalika missile and pierced his palms with the painful naracha arrows. As a result utkala dropped his bow, but he quickly rallied back by hurling a gadA. She parried it her own mace and without giving him a chance pierced his neck with a nArAyaNa missile and killed him. Seeing him fall, the supporters of kAlanemi, mAlI, sumAlI and malayavAn charged at viShNu with their gadAs upraised. But garuDa flew deftly avoiding their strikes and viShNu hurled his chakra and beheaded all three of them. kAlanemI himself charged at viShNu with a hail of arrows, which viShNu countered with a continous stream of bearded missiles from his shara~Nga bow. Finally with an ardhachandrabha missile he cut in twain the bow of kAlanemI. kAlanemI now mounted on his lion, rushed with a tomara, shaktI, prAsha and a R^iShTi. viShNu for long parried the blows from these weapons with the lA~Ngala and finally destroyed them. kAlanemI hurled his final weapon, the terrifying trishUla at viShNu. But viShNu deftly avoiding the strike, caught the weapon himself and hurled it back at kAlanemI. Unable to bear the trishUla, the dAnava and his vAhana were burnt to ashes by it. Though it appeared that kAlanemI was dead towards the end of the KR^itayuga he was to re-appear before the beginning of the downward turn of the wheel time (the age of kali) as the evil king of the bhojas, kaMsa. There were six powerful dAnavas, grandsons of hiraNyakashipu, who threatened the world with their invincibility. The all-knowing viShNu, entered them in a dream and stole their prANas an kept them in the care of ekAnamshA for future use. Aeons later when kAlanemI reincarnated as kaMsa, viShNu was asked by the brAhmaNas and pR^ithivi to intercede and save them from the duShTa kShatriyas. viShNu decided to duely incarnate and slay kaMsa, but this intelligence was leaked by nArada to kaMsa. So viShNu directed ekAnaMshA to place those 6 dAnava prAnas she had maintained in suspension in the womb of devakI while she was in prison. Each time she gave birth kaMsa killed the child, thus riding the world of the 6 dAnavas. On the seventh occasion she brought the kAla-sarpa or the saMkarShaNa as an embryo and placed it in the womb of rohiNi, while she put the original embryo in rohiNis womb into devakIs womb, where it miscarried. Then she converted herself to an embryo and entered yashodAs womb. Finally, when vasudeva exchanged his child with that of yashodA, he had actually brought back ekAnaMshA. When kaMsa tries to kill her, she slips from his hand flies to the sky and from there announces that his future killer still lives. ekAnamshA is said to have been then sent by indra to live amongst the yadus, where vasudeva brought her up with great care. kR^iShNa and balabhadra are said to have embraced her after returning to dvAravatI from their campaigns. She is said to have stood between saMkarShaNa and vAsudeva when she was worshiped by the yadus. The harivaMsha then gives detailed account of the associated vaiShNava theology of the yAdavas: viShNu is the axis of time. The time coils around him in the form of the kAla-sarpa, shesha. It is this terrible snake that manifests as saMkarShaNa. At the end of the kalpa the snake spews flaming venom that destroys the loka, the main duty of saMkarShaNa. The nidrA of viShNu is the goddess ekAnaMshA, who manifests as the dark nights, the kAlarAtri-s between the kalpa. She is the friend of samkarShaNa and envelops the world in darkness while he re-absorbs it. As the world manifests its components constantly keep emerging or return to viShNu borne by the flaming waves of his breath. ekAnaMshA as the yoginI, consumes all the entities that return. Every year, she seizes viShNu with a sleep in the rainy season, when indra takes over his place as the supreme being and nourishes the world [comparable of mahAmAya of the mArkaNdeya purANa, who withdraws from viShNu allowing him to kill madhu and kaiTabha. In the kula tantric parlance she is svapnavArAhI, the goddess of yoganidra]. She is both the sister of indra and viShNu and manifests as kAtyAyani or durgA on the vindhya mountains where her principal shrine is present. Thus, the holy triad of saMkarShaNa, ekAnaMshA and nArAyaNa was seen by the parama-bhAgavata akrUra. Her shrines are said to be all over bhAratavarsha where she is offered sacrificial offerings of meat and wine. Historical worship of ekanamshA The astronomer varAhamihira recommends (bR^ihat saMhitA, chapter 58) that temples should contain triads of saMkarShaNa holding the musala known as sunanda, a halAyudha and a sthUNakarNa weapon in his four hands. Then there should be ekAnaMshA and finally nArAyaNa with a chakra, gada, sha~Nkha and lotus. ekAnaMsha may be of a two, four or eight handed form. In the two handed form she holds a lotus and one hand is on the hip. In the 4

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handed form she holds a book, lotus and rosary. In the eight handed form she has a bow, arrow, lotus, mirror, book, rosary and abhaya-varada gestures. The two handed form is recommended by the Agama section of the viShNudharmottara (3.85) and the tamil text the paripATal mentions that she should be flanked by saMkarShaNa and vAsudeva. -ekAnaMshA appears in coins of the provincial governors of the shungas and also the yavanas around 180 BC. Subsequently a feudatory of the kANvas, vIrasena, also depicts her on his coins. -The kushAnas, vima khadphises, vima takto and kanishka built several temples of the samkarShaNa-ekAnaMshAnArAyaNa triad idols in red sandstone with two armed ekAnaMshA-s between 50-200 AD. vima takto also built a pentad temple with all five deities including, the pradyumna and the aniruddha. -nR^isimhagupta bAlAditya, the destroyer of the hUnas, built a temple for the triad in magadha. -cave temple 27 of Ellora houses the triad - rAja bhoja built a temple for the triad in Etah. After that the deity appear to have vanished from the later traditions of vaiShNavism. The original tradition may be linked to saptarAtra rather than the parallel pA~ncharatra tradition that remained dominant in the later period. I was prompted to investigate ekAnamshA in the connection of the origin of the vidhyAvAsini durgA cult due to the photographic collection presented by NP Joshi in his Hindi pamphet entitled: devI ekAnaMshA ki kushANa kAlIn mUrtiyAn.
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Posted in Heathen thought

The herb grids of the kubjikA mata

February 3, 2006 Leave a Comment

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A stream of the kubjikA tradition has evolved out of the more archaic atharvanic tradition. One of the most important links between the kubjikA mata and the older atharvan tradition is the kubjikA upaniShad. kubjikA is identified with pratya~NgirA or atharvaNa bhadrakAlI the spirit of the atharva veda. The kubjikA mata also preserves certain other connections to the atharvan tradition in the form of the medico-magical use of herbs. The kubjikA traditon deploys two famous herb grids that are reminiscent of the herb collection used in the atharvanic upAkarma or dIksha rite, the herb collection used for consecrating and offering during the atharvaNa mahAshAnti and the most exalted and awful dhUmAvatI rite of the atharvaNa kalpa. The first of these is the 4X4 grid. These within the squares of this grid are placed the following 18 oShadhis: bhR^i~ngarAja (16), sahadevI (3), mayUrashikhA (8), putra~NjIva (2), kR^itanjalI (7), adhaHpuShpA (14), rudantikA (11), kumArI (8), rudrajaTa (10), viShNukrAnta (6), shvetArka (4), lajjAlukA (9), mohalatA (6), kR^iShNadhattUra (12), gorakSha(1), karkaTI (15), meShashR^i~ngI (5) and snuhI (13). They are coded thus: 1= chandramAH; 2=pakShau; 3=vahanayaH; 4=vedaH; 5=bANa; 6=rasAH+R^itavaH; 7=muni/abdhiH; 8=nAgAH+vasavaH; 9=grahAH; 10=dik; 11=shiva; 12=ravi/sUrya; 13=tridasha; 14=manu; 15=tithayaH; 16=R^itvijaH gorakSha(1)=Adansonia digitata putra~NjIva (2)=Putranjiva roxburghii sahadevI (3)=Conyza cinerea shvetArka (4)= Calotropis procera meShashR^i~ngI (5)= Gymnema sylvestra viShNukrAnta (6)=Clitoria ternatea, Evolvulus alsinoides (?) mohalatA (6) =Bergenia ligulata kR^itanjalI (7)= Mimosa pudica mayUrashikhA (8)= Adiantum caudatum kumArI (8)=Aloe barbadensis/ Aloe vera lajjAlukA (9)= Biophytum sensitivum rudrajaTa (10)=Aristolochia indica rudantikA (11)=Cressa cretica kR^iShNadhattUra (12)=Datura fastuosa snuhI (13)= Euphorbia species (E.neriifolia or E.nivulia) adhaHpuShpA (14)=Trichodesma indicum karkaTI (15)=Trichosanthes anguina bhR^i~ngarAja (16)= Eclipta alba Using this grid and numerical system various prescriptions may be coded by the practioner. Thus, we are told of a prescription thus: tri-dashAkShesha-bhujagair lepAt strI sUyate sukhaM || Which means: For easy delivery a woman may use a paste made from tri (3); dasha (10); akShi (eyes=2); isha (rudra=11); bhujaga (nAga=8). Some applications might have a magical slant: tithi-dig-yuga-bANaish cha guTikA tu vasha~NkarI | bhakShye bhojye tathA pAne dAtavyA guTikA vashe || This means: a pill made from tithi (15); dik (10); yuga (ages=4); and bANa (5) can be used for vashikaraNa. This pill should be given in eatables, food-stuff and drinks for the purpose of vashikaraNa. R^itvig-grahAkShi-shailaish cha shastra-stambhe mukhe dhR^itA | For protection against palsy on the face caused by stambhana prayogas one may use R^itvik(16); graha (9); akShi (eyes=2); shaila (mountains=7). The second grid is a larger one of 6X6 squares (know as the grid of brahmA-rudra-indra), with 36 plants: (1) harItakI (2) akShi (3) dhAtrI (4) marIcha (5) pippalI (6) shlphA (7) vahni (8) ShuNThi (9) green pippalI (10) guDUchI (11) vachA (12) nimbakA (13) vAsaka (14) shatamUli (15) saindhava (16) sindhu-vAraka (17) kaNTakArI (18) gokShuraka (19) bilva (20) paunarnavA (21) balA (22) eraNDamuNDI (23) ruchaka (24) bhR^ingarAja (25) kShara (26) parpaTa (27) dhanyAka (28) jIraka (29) ShatapuShpI (30) javAnikA (31) viD~Nga (32) khadira (33) kR^itamAla (34) haridrA (35) vachA (36) siddhArtha

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It seems vachA is reused twice in the grid. The plants are dried, ground to powder, treated with soma and mixed with jaggery into modaka, or mixed with ghee and some tailas for use. The recommended doses are from .5 karsha to 1 pala by weight.
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Posted in Heathen thought

The maNDala theory

February 2, 2006 Leave a Comment The brAhmaNa of old had laid out the intricacies of artha; viShNusharman explained that for dullards like us through the mouth of the jackal. And then daNDin, that scaler of great literary pinnacles, had parodied the same. The gods in heaven and earth had given us an even share of luck and ill-luck, and both friends and foes. We learned the world of society is a maNDala. There are friends of varying degrees in the inner rounds. Double-agents and neutral in the broad mid-regions and enemies at the periphery. Through the aid of the deva-s we suppressed and crushed some enemies, but others continue to torment us without a solution is sight. The biggest question for a man is often who is a friend and who is a enemy? Can a man really classify women in these categories? These are questions for which answers exist, but may not help in life. The basic truth is that most relationships, including friendship, depend on the fact that one man possesses what the other does not. Thus, a friend is one who gives what he has to another without being coerced to do so, and there an element of gratitude and willingness in this trading of favors. An enemy is one who forcefully takes what a man has for himself. Rival is one who exclusively contends for the same object of desire as you. A double-agent commits both friendly and inimical acts. All the above applies between males. Between males and females interactions are fundamentally different. But there is a class of women similar to enemies who may be termed parasites. They suck males, just like spiders suck their mates. Friendship between a male and female is in reality different from that between two males. Many people find it difficult to accept this fact.
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Posted in Life

The Activist Indologist

January 31, 2006 Leave a Comment Edgar Hoover made leftism a matter of the past in American politics. The most leftist a party can get is the Democractic party. However, hunted mercilessly by Hoover and McCarthy they leftists found refuge in American academia from where they mainly concentrated on social issues taking the side of the Islamists, and cudgels against sociobiologists. Harvard University is home to several such academics, who wistfully hope that their utopian egalitarian society will be enforced. However, there was another aspect to their subterranean lives in academia. In my early days in this environment I remarked to a couple of friends (They were maitravaruNi and kaushika :) ) that these leftist academics have a secret political role. They foster the American rapproachment of China and are a great subversionary force deployed against India. This view of mine latter found echo in the general thesis of Acharya and Kaushal. The leftist US academics have their helpers throughout the Leukosphere as well as yellow journalists of Indian rags. For example take a viT-mukha like Khushwant Singh: I am not as much bothered by Pakistani Hindu haters as I am by Indian Muslim haters. Or take an Italian Archeologist Maurizio Tosi, who belongs to this network of leftist Hindu haters, writes in his flawed

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English : the LAW is our god, the LAW made by the humans for the humans. I know no god, I have no soul, I am food for the worms or..the fishes if I die in India..Since on January 1st 1643 the British Parliament executed for treachery the king Charles 1st Europe has made a choice/ NOBODY, least of all a dream of abstraction for fear of death like god, allah and the like, ought to be above our LAW. It might be a wrong law, but it is real. So if you choose to send your chjildren to our schools, to train them in a competitive environment of science.DO NOT bother us with the crap of your soulms and fears. Wer hjave enough of fanatics who exploit our liberality; Your freedom ends where mine begins.. What is Tosi trying to say? If we cut the crap, we see that he is mouthing old Leukosupremacist fantasies in a diaphanous garb. Charles Murray, an American far-rightist raconteur, recently produced a voluminous tome Human Accomplishment which was nectar to the Leukospheric leaders. Its basic thesis was that European leukotestate gents were the epitome of human achievement in the arts and the sciences. Juxtapose this with a now famous statement of a garrulous Harvard philologist of German origin: India is a cul de sac. Here is where one sees a remarkable convergence between the right and the left streams of the Leukosphere: both hold a Leukosupremacist view at heartthus giving them an excellent chance to cooperate on common enemies. Hindus to them are a problem: They look different, they seem to have a civilization of their own, they have a large army, which even evicted Portugal with impunity, they even manage democracy that the Leukotestate supremacist pride themselves with, and even more galling is the fact that Hindus still preserve a very archaic form of Indo-European culture that the Leukotesta have lost. This ought not to be true they tell themselves. Here the leaders of the Leukosphere see a good opportunity to redirect their artsy leftists: cat leftist > anti.india. Thus, is born the activist Indologist, who is a saboteur for the leukospheric leaders in the crusade against pagan India. A-servin of Er Majesty the Queen, Of all them blackfaced crew The finest man I knew Was our regimental bhisti, Gunga Din. Thus, another Anglical troubadour regally patronized his ever-faithful coolie. And sure enough like the legendary Gunga Din we have the supine drudges of the Indologist. I once received a high-sounding letter from a co-ethnic who asked us to indicate on a web site that Vedic Sanskrit was certainly younger than Hittite. I politely told him that this was an Indological fantasy, and while the Hittite lineage was definitely the earliest branching Indo-European, it did not make Hittite attested after 2000 BC older than the ancestral yajurvedic saMhita leave alone the R^igveda. The Gunga Din of course declared that the great Indologist had told him so and he was on a mission to correct the rightist fantasies of Hindus. This leaves little doubt that we need to put such Indologists out of business for good.
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Posted in Politics

The Triassic crurotarsans

January 30, 2006 Leave a Comment A phytosaur and the shuvosaurid Effigia.

The archosaurs of the crurotarsan clade (the crocodile line) had their heydays in the Triassic, taking up the dominance of the terrestrial and semi-aquatic ecosystems from the synapsid promammals. Chatterjee had claimed in the 1980s that the Triassic crurotarsan Postosuchus, was a precursor of Tyrannosaurus, the late Cretaceous coelurosaurian

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dinosaur. Likewise Chatterjee also claimed that other coelurosaurian clade, the ornithomimosaurs had an origin in the Triassic, after he discovered the toothless archosaur Shuvosaurus, which indeed looked like an ornithomimosaur. Examining his remains it became clear to me that the archosaurian forms represent convergences to a similar morphospace position amongst the crurotarsan rather than early dinosaur precursors. Thus, the crurotarsan Postosuchus appears to have converged to a theropod carnivore-like condition and Shuvosaurus to that of an ornithomimosaur, several million years prior to the dinosaurian equivalents. The recent discoveries by Nesbitt point to other such convergences: Effigia, is another Shuvosaurid that is remarkably like an ornithomimosaur or an elaphrosaur in several ways-it clearly occupied an ecological niche close to them. The presence of other fragmentary versions such as Sillosuchus suggest that the Shuvosaurids might have been a very widespread aspect of the ecosystem. The highly armored Aetosaurs evolved a state similar to the armored dinosaurs of the thryeophoran clade- the ankylosaurs and stegosaurs. Recently, the recovery a reasonable skeleton of Revueltosaurus, revealed that it was not an ornithischian dinosaur but a crurotarsan probably close to the Aetosaurs. Thus, the Revueltosaurs, seem to have anticipated the small ornithischians prior to their meteoric rise in the Jurassic. The mega-predatory crurotarsans- Prestosuchus, Rauisuchus, Saurosuchus, Postosuchus, Tikisuchus and Ticinosuchus repeatedly approximated the theropod condition. The ornithosuchids approximated the smaller coelurosaurs and probably even acquired a facultatively bipedal gait. Likewise the early crocodylomorphs also appear to have occupied a niche similar to the smaller dinosaurian predators. The forms like Arizonasaurus and the Ctenosauriscids appear to have converged to the state similar to Dimetrodon and related pelycosaurs, with giant sail-backs one one end and the spinosaurs amongst the dinosaurs. The phytosaurs appear to have occupied the later crocodilian morphospace as semi-aquatic predators. P. Olsen and colleagues have studied the geology of the Triassic-Jurassic boundary in great detail and noticed the following: 1) There is an iridium spike in the boundary. 2) There is marked spike in the fern spores. 3) There is a rise in the number of theropod trackways. This coincided with: 1) a complete extinction of the dominant Triassic crurotarsans except the crocodylomorphs 2) the rise in number of dinosaur genera and 3) enormous increase in size of the dinosaurs. This may mean that the dominance of the dinosaurs was ushered by a celestial impact event that knocked out most of the crurotarsans and made way for the rise of the dinosaurs. Clearly the basic archosaurian body plan appears to have been a constraint (la Goulds spandrel) that caused dinosaurs to iteratively fill in eco-morpho-space zones of the crurotarsan precursors. The surviving crurotarsans, the crocodiles appear to have largely taken up the eco-morpho-space released from the phytosaurs by their extinction. Though the notosuchid clade appears to have undergone considerable morphological diversification towards the end of the Jurassic. It seems the crocodiles were always survivor-opportunists, that took up all kinds of niches when ever a chance presented itself. In light of this one wonders if at least part of Protoavis of Chatterjee may represent a crurotarsan imitation of the avian state?? Far fetched but not impossible.
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Posted in Scientific ramblings

The three yakShinis

January 30, 2006 Leave a Comment After long we spoke to droNajA of fair complexion. We marvelled at how she remained resplendent firing the imagination of admirers as she did 15 years ago, when she was at the height of her glory. She was then like Ardvi Sura Anahita coursing down from the heights of Hukairya to the foaming expanses of Vouru Kasha. jara and roga had not weathered the beauty of aurvasheyI, who could still raise the flutter in many a heart. But we touched wood because we did not want our evil eye to be cast on her. aurvasheyI pointed to an old scrap of paper she had preserved from long. She said: here is the manas that should not be lost. The context may be forgotten but the core substance should always remain. I said: It recurrs indeed and dominates life. Now the context returns. She said: It was quite night in

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the land of the Qutb Shah, when this truth indeed dawned on you. You saw the beginning of the truth. Then she added invoke the 3 yakShinis. Under the parigha vR^ikSha we invoked all three of them. They came with the sweet smiles illuminating the horizon. First was the delicate and elegant valli-yakShini. The second was the imperial rohiNiyakShini. The third was the tura~Nga-yakShini. We flew in their midst to the dvipa on gola sarvarovara
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Posted in Life

Purussaurus and crocodylian recursiveness

January 29, 2006 Leave a Comment The 5 foot skull of Purussaurus the giant nettosuchid caiman of the Miocene epoch from the Amazon system. One of the largest ever crocodiles

Studies on the snout morphology of crocodylians points to 5 recurrent skull types repeatedly evolving their midst: 1) The generalized skull type as seen in Crocodylus niloticus the Nile crocodile. 2) Blunt-nosed skull as seen in Osteolamus tetrapsis the African dwarf crocodile. 3) The long-slender snouted crocodile as seen in gharial and Tomistoma the false gharial. 4) The deep skull with laterally compressed knife-like serrated teeth (ziphodont) as seen in the pristichampsines. 5) The duck-faced crocodiles, like Purussaurus and Mourasuchus, which have broad long duck-bill like snout and eyes placed in posterior end of the long skull. These skulls may be deep as in Purussaurus or very flat as in Mourasuchus.
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Posted in Scientific ramblings

The crocodile line

January 28, 2006 Leave a Comment

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The footage of the carnage by the giant Nile crocodiles on the Mara river was remarkably inspiring and it brought memories of a remarkable sight I had seen in the halcyon days: The cow being downed by a mugger in the Indian Nullah. These Nile crocodiles, the mugger and their cousins are all that remains an old line of archosaurs that in their glory rival their cousins who still rule the skies the only surviving dinosaurs. While the dinosaurs justified the apellation archosaur for 135 million years of unbroken ecological dominance, the crocodile line has sporadically had its day. But their true period of ecological dominance was the Triassic. The carnage on Mara shows how this body design perfected in many basic ways even in the Triassic can hold its own perfectly fine in the world of the mammals. The Nile hunter takes down all sorts of mammalian prey with amazing ferocity and finese that would even give the felids, that mammalian epitome of carnivory, a run for their money. Wildebeest, Kudu, Zebra, the buffalo and others hunted in the yearly feast of the archosaur. Reverse the time machine to the late Triassic of Durham, North Carolina, another predator of the crocodile, a rauisuchian poposaur related to Postosuchus was stalking in vegetation where there was probably a faunal congregation similar to the events on the Mara. This poposaur was a verily a super-predator. almost a meter long head with a mouth armed with numerous meat-cutter knife teeth. These teeth could be lost in action and replaced by new ones througout life. Its body was covered with armour plating buttressed by dermal bone and its arms bore a thumb with a sharp claw for a pincer grip on the prey. The poposaur first encountered an ancient mammal relative the dicynodont which it attacked and tore up gulping it up. Next in encountered an armored temnospondyl amphibian, whose impressive armour failed to deter and was soon gobbled by the poposaur. In this feeding glut it next attacked one of the most heavily armored customers of the day its own cousin a aetosaur and with is bone crusher, meat cutter teeth broke through the armour of the aetosaur to make a meal of it. An ancient cousin of ours a protomammalthe traversodont cynodont Plinthogomphodon herpetairus came its way and the poposaur swallowed it whole as a snack to top its rich and varied catch for the day. Unsatisfied it seems to have attacked another cousin, an early agile crocodile related to Saltoposuchus. This fellow was to be its last victim with a quick lunge from an undergrowth the poposaur bit its victim on the neck slicing right through the bone of the cervical vertebra of the crocodile. However, before dying the agile crocodile appears to have bitten right into the heart of its attacker thereby delivering the coup de grace to the top predator of the era. Thus, in the cycle of life, the predator and prey lay dead one on top of the other. A few phytosaurs, which looked like the modern crocodiles came to make a meal of their carcasses. Sues and Olsen described this remarkable assemblage from the Late Triassic of Durham, where the rauisuchian skeleton was uncovered and found to contain its last meals described above and a Saltoposuchus like crocodile under it with a bite mark in its neck. Thus the Triassic was the time of the crocodile line: phytosaurs, ornithosuchids, prestosuchids, rauischids, aetosaurs and crocodylomorphs.

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Junggarsuchus, an early agile crocodylomorph with a fully erect gait

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Posted in Scientific ramblings

January 28, 2006 Leave a Comment

The Prestosuchids appear to be a sister group to the proper rauisuchians, branching off after the ornithosuchians. They were top carnivores in the Gondwana regions. But the phylogenetic relationships of the suchian archosaurs remain far less understood than the ornithodiran clade. Prestosuchus from south America has a skull (above) that is a meter long and might have been upto 5 meters in length preying vigorously on Triassic synapsids, dinosaurs and other reptiles.
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Posted in Scientific ramblings

Alick Walker
January 28, 2006 Leave a Comment Late Alick Walker was an English gentleman who studied archosaurian anatomy. He was a retiring kind of person who is said to have put in tremendous effort to study in great depth the anatomy of reptiles. He is said to have been very different from todays researcher. He did not care to publish to much, nor did he compete agressively and

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violently like most modern scientists. He instead quitely did his work with great focus and intensity. He gathered enormous amounts of facts for sciences sake and gave them freely to other scientists. His most important work was the study of the anatomy of the primitive crocodile Sphenosuchus. His magisterial work on Sphenosuchus contains a deep understanding of the basic anatomical unity of the archosaurian form- be it a bird or crocodile. His anatomical notes are central to understanding the early evolution of crocodiles and their immediate sister groups the Rauisuchians, Ornithosuchians, Prestosuchians and Aetosaurs. However, he did not study the later dinosaurs too carefully. This lead to an erroneous idea that birds had descended from early crocodiles rather than being dinosaurs. But towards the end of his life he was resigned to accept that birds were indeed dinosaurs.
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Posted in History, Scientific ramblings

The vrata of our dear goddess

January 28, 2006 Leave a Comment We bow humbly to the 6th part of prakR^iti dhyAnaM suputradAM cha shubhadAM dayA-rUpAM jagat-prasU | shveta-champaka-varNAbhAM ratna-bhUShaNa-bhUShitAM | pavitra-rUpAM paramAM devasenAM parAM bhaje || praNava+bhuvaneshvari+ShaShThI-devyai+agni priyA || Thus meditating using the dhyAna, the worshipper should place a flower on ones own head. Then again meditating and muttering the above mUla mantra the votary offers pAdya, arghya and AchamanIya, and sandal-paste, flowers, incense, lamp waving, naivedyam of food, delightful bhojya roots and fruits with the pa~NchopachAra formulae. The one should do japa of the mUla mantra. Finally one should utter the below stotra of kShatriya priyavrata connected with the kauthuma school of the sAmadeva and offer devote worship. Then one may ritually dismiss the deity asking her to be favorable, pleased and boon-giving. namo devyai mahAdevyai siddhyai shAntyai namo namaH | shubhAyai devasenAyai ShaShThyai devyai namo namaH | varadAyai putradAyai dhanadAyai namo namaH | sukhadAyai mokShadAyai ShaShThyai devyai namo namaH | sR^iShTyai ShaShThAsharUpAyai siddhAyai cha namo namaH | mAyAyai siddhayoginyai ShaShThI-devyai namo namaH | sArAyai sAradAyai cha parAdevyai namo namaH | bAlAdhiShThAtR^i-devyai cha ShaShThI-devyai namo namaH | kalyANadAyai kalyANyai phaladAyai cha karmaNAm.h | pratyakShAyai svabhaktAnAM ShaShThyai devyai namo namaH | pUjyAyai skanda-kAntAyai sarveShAM sarva-karmasu | deva-rakShaNa-kAriNyai ShaShThI-devyai namo namaH | shuddha-sattva-svarUpAyai vanditAyai nR^iNAM sadA | himsA-krodha-varjitAyai ShaShThI-devyai namo namaH | dhanaM dehi priyAM dehi putraM dehi sureshvari | mAnaM dehi jayaM dehi dviSho jahi maheshvari | dharmaM dehi yasho dehi ShaShThI-devyai namo namaH | dehi bhumim.h prajAM dehi vidyAM dehi supUjite | kalyANaM cha jayaM dehi ShaShThI-devyai namo namaH || || iti priyavrata virachita shrI ShaShThI-devI stotraM samAptaM ||

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In abode of the greatest one

January 26, 2006 Leave a Comment vishvasmAd indra uttaraH | indra is greater than all! vishvAmitro ha vA indrasya priyaM dhAmopjagAma shastreNa cha vratacharyayA | vishvAmitra indeed went to the dear abode of indra due to his vedic compositions and rites. taM hendra uvAcha vishvAmitra varaM vR^iNIShveti | To him indra said, vishvAmitra, choose a boon. sa hovAcha vishvAmitras tvAM eva vijAIyAM iti | vishvAmitra said: let me know you. dvitIyaM iti | tvAm eveti | tR^itIyaM iti | tvAM eveti | i: [choose] the second time. v: You only. i: [choose] the third time. v: You only taM hendra uvacha mahAMshcha mahatI chAsmi | To him indra said: I am the great (male) and the great (female) devashcha devI chAsmi | I am the god and the goddess brahma cha brAhmaNI chAsmIti | I am [the] brahma power [male] the female brahma power. tata u ha vishvAmitro vijiGYAsAM eva chakre | vishvAmitra verily still worked to know more. taM hendra uvAcaitad vA ahaM asmi yad etad avochaM yad vA R^iShe .ato bhUyo.atapAs tadeva tat syAd yad ahaM iti | To him indra said: I am that which I have said but what is more, he who does no tapas may [know what I am]. tad vA indro vyAhR^itIr Uche tA upA.a.aptA Asanniti | Then indeed did indra proclaim the vyAhR^itis. They sufficed for him. Indeed the chant of the vyAhR^itis is : bhur-bhuva-svaroM | They fully describe the universe. Hence the shruti states: y vshvasya pratimanam babhuva- the universe is the image of indra.
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The three-headed one

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January 25, 2006 Leave a Comment oM drAM dattAtreya namaH oM aiM kroM klIM clUM hrAM hrIM hrUM sauH dattAtreyAya svAhA || The three-headed one, also known as the terrifying trishiro-bhairava, wandered around carefree in the great forests of himaparvatas. With one of his arms was holding the most beautiful madhumati of sweet smiles in an embrace around her gold-girt slender waist. In his other hands he held a mace, a trident, the blazing sudarshana, and a conch. He was of fair complexion, youthful and energetic with ever-smiling faces. The delightful madhumati would occassionally cast her arms around him, like a jasmine creeper winding around a full-grown khadira tree, and she would bring her face close to his. Their eyes would meet, exchanging glances of the highest bliss. The great trimukha would hold her face with his hand, and it would seem like a lotus sprouting from a pond under the pleasant spring sun. In her hands, madhumati held a chalice of sweet maireya liqour, which she would playfully quaff. Occasionally she would pass the chalice full of mirth to trishiras and they would quaff together in eternal Ananda. The bIja eM was constantly resonating around madhumati even as she with her dazzling beauty concealed the three-headed one from the gaze of on lookers. They might stop in a secluded slyvan grotto and engage in kAmakrIDa, nR^itya and aTTahAsa. In the highest ecstasy of pleasure the mighty tryAnana offered madhumati the premaratna the gem of love, and having nothing greater to offer in return, madhumati, full of rasa, matched it by offering her own breasts. The incomparable trimUrtI clasping her breasts in his hands, gently placed a camphor flavored betel leaf between her pearl-like teeth. Then sporting with nails, polished like the mother-of-sea-pearl, he tickled the three folds in her mid-riff. Embraced by madhumati the trideva looked like the peaks of the Himalayas girt by snow and pine forests. The bIjas AM, hrIM, kroM, klIM, huM and oM filled the air. They spread the mAyA. The great rAmo bhArgava wandered there holding and axe that had been washed in the blood of the vItihotras over and over again. He could have a glimpse of the trideva because of madhumati. She shrouded dattAtreya like a mass of clouds blocking the vision of the high peak of kailAsha parvata. Through his intense meditation and grace of the deity the bhArgava could finally attain dattAtreya and madhumati. They gave him audience even as they quaffed the maireya liquor. trimukha first showed him the yoni mudra and then the jvAlini. The three-headed one was surrounded by 4 dogs. The bhArgava declared his familiarity with them and asked: Oh Noble one what is the rahasya of the agni chaitanya? The lover of madhumati said: From raM it emanates. The splendid vAgIshvarI having taken a purifying bath after her menstrual flow is lying in joyous abandon on a soft couch. prajApati full of shR^i~NgAra rasa approaches her who is the embodiment of beauty and engages in passionate intercourse. Into her yoni he deposits his retas. That retas is vahni which endowed with the chaitanya of raM. He salutes that with the formula: hrUM vaHni chaitanyAya namaH He then offers AchamanaM to the great IshvarI of vak. Then the great vaishvAnara shoots up as he utters: chit-pi~Ngala hana hana daha daha pacha pacha sarvaGYAGYApaya svAhA In the former days O rAma your illustrious ancestor, the foremost of the atharvans, bhR^igu saw many mantras. But this one which the primordial bhR^igu saw, who himself has sprung from the retas of prajApati, is the base of the new kalpa that is being enunciated. The dull-witted cannot grasp it: oM vAishvAnara ihAvaha lohitAkSha sarvakarmANi sAdhaya svAhA It is with it the act of sacrifice is achieved. He is then protected by the emanations of the 7 bIjas: sryUM | shryUM | ShryUM | vryUM | LR^iryUM |R^iryUM |yryUM ||
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agnichayana Altars
January 23, 2006 Leave a Comment A number of archaic altars shapes existed for the agnichayana of which the practical geometric knowledge is largely lost in the surviving shrauta tradition. The most famous which are still performed are: 1) the broad winged ShaDpatrika shyenachiti or the gliding eagle altar

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with 6 feathered wings. There is a variant of this with wings entirely made of 6 rows of parallelogram bricks. 2) the drawn wing pa~Nchapatrika shyenachiti or the diving eagle altar with 5 feathered wings. 3) The pIthachiti- In the form a square with 3 rectangular paths leading out on 3 of the sides (this is nearly extinct, only a single Andhra ritualist, whose patnI is also a qualified soma ritualist, knows this. 4) The puruShachiti- in the form of a standing man with arms extended to the sides. 5) The kUrmachiti- in the form of a turtle The less known ones: 6) The ka~nkachiti- in the form of a flying heron 7) The alajachiti- in the form of an alaja bird with four furrow like paths leading out in the cardinal directions. 8) praugachiti- in the form of an equilateral triangle 9) droNachiti- in the form of a droNa kalasha 10) rathachakrachiti- in the form of a spoked wheel 11) parichAyyaM- a circular altar 12) shmashAnachiti- in the form resembling a tomb (shmashAna described in the yajurvedic burial rite for the bones of a dead clansman) All the altars have 5 layers of bricks.
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Iran and the Terrorist state of Pakistan

January 21, 2006 Leave a Comment The ascendency of USA came as a result of it literally being the New World. The natives of the land stretching from the cold reaches of Canada to the Southern tip of Patagonia, had only used up all the megafauna of the land leaving behind much of the mineral, forest and aqueous wealth for their White successors to plunder. Unlike Eurasia which had been denuded by thousands of years of high intensity metal and horse age human colonization, the Americas still had much to be used. The intense conflict between the two Germanic sibs Germany and England ensured the decline of England and Europe allowing the white colonists of USA to take leadership of the Leukosphere. Spain had overdone its colonial enterprise resulting in its decline. The distance of the Americas from Eurasia allowed it to be insulated from the tumultous convulsions that periodically rack Eurasia. While outwardly a strong democracy, at its heart lay dictators like the famous Edgar Hoover who ensured that the dissenting elements, both ideological and racial, which might weaken the country were eliminated. The effects all this are very apparent: USA became a superpower, but not being a part of Eurasia in recent times it also never clearly understood foreign policy. Applying its heavy arm it easily crushed the competition possed by Southern Latin states and maintained sparse Canada as a buffer zone. But Eurasia with its eternal conflicts was never its forte. A result of this sum of vectors is the fascination for Iran and the Terrorist state of Pakistan in an almost inverted sense.
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The vighnas

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January 17, 2006 Leave a Comment We thought of the freedom of Jx and wondered what our fate might be. Our spasha reported that even before the khANDava event there was much fear that all were targets. The spasha stated that the khANDava event only took us into the center of the raNanadi. The spasha clarified that there was really no way out of it we had only two options: face the prashoSha attack of the vairis or go out to battle in khANDavaprastha. As we discussed the coming encounter with the amAtya, the fate of Jx was mentioned again. It was no better but the devas had saved him. Then the amAtya asked for a detailed account the events. Oct 25 2003: The 1st fateful battle of the durga and pAShaNDa hills. Some key retrospective findings reported to us were: Even there the other pakSha acted very similar as the current vairi. The moves were similar and they read some of our senAs weaknesses. Nov 27 2003: The 2nd battle of pAShaNDa hill, the muni was providing cover. We scored a dramatic victory, but we noticed that the vairi was not finished and was regrouping. Nov 1 2003: The vairi-s overthrew the amAtya and shachIva in a remarkably effective ambush. Nov 3 2003: We with the amAtya and shachIva walked into the trap at deva hill. Nov 6 2003: The deva hill trap is pressed home disarming us temporarily. Nov 22 2003: We escape from the deva hill trap, due to our rapid action. The vairis were beaten but seem to have despatched a deadly prayoga at us. Dec 15 2003: R warns us that the worst is yet to come, she sights magician K of theEconomics department. K joins forces with the deva hill aris to lay a deadlier trap. Nov 23 2004: The khANDava war is imminent Nov 23 2004: We get all military preparation in place Nov 30 2004: Three front war begins. Heavy attack on two fronts were barely fended by us. The retrospective reports showed that we bore the day entirely due to the mantra prayoga. Dec 1 2004: We repelled the first attack. Jan 14-20 2005: The first victim is tied to the yUpa like a pashu, but the sacrifices of his ancestors save him from certain death. Jan 27 2005: Major attack by vairis, we fight aided by the muni we balance the day. Feb 4th 2005: Another major attack by the vairis we stabilize the situation again. Feb 22nd 2005: Long term trap is laid by the vairis, and we walk into it. Feb 24th 2005: The two birds indradatta and viShNudatta bore us the message, we might have walked into the trap. Jx who was being pinned down severely on his front also failed to see the trap and walked into it. The muni and Mn were shaken by they own attacks but no one saw the connections in the tangled web. March 10th: shachIva misreads the game and fails to deploy troops. March 17th 2005: Our mantras were neutralized and gods failed to bear us aid. March 24th: The vairis attacked us after we were lulled into pleasure by the great Hayasthanika. March 31st: The first great fateful battle, the forerunner of the future. It was a terrible showdown ironically not far from the battle ground of our Gaugamela. It went almost like a repeat of the Gaugamela encounter. Here it was a massacre of our troops by the vairis who deployed the mysterious astra we had never seen before and was to haunt us for long. Over the next few days the battle raged and we saw the first glimpses of the devastation that was going to strike us in the near future. April 11th: We got a signal of the weakest link. The daNDanAyaka was not likely to hold. We were to soon see how this opened the gates for the attack. May 14th: We again approached a maidan close to the pAshaNDa hill with our troops. They scored a potential victory and were celebrating. Our amAtya and shachiva thought that the victory had finally settled the matter with the vairis. We were alone having dinner when we sighted a much larger force advancing. We tried to take a defensive position but faced a swift attack. We narrowly escaped the next morning with our lives. May 18th: We signed a truce pact and hoped to buy time for building our troops. June 7th: The vairis broke the truce plan and renewed attack by the kR^ityA mode. June 13th: Second major kR^ityA strike June 14th: The old witch whom we had countered in our heydays was surprised at the ferocity of the attack. She deployed certain prayogas to attempt to counter the kR^ityA on our behalf. June 15th: mAraNa strike attempted. June 22nd: Our great rites were destroyed like those of vishvAmitra by mArIcha and subAhu.

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July 3rd: We deployed the great yakShI to save ourselves from mAraNa at the nick of time. Aug 26th: Yet another mAraNa strike. Finally the we got intelligence that the sammohana weapon was being deployed.
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The kaumAra vidyA

January 16, 2006 Leave a Comment Having paid respect with to rAja bhojadeva, who stands in the line of the teachers from ShaShThinAtha we salute the god who is in the embrace of sUryasunuduhitR^i. The cryptic mantra goes thus: vAk (holy speech) is the varman (armour) the karNabindvADhya (ear ornaments) go with the charama (last one) The Fish banner flutters (mInaketana) salutations to kumAra. We also worship that awful being, riding a horse or a violent elephant, embracing pUrNA and puShkalA along with his hosts like goptR^i
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January 12, 2006 Leave a Comment It is fashionable these days for some parents to describe their daughters by the following terms: 1) Modern 2) Forward 3) City-type 4) Progressive 5) Modern but Indian. 6) Modern but Spiritual. The simple message is that one must be beware of such women- they are verily living graveyards for the deluded. The Hindu youth have been deluded in many ways by the waves of mlecchaic subversion lashing the Indian shores. These are affecting both the sexes in drastic ways but in the case of daughters often Hindu parents live a disconnected world of their own making, much as chAchA Nehru imagined that he was the center of the world. These deluded Hindu youth are characterized by the following fancies: 1) In movies they watch entire lives compressed into 1-3 hr capsules. Every emotion is intense and instant. Sex happens right away, sexual romance is instant, heroes and heroines achieve their goals in that brief span of the movie. As a result the youthful watcher believes in instant gratification. Everything he or she wants should come immediately or else they will throw tantrums. 2) They are much richer than the older generation, so they lose track of the value of money and are willing to spend it on vices. 3)Macho Moslem men and handsome men and women are projected as their ideals. So they strive to emulate these, in the process losing their own sense of identity and also get secularized. 4) Their peer pressure guilds prevent them from doing anything profound and drive them to wallow in shallow thoughts, cheap entertainment and low-grade humor. As a result the average deluded Hindu youth of today is not a pleasant company

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The signal in saMdhyAbhASha

January 8, 2006 Leave a Comment We invoked the wondrous yakShini ullAsamekhalA again. She appeared in the first of her forms OJ. We asked where does the high one go? She manifested in her second form GW. It was 10 times more dazzling than OJ. She flew over the cold northern ocean to the cold, dark of ice. Then she flew back to the city with tall houses. We were so dazzled by her that we felt completely speechless and humble. ullAsamekhalA raised me to the higher plane and there we conversed about the history of mammalian carnivores. The story unfolded before me as I humbly heard from the great being. No one, other than the devas knew the higher truths unfolded by the great yakShini. We felt the oneness with the true knowledge. The yakShini also pointed to the great gandharva with blazing jaws and a terrible club. ullAsamekhalA spoke: you must climb the yonder peak of the gandharva. sa eko gandharvAnAm AnandaH Then she said: meditate first on me ullAsamekhalA, and then on hanumat before the leap. oM hriM shrIm nityadrave mada ullAsamekhalA shrIM hrIM||
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The mysteries in the radiation of feliformia

January 7, 2006 Leave a Comment Asian Lisang

There are several grey areas in the evolutionary history of feliformia. The main problem appears to be that of repeated convergent evolution. Certain carnivore body plans have repeatedly emerged in the mammalian lineage, due to the basic constraints of mammal anatomy. After the extinction of the dinosaurs, the niche left behind by the theropods was up for grabs. There were many different contenders, which staked their claims. There were the theropod survivors, which tried to recapture the niches once held by their ancestors: the giant birds like the Gastornithids and Phorusrachids. There were also the giant crocodiles, the sebecosuchids and pristichampsids which became more terrestrial and competed for the niche of top predator. In south America the marsupials of the didelphomorph lineage, the Borhyaenids occupied a variety of carnivorous niches ranging from small predators to large cat-like predators such as Mayulestes, Thylacosmilus and Proborhyaena. In the northern continents the basal ungulates, the mesonychids emerged as carnivores of diverse sizes ranging from Arctocyon to the giant Andrewsarchus. Early members of the suiform lineage such as the enteledonts may have also been predators.

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These were then replaced by the creodonts, the oldest radiation of the carnivoran clade. Then then various carnivorans such as the nimravids and allied barbourofelids, and finally the classical felids exploded on the scene as major carnivores. The clade feliformia in its extant form includes: felids proper and the sister group of the felids the Asian Lisangs (Prionodon), the Genets and their close sister group the African Lisang (Poiana), the civets, the Asian Palm civets like Paguma, Chrotogale and Paradoxurus, the Fossas, Mongooses and hyaenas, and finally the outgroup of all of them is the African palm civet Nandinia. The molecular results suggest a separation between Asian Lisangs and classical cats around 35 Myrs. This is around the time the first felid Proailurus is seen. This raises the big question as to whether the barbourofelids and Nimaravids were after all convergently similar to the cats. This also raises the other big question as to whether the barbourofelids and Nimravids are outside of the extant feliformia clade. This is particular intriguing in light of the repeated convergences to the cat-like saber-tooth architecture in borhyaenids, creodonts, nimravids, barbourofelids and cats. In reality this seems to be a continuation of the basic body plan experimented by the pro-mammal predators starting from the Titanosuchids, through the gorgonopsians, therocephalians and cynodonts. It looks as though the mammals simply revived their old carnivorous model which had met an interlude with the rise of the archosaurs and continued to refine it down to the cats.
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The evolution of Cats

January 6, 2006 Leave a Comment The classical felid or the Neofelid lineage appears first in the fossil around 35 Myrs in the middle of the Priabonian age of the Eocene. They are clearly distinguished by many distintinguishing anatomical features, such as their ossified septate auditory bulla, from the Paleofelids which are chiefly represented by the Nimravids. The felids and the nimravidines appear to have diverged from each other at least by the middle Eocene epoch (prior to 40 Myrs). The Nimravids initially arose to becoming the dominant carnivores, by peaking around the middle of the Oligocene epoch(30-26 Myrs). This period saw many paleofelids of diverse sizes including large predators: Dinictis, Nimravus, Hoplophoneus, Prosansanosmilus, Sansanosmilus, Eusmilis, Barbourofelis, Nanosmilus and Quercylurus. The biology of these nimravids and their affinities are still incompletely understood. During the period of dominance of the paleofelids the classical or neofelids proper appear to have been relatively sparse and poorly represented. The earliest classical felid Proailurus is poorly understood and just about the size of a modern wild cat. This was followed by another genus Pseudaelurus, a puma-sized carnivore from Central Asia around 20-15 Myrs. There are few fragmentary felid fossils in between these early felid groups but we know very little else about them. Then there appears to have been the major machairodont radiation with several saber-toothed genera such as: Machairodus, Metailurus, Dinofelis, Homotherium, Ischyrosmilus, Smilodon and Megantereon. The modern cats are actually very closely related and do not appear to have differentiated much in dental or skeletal terms. A recent comprehensive molecular analysis by Obriens group has finally resolved their relationships. It shows that all modern cats have rapidly diversified within the last 10.8 Myrs starting in the Tortonian age of the Miocene. 1) The first lineage to diversify was the Panthera lineage with the following representatives: Lion, Jaguar, Leopard, Tiger, Snow leopard and Clouded leopard Neofelis being the most basal representative of the Panthera lineage. 2) The next lineage to separate was the Bay cat lineage with: Bay cat, Asian golden cat and marbled cat. 3)The third lineage to diverge was the caracal lineage with: caracal, African golden cat and serval as the basal-most member of this group. 4)Then the Ocelot lineage migrating into the Americas diversified leading to: Ocelot, Margay, Andean Mt Cat, Pampas Cat, Geoffroys cat, Kodkod and Tigrina. 5) The lynx lineage diverge with: Iberian Lynx, Eurasian Lynx, Canadian lynx and Bobcat as the basalmost line. 6)Then the Puma lineage diversified in the Americas with the Puma, Jaguarundi and Cheetah. The Cheetah migrated back to Asia and Africa, even as its representative Miracionyx became extinct in the Americas.

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7) The Fishing cat Lineage then exploded with the Pallas cat, rusty spotted cat, Asian leopard cat, Fishing cat and Flat-headed cat. 8)The Wild cat lineage diverged with the Wild cat, desert cat, black footed cat and jungle cat lineages. The domestic cat is a degenerate version of the European wild cat.
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Same place same time phase shifted

January 1, 2006 Leave a Comment Phase shifted by an year we were there forced to spend time with the wild Northerners, more precisely characterized as the fallen brahmins and kShatriyas. Luckily for us we had our own inner circle with whom we could explore the further mysteries of whippos and the secret applications. We remained there like a pAshupata verily, concealing the brahman, observing the unmatta of others, behaving like a vR^ikSha ourselves. The secret formula goes as badhira Akrandayati. We returned and saw two kR^ityAs. One was headed for the yonder man. The other was headed for us. Jx had left the land, the kR^ityA moving away from him came over to us.
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The wonder of Whippos-I

December 31, 2005 Leave a Comment As we sat looking around the screen, in the warm interiors, debating about the actual nature of the pleasures in indras svarga eventhough we only had a fuzzy idea about them. Suddenly we were re-captured by old mysteries that had tremendously interested us: The mystery of whippos. We discoursed on this matter for 4 hours today and so I felt the need to summarize some of this. Our interest in artiodactyls really shot to the fore with two distinct lines of studies establishing the artiodactyl origins of cetaceans. The molecular studies, starting from the serological studies of Boyden et al in the 1950s, have consistently shown that whales were highly unusual artiodactyls and a sister group of hippopotami. Despite early insightful anatomical studies of the pioneering mammalian anatomist Sir William Flower, the anatomists were largely unreceptive to the idea of an artiodactyl origin for Cetacea. They instead posited an origin for whales amongst the more archaic ungulates of the condylarth group, specifically the mesonychians. The fossils of ancient Tethyian whales excavated in the Terrorist State and the Himalayas in the recent years showed that the earliest whales, like Rhodocetus, with robust limbs had the legendary double pulley astralagus that was indistinguishable from that of Artiodactyls. This established beyond doubt the artiodactyl origin of whales. Further, fossils of the several new primitive whales like Artiocetus, Rhodocetus, Protocetus, Pakicetus, Ichthyolestes, as well as the Basilosaurids like Dorudon, Basilosaurus, Saghacetus and Basiloterus suggested that the closest sister group of the whales are the hippos and that they are unified into the whippo clade. Thus, anatomical and molecular records had finally come to agree upon the basic point of the whale-hippo relationship. But the big mystery was that the earliest whales are as early as 53 million years or earlier, but the earliest hippos are from the Middle Miocene epoch and clearly younger than 20 million years. How can this large temporal gap be accounted for. Recently, however, a large-scale systematic anatomical analysis of the artiodactyls suggested that the

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hippos are nested within an ancient fossil artiodactyl clade: the anthracotheres ( a hypothesis proposed first by my childhood influence EH Colbert). In particular the anthracotheres like Libycosaurus, Merycopotamus and Elomeryx emerged as successive sister groups of the Hippos. Thus, the hippos appear to be late branch of the long-lived semi-aquatic anthracothere lineage. This anthracothere lineage in addition appeared to be a sister group of the whales. The oldest well-confirmed anthracotheres such as Anthracokeryx go back to earlier than 40 million years greatly reducing the gap between the two constituent lineages of the modern whippo clade. However, the picture of this part of the artiodactyl tree may be yet far from complete. The Helohyids are group of suiform artiodactyls including several early enigmatic genera: Helohyus itself and forms such as Gobiohyus and Progenitohyus. These primitive Helohyid artiodactyls appear to be particularly close to the origins of the earliest anthracothere clade, with specific similarities to the basal anthracothere the Siamotherium. Given that the earliest record of Helohyus appears to at least 45 Myrs or older it is likely that they were the precursors of the anthracothere and further reduce the temporal gap between the whippo lineages. Previously anatomical phylogenetic analysis have consistently recovered the suinids (comprising of the basal entelodonts and the crown of boars and peccaries) as a sister group of the whippo clade. The molecular data does not however, provide clear resolution on this matter of the relationship between whippos and suinids. Another enigmatic suiform clade that appears close to the emergence of whippoclade are the Raoellids, with forms such as Raoella, Indohyus and Khirtharia has also been recovered on occasions as the sister group of the whippos in phylogenetic analysis. This suggests that studies on this aspect of artiodactyl evolution must focus on discovering new fossils of primitive suiform groups such as Raoellids, Helohyids and entelodonts include them in phylogenetic analysis with the whippos. We believe that before 55 million years there was a major radiation of the suiform artiodactyls, with the suinids branching of first. This was followed by the branching of the Raoellids and finally the split between the Helohyids and the most primitive whales. The helohyids then spawned the anthracotheres of which the hippos are the only living group. It is quite possible that the common ancestor of this clade was already semi-aquatic, had reduced hair, enlarged canines and suiform body plan. The recent evidence on several entelodonts, which are the basal most members of the suinid clade such Daeodon, Archaeotherium and Dinohyus suggest that they were fast runners and large mammals with enlarged canines. They are unlikely to have had any predators that could have easily preyed on them. But their teeth marks are found on the bones of several smaller mammals. It is hence quite possible that these Suinids were actually facultatively predatory and took down mammalian prey. We speculate that this predatory state of the basal suinids was inherited from the ancestral artiodactyl of the suiform group. It is also quite likely that the whales retained this ancestral predatory state from this ancestor and initially radiated as aquatic predators.
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December 29, 2005 Leave a Comment When the altar is piled, it is termed ugra. It is filled with the fury of rudra mahAdeva. The agni in the midst becomes rudra and the sacrificer readies to pacify him. He recites thus: rudr vA eSh yd agns tsya tisrH sharavyAH pratIcI tirshcy anUcI This fire is rudra, three are his missiles, one that strikes straight, one transversely, and one that strikes from below (These are the 3 stars of Orion, the invakas, which are the 3 arrows fired by rudra slaying prajapati). tAbhyo vA eSh A vR^ishcyate y agnM cinut By them he who piles the fire [altar] is cut up.

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agnM citvA tisR^idhanvm yAcitam brAhmaNAya dadyAt tAbhya ev nmas karoti tho tAbhya evAtmAnaM nSh krINIte Having piled the fire altar [the yajamAna] should give unasked a bow and three arrows to a priest; Indeed to them [the bow and arrows of rudra] he pays homage. Indeed he buys protection for himself from them. [The priest stands symbolizing rudra for the yajamAna as he is given the bow and the 3 arrows and with that gift he is buying protection from rudra] yt te rudra purH dhnus td vAto nu vAtu te tsmai te rudra saMvatsarNa nmas karomi O rudra , in the east [is] your bow, may the wind blow after it for you, to you, O rudra , with the first year [of the five year calendrical cycle] I pay homage. yt te rudra dakShiNA dhnus td vAto nu vAtu te tsmai te rudra parivatsarNa nmas karomi O rudra , in the South [is] your bow, may the wind blow after it for you, to you, O rudra , with the second year [of the five year calendrical cycle] I pay homage. yt te rudra pashcAd dhnus td vAto nu vAtu te tsmai te rudredAvatsarNa nmas karomi O rudra , in the West [is] your bow, may the wind blow after it for you, to you, O rudra , with the third year [of the five year calendrical cycle] I pay homage. yt te rudrottarAd dhnus td vAto nu vAtu te tsmai te rudreduvatsarNa nmas karomi O rudra , in the North [is] your bow, may the wind blow after it for you, to you, O rudra , with the fourth year [of the five year calendrical cycle] I pay homage. yt te rudropri dhnus td vAto nu vAtu te tsmai te rudra vatsarNa nmas karomi O rudra , in the Zenith [is] your bow , may the wind blow after it for you, to you, O rudra , with the fifth year [of the five year calendrical cycle] I pay homage. rudr vA eSh yd agnH s ythA vyAghrH kruddhs tShThaty evM vA eSh etrhi sMcitam etir pa tiShThate namaskArir evinaGM shamayati rudra is verily [manifest] in this fire; just as tiger stands in fury, so also he stands. When the [fire-altar] is piled with these [bricks], he worships [rudra], and indeed with homage he soothes him. yo rudro agnau yo apso ya oShadhIShu yo rudro vishva bhuvanA .avivesha tasmai rudrAya namo astu || rudra in the fire, in the waters, in the plants, rudra who has entered all entities of the universe, to that rudra homage. He makes pourings of soma and fire offerings of the gAvIdhuka charu to the terrible rudra with the shatarudriya incantations. Finally with the above formula he makes an oblation of gAvIdhuka charu on the last brick of the altar to soothe and pacify rudra. For the kApAlika observing the mahAvrata, these five fold mantras are the ones with, which he worships the AmnAyas of rudra. The body is his altar. His own skull is his soma cup. His food is the gAvIdhuka charu. Having fed the heads of rudra with the internal soma, streaming from the chandra nerve he realizes the amnAya know as anuttara. He then recites: rudr vA eSh yd agnH s ythA vyAghrH kruddhs tShThaty evM vA eSh etrhi sMcitam etir pa tiShThate namaskArir evinaGM shamayati The face of the anuttara manifests, like the crocodile face of tumburu.
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December 29, 2005 Leave a Comment For some reason I used the word cynosure. The muni and I had a brief discussion on this word some time ago. It appears the the word cynosure is from the name tail of Canis Major (cynos-ura). This construct seems to be an archaic Indo-European word because we encounter a similar set of words as the names of the sons of the fallen bhArgava ajigarta. The most famous of them was the bhArgava R^iShi shunaHshepa Ajigarti who later became devarAta vaishvAmitra. He amongst other mantras composed the celebrated vAravantIya. The power of the vAranvantIya is indescribable. The fury of vaishvAnara can only be channelized by the vAravantIya. But we have a problem: cynosure means the focus or center of all attraction. In the heavens this is not the tail of Canis Major but the tail of Ursa Minor. This makes one wonder if Ursa Minor was once called a dog and the name of the Ajigarti was after all dhruva, the nail on the world axis.
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The days of bhoga

December 28, 2005 Leave a Comment A friend, in course of a yarning session, reminded me of the days of bhoga. In a social situation with Marc, R and Hayastanika we were all ganging to make fun of R. A person, who shall go un-named, remarked in full auditory range of Marc that, if R is around, people stop paying attention everyone else but her. This statement by that person could have caused me enormous social damage in an as-it-is tense situation. So I tried to do some talking to divert attention. I remembered our days of bhoga (like that of yayAti when his puNya still lasted) and recalled the college program which was being recorded for possible screening on local TV. These college programs were really not places for the seeker of brahman, but like the pAshupata, we were free from the pAshas of the mundane, and we passed through the venue on our way to visit the shrine of the simian emanation of the fiery bhairava. The TV camera, for reasons pretty obvious to the pumAn, focussed on R (oo I fear she may demand removing this post, for I was supposed to be revealing only some specifically triaged stuff here). Later my janani who saw the clip on TV stated that R carries herself remarkably well and that her nose-ring and tilaka looked good. She said: even Rs own prasU thinks she is self-conscious, but I think she has the full confidence of always being in command. This confidence helped a lot. I would never forget that remarkable day in the western classroom right at the foot-hill on our picturesque campus, where our physics lectures occurred (16 yrs ago). Our enormous physics lecturer droned on his substance-less presentation on sound and standing waves. I sat in a daze with kR^iShNatvak beside me when on the window I saw a rather good specimen of Myrmarachne. Since kR^iShNavarNa was dead to the excitement of jumpers, I called over to R to show the spider. R mentioned that she had seen a potential Abracadabrella on the Eucalyptus tree and the funny name tickled kAlacharman immensely resulting in his un-wanted laughter. Soon, we were picked up by the bear-like lecturer and were the cynosure of the classroom. We were condemned by the bug-bear to teach the reminder of the chapter on sound to our fellow students or pay the non-attendence fee. Before I could say anything R boldly agreed that we could teach- our classmates were aghast and begged to the lecturer that he continue and them not be made to suffer our ignorant lecture in physics. But since R had picked the betel leaf on our behalf the lecturer insisted that we accept the sentence he had pronounced. We anyhow decided that it was a much better evil to teach a chapter of physics than paying any fine. We went over to Rs home and and laid out our action plan, but soon got distracted and decided to observe the stars. Some good sights of the clear winter sky with Auriga in the ascent. We lost track of time, were late, had some distressing brushes with our ever-curious and over-interpretive parents, but finally pieced some lectures together. So the next three lectures in sound were ours and at least our psychophants say

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we did much better than the R^ikSha putra. To give some special effects we went over to a famous Russian textbook called Irudov and chose a particularly nasty problem from it, and provided it as a numerical example for the class. I am sure we are still hated by many those who remember this incident for our ahaMkAra. The person who incited the above social gaffe also accused me of being the worst conceited individual Where we the pashu at the yUpa? Suddenly our eyes opened. In some it is called confidence in others it is conceit- but it all lies in the eyes of the beholder. pashupati is that odd-eyed fellow who goes around in the graveyard performing huDDukAra and aTTahAsa.
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On the vedic anusvAra.

