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Few things in our day and age have received as much media attention as our
current energy policies and crisis. The United States is one of the few
nations without a viable alternative energy of fuel plan in the world, and this
cannot stand. Therefore, my partner and I must affirm today’s resolution:
Resolved: That, by 2040, the federal government should mandate that
all new passenger vehicles and light trucks sold in the United States be
powered by alternative fuels.
Contention 1: Many non-Traditional alternative energies are
more efficient economically than traditional alternative
Currently the US is undergoing an economic crisis, with the government
scrambling to pick up the pieces. A switch to alternative energies has been
cited as solving this crisis, and my partner and I believe that it certainly can
greatly help the US economically.
Our opponents will come up here and say that alternative energies are bad,
because they cost too much, or we don’t have the infrastructure. However,
they are ignoring several MAJOR fuel sources. For this, we point out TDP,
Thermal Depolymerization. Thermal Depolymerization is the process in
which ANY carbon based product and turn it into TCC crude oil. This
completely negates anything that our opponents can and will say about the
economic impacts. This is oil that can be directly used for energy or refined
for usage as a fuel, and the infrastructure is completely in place and would
require no additional money to be put into the system.

Contention 2: Many non-Traditional alternative energies have

no environmental impact.
One of the only possible attacks our opponents can levy against our case is
the environmental impact of alternative energies, quoting things like
emissions or the building of infrastructure. Yet, TDP can turn any carbon-
based material into TCC crude oil. Any carbon based substance. This means,
that tires, turkeys, cars, wood, agricultural waste and landfill waste can be
made into TCC crude oil. In the US we have an almost unlimited supply of
landfill waste that is just decomposing, putting untold amounts of CO2 into
the atmosphere. If TDP were used, and landfill waste was processed through
this, then that means that we could essentially solve our trash problem in the
US, helping to solve any economic impacts that our opponents will bring up
against us. TDP therefore obviously has absolutely NO environmental
impact, rather, TDP helps to solve our environmental problems.
Contention 3: Many non-traditional alternative energies can be
implemented in less that 30 years.
As we have pointed out, non-traditional alternative energies have few
negatives, and the positives are completely overwhelming. One other
positive, is the fact that many energies can be implemented before 2040.
One example, yet again, is Thermal Depolymerization. TDP, as we’ve
pointed out, has no need for additional infrastructure. That means the
transportation, production and usage is already there. The only change
would be a simple small one necessary, essentially the source for the
conversion. Agricultural waste, landfill waste, common garbage, hazardous
materials, all of these are great fuel sources, and this is the ONLY thing
inherently blocking TDP from common usage. Because of this, there is
absolutely nothing to stop TDP from being used earlier than the time frame
provided by the resolution, stopping any attacks our opponents can bring up
against us on this.

In Conclusion
Because many different alternative energies have no negative economic
impacts, absolutely no environmental impacts and because it can be
implemented earlier, there is nothing to back up the thoughts that this is bad.
We can effectively solve everything that is wrong with our society, creating
a much better society, economy and environment for the next generation.
Because of this, we urge you to vote affirmative. Thank you.

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