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1.1.1 Border SPPID Border was created by using AutoCAD template.

Opening this AutoCAD file by SmartSketch.

Entering File Save As OGPE border.igr


Copy OGPE border.igr weve just created to plant folder. For example, with RP2 Gaslift project we will copy this file to the following path: \\XNKT-SYSTEM\OGPE\RP2\P&ID Reference Data\Template Files

1.1.2 Template Start SmartPlant P&ID. Go to File Page Setup. In Sheet size, choose E-size.

Select Menu Edit Insert Object. Remove checkbox in the dialog showed.s

Click on Browse button. Choose the OGPE border.igr file weve just created in the previous part.

Place the inserted graphic on the appropriate position.

Select File Save OGPE



Below is an example of how to customize an equipment and related label. The item choosed is OGPE Gas Filter Cadtridge.sym.

1.2.1 Equipment Customization Start Catalog Manager. In Catalog Explorer, go to Symbols Equipment Mechanical Solid Separation Equipment Solid Gas. Right click New Item OGPE Gas Filter Cartridge.

Right Click Open Equipment:Mechanical.








On the Tab Graphic, draw a graphic symbols as the following:

Choose File Save. Close after the saving completed.

1.2.2 Equipment Description Start Catalog Manager. In Catalog Explorer, go to Symbols Equipment Label Equipment Description. Right click New Item OGPE - Gas Filter Cartridge Description.

Right Click Open this New Item. On Properties Windows, select Label: Catalog Item On the Tab Graphic, draw a table as the following:

Insert Item Tag: On the Catalog Tools toolbar, click on Smart Text Editor. Choose as the following configuration. After that, click on Insert Field, Apply OK.

Reposition the inserted field box, create an Text box besides the field box, and type GAS FILTER.

Similarly, insert the text box and the corresponding macro and create a complete table as follow.


File Save after completing all the things. Instrumentation

In this part, we will see how to create a new instrument. In addition, there is a specific case which describes how to implement a P&ID typical as an off-line instrument with implied items (for instance, a Press Gauge with two Double Block and Bleed valves). For more detailed, please read the appropriate sections below. 1.3.1 Instrument Customization This part will show an illustrated in-line instrument, this is OGPE Coriolis Meter.

Start Catalog Manager. In Catalog Explorer, go to Symbols Instrumentation Inline Flow Instruments OGPE - Coriolis Meter.

On Properties Windows, select Instrument, and Instr Class = Other in-line instruments.

On the Tab Graphic, draw a graphic symbols as follows:

Insert Piping Point as showed below:

File Save. Close Catalog Manager.

1.3.2 Off-Line Instruments with Implied Items This part will show the way to customize a typical in process drawings. The example use is Pressure Gauge with a double block and bleed valve.

Step 1: Created implied item. Because the Double Block and Bleed Valve will not be showed in P&ID drawings, it was stored as an implied item in the Oracle database.


In Catalog Manager, go to Symbols Implied Items. Created an OGPE Implied Double Block and Bleed. This job is absolutely similar to part 2.4.3 (how to customize a valve).

Step 2: Create an off-line PI symbols. - Open Data Dictionary Manager. Click on Select Entry, in pop-up menu Selected list, choose Instrument Component Type.

Create a new line in the selected list: Value = Discrete PI (900#), Dependent Value = Off line Instruments.

File Save. Close Data Dictionary Manager.


In Catalog Manager, go to Instrumentation Off-Line With Implied Components Pressure duplicate existing Discr Field Mounted PI to OGPE - Discr Field Mounted PI (900#).

On Properties Windows, select Instrument, and Instr Class = Off-line instruments, Instr Type = Discrete PI (900#).

- File Save As. Close Catalog Manager. Step 3: Create a filter for Implied Rule. - Open Filter Manager. Click on Plant Folder Filter for Rules Implied Items, right click and select Add Filter....

Create a filter with the following configuration (Name, Description, Definition):


- Click OK. File Save As and close Filter Manager. Step 4: Create a Rule for Implied Item of Pressure Gauge. - Open Rule Manager. Go to Plant Rules Implied Items, right click and select Add Rule ...

Create a Rule as the following configuration: Tab General:


Tab Items:

Tab Consistency:


Tab Implied Items: Click on Add Button, find the Implied Double Block and Bleed symbol we created in Step 1.

Through 4 steps above, we completed all the work we have to do.




1.4.1 Utility Tubing Pipe This tutor will show how to create type tubing pipe. This is an special kind of pipe in gaslift projects.

The new line style will be created as the following steps: Step 1: Create a new symbol for new line style. - Start Catalog Manager. In Catalog Explorer, right click on Symbols, create a new folder and name it Point Symbols for Linear Styles.

Create a New Item and name it Point style for Tubing pipe, open it. On Graphic Tab, drawing an of circle.

Step 2: Load the Line Style Editor Open Line Style Editor Window. In Point Styles menu, right click and creat new point style: Tubing Point Style.