December 26, 2005 Leave a Comment The shaunaka, mAnDukya, pANini and other authorities have declared that the anusvAra M in its original state is a voiced sound involving only the nAsika and no other oral articulation (e.g. anusvAra yamAnAM cha nAsikA sthAnaM uchyate). This differentiates it from the other anunAsikas such as ma, na Na, ~na, ~Na which are sounds with specific oral articulations that are tinged with passage of air through the nasal cavity. In the pure anusvAra the mouth is kept naturally closed without forming any particular articulation and the air is allowed to pass, superficially contacting the oral cavity into the nasal cavity. However, it does not pass into the oral cavity to resonate within it. In English this approximated by the sound value of n in saint. In practical vedic recitation there are certain complexities in the actual sound values taken. Typically the terminal anunAsikas such m in rudra(m) n in ud va(n)danam are consonants and pronounced as such. In the below discussion the anusvAras are bracketed by {}. The R^igveda (shAkalya) and atharvaveda (shaunaka and paippalAda) the pure anusvAras are encountered in two contexts: 1) The first is denoted by the chandra-bindu notation in Devanagari scripts. E.g. mahA{n} indro ya ojasA. The {n} is uttered as a pure anusvAra described above and cause the vowel preceding it to extend an extra matra. 2) The M coming before the consonants ghn or GY. e.g.1 nakiShTa{M} ghnanty antito na durAd. e.g. 2 sa{M}GYAnena These anusvAras are technically termed the shuddhAnusvAras. The gAnaM-s of the sAmaveda may render these as musical reduplicated nasal sounds. In the yajurveda the system is more complex with the presence of multiple anusvAras including the GM sound: 1) The simple shuddhAnusvAra occurs in the yajurveda only when a ghn or GY occurs after it. E.g: ima{M} ghnanti or sa{M}GYAnaM. It is pronounced as a purely nasal sound as described above. 2) If a terminal anunAsika occurs before a ra, sha, Sha, sa and ha OR if it is an anusvAra indicated in the R^ik-s by a chandrabindu occuring before a naked vowel, then it transforms into a GM. E.g. (Clause 1) vivaya{M} ruhema=>vivaya{GM} ruhema; divaM dR^i{M}ha=> divaM dR^i{GM}ha; prajayA sa{M}rarANo=> prajayA sa{GM}rarANo E.g. (Clause 2) mahA{n} indro vajrabAhuH=> mahA{GM} indro vajrabahuH These are technically known as AgamAnusvAras. 3) If the terminal anunAsika is preceded by a long vowel and it occurs before a consonant sh, Sh, s, h, then instead of a GM it becomes a mere G with out the M sound. e.g. tapU{M} Shy agne=> tapU{G} Shy agne; jyotI{M}Shi archaH =(sandhi rule)=> jyotI{M}Shy archaH =(anusvAra rule)=> jyotI{G}Shy archaH This is known as the lupta AgamAnusvAra.

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4) If the terminal anunAsika is preceded by a short vowel (a, i, u) and it occurs before a consonant sh, Sh, s, h, then instead of a GM it becomes a re-duplicated GG with out the M sound. e.g. pu{M}schali=> pu{GG}shchali; tva{M} hi agne =(sandhi rule)=> tva{M} hyagne =( anusvAra rule)=> tva{GG} hyagne; indraM svasti => indraGG svasti. This is known as the dvirbhUta lupta AgamAnusvAra. The above three GM, G and GG anusvAras occur in the specified fashion in the taittirIya, maitrAyaNa, kaTha, charaka and mAdhyaMdina saMhitA-s of the yajurveda. The kANva saMhitA converts all AgaMAnusvAras to G or GG. 5) There are special anusvAras indicated by the number 3. In this case the long vowel preceeding them are drawn out to musically to 3 mAtras. These are on rare occasions also encountered in the R^igveda (e.g. i n the AraNyAni sUktaM and nAsadIya sUktaM) and the atharva veda. In the yajur veda one of the famous occurrences of this anusvAra in the brahmAn formula to mitra-varuNa and indra (1.8.16). e.g. (from the brahmAn chant): sushlokA3{n} suma~NgalA3{n} satyarAjA3{n} Note the special 3 anusvAra symbol superceding all other rules. This is the samAyata anusvAra.
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Chenchus, Lambadis and the L1 haplogroup

December 25, 2005 Leave a Comment Analysis of some additional data from the Cordaux paper and the earlier works of the group from Vanga reveals further interesting trends in the distribution of the L1 haplogroup, which was seen to be predominant in numerous Tamils-speaking populations, with a peak occurence in the Tamil Low and middle castes. Not unexpectedly the Kallars, a middle level warrior Tamil caste has up to 50% L1 markers. L1 haplogroup is also found in the Yadava caste, a group of cowherds from from the Andhra country (the clan of the famous cowherd hero kATaM rAju) show about 19%, Kammas of Andhra 17%, so also the Sinhalese show about 17% of it. These numbers suggest that indeed L1 is probably associated with the spread of the spread of the Megalithic culture through peninsular India. The Tamil cultural revolution, probably marking the first Dravidian civilization, spread out northwards actively with a declining gradient of influence. In the south it similarly influence Shri Lanka. As a result of this spread of the Tamils, who already possessed a certain social standing, the L1 haplogroup bearing males were able to enter the Indo-Aryan caste hierarchy at the middle level and show further upward mobility. The later point is illustrated by the fact that in Brahmins of Tamil Nad, Andhra and Maharashtra (the Konkanastha Brahmins) the L1 haplogroup is seen in 10-13% frequency. Most interestingly, the Saurashtrans who are an immigrant group into Tamil Nad from the GujaratMaharastra zone show upto 25% frequency of the L1 marker. This is in fact in contrast to the overall level of L1 in Gujarat being around 10% (Albeit a relatively small sample of 29 males), and in general in Maharashtran upper and middle castes around 10-11%. Thus, despite retaining their unique language of the Indo-Aryan family, the Saurashtrans have acquired a considerable component from the Tamil gene pool (lower bound of 15%). This suggests that even the rather insulated Saurashtrian Jaati was genetically porous to a certain degree. This raises doubts about the extreme inter-jaati mobility suggested by some. Probably the Saurashtran Jaatis tight connection with certain professional guilds strongly preserved its language while letting people in. The fascinating Lambadi tribe of Southern India is a nomadic tribe moving around with horses and cattle. I had witnessed a few bands of these nomads as a youth and was struck by their oral tradition. 40% of the Lambadi males bear the M74 mutation that marks them of Northern Asian affinities. The Lambadis also narrate tales of pR^ithivirAja ChahamAna, other ChAhamAna and Rathod heroes. This suggests that they actually migrated out of Rajasthan, and probably represent a South Indian branch of the Gypsies migrating out of Rajasthan when the Hindu kingdoms were assailed by the Army of Islam. The Chenchus are a most remarkable tribe in Andhra. They are completely adapted to the forest and live entirely as hunter-gatherers. They have extraordinary stamina and eat only 1 time a day. They have special position amongst the tribes of India: the caste Hindus consider them completely pure for accepting food. They are also considered eaters

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and makers of bhojya and bhakShya food, so a brahmin can eat from a Chenchu. Chenchus have special privileges to perform rites in the Shrisailam, Ahobilam and Bhramaramba temples and enter the garbha gR^iha normally reserved for brahmins only. They have their own priests who invoke the standard Hindu deities of whom they have good mythological knowledge with elaborate unique rituals. Interestingly, they are the only tribal population with a particular ratio of H1, R1a1 and L1 haplogroups resembling several middle caste populations of India. It is possible that they represent an ancient varNa population that degenerated to the tribal condition. Alternatively their special symbiotic association with the caste populations may have resulted in gene flow into them. This is one of the unique tribal groups of India that is facing extinction in modern India due to habitat loss and disease.
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Man, the Troglodyte and environment

December 24, 2005 Leave a Comment Jared Diamond, a socialist American scientist wrote a book termed the Third chimpanzee. Here he highlighted the similarities between us and our cousins of the genus Pan, and the explosive spread of Homo in the recent past. There have been some recent works that allow us to exquisitely understand the transition from the ancestral condition, still recapitulated in many ways by the troglodytes and the gorillas to the derived condition seen in Homo. Homo is in many ways different from the other related apes. He is naked, his canines are reduced, he walks erect all the time in adulthood, having shed the undignified ambulation on the knuckles. The females of his species sexually signal to him with their inflated mammary glands and posteriors and he tends to observe reasonably long term pair formation with his mates. His big toe in unopposed, he is clumsy on trees compared to his cousins and much to his great pride he sports an enormous brain, that is unrivalled in the animal world. These changes appear to be quite a handful for a lineage that has been relatively conservative in its ways since the days Victoriapithecus that may be close to the ancestory of both the monkeys and apes, and the early apes such as Afropithecus, Heliopithecus and Otavipithecus. Now the results of some recent genetic studies such as Nielsen R and Bustamante CD et al come in to throw extraordinary light on the transition from the troglodyte grade to that of Homo. These works uncover a number of genes that have been subject to positive selection after the separation of humans from their common ancestor with the troglodytes. Some of these may directly explain the above stated traits: For example, the chromatin protein of the Polycomb group, SCML1 (ortholog of Drosophila Sex comb on middle leg), with a special C-terminal SAM domain of the class that I had studied, has 15 nonsynonymous substitutions in humans and no polymorphisms. This suggests multiple strong selective sweeps driving divergence between species, while eliminating variation within species. As it regulates the expression of the Hox group of genes among others this protein is a likely candidate to have favored the emergence of the vertical orientation of the foramen magnum, critical for the erect gait and probably also played a role in the development of the non-opposed thumb. Some other genes like several cytoskeletal proteins (including myosins and adducins), Gli3 involved in finger development amongst other things and some neurally relevant proteins like Huntingtin and Syntaxin 11 show much greater purifying selection between the troglodyte and Homo, but considerable polymorphism in Homo. The sudden change in lifestyle within Homo may have resulted in a relaxation of constraints on these genes. The same Jared Diamond then wrote a book called Guns, Germs etc. It was one hell of a politicallly correct book about equality of humans in face of environmental differences. It was one piece of leftist sophistry complete with the aspersions at Brahminism and fullsome praise for Abrahamism in developing scientific temper. While Diamond laughed away to the bank fooling the public with his equal-equal nonsense that is so common amongst leftist American academics the public was fooled. Luckily for us this bluff was exposed by a recent paper by Wang ET et al that showed that in the last 40-10,000 years, i.e. the time frame in which the humans emigrated out of Africa, we have undergone natural selection in atleast 1800 genes. These genes include numerous genes relating to immune response, reproduction and neural function. The implication of this are explosive. Thus we are likely to expect hardwired differences in disease resistance, intelligence/behavior and reproductive behavior/strategies in different populations of

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the world probably as local adaptations to their different environments. Hence, unlike Diamonds contention that the local enviroments acted on a blank slate of human physiology, humans actually diversified through local differentiation via natural selection to make most of the environment. It is for this reason the trajectories of human populations the world over was so different. Importantly, the populations left behind in Africa, and to some extant the early populations of India and Australia were not a part of many of the changes sweeping through populations elsewhere. So contrary to Diamonds assertions one must give a careful though to the now increasingly clear possibility that the rise of agriculture and pastoralism actually went hand in hand with natural selection for particular behavioral, immunological and reproductive changes that made the rise of things like urban civilization possible. A superficial glance at the list of genes: ASPM (a brain size effector), different glutamate and glycine receptors (GRM1, GRM3, GLRA2), synapse associated E3 Ub-ligase RapSyn, serotonin transporter (SLC6A4), two olfactory receptors OR4C13 and OR2B6 suggests that many aspects of human behavior and intelligence are by default going to be different between populations. Interestingly, the olfactory receptor diversification suggests that there may be populations differences literally in the way we smell things. This stark realization of human inequality make us understand many things that otherwise mystify the PC social scientist.
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Founding fathers and other musings

