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May 29th 2012

Attention: BC HYDRO. In regards to the triple charging rate of the new Smart Meters installed by BC HYDRO in trailer court located at 791 Braidwood Rd. in Courtenay BC...

The cost of hydro has tripled since a few of the meters have been changed without permission or consent to the new form of Smart Meter. As a result of unreasonable rate hike through non consensual meter change, I am demanding that the meters be changed back to original meters. The radiation levels of the new meters are unwanted, as is the tripled rate of charge for usage, as there are children living here in this Trailer Court, people with compromised health and the majority is getting by on a limited budget. The change of meters for unit #2 & #15 is an act of trespassing & the triple hike in rates is non consensual, therefore unlawful & completely illegal. My bill has gone from ranging between $70 to $150, (depending on the season) to $480 per billing period. For this change to be legal you must have consentand you clearly do not.
Tenant Unit # 15. Patrik Kapuscinsky Tenant Unit # 5Tally Tenant Unit # 9.. Maryanne.... Tenant Unit # 12 Scott Tenant Unit # 7.. Tenant Unit # 2.. Tenant Unit # 3. John & Mary-Ann Tenant Unit # 6. Clayton Tenant Unit # 11 Steven Tenant Unit # 4.. Paul Tenant Unit # 14 Tenant Unit # 1

We will need the full name & employee # of the BC HYDRO representative addressing this matter on each and every occasion of communications regarding resolution of this unwanted unlawful and illegal meter matter. Replace the new Smart Meters back to the original meters and cease billing each trailer located at 791 Braidwood Rd. Courtenay BC as your rate has gone beyond ridiculous and the risk and effects on health are unacceptable. The service you provide is prepaid through the original agreement between the actual people of BC and BC HYDRO through the use of our resources to produce this service. Are you not a representative of a Public Utility Service..? Are you not using public funds, out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund to produce the service..? Are you claiming that we are not members of the public? Can you tell me who gave BC HYDRO permission to use our rivers to make hydro in BC & what our permission granted, amounted to between the people of BC and BC HYDRO? It is my understanding that hydro for personal use is already covered through our agreement. It is my understanding that payment for hydro usage is only required when performing commerce for commercial purposes. You have 14 days to contest claims made in this Notice. Public Group representative, Patrik Kapuscinsky, Contact email: Sincerely, public members of 791 Braidwood Rd. Trailer Court, of Courtenay BC.

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