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Hullo sweetheart, long time, how have you been daer

darling I'm good,what of u?

Am alright thanks just that so happy to be with you today

Anthony onuka (

I'm happy 2. I'm sori suspended u all thes days

Can you imagine?! I almost thout you had chucked me but no way i understand the reasons but i have missed you alot. So how is every body?!


I'm fyn and everybody is ok thnx. and how about urs?

They are doing well too thanks for asking

so what has been happening since all these days? full detail pls

Nothing much darling except from your side

what happen to my side dear?

That is what i would also love to hear

ok nothing much only dat , this is usually season 4 childrens wear and very body is busy trying to make the best out of it.

Alright, welll done i get the picture. Well on my side except that visit i made to the dentist am fine now

ok thank God.what of the other one, how are u faring now?

Hey, it seems am getting better gradually because there so many changes i have been noticing Thanks for caring

glory be to God. I just hope It got off u entirely.


Indeed it will in Jesus' name. By the way if you do not mind me asking, what is your blood group darling?

but u know it when u were here, how can u 4get

bukenyajoei81 ( 16 Jun 16:53 )

me dear?

Am sorry if it seem like i have forgotten but can you please remind

It is A negative,why ask?

I new that would be the next question, just wanted to be sure

so u know b4 only to be sure

Yeap Swthrt you there?

Anthony onuka ( 16 Ju
Hahaha, you really can tell that i have another reason even when you are not with me. You mastered my thouts bukenyajoei81 ( 16 Jun 17:05 Alright darling, its just that i wanted ti find out about my chances with you that is i came to learn that people of the same blood type they sometimes do not match. That is all dear yes still here dear,just ph so tell me why u remember to ask about this blood thing 2dey?

yeah dats true especially with sickle cell blood amania. so now dat u remember, what do u say?

Am relieved dear

urs was B negative yes?

bukenyajoei81 (

No my love it was O positive How is that And thanks to you after all those years i got to know my type

ok that"s good, sori I 4got 2. yeah but that is common in africa, many ppl don't seem to care.

Indeed it is true, again if you do not mind me asking what do you think of me in general coz i did something that no one at this moment would do. Am i appearing as careless or what ?! What do you say hani

first u tell me what u did darling and we will take it up from there
Okay i have been wondering if you ever noticed, you got to know about my HIV status by what i told you and we went further for a check up but with you i was with you and it seemed i did not . That is it Darling

And ur just remembering to ask me since dat time darling? or did anything triger dat?

Nothing triggered it all along i was just thinking what you thought of me

My dear, i don't understand what u mean by what i thought of u,pls explain

Alright what i meant to say is, did i appear to be a careless creature or what?! Becaause if it was to be some other person they would request you do the tests together. Not so darling?! Don't you ever wonder why i never did so?

first u are not careless and second I will like know why u didn' insist

Because i trust you Hope all is well darling

And dats true

Yeah Ope its not the network

sor darling it is ph.

Anthony onuka (

Actually u believe me coz u know I w0uldn't be careless. And nothing would have made me to invite u if I was sick. dat would have been d highth of wickedness


I wish i was there bukenyajoei81

I hope somebody is not congesting your head dear

AS IF U KNOW WHAT is happening here

bukenyajoei81 (
thnx, pls can we tlk someother time? I need to go out now I can't forget i know and understand your luggage You carry

Its alright darling i understand and wish you the best. I won't delay you.

thnx I luv and miss u

I LOVE YOU SO MUCH DARLING and please take care for me. Thanks for the opportunity

thnx God bless

Anthony onuka has signed out.

bukenyajoei81 ( Hi dear I hope ur ok.

Bless you too and bye

I have been waiting to c if u will come online Anyway I didn't c u Just have anice weekend Miss and luv u

Sweetheart, am sorry, are you still there?!

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