December 23, 2005 Leave a Comment

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The results of recent chromosomal studies point to an interesting feature regarding the founding fathers of several nations. The biggest impact that has been uncovered to date appears to be that of Chingiz KhaKhan, the founder of the great Mongol nation, who appears to have left behind 16 million male descendents in the modern world. More modestly the founder of the Manchu empire, the descendents of Chingiz Khans arch rivals the Jurchen, appears to have left behind 1.6 million descendents today. More recently it was noted that the legendary early Irish king, U Nill appears to have fathered a whole bunch of Irishmen such the McDonalds, McAlisters and McDougalls. The statistics of these founding fathers suggests that the male contribution to the extant gene pool may even follow the power law, with few hubs or power-houses who have fathered large swathes of the world population and numerous males who hardly have few living descendents. Of course this conjecture needs much more testing. But even if were approximately something like that then it clearly shows that Kingship was a real evolutionary game. In primates being the dominant male actually helps you further you genes being a King does not merely mean being a superdominant male in terms of power of prestige but also contribution to the gene pool on a large-scale. Of course there may be gay kings like Alexander of Macedon or Alla-ad-din Khalji of accursed memory who do not get anything moving beyond the futile conquest of territory. These, despite their possible effects on the meme pool (that too usually negative), do not leave their imprint on the gene pool. Further the recent genetic studies also reveal that in the terrorist State of Pakistan the overall genetic diversity is far reduced in comparison to India and the affinities of males show a certain shift in the direction of the Arab world. Thus, the verdict of genetics is that the Islamic invaders did kill of males in parts where they became dominant. We do not have much evidence if that happened with the earlier invaders.
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Socio-genetic stratification of India

December 20, 2005 Leave a Comment A recent paper by Sengupta et al in AJHG caused much excitement in some circles, because it was seen by some as providing evidence that the Indo-Europeans/Aryans may not have invaded India after all. The paper provides a wealth of Y-chromosome haplogroup data with extensive sampling of several Indian communities. The conclusions of the paper itself are a bit confused and it does not do full justice to the data it analyzes. So we decided to reanalyze the data and reach some tentative conclusions. A summary of the analysis is presented in the form of a vector diagram showing the frequencies of individual haplogroups (rows). Redder the box the more frequent is a haplogroup. The 3 main groups (columns) are upper castes (brAhmaNas and rAjpUts= u), middle-lower castes (Marathas, Mahishyas, Vellalar, Vanniyar, Pallar etc=m), and scheduled or nomadic tribes/castes (Toda, Irula, Konda Reddi, Kota, Santhal, Muria, Kammar etc=l). One thing that strikes you is that there are clear frequency differences of Haplogroups that demarcate these social strata (As was earlier suggested by Cordaux et al). -The R1a1, R2, J2a G2 (G2-P15) are clearly high in upper caste, and decline in middle-lower castes and almost vanish in the lower castes. -The O2a, H1, F* and H2 haplogroups are predominantly seen in the mainland tribal population and decline in the middle-lower castes and are low or almost absent in upper castes. -Not shown in this diagram is the O3e marker that is predominantly seen in the Tibeto-Burman speaking eastern tribals (who also have some O2a), and nearly absent elsewhere. The median joining analysis of the O2a haplogroup shows that they are two distinct clusters, one with greater diversity including the Austro-asiatic and Dravidian tribals and the second the lower diversity one including the Tibeto-Burman tribals. -Interestingly J2b2 (first properly defined in the Sengupta study), L1 and H are dominant in the middle-low strata and

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decline in both the upper and tribal groups. The R1a1 marker is elsewhere seen in the Central Asians and Eastern Europeans; J2a and G2-P15 appear to peak in the Middle East, Anatolia and the Caucusus with some presence in Europe. G2-P15 is interestingly found only in Iyer and Iyengars in this set at a high 10-12 %. Another study interestingly showed a similar rare haplotype N1a to be present in similar percentages in the Havik Brahmins of Karnataka. This marker is found elsewhere in the regions bordering the Eurasian steppe zone and to some extant in Iran. It was also found in the early European settlers belonging to the Linearbandkeramik (Haak et al in Science Magazine) who are supposed to have spread agriculture to Central and Northern Europe. L1 marker is predominant in Tamils and to some extant in Marathas, with the most prevalent presence in Tamil middle castes like Vellalars, Vanniyars, Ambalavasis and the like. It is low or absent in most of the Dravidian tribal groups outside Tamil Nad, though it is present in Brahmins in the Tamil region. It is also peculiarly found in Balochistan and Makran but low in the Brahui speakers. The mainland tribal populations, both Dravidian and Austro-Asiatic are rich in O2a or H1 or both. To cut a long story short we provide an interpretation of this data: The main problem with the interpretations offered by the authors are: 1) their improper grouping of the jAtis and other populations and 2) their steadfast adherence to a model that the IE invaders of India should have come in only around 1500 BC. They also harp about frequency analysis being inadequate but do not go beyond it to use the alternative methods fruitfully. It would be simple to interpret the R1a1, J2a, G2-P15, N1a and perhaps some R2 as being borne mainly by the Eurasian Indo-European populations entering India. Of these J2a, N1a and G2-P15 is clearly absent in non-upper caste populations, and shared with western Eurasian populations. R1a and R2 is seen to have lower diversity in the caste populations in contrast to tribals, which the authors suggest as meaning that admixture did not cause their emergence in the tribals. This to say the least is a very simplisitic explanation. One more consistent with historical data is that R1a and perhaps R2 expanded in the Central/Western Asian zone close to the boundary of the Eurasian steppes somewhere between 10-15,000 years BP. These two seem to have then seeped into India at a gradual rate seeding the indigenous tribal groups with R1a1 males at some low rate. The main bulk of the less diverse R1a1 appears to have come from Western/Central Eurasia along with the other above-mentioned Western Eurasian markers where it had already differentiated into eastern and western branches. The time of divergence with the central Asian R1a1 comes to around 6000-10000yrs bp. This along with the early separation dates for J2a suggest that these are easily explained by accounting for an early origin for Indo-Europeans of India. This makes the possibility of an Indo-Aryan Indus civilization a possibility. The early Kentum substratum in Bangani in India could also be a part of earlier waves bearing similar haplogroups. Finally, the cline of markers from Western Eurasian suggest a low angle Northwestern early influx of Indo-Europeans into India. We wonder if this might actually represent the Neolithic wave of Indo-Europeans preceeded by some Mesolithic seepage. In interior India we find an interesting effect: The O2a and the H1 markers. We believe that these two represent Y-chromosomes of indigenous populations. The O2a marker is seen in all tribal groups but hardly in any caste groups, suggesting that it was indeed one of the markers of the earliest population. In contrast to O2a, H1 while highest in the tribal populations is also seen in caste population in a declining gradient. It was in this early population that probably Austro-Asiatic, Nahali, Kusunda and possibly Indo-Pacific languages arose. Of these the Austro-Asiatic and Dravidian languages showed an expansion. O2a is present in Indian tribal populations speaking Dravidian, Austro-Asiatic and Sino-Tibetan, as well as far Eastern populations in China, Burma and the states of Indo-China in Indian. Both the frequency and variance plots of the O2a haplogroup show an increasing Eastern component. This would imply that its expansion was probably associated with an Eastern population expansion and emigration. The expansion probably corresponded with the Austro-Asiatic expansion. In the outer zones these populations probably were incorporated into Dravidian speaking and Sino-Tibetan populations which were also expanding. H1 in contrast is hardly present in Sino-Tibetan and Eastern populations. Its centre gravity in terms of frequency is the central part of the country from where it appears to have expanded outwards. We explain H1 expansion as an expansion of agricultural indigenous population associated with Central and South Indian archaeological cultures like Jorwe and Daimabad and these agricultural groups managed ascend the ladder of the Indo-Aryan hierarchy coming in

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from the North. L1 which is restricted to Tamil population but seen across caste boundaries albeit with the greatest presence in the middle-low castes is interpreted as not being spread by the Dravidians. As most Dravidian tribals have it lower levels and it is absent in Dravidians outside Tamilnad we specifically see at the haplogroup expanded by the proto-Tamil cultural rennaisance, probably archaeologically corresponding to the expansion of the Megalithic (neDukkal/vira-kal) culture. This appears to have expanded from the middle of the peninsular India somewhat Northwards to coastal Pakistan and Makran and of course its main center was the Tamil country. This expansion possibly also bore with it the H1 marker, further driving it up the caste hierarchy. We suspect that the Tamil upper castes absorbed native priests as kurukals and the like that resulted in the influx of L1 into their ranks.
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The busy Abrahamists

December 18, 2005 Leave a Comment I learned today on the web that a certain British satirist AE Housman about whom I know hardly anything said: In every American there is an air of incorrigible innocence, which seems to conceal a diabolical cunning. I wonder what prompted him to make such a comment. Perhaps the Indians thought the same of the British even as he was making such comments about his cousins the Americans. We in our youth had a seen a few Anglo-Australian subversionists who had deceptively entered our school. They were like wasps trying to subvert an acorn into a gall and used a certain innocence which seemed truely incorrigible and appeared to innocently ask questions to deride Hindu deities and create doubts in their regard in the minds of the young students. We however, saw through this guise of the sUchin-s and after a protracted struggle had them overthrown. It was great day when the vicious adventurer David was finally sent packing. This white man, a good- for-nothing in his own land, had wormed his way to our school as a teacher, taking advantage of the Indian respect for the White Massas. He treated the Hindus like dirt until our mini-freedom struggle sent him packing. This is just a sample of one the Abrahmisms waging its war on the Hindus. The other Abrahamism, that of the Allahmaniacs, is now engaged in war with its sister Abrahamisms. We must note that the Soviets decided to invade Afghanistan and place their puppet just as the Americans decided to invade Irak. Initially, the Soviets cut through the Mohammedan armies and met enormous success with the famous Panjshir operations. Finally, the Russian army was unable to hold on any more and retreated in disarray. Now the Americans thought that this was due the advanced Stringer missiles they gave the Moslems. The Americans, likewise, cut through the Islamic armies in Irak, ground Fallujah to the ground, and gave a tremendous display of their technological intelligence gathering methods. But despite all this they continue to lose men, though not as regularly as the Soviets and hardly seem to repulse the Islamaniacs. Here they say the Soviet weapons like the RPG and IEDs with Soviet made charges are coming back to the Americans. Hindus call this kind of thing Karma. The question is how long are the Americans going to be in Irak. By removing Saddam and holding elections, they are erecting an edifice in the form of a Jihadi minar in the land where it was relatively muted in this regard. The day the Americans go back, I really wonder if the Americans can talk of victories any more than the Soviets did. To me it seems that for temporarily suppressing the venomous Taliban, the Americans may end up gifting them a new land in the form of Irak, all ready for Jihad with Zarqavi at the helm. This might boost Jihadi confidence beyond limits.
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The sub-continental stirrings

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December 18, 2005 Leave a Comment We had earlier commented how the Trojan horse, whom we used to call Chappal (slipper) in our days of youth was working his wonders with the Indian army. We had speculated that he was specifically an agent of the roguish pirate chief Ponting to do away with his main dangers before the invasion of the subcontinent. We have now got some intelligence as to how the Indian ants invited the parasitoid wasp Greg Chappal into their nest. The lazy king of Vanga, seeing his Kiwi mercenary returning to his own country, decided to get Chappal thinking he was an ally of his. A little did he know of the mission Ponting had primed Chappal for. In the mean time with the actual battle performance of the Vanga champion being less than desirable, and the veteran Prince of Bombay being side-lined due to the blows he had received from cannon shards in the thick of battle, the prince of the Karnata country decided to stage a coup de tat with his supporters. Pulling around him a bunch of adventurers such as the Bundela, the Mohammedan Kaif, the viShama Gambhira and others he got over the Trojan plant Chappal to his side. Then he used Chappal to seize the throne by ousting the Vanga warrior and also trying to threaten the Vangas supporters like the Sikh turbanator and the Andhra chieftain from Vangipura. As result the whole Indian army has been stirred and the atmosphere of fear has been reinstated to possibly trigger a decline in performance.
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The Liberation of Jx
December 17, 2005 Leave a Comment The clansmen got to gether to take stock of the proceedings. The case of Jx was remarkable. He had been pinned down by the attack of the vairi-s who were deluding him. He finally woke up on that fateful Monday morning. His purohita pressed home with the fierce attack that hurled arrows like a hail on the attack. His vairi-s were completely gone. They were gone like the sky blown clean of all the clouds to reveal the azure heights, with nothing but the midday sun blazing on the cobalt vault. His dhanakShaya had been ended. He had suffered one major loss, but otherwise had at least emerged on the other shore with his life. He felt it was great victory and was ecstatic. But the other clansmen were vary. While he had finally repulsed the attackers, there could be more. They assembled and asked: O bhArgava what do you think? Is this victory complete? We answered: It is no doubt a victory and Jx will be completely free from his primary uchChATana and stambhana. But we never know if they have caused the rekha bha~njana. We then retired and waited on the terrace for the passing jAnashruteya birds. They passed and said the following partly in saMdhyA bhASha: -There were 10 in the numerator and one in the denominator. -Beware of dhUmAvatI -yudhiShThira told the yakSha that all think they may evade their karma -They all thought that the end of the road had been reached, but only the muni, other than you, saw a glimpse of the trouble ahead. Cryptic as these may sound the possibility of the shirashCheda attack became clear. We hurried consulted with the muni and gave him injunctions of what to do in the even of us wending our way to vaivasvata. The muni felt considerable pressure on him due to this, especially if rekha-bha~njana happens on the Jx front. He asked us: You who have sucked up the oceans of vR^iddhi vidya have reached this state? We replied: We once mentioned that like Dattaji Shinde heading forth to face Qutb Khan, we hand no fear and will fight again if we survived the battle. We called priyasakhI. She said: Controlling the mind is most important but be a svachChanda. The rakShas will come you path but remember that even Jx was liberated.

