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This policy is created, written and shaped by Mado on behalf of the server owners of California Steets Roleplay.

This policy acts as the main rulebook of all staffmembers.

1.1 The California Streets Roleplay staffteam is divided in this way;

1) Server Owner 2) Server Co-Owner 3) Executive Administrators 4) Director of Administrative Personnel 5) Head Administrators 6) Senior Administrators 7) General Administrators 8) Junior Administrators 9) Non-Admin chief staff (i.e.; Chief Community Advisor) 10) Senior Advisors 11) Community Advisors / Server Moderators

1.2 Actions done by staff may not be reversed or adjusted by other staff memebers of the same rank or below. 1.3 The Server Co-Owner will act as the Server Owner in their absence.

Director Staff
Server Owner Minimum rank: Server Owner Oversees the community, approves policy changes, appoint Directors, supervises all staff members. Forum power: Full access Server Co-Owner Minimum rank: Server Owner Acts as the Deputy Server Owner and the assistant to the Server Owner. Forum power: Full access Director of Forum Management Minimum rank: Head Admin Is in charge of forum management. Deals with requests for new forum boards, appoints group leaders on request and will moderate the forum moderation team. Forum power: Full access Director of Administrative Personnel Minimum rank: Executive Admin Oversees all staffmembers in the admin team, has the authority to suspend admins until the reviewal of the Server Owner. Also observes possibly new admins and recommends or derecommends them. Forum power: Moderator in admin forums + Leader of all admin usergroups Director of Community Advisors Minimum rank: Head Admin Oversees the Community Advisory board, has the authority to appoint, fire, promote and suspend Community Advisors. Forum power: Moderator in CA boards + Leader of the CA usergroup Director of Civil Service Factions Minimum rank: Senior Admin Oversees all civil service factions. Has the authority to suspend, appoint and fire faction leaders. The Director of Civil Service Factions also has to coordinate the Civil Service department containing Faction Moderators. He also resolves complaints against factions. Forum power: Moderator of all civil service boards

Director of Gang Management Minimum rank: Senior Admin Coordinates the gangs within the server, with help of their gang moderators if needed. Resolves complaints against gangs and gives penalties to gangs if needed. Forum power: Moderator of all gang related boards Director of Complaints Minimum rank: General Admin Resolves all complaints against players, excluding admin complaints, gang complaints and faction complaints. Forum power: Moderator of the complaint section Director of Ban Appeals Minimum rank: Senior Admin Resolves all ban appeals on the forums, excluding bans issued by Executive Admins or Server Owners. Has the authority to unban people. Forum power: Moderator of the ban appeals section.

Non-Director Assignments
Forum Super Administrator Minimum rank: Head Admin / Retired Head Admin (trusted) Carries out all operatives of the Director of Forum Management, includes but is not limited to; creating new boards, setting permissions, etc. Forum Super Admins are not required to, but still allowed to, moderate the forums. Forum power: Super Admin access Faction / Gang Moderator Minimum rank: Junior Admin Appointed by their respective directors, moderators will OOCly join one of the to be moderated factions, and will moderate one or multiple factions. The Faction/Gang moderator acts as the first contact between the to be moderated gang/faction and the Director of Gang/Faction Management. Forum power: None Ban Appealer Minimum rank: General Admin Resolves ban appeals, except for bans issued by Head Admins, Executive Admins and Server Owners. Forum power: Moderator of the Ban Appeals Section

2.1 Directors shall be appointed by the Server Owner and are supervised by the Executive Admins. 2.2 Directors of departments that contain lower ranks (like Gang Management) may appoint fellow staff members into these ranks. 2.3 If deemed needed, Directors may appoint Assistant-Directors with permission of the Server Owner.

3.1 A suspension is a temporarily termination of the service of an administrator issued by authorized staff, pending review of the Server Owner or his assistant. 3.2 This list shows who may suspend other admins and what admins they may suspend:

Suspending admin Server (Co-) owner Executive Admin Director of Admin Personnel Head admins Director of Community Advisors

To be suspended admin Any admin Head admins and below Head admins and below General and Junior admins* + CA/Mods Community Advisors

*= Suspension of General and Junior admins issued by Head Admins may only happen when the conduct of the to be suspended admin is directly damaging the community and waiting for the Director of Admin Personnel or an Executive Admin is not possible. In all other cases, the Head Admin should contact an Executive Admin or Server Owner for the suspension.

3.3 All suspensions should be posted in the subforums for Head Admins, and are pending to a review of the Server Owner. This must happen within 24 hours after the suspension is issued. 3.4 Admins may only be unsuspended by Server Owners. 3.5 Executive Admins may not suspend other Executive Admins. 3.6 All efforts must be made to take away all staff permission from the to be suspended admin (in-game using /(o)suspend or /deleteaccount, on the forums and teamspeak) before contacting that admin about his suspension. 3.7 Only the Server Owner determines if the admin will be terminated or any other action will be taken.

To ensure a good quality, admin staff will be divided into ranks. The list below is an indicator but may be adjusted on the demands of the Server Owner.

Rankname Server Owner Executive Admin Head Admin Senior Admin General Admin Junior Admin

Level ingame 99999 1338 1337 4 3 2

Amount of admins 2 2 4 (each timezone 1 + 1 extra) 4 (each timezone 1 + 1 extra) SERVER OWNERS DISCRETION SERVER OWNERS DISCRETION

4.1 Promotions may only be issued by the Server Owner or his assistant.

4.2 The list below shows the approved absence allowed per staff position. Issueing panalties for violation is depending on the Server Owners, Executive Admins and Director of Admin Personnel;


Days required to Comments post before going on leave** Server Owner XXX XXX Own policy Executive Admin 2 5 To get replacement Head Admin 3 5 To get replacement Senior Admin 3 3 General Admin 5 1 Junior Admin 5 1 CA/Moderator 8 1 *=Days able to go absence without messaging this to the authorized staff members without receiving punishment. **=For non-gaming events in real life it might not be always possible, but exceptions can be made of course by the Server Owners.

Days absence without note*

5.1 Retired Administrator is a honorary status for administrators who leave on good terms and meet o the following requirements: - Must have been an Admin for at least 2 months - Must not have been infracted, suspended or demoted in the last 1 month - Must have achieved at least the rank of General Administrator 5.2 Retired Admin status may be issued by; - Director of Administrative Personnel; - Director of Forum Management - Server Owner But only with the permission of; - Server Owner - Server Co-Owner 5.3 Retired Admins may receive these perks: - Forum usergroup with a special nametag and access to Retired Admin boards - Being considered earlier for reinstatement once a vacancy raises up Any further perk, be it in game, be it on the forums, may only be issued by the Server (Co)Owner and is a privilege and not a right. 5.4 The Retired Admin tag can be lost if the Retired Admin; - Receives a reasonable ban on forums or SAMP server - Creates tension on the community 5.4.1 Removal of the Retired Admin tag can be done by the Server Owner, on his behalf by; - Server Co-Owner - Director of Administrative Personnel

6.1 An appointment means the instatement of a person into a staff position. 6.2 The table below indicates the to be appointed rank for appointment/promotion with the promoting admin and authorizing admin;

Rank name

Executive Admin Head Admin Senior Admin General Admin Junior Admin

Admin for appointment/reinstatem ent Server Owner Server Owner Server Owner Server Owner**

Admin for promotion*

Authorizing admin

Server Owner Server Owner Server Owner Director of Admin Personnel Director of Admin Personnel ---

Server Owner Server Owner Server Owner Server (Co-)Owner

Director of Admin Server (Co-)Owner Personnel Server Mod. Director of Admin Director of Admin Personnel Personnel Com. Advisor Director of Community Director of Admin Director of Admin Advisors Personnel Personnel *= Promotion counts upon promoting into this rank. The promoting admin requires permission from the authorizing admin. **= May be issued by the DoAP depending on the authorization by the Server Owner.

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