Alim Aulad Mision and Vision

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The education program applied to the 4 6 age group in our nursery school is oriented towards developing the childrens ability in all spheres of learning, adopting skills and bringing out their talents and personality. The program consists of integrated elements functioning as a whole, structured for achieving higher levels of learning capacity from the beginning of nursery school years, preparing the child to start formal education.

OBJECTIVE i. Provide the basis for a balanced development of human potential and optimal based on its own mold, taking into account local values and international best practices

ii. Encourage children under the age of 4 years of quality care and education to boost their early development that are appropriate in the age group of physical, language, cognitive, socialemotional, and spiritual in a safe, healthy and fun;

iii. Develop a comprehensive curriculum for early childhood development as a whole include education, care, nutrition and health

iv. Create the infrastructure and learning environment, including equipment quality learning, to enable the achievement of positive outcomes

What Your Child Will Learn at ALIM AULAD

We structure our learning around a theme which is changed regularly. We have found that pre-school children concentrate best in short, sharp bursts. Therefore activities are changed frequently to promote interest and enhance effective learning. Our planned, structured activities are designed to help develop skills in the following areas:

Social Skills How to share, take turns, be kind and considerate of others, and how to communicate their needs in an effective way.

Numeracy & Literacy Skills How to count, evaluate size, sort, recognise shapes, colours, positions, letters, and how to relate letter shapes to letter sounds.

Conceptual Skills Learned through teaching, play, games, songs, rhymes and computer use. We have a large library, and books are available for the children to read. Regular story and singing time are part of our curriculum.

Moral & Spiritual Development We are a Christian nursery and this informs the way in which we approach moral and spiritual development. We welcome children from all religious and ethnic backgrounds, including those with special needs. We teach the children to love, care and respect one another regardless of their differences.


Foreign Language / English Computers Music Physical Training and Sports Visual Arts Dancing and Esthetics Cartoon Film Creative Drama Guidance and Psychological Counseling


Ballet Music (Keyboards and solfge) Swimming

Basic Gymnastics

Session Times & Fees Morning session ( 8.00 am - 1.00 pm ) Afternoon session ( 1.00 pm - 6.00 pm ) Full day ( 8.00 am - 6.00 pm ) Full time RM8.00 RM8.00 RM15.00 RM350 per cal. Month

Payments Payments should reach us by the beginning of each month. In order to keep you informed of the balance due on your account, statements are sent at the beginning of each term showing the amount payable for that period. Monthly statements are also sent showing payments received and the balance remaining. Should you have any queries regarding your account, please feel free to contact the finance office any time either by phone or email. Bank Holidays & Absences No fees are charged for statutory bank holidays or for Christmas week including New Years Day. Full fees are charged for any absences owing to sickness or holidays. We do require one months notice if your child is leaving the nursery or changing a session.

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