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aghora bhairava prayoga

December 16, 2005 Leave a Comment When the bhairava mantras are appropriately discharged they are like arrows whizzing from the pinAka. The shatru senA is as though rushing forward when it is suddenly attacked from the flanks by flaming missile shot by the agents of rudra. Each bhairava mantra is like a shower of fatal arrows raining on them with unstoppable fury. Meditate upon the Adi-guru, the kShatriya woman, lakShmI~nkarA, who is the founder of the lineage of teachers of the lore of the bhairava in the kali yuga, the great princess, the sister of the noble rAjan indrabhUtI. She is of lotus complexion, of splendid beauty, seated in in padmAsana, graced by a crimson tilaka, with her long eyes painted with black collyrium, showing the gyAna mudra surrounded by students receiving the bhairava vidyA from her. She has condensed the secret vidyAs of bhairava of gAlava, vishvAmitra, bhArgava, yamoghaNTa, shUka, shikhin and others. medholkAya svAhA || (utter) X 4 and worship the awful vinAyaka tightly embracing his blue-hued shakti madadravA. Then the 6-fold tarpaNaM is offered with the following formulae: ShphAM phaT phAM phIM hrIM shrIM aghoraM bhairavaM tarpayAmi | phreM phaT phAM phIM hrIM shrIM khachakra-bhairavaM tarpayAmi | phreM phaT phAM phIM hrIM shrIM ravibhakShaNa-bhairavaM tarpayAmi | phreM phaT phAM phIM hrIM shrIM chaNDa-bhairavaM tarpayAmi | phreM phaT phAM phIM hrIM shrIM nabho-nirmala bhairavaM tarpayAmi | phreM phaT phAM phIM hrIM shrIM Damara-bhAskara bhairavaM tarpayAmi | Then water oblations may be made (before the idol or a bimba of aghora bhairava) oM namo bhagavate ugra-bhairavAya sarva vighnAn.h nAshaya nAshaya huM phaT svAhA || oM hrIM AM a~Nga-bhairava [devadattam] kopashamanaM kuru kuru svAhA || oM namo bhagavate mahA bhIma bhairavAya lokabhaya~NkarAya sarva-shatru saMhArakAya huM [devadattam] dhvaMsaya dhvaMsaya svAhA || oM vaM raM hrUM oM namo bhagavate vijaya-bhairavAya sarva shatru vinAshanAya vibudha- vAhanAya nara-rudhira mAmsa bhakShaNAya [devadattam] uchChATaya uchChATaya huM tADaya tADaya bhasmI kuru bhasmI kuru svAhA || oM shrIM hrIM klIM oM namo bhagavate svarNAkarshaNa bhairavAya praNatAbhi paripUraNAya ehyehi karuNAnidhe mahyaM hiraNyaM dApaya dApaya shrIM hrIM klIM svAhA || Then the 10-fold tarpaNaM is done with the following formulae: oM hrIM shrIM phaT phAM phreM sR^ija-vIra bhairavaM tarpayAmi | oM hrIM shrIM phaT phAM phreM sthiti-vIra bhairavaM tarpayAmi | oM hrIM shrIM phaT phAM phreM saMhAra-vIra bhairavaM tarpayAmi | oM hrIM shrIM phaT phAM phreM rakta-vIra bhairavaM tarpayAmi | oM hrIM shrIM phaT phAM phreM yama vIra bhairavaM tarpayAmi | oM hrIM shrIM phaT phAM phreM mR^ityu vIra bhairavaM tarpayAmi | oM hrIM shrIM phaT phAM phreM bhadra vIra bhairavaM tarpayAmi | oM hrIM shrIM phaT phAM phreM paramArka vIra bhairavaM tarpayAmi | oM hrIM shrIM phaT phAM phreM martANDA vIra bhairavaM tarpayAmi |

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oM hrIM shrIM phaT phAM phreM kalAgnirudra vIra bhairavaM tarpayAmi | The activation of the bhairava power with the brahman of sAvitrI: oM hrAM hrIM haMsaH mArtANDa bhairavAya prakAsha shakti sahitAya svAhA | oM tat-savitur vareNyaM | bhargo devasya dhimahI | dhiyo yo naH prachodayAt || svAhA X 3 arghyaM is offered oM hrAM hrIM haMsaH mArtANDa bhairavaM savitAraM tarpayAmi | oM aiM hrIM shrIM oM hrIM namo bhagavatyai mahAtripura bhairavyai mama traipura rakShAM kuru kuru | (water oblation) Sprinkle water on head with the following formula: tIkSNa daMShTra mahAkAya kalpAnta dahanopama manthAna bhairavAya namastubhyaM anuGYAM dAtumarhasi -Sit in padmAsana and concentrate for some time on sahasrAra -conceive aghora bhairava thus: He is dressed in the skin of tiger and elephant and holds in his hands trishula, pinAka, chakra, pAshupata, khaTvA~Nga, khadga, tomara, bhindipAla. He is surrounded by 7 dhUmAvatIs, each with 4 canine teeth, holding skull bowls with red mada and cleavers, crows are perched on their shoulders, they wear clothing of pretas, and are howling hideously. One may use the following gAyatrI for meditation: oM shvanadhvajAya vidhmahe| shUlahastAya dhImahi | tanno bhairavaH prachodayAt || -Meditate on the mahAmantra: oM namo mahAbhairavAya vikR^ita daMShTrogra-rUpAya pingalAkShAya trishUla-khaDga-dharAya vauShaT | -followed by: oM namo aghora bhairavAya khaDga parashu hastAya oM hrUM vighna-vinAshAya oM hrUM phaT | -followed by: oM skhAM skhIM skhauM mahAbhairavAya namaH | Then utter the following incantations (+water oblation) and conceive the pArShadas of dAkinis and chaNDeshvara rushing forth to devour the shatrUs: oM ChaH ChaH ChaH DAkinImata bandhu namaH | oM namo bhagavate vajrAya chanDeshvarAya IM IM phaT svAhA | oM strIM strIM valIM valIM IM aH phaT svAhA | (water oblation prevents mR^ityu sent by the dhUmAvatI deploying attacker and hurls it back) oM namo jale mohe kule phalAni saMkule svAhA | oM namo jale mohe drAM abjini phaT svAhA | oM bhUr-bhuvas-svaH svAhA | oM namo jale mohe hana hana daha daha pacha pacha matha matha me vashaMAnaya svAhA | Then kindle fire with: raM saM sIdasva mahAn.h asi shochasva deva vItamaH | vi dhUmaM agne aruShaM miyedhya sR^ija prashasta darshataM vaShaT.h || Make fire oblations 10 or 108 times with ghee, white tila or gavedhuka: hrUM hrIM klIM aghora bhairavAya [devadattam] mohaya svAhA ||

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spheM spheM pr vaH pantaM raghumanyav .andho yajM rudraya mILhShe bharadhvaM| sphrIM sphrIM div astoShy surasya vIrar iShudhyva marto rdasyoH | prIM huM phaT svAhA || oM vajrakAya vajratuNDa kapila pi~Ngala Urdhva-kesha mahA-bala rakta-mukha taDij-jihva mahAraudra daMShTrotkaTaka ha ha karAline mahAdR^iDha prahArin lankeshvara-vadhAya mahAsetubandha mahAshaila pravAha gaganechara ehyehi bhagavan-mahAbala parAkrama bhairava AGYApaya ehyehi mahAraudra dIrgha puchChena veShTaya [vairiNAm] bha~njaya bha~njaya hum phaT || Do AchamanaM and arise. Of the second mantra the R^ishyAdi is thus stated: parama-gotama-kula-yonI R^iShiH; triShTup ChandaH; rudra-gaNAH devatAH | The 6-fold nyAsa may be done with:pr vaH pantaM; raghumanyav .andho yajM; rudraya mILhSe bharadhvaM; div astoSy surasya; vIrar iSudhyva; marto rdasyoH
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rAja bhoja: the glory and tragedy of the setting Hindu Sun
December 12, 2005 Leave a Comment

bhojas military and political career

The paramAra rAjpUts are supposed to have arisen from the sacrificial pit on arbuda parvata, which was the source of many kShatriyas who were generated by the devas for the destruction of the turuShkas and mlechChas who were a pestilence on Aryavarta. In historical reality paramAras were a subsidiary branch of the rAShTrakUTas, who were appointed as governors of central India in mAlava province by the main ruling branch. The paramAra rAjputs founded the notable city of dhArA in central India, which remained their capital until its ultimate conquest. It was here that their greatest king and a remarkable genius, bhoja rAja came to power by 1000 AD and ruled for more than half a century. He was the son of sindhurAja, who was notable conqueror, who defeated the chAlukyas, hUNas and shilaharas of the Konkan region. bhojas path was similar to other great Hindu rulers of the time engaged in wasteful intercine struggles for supremacy. We get some glimpses of his remarkable life from the apocryphal biography bhoja prabandhaM. Early in his career, just before he came to power, bhoja was afflicted by a tumor in his brain which used to cause him intense head aches. Two learned brahmin brothers from the school of Ujjain, who were pre-eminent surgeons of the era, performed a surgery on his brain and relieved him of his tumor. The description of the surgery that survives suggests that they artificially induced a coma with a special preparation known as the sammohini and then opened his skull to remove the tumor. He was then brought back to consciousness with another drug. bhoja survived this surgery remarkably well and had an illustrious reign both as a military commander and encylopaedic scholar. bhoja long desired to reduce his arch-rivals the chAlukyas of the Deccan and initiated several successful campaigns again them. Then he tried a remarkable political game to destroy the chAlukyas: by forming an alliance with the choLa king rAjendra, bhoja induced him to attack the chAlukyas from the south. Likewise he induced the kalachuri king kumara gA~Ngeyadeva (who claimed descent from the haihayas who had survived the ancient assault of the bhArgavas) to attack the chAlukyas from the east. bhoja himself pressed on them from the north. For this purpose he erected the mighty fortifications of mANDu and intially put the chAlukyas on the retreat. But the chAlukyas, suddenly reviving the glory that pulakeshin-II had taken them to, remained firm in the 3 front war, eventually causing bhojas allies to give up. someshvara, the chAlukya subsequently invaded the paramAra kingdom and stormed the fort of mANDu after a long siege, then took Ujjain, and finally captured dhAra the capital of bhoja from him. bhoja unfazed retreated north and with the help of rAjendra choLa who kept the pressure from the south, took back dhAra and ujjain. Then bhoja conquered chitrakUTa (Chittor) and medhapATha (Mewar) from the shishodias and established his sway over the arbuda fort (Mount Abu). rAja bhoja then organized his armies to attack Mahmud Ghaznavi who had invaded Somnath. Ghaznavi fearing the

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powerful army of bhoja retreated via the desert of sindh to avoid a clash (reported by Turkic author Gardizi as Hindu padishaw parmar dev) with the hindu king and lost many of his men. bhoja repulsed the ghaznavid Masud who lead a huge army into India to attack the rich inner cities which his father had failed to raid. Then bhoja realizing the national threat from Islam, organized a confedration of Hindu kings including the kalachuri lakShmI-karNa, the ChahamAna and other rAjpUts to fight the Ghaznavid Maliq Salar Masud. In the great battle of Bahraich the Hindu confedracy fought a pitched battle for about a month with the Moslems and completely defeated them, killing Salar Masud in the process. They then went on to liberate Hansi, Thaneshvar, Nagarkot and other cities taken by the Ghaznavids and marched against Lahore and besieged it. Just at the point Lahore was about to fall to them, the Hindu kings had a disagreement over who would own the liberated territories and their armies disbanded and dispersed in a huff. bhoja started fighting his erstwhile allies in the war against the Moslems. bhoja first defeated the ChAhamAnas of shAkambharI, but the ChAhamanas of naDDula repulsed his attempt to take their kingdom. bhoja next tried to seize the kingdom of the chandellas, but they formed an alliance with the rAShTrakUTas of Kannauj and kachChapaghAtas of Gwalior and repulsed him. bhoja however, did keep the ghaznavids in check with help from his shishodia feudatories. bhoja then seized the territory of the western chAlukya bhIma of Gujarat. bhIma unfazed by this formed an alliance with the haihaya, lakShmI-karNa to attack bhoja in a two front war on both east and west. bhoja was caught in the pincer grip, and while fighting his two enemies he was shot down by an arrow on the battle field. Thus, the great rAja bhoja having spent his career in numerous campaigns had fallen like a true kShatriya in the defense of his capital. Hence its said that when he was alive the poets would say: adya dhArA sadAdhArA sadAlambA sarasvatI | paNDitAH maNDitAH sarve bhojarAje bhuvaM gate || Today dhArA is ever supported, and the Goddess Sarasvati is ever propped up. All the pundits are adorned with the coming of king Bhoja on this earth. When he fell in the defending dhArA from his rivals they said: adya dhArA nirAdhArA nirAlambA sarasvatI | paNDitAH khaNDitAH sarve bhojarAje divaM gate || Today dhArA is unsupported, and the Goddess Sarasvati is without a prop. All the pundits are scattered with the ascent of king Bhoja to heaven.

bhoja the genius

An analysis of bhojas military campaigns show that he was undoubtedly a good general in war and was studded with many major victories over rival rAjas and Islamic marauders. His military career was however, hardly any greater than his equally warlike and militarily successful contemporaries such as rAjendra choLa or lakShmI-karNa kalachuri or someshvara chAlukya. Yet rAja bhoja is remembered much more than any of these contemporaries of his and is often compared with the illustrious vikramAditya of the golden gupta era. His name is a household one amongst all brought up in the sanskritic culture. Why is this so? The main reason for this is that Hindus have always remembered philosphers, poets and scholars much more than kings merely decorated with military success. A king who did good to the people was much more embedded in the collective memory of the Hindus than a king who conquered vast territories. rAja bhoja definitely stood out in this regard as one of historical Indias most remarkable intellectuals with an astonishing variety of interests and oceanic knowledge. bhoja rAja constructed several spectacular temples, one of the most dramatic of which is seen in the form of the great temple of shiva termed bhojeshvara at bhojapura a some distance from the modern city of Bhopal. Another notable construction, which is a historical civil engineering masterpiece, is the bhoja lake which was built by daming and channelizing the Betwa river. He is also supposed to have paid great attention to the education of his people, so much so that even humble weavers in kingdom are supposed to have composed metrical sanskrit kAvyas. In addition to patronizing the ancient schools in ujjaini he also built a large university in bhojapura with an attached temple of sarasvatI in 1034 CE . This university was apparently attended by 1400 advanced students, and also housed a number

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of noted sanskrit writers and poets such as uvaTa and dhanapAla. The university was later destroyed by Dilaawar Khan Ghori and Mahmud Khalji during their invasions of Malava. The sarasvatI idol from the temple was taken by the Britons to the museum in London. rAja bhoja also wrote 84 books during his life of which several survive and we shall summarize a few below to illustrate the remarkable breadth of his knowledge and originality: sarasvati kaNThAbharaNa: a treatise on Sanskrit grammar for poetic and rhetorical compositions. Some of the poetic examples provided by him in this work are still appreciated as the highest cream of Sanskrit poetry. rAjamArtANda (pata~Njali yoga sUtra bhAshya): Major commentary on the yoga sUtras of pata~Njali, wherein the rAja clearly explains various forms of meditations such as savitarka, savichAra, sAnanda and sAsmita, which are critical for understanding the nature of cognition from the view point of yoga. samarangaNa-sUtradhara: A treatise on civil engineering detailing construction of buildings, forts, temples, idols of deities and mechanical devices including a so called flying machine or glider. It is composed largely in the anuShTubh meter and in about 83 chapters. tattva-prakAsha: A remarkable siddhAnta tantra work providing a synthesis of the entire ancient and voluminous literature of the siddhanta tantras of shiva. It was the basis of all subsequent developments of the saiddhAntika shaiva streams that followed. rasa-rAja-mR^igA~nka: A treatise on chemistry, especially dealing with the extraction of metals from ores, and production of various drugs. jyotiSha-rAja-mR^igA~nka: A treatise on astronomy and construction of instruments for astronomical observations. yuktikalpataru: A technological manual describing the construction of ships for naval warfare and the making of glass amongst other things. shR^i~NgAra prakAsha: A treatise on Hindu erotics. dharmashAstra vR^itti: A commentary on the Hindu legalistic literature. champU rAmAyaNa: A re-narration of the rAmAyaNa in mixture of prose and poetry, which characterizes the champUs. The description of hanumats qualities are particularly poetic.

The classical Hindu twilight and modern India

Perusing bhojas surviving works one sees that the Hindu world just prior to its eclipse by the violent Islamic whirlwind from Central Asia was not one in its decline. On the contrary, due geniuses like bhoja, it was in the peak in of achievements in terms of arts, technology and science. Yet, this India and its illustrious rulers were almost opaque to impending doom that loomed large. Some authors have attributed to this to regionalism or the lack of a national Hindu spirit. This was not entirely lacking as evidenced by the confedration that overthrew the Ghaznavids. Yet, the fact that these illustrious rulers were pulling down each other even as their common enemy Mahmud was savaging North India is rather striking. Another paradoxical point to note is that a rAja bhoja became a pan-Indian epitome of a great ruler from the Tamil country to Kashmir. This suggests that the cultural unity of greater India remained intact even in this periodthere were indeed figures who capable of being pan-Indian heros even if they were only regional in the military achievements. Centuries later the great Vijayanagaran monarch took the title abhinava-bhoja (the new bhoja) rather than calling himself after any other rAja. In conclusion, there was a collective Indian mind, that appreciated the scholarly king, but failed to collectively respond to the problem possed by Islam. Likewise, the kings of bhojas era did not lack courage or military skills, but apparently remained in their childish coccoons of romantic military adventures, even as a greater danger threatened to extinguish them. The lesson of the twilight of classical Hindu India is a chilling one for modern India. The modern Indians in the same way as their ancestors pride themselves of their intellectual and technological achievements. Despite the depredations of centuries they have the vestiges of cultural unity and continue to have pan-India icons, howsoever crass they may

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be in comparison to the legendary rAja bhoja. But sadly they remain as naive as their predecessors in the twilight era to the impending threats from Islam and Christianity.
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karNamoTini vidyA
December 8, 2005 Leave a Comment

oM chaNDAyai namaH| oM ghaNDAyai namaH| oM karAlyai namaH| oM sumukhyai namaH| oM durmukhyai namaH| oM revatyai namaH| oM prathamAyai namaH| oM ghorAyai namaH| vayu-tattvAtmikAyai namaH|| iti vayu maNDalaM mama shatrUn shoShaya shoShaya | oM saumyAyai namaH| oM bhiShaNyai namaH| oM jayAyai namaH| oM vijayAyai namaH| oM ajitAyai namaH| oM aparAjitAyai namaH| oM mahAkoTyai namaH| oM raudryai namaH| rupa-teja-tattvAtmikAyai namaH|| iti rupa-teja maNDalaM mama shatrUn vidrAvaya vidrAvaya | oM virUpAkShyai namaH| oM parAyai namaH| oM divyAyai namaH| oM AkAshamAtre namaH| oM samharyai namaH| oM daMShTrAlAyai namaH| oM shuShkarevatyai namaH| jala-tattvAtmikAyai namaH|| iti jala maNDalaM mama shatrUn plAvaya plAvaya | oM pipIlikAyai namaH| oM puShTiharAyai namaH| oM mahApuShTipravardhanAyai namaH| oM bhadrakAlyai namaH| oM subhadrAyai namaH| oM bhadrabhimAyai namaH| oM subhadrikAyai namaH| oM sthirAyai namaH| pR^ithivi-tattvAtmikAyai namaH|| iti pR^itivi maNDalaM mama shatrUn tADaya tADaya oM niShThurAyai namaH| oM divyAyai namaH| oM niShkaMpAyai namaH| oM gadinyai namaH| AkAsha chaturkonAtmikAyai namaH || iti AkAsha chaturkoNaM oM sUryachandrAbhyAM namaH || oM hrIM karNamoTini bahu-rUpe bahu-daMShTre hrUM phaT |

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oM haH oM grasa grasa kR^inta kR^inta Chaka Chaka Chaka hrUM phaT namaH || He shall meditate upon karNamoTini who assumes many forms, with a core emanation with two arms bearing a noose and an a~Nkusha, seated in the lalitAsana. He shall than offer oblation to the fire with the mUla mantra and then gaze upon the yantra generating her image through the process of spanda. 1) By concentrating on the passage of prANa between the hR^idaya to the mUlAdhAra, and from there to the vishuddhi while meditating on the incantation he shall invoke karNamoTinI to strike the shatrU with roga and mAraNa. 2) By concentrating on the prANa passing through the lalana chakra he invokes karNamoTinI brings prosperity. 3) By passing concentrating on the prANa flowing from the AGYna chakra to the minute balavAn chakra he shall invoke karNamoTinI to perform stambhana and uchChATana.

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The mahAvidyA of karNamoTini

December 7, 2005 Leave a Comment

shrI karNamoTinI devI

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Not far from the from the town of Tenali from where hailed the great jester of Vijayanagaran court, in direction of the other little town of Narasaraopetai, is the hamlet of Nandindla. It is here that my ancestors through my maternal grandmother roamed, a clan graced with number of notable shrauta sacrificers. One of that clan was a well-learned tantric had attained siddhi of numerous mantras and was deeply proficient in the mantra shAstra. In course of his secular duties he was wending his way towards another town, when he came across the spot, where the choLa governor of the Telugu country, known by the title, giripaschima-rAja, had held his court. During the high reign of the reign of king kullotu~Nga, this governor had built a temple of the great deity karNamoTini and planted an Acacia tree in the compound. He attained the siddhi of the mantras of the deity. The place is now in ruins and in the grip of the practioners of adharma. Yet those of the clan that think of her see her fiery manifestation completely subduing all before them. The learned vaiShNava with whom we conversed in our native city told us of his remarkable journey to the most glorious Oddiyana Pitha, where he realized that great Mongol adept of the chInAchAra tantras, shri jahana vajra khaan had attained a siddhi of her mantra. Moving on to Mongolia he saw the idol of shrI mahAdevI karNamoTini and having placed her image in his heart he he retraced his path to Oddiyana. In the high sthala of Oddiyana meditating on her in the midst of the mountain he attained the siddhi of her mantra. He told us that the mantra GYAna of her mantra is hardly easy. But then he asked us to travel like the cloud of meghadUta beyond the Jalandhara and shAradA pITha and coursing through the welkin to reach the lands of Oddiyana in our minds eye. There the kiri-maNDala of daNDanAyikA shone and having circumambulated it we came to the maNDala of kaumarI. Having uttered her mantra we moved beyond and reached the AvarNa of karNamoTini. We worshipped the devIs: chaNDA, ghaNDA, karAlI, sumukhI, durmukhI, revatI, prathamA and ghorA in the vAyu chakra Then we worshipped: saumyA, bhiShaNI, jayA, vijayA, ajitA, aparAjitA, mahAkoTI and raudrI Then we worshipped: virUpAkShI, parA, divyA, the AkAshamAtA-s, samharI, daMShTrAlA and shuShkarevatI. Then we worshipped pipIlikA, puShTiharA, mahApuShTipravardhanA, bhadrakAlI, subhadrA, bhadrabhimA, subhadrikA, sthirA, niShThurA, divyA, niSkaMpA and gadinI. Then we received the nectar of the sUrya and soma through the iDa and pi~Ngala. Out of the cup of our skull the goddess drank the nectar. With that we entered the realm of karNamoTini.
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Under the karNamoTA tree

December 6, 2005 Leave a Comment We walked up the path of the hill of the vAnara, when the dasyus were not its rulers yet. There was a glorious cleft on the side of the hillock, which led to a deep valley with wonderfully eroded paths. There a cool breeze often blew and we wandered around with the muni, kumbhodbhavA, and occasionally kR^iShNavarNa and the rAmAnujavAdin. The

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muni and myself had installed a installed a large li~Nga there for the worship of The god in the cleft and worshipped it with the brAhmi plant and the sha~Nka puShpa. We learned from the kumbhodbhavA that a few days later the place had been defiled by dasyus. We first reconnoitered and found that there was an enormous band of dasyus whom we could not fight on our own. We also noticed that the li~Nga had been stolen by the dasas and the place dug up. We were furious but could not do much. We worshipped mahAdeva with the hima offering and saw him conjoint with the shakti who gave us the signal to attack. In the deathly spot near where we fought our enemies grew the huge karNamoTA tree, which is related to khadira tree. We walked in a straight line from the small khadira tree in the spot of dattAtreya to the giant the karNamoTA tree and tied the mystic oShadhi known as vArAhI to the trunk of the karNamoTa tree. There using the oozing gum of the karNamoTA tree, also known as retasadhR^ita, oblations were offered to the terrible goddess karNamoTini intertwined with that of kaumArI. Then the muni sped with the fire of saumyA. It spread terribly over the hill of the kapishreShTha. We were reminded of the statement: O agni utterly destroy these dAsas and drive them away and the kR^iNuShva pAja iti pa~ncha. The vidyA of karNamoTini seized them and hurled stones on their houses. They were driven away and we miraculously found the li~Nga again and brought it back with us despite its weight. One of the important acts for the proper performance of the ShaTkarma of tantric parlance is the acquisition and study of the mahAvidyA of devI karNamoTini.
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In the lap of dhUmAvatI

December 1, 2005 Leave a Comment The harsh cawing of the solitary crow at night announces her presence. Of large size with dishevelled hair she roams. The severed heads of viShNu and rudra are seen beside her. The mystic bIja graaaM is reverberating all around her. There are the senAs of the lulApamukhas around her commanded by the dreaded kAlavAhanavadana. Beside her sits her fair daughter rakta-jyeShThA or upa-dhUmrA. Her pArshadhas are yelling hideous statements like without shivA, shiva is but a shava. Others yell it is not in this jagat. In her hand she holds a large terrible shUla. How shall the journey to the abode of dhumraprakR^iti be they asked? They are conducted there by the awful rakta-jyeShthA in the flying car with no yokes. When they arrive their power deserts the mUlAdhAra.
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gupta vidyA
November 29, 2005 Leave a Comment shrI pratya~NgirA atharvaNa bhadrakAlI paramabhattarikA devI

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We stood before that great idol of pratya~NgirA before the most holy shrine of Tiruchengode. That is the idol filled with the power of atharvaNa hR^idyA. When stands one before the deity one attains the most high mantra of the devI. khaDUre .adhicha~NkamAM kharvikAM kharvavAsinIM | ya udArA antarhitA gandharvApasarasashcha ye | sarpA itarajanA rakShAMsi || The most fierce one manifests with the appropriate bIjas added. Indeed only when stand before her in that idol in Tiruchengode does the mantra come to you. dhyAna must completely internalize her and then the mantra may be realized at any time.
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The object and mirror image

November 29, 2005 Leave a Comment We had assembled for the gathering- me, durmukha, maireyapayin, mUlApasmara, vAta vyAdi, mlechCha sundarI, kavargA, harir-bArava all sahakuTumba. Glad to have escaped the tIkShNa hima we settled down to reel out the yarns. The conversation drifted to the journey that we had made with kalashajA to the hills in central India, where apparently bhasmasura had placed his hand on his head. kalashajAs mother had provided us with the contact of a pious brAhmaNa woman who was civil servant in those regions held by the Dravidian tribes. kalashajA, me, the muni and my bhima-like clansman bhojanapriya set out on the expedition. We were picked up at the forbidding station of Pipariya in the late evening by her attendents and taken to her home. We enjoyed the best food that night as though we were enjoying the bhogas of indras svarga. The state servants of India truely enjoyed immense opulence at public expense. The next day we were taken by her to the immense massif of Chauragarh. Chauragarh was the capital of the great warrior queen of the Hindus raNI durgAvati, who valiantly fought the terrible Moslem tyrant Akbar. Every step

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appeared to be endowed with the great history of the last Hindu struggle in central India. It was a enormous pathway up hundreds of steps leading to the crown of the great massif, atop which rested the shrine of The god. It is known as the trishUla sthala were thousands of tridents of various sizes were planted. People perform the trishUla vrata of carrying a heavy trishUla up the massif and planting it next to the shrine of rudra. Some people had heroically lifted tridents weighing over 300 kgs in weight cooperatively in their pious observance of the vrata. It is the most awe-inspiring shrine of all the shrines of mahAkAla and the mantra automatically came to our mouth: vocAma nmo asmA avasyvaH shR^iNtu no hvaM rudr martvAn | It looked as though the most terrible rudra himself stood there surrounded by the maruts bearing tridents. From the heights of Chauragarh one could enjoy the finest sights in India. We felt one with the terrible pashupati, who was roaming around in the air, the waters in the plants and the animals of which he is the lord. The elemental nature of the deity known as bhava and sharva was felt in the air and to our mind came the formula: nainaM sharvo na bhavo neshAnaH | nAsya pashun na samAnAn hinasti ya evaM veda || After the heavy excercise of the climb we came back down to enjoy a late evening tiffin and a chat in the verandah. Everything was a pleasure to the indriyas- the food and drink (the very thought of which makes our mouth still waterthe parvata of bhojana), the images of pashupati that fill the air, the cool zephyrs blowing in from the window, the rare pleasant smell of the night queen flower, the song of the parasitic kokilA bird and soft bed to sleep upon. Truely it felt like being in suvargam lokaM. We were unconscious of the time we spent in endless conversation which coursed from topics like the origin and evolution of crocodiles, the mantras of the manthAna bhairava tantra, the rahasyas of the R^igveda, the battles of durgAvatI and vIra nArAyaNa siMhadeva, the antiquity of the vedas, the origin of turtles, the relationship between lizards, synapsids, the tree of life, sexuality of slugs and snails and the tales of the purANas. There was a magical quality to the whole time we were spending. At night I went with the muni to our shared room. I was then asked to look into a mirror and saw everything except my own image. I wondered why. I was told that the rAkshasi had sucked the image and I will see it in the rAkshasis mouth 16 years later. .. The news of the three Kartiks reached us: #1 had died mysteriously; #2 had received the required punishment. #3 was enjoying the pinnacle of his success. (amAtya now codenamed yoni) . Yoni in the midst of the samUha of dadhnakAyA, vitarAsyA and ati-dadhnA was the only one who had lost the game of dice. The rest had pocketed their share of wealth and were wending their way confidently. Yoni asked where is my share. I too thought I had won, just like the above said. I cast the die and I thought I saw Six. The answer came in the mouth of the rAkShasi, also known as the burning lap of nirR^iti.
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trishUlapuruSha or pAshupatAstra puruSha from the great shAmalAji temple complex of Gujarat from ~540 CE 1 day ago Thus, the ekIya of the islanders has had a history of exclusivism, the mainland should have taken a role in damping them; not sure we helped 1 day ago tAranAtha/dharmasvAmin report bikkhus of lanka and sindhu destroying the image of a heruka and burning tantras of mantrayAna practioners 1 day ago Decline of India monsoon and possible consequences for evolution of Hindu culture 2 days ago Despite the real and damning massacre of dramiDa-s the anti-shrI lanka vote by India is not a constructive move: chInas and mlechChas gain 2 days ago
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