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A Traffic Accident

There was a traffic accident in front of my house yesterday. It happened at about three of clock in the afternoon. It was between a bus and a motorcycle. I was playing in the yard, and I saw a bus coming from the west. The bus was very fast. Suddenly a motorcycle crossed the road. The bus driver did not have time to stop his bus and the accident happened. The bus driver got off the bus. He wanted to help the motorist. The motorist was injured. She could not walk. A few minutes later two policemen came. Main Idea : There was a traffic accident in front of the writers house, between a bus and motorcycle.

Woodchipping is a process used to obtain pulp and paper products form forest tree. The woodchipping process begins when the trees are cut down in a selected area of the forest called a coupe. Next the tops and and branches of the trees are cut out and then the logs are taken to the mill. At the mill, the bark of the logs is removed and the logs are taken to a chipper wich cuts them into pieces called woodchips. The woodchips are then screened to remove dirt and other this stage they are either exported in this form or damaged into pulp by chemical and heat The pulp then bleached and the water content is removed Finally, the pulp is rolled out to make paper. Main Idea : The steps to make paper from forest tree

Apollo 13
The movie Apollo 13 was a blockbuster for the summer of 1995. It is an exciting story about space exploration. In the movie, the astronauts get in trouble while they are trying to return to Earth. People in the audience are on the edge of their seats waiting to see what happens. What makes it even more exciting is that it is a true story. Main Idea : A blockbluster of Apollo 13 movie for the summer 1995

Damai Priyanti / 061130100005 Mutiara Ayu Maharani / 061130100015 2SA / English

Rice is the major staple food for most of the Indonesian people. The most striking impact of research over the past year is its contribution to the change in Indonesias rice production from the worlds largest importer of the major staple food to self-sufficiency. In increasing availability of seed new varieties, fertilizers, and pesticides as well as favorable pricing policies, encouraged farmers to intensify their rice fields. Indonesian farmers often prefer to grow rice with good eating quality, then select varieties for other characteristics such as high yield, early maturity, and resistance to certain pests and diseases. Therefore, only a few varieties are grown widely by farmers. Increased production of palawija crops-food crops other than rice that includes corn, peanuts, soybean, cassava, and sweet potatoes have been given a higher priority. One of the goals of the agricultural development is to continue to obtain sufficient rice production, but at the same time substantially raise reducing of other crops to provide a more balanced diet for Indonesians and reduce costly imports. In addition, these crops play an important role as animal feed and material for industries. The government hopes to reach self-sufficiency in these crops, especially corn and soybeans through intensification, extensification and diversification programmes. Production of corn and soybeans has begun to climb. Peanuts have shown a small increase but production of cassava and sweet potatoes has changed very little over the past years due mainly to marketing problems.

Main Idea Paragraph 1 : The impact of rice research over the past year Paragraph 2 : The characteristics of good rice seeds to be planted Paragraph 3 : Palawija crops-food have been given a higher priority to reach the goals of agricultural development Paragraph 4 : The government hopes to reach self-sufficiency in these crops through intensification, extensification and diversification programmes

Are Americans today waiting longer to get married? According to 2003 Census Bureau figures, the answer is yes. The Associated Press reports that one-third of men are still single when they reach age 34 and that nearly one-quarter of women are still single at that age. Compared with data for 1970, these figures are four times higher. In 1970, the percent of never-married men aged 30-34 was 9 percent; the rate has risen to 33 percent. The percent of never-married women increased from 6 percent to 23 percent. The typical marriage age for men in 2003 was 27.1 years, up from 25.3 in 1970. The typical age for women rose from 20.8 to 23.2. Main Idea : Americans today are waiting longer to get married

A recent survey revealed some shocking results. One in five teens does not know that if you take out a loan, you must pay interest in addition to repaying the loan. One teen in four has the mistaken notion that financial aid will take care of all their college expenses. And one teen in three thinks that Social Security payments will provide all the money they need when they retire. Main Idea : A recent survey revealed some shocking results about how little understanding teens have about money matters.

Saudi Arabia is a country rich in oil, but poor in one of the countrys most critical natural resources, fresh water. Without it, agriculture becomes extremely difficult and costly. Many areas are removing the salt from the seawater that surrounds the Arabian Peninsula. Other efforts might be floating of an ice cap all the way from the North Pole and digging of wells to reach water that is underground. Main Idea : Fresh Water is the most critical natural resources of a country.

Ecosystems have a structure consisting of producers, consumers, and decomposers. The producers are the green plants which use light energy to produce living matter from nonliving matter in the environment, the consumers are the animals, while the decomposers the bacteria and fungi that change the dead organic material back into simpler raw materials which can then be used again by the producers. Main Idea : Producers, Consumers, and Decomposers are structure of ecosystems.

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