Coktail Exercises

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1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.


Choose the correct word : I like to read magazines in English in my ( first second spare ) time. Medicