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This Notice of Response is a matter of Public Record

September 13 2011

PATRIK BERNARD KAPUSCINSKY Office of the Director, Dually Appointed Administrator 15-791 Braidwood Road, Courtenay BC, Canada V9N 3S1

Concerning: allegations of Practicing Law

Location: Courtenay, British Columbia, Canada.

between: Kleisinger from the Law Society v. Patrik-Bernard of the Kapuscinsky family
Staff Counsel, Michael Kleisinger 845 Cambie Street, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, V6B 4Z9 Tel: 604-669-2533 Toll Free: 1-800-903-5300 Fax: 604-669-5253

The MINISTER OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND SOLICITOR GENERAL OF BRITISH COLUMBIA Honorable Rich Coleman, PO Box 9053 STN PROV GOVT VICTORIA B.C., V8W 9E2, 128 Parliament Buildings Victoria B.C., V8V 1X4, C/o Legal Services Branch, Ministry of Attorney General, 1001 Douglas Street, Victoria, B.C.

Tom Gray, INSPECTOR of the RCMP, (Royal Canadian Mounted Police) Comox Valley Detachment 800 Ryan Road, Courtenay BC V9N 3S1

Response to Law Society Concerning bullying tactics of Courtenay BC RCMP Regarding: Peace Officer Xxx Xxxxx..# 51805 Peace Officer Xxxxxx....# 49369 Peace Officer Xxxxxx# 47519 Peace Officer Xxxx# 50206 File 2011-3332 File 2011-5582 File 2011-5582 File 2011-5582 and File 2011-6060

PATRIK BERNARD KAPUSCINSKY Office of the Director, Dually Appointed Administrator 15-91 Braidwood Road, Courtenay BC, Canada V9N 3S1

August 31, 2011

This response is a matter or Public Record. To the attention of: Michael Kleisinger Response to Law Society concerning bullying tactics of local RCMP. Affidavit: I, _______________________________________ do swear and know these facts to be true and accurate. In response to: One human being helping another human being. The Unlawful and illegal activities of the local RCMP are unacceptable, as well as the attempt to block valid remedy. There is no contract between the Law Society and a private individual and I have neither desire for conflict with the Law Society nor to engage into contract with the Law Society. I am not a member of the BAR Association and I will help any human being in need that I see fit and deem as necessary. I am honorably asking you for assistance concerning proper legal representation of Charlie Hendrik Cox in the matter of Police brutality situation in Courtenay BC. I am sovereign man and have a duty to make arrangements to correct the harmful behavior of Any Public Servant in my community that comes to my attention and that I deem as severe enough to get involved for the protection of the unfortunate human being, assaulted, unlawfully detained and humiliated for a valid medical condition, numerous times, during a period of a few weeks. I am not taking any form of money for helping Charlie Cox find proper competent legal representation for this unacceptable situation. The probability of improper or incompetent representation through a conflict of interest is a valid concern to Charlie and to all people who know him. I am helping a friend to seek and find competent legal representation concerning unnecessary Police brutality and unlawful detainment. I do not have the experience to address this myself in the Court room and as a result, would prefer not to feel obligated to do so. I have also not stated that I am obligated or intending to do so. I presently have no intention of representing Charlie in the Court room. This may change if proper competent legal assistance is unattainable. Correct me if I am mistaken in my right to do so, show me the contract.

I ask that you please provide Charlie Cox with proper competent legal representation, of his choosing concerning these matters. Charlie has already been to Legal Aid at 1625 B McPhee Avenue, Courtenay BC, V9N 3A6 on September 1, 2011 to apply for legal representation concerning this matter. Intake worker was not present; another attempt will be made next Tuesday. He has been trying to contact a referral lawyer for weeks with no success. Charlie is a handicapped man who suffers from more than his fair share of challenges. Epilepsy has been a life-long challenge. Charlies abilities to gather information and address these issues are limited due to limited communication skills. Are you willing to help provide competent legal representation for the benefit and remedy of a gentle natured man with epilepsy? He is seeking a competent pro-bono lawyer. Charlie has no money for legal representation People are dying all over the Globe due to Police brutality. Some people are not cut out to be a Peace Officer as they are under the impression that beating a member of the public senseless is somehow part of their responsibility. Aggressive violent people, who can not keep the Peace, should not be in the position of a Peace Officer in any community. Beating up handicapped people is not a part of the job description. I would think that people who are hired to keep the peace in the community NOT continue to be paid to unlawfully and illegally detain and assault handicapped members of Our community. These are the facts: Unlawful detainment of handicapped man, three times in a five week period. On the second occasion, the RCMP assaulted Charlie Cox, while in the unfortunate throws of a medical condition known as an epileptic seizure. Each time, the RCMP unlawfully detained Charlie, including the second recent incident which involved the Police assaulting him while in an epileptic seizure. Charlie was caused undo stress and humiliation by locking him up like a criminal for having the unfortunate event of a seizure while on his way home. He was apparently locked up for alcohol intoxication. He, Charlie has not drunk alcohol for over a year and a half. He is a sober man. I know for a fact that he was sober on all three occasions, as he had just left my place of residence on each occasion. I help people in recovery from alcoholism on a daily basis. Charlie is more to me than just another human being in recovery. He is a close personal friend with an unfair share of challenges. Charlie takes medication twice daily for management of epilepsy. His niece was contacted and thank God, had brought down his medication to the Police station each time the Police detained him illegally and unlawfully. This detainment is unnecessary and causes huge stress towards the medical conditions that Charlie already suffers from. As a result of this unnecessary RCMP brutality on the second occasion, the RCMP decided to arrest Charlie with an assault charge How would you feel about this unacceptable Police behavior, if Charlie was a close personal friend or family member of yours..?

The people of Courtenay BC, are not willing to accept this unacceptable bullying and assault along with unaccountability seemingly built into the Public Service Arena. Many people know about this situation There are three separate witnesses to the Police assault, willing to testify in the Court of law, for this kind of none-sense to stop NOW. The mentality of being Above the Law concerning the safety and protection of the public, which is the safety and protection of the people through unaccountability of Public Servants must, will and is being properly addressed. This attempt as well as further attempts at covering up Police brutality on the part of local RCMP informing you of my choice of helping Charlie concerning helping him find and retain a competent lawyer to help him with these seriously unjust matters that he faces due to Police brutality is noted and all is Public record. Future attempts at blocking or preventing remedy will also be noted and recorded as a matter of Public Record. Intentionally attempting to prevent/block due process of law is a serious crime & offence. This unacceptable behavior of local Peace Officers is not new to Courtenay BC. The same behavior and same scenario had led to the death of a local man in January of 2009. Mr. George Alfredd Jones was unlawfully detained in cells and died as result of severity of Police beating due to having an epileptic seizure in public. They also accused Mr. George Alfredd Jones of drunkenness and ignored the fact that he also told the violent Police Officers: that he was epileptic and had just had a seizure. He was Ignored and beaten, and so were Mr. Jones medical concerns. It is the same scenario with Charlie Cox. He was also ignored, beaten and unlawfully detained Mr. Jones was not charged for assault yet he lost his life. Charlie was charged with assault, after the Police assaulted him while in a seizure, then proceeded to unlawfully detain him like a criminal. I do not practice law, I am an instrument of law and make sure that law is being carried out, which is the duty of any law abiding man. At times, such as this, I feel the need to administer some clarity and freely share my knowledge with friends, associates and the public due to the corrupt nature of the present system in place and the dishonest nature of many people who act as a Public Servant. We, the people of Courtenay BC need resolution and accountability concerning assault and kidnapping of handicapped man by criminal members of local RCMP detachment. This will not be swept under the carpet by any means of intimidation or otherwise. As mentioned above, I am not in conflict with you and have no standing contract with the Law Society nor do I have any desire to bring conflict or engage into contract with you. I never would have thought of asking the Law Society for help concerning this, yet since we are in correspondence concerning this matter I am asking you please for help in regards to proper legal representation for a gentle natured man who has been severely wronged by local Public Servants. I thank you for your concerns regarding this unlawful and illegal RCMP behavior. Let us Resolve together, that is, the Law Society and the people of Courtenay BC to end the

Assaults, incarcerations beatings and homicide of handicapped members of Our beautiful community by local Peace Officers. Witnesses: Sincerely, Patrik-Bernard:Kapuscinsky

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