Define Point Style Graphic: Select the circle and Tubing Point Style in the Line Style Editor, select the Define Point Style Graphics from the toolbar.

Create a Linear Pattern: Linear Pattern New Style: Tubing Linear Pattern.

Enter Linear Pattern Properties as follows: Stroke Index = 1

Stroke Index = 2


Create a Linear Pattern: Linear Style New Linear Style: Tubing Pipe.

Enter Linear Style Properties as follows:


Step 3: Import Linear Pattern and Linear Style into Options Manager - Import Linear Pattern: Open Options Manager. Select Tool Linear Pattern, click on Import, browse to and select the tubing point style.sym weve just created.


Import Linear Style: Select Tool Linear Style, click on Import, browse to and select the tubing point style.sym weve just created.

- Close Options Manager. Step 4: Add new pipe run type Tubing Pipe in Data Dictionary Manager


Open Data Dictionary Manager. Go to Select Entry Selected List = Line Type. Enter a line as Tubing Pipe in the last row.

File Save. Close Data Dictionary Manager.

Step 5: Define symbology for Tubing Pipe in Options Manager. - Open Options Manager. On Symbology window, click on Hose New line. Select Insert Row from the toolbars. After that, select the blank row and click on ... button besides it.

On Select Filter, Browse to Symbology Filter New. Right click and Simple Filter.


Entering the new filter configuration as follows:

Smilarly, create 2 more filters and name it: Tubing Future, Tubing Existing.

Create 3 symbologies in Options Manager as follows.


- File Save. Exit Options Manager. Step 6: Create the Tubing Pipe symbol in Catalog Manager - Start Catalog Manager. In Catalog Explorer, go to Symbols Piping Routing Utility Line. Duplicate Utility Hose, rename it OGPE Tubing Pipe.

Right Click Open this Item. On Properties Windows, change Pipe Run Type = Tubing Pipe.

File Save. Close Catalog Manager.

Step 6: Edit the Process Pipe Run rule in Rule Manager


Open Rule Manager. Go to Plant Rules Relationship Piping Process Pipe Run to Process Pipe Run.

Right click Properties. Change to Tab Item, click on Browse... find the Process Pipe Run filter and click on Properties button.


Add Tubing Pipe to the list as below. Then click OK.

Select Edit Menu Approve All Rules.

- OK Save OK. Close Rule Manager. Step 7: Route Tubing Pipe in SPPID.

Open a drawing in plant. Route a Tubing Pipe, place a valve on it, the result will be like this:

1.4.2 Special Components In this tutor, we will create an open vent, for example. - Open Catalog Manager, go to Symbols --> Piping --> Speciality Components --> Vents & Exhausts. Right click, create new item and rename it to "OGPE - Open Vent".

On Properties Window, select Piping Component. Piping Comp Class = In-line Component Piping Comp Subclass = In-line Speciality Component Piping Comp Type = Vent

Drawing an graphic symbols as follows:


File --> Save. Close Catalog Manager.

1.4.3 Special Valves In this tutor, we will create an Double Block and Bleed 900#, for example. - Open Data Dictionary Manager, go to Select Entry. Selected List = "Piping Component Type". Create a new row and name it "Double Block and Bleed", Dependent Value = Valve.

Save change and close Data Dictionary Manager. Open Catalog Manager, go to Symbols --> Piping --> Valves. Right click on the folder, create subfolder and name it Special Valve. Right click, create new item and rename it to "OGPE - Double block and Bleed 900#".


On Properties Window, select Piping Component. Piping Comp Class = In-line Component Piping Comp Subclass = In-line Speciality Component Piping Comp Type = Double Block and Bleed.

Drawing an graphic symbols as follows:


File --> Save. Close Catalog Manager.

1.4.4 Line Number Label with Insulation This tutor will show how to create an Line Numbering Label based on the definition in document 2.2. - Open Format Manager. Select Thickness, right click and select Add Format, entering data as indicated in the following image:

Save change and close Format Manager. Start Catalog Manager, go to Catalog Explorer Symbols Piping Label Piping Segments, duplicate Line Number symbol and rename it to OGPE Line Number.

Insert 2 new fields: Insulation Purpose, Insulation Thickness to the existing label.


File Save. Close Catalog Manager.

1.4.5 Piping OPC To create a new OGPE - Off-Drawing OPC, clone the existing Off-Drawing OPC and remove the number following it.

Note that: The tutor how to use Off-Drawing OPC is indicated in Document 2.2. 1.5 Engineering Data Editor Customization

We will use an example, this is how to customize the View of Pipe Run list. - Open a drawing in SmartPlant P&ID. On Engineering Data Editor Window, select Pipe Run on the Pop-up Menu. - Click on the button besides, Pop-Up menu, select Edit View.


Entering as follows:

Click Advanced button, change to tab Layout. Inputing data as the following configuration, and double click OK.

Note that: the Display Properties list was specificed in document 2.2.


The result view will be like this:

- Go to Save View... --> name it "OGPE - Pipe Line", then click OK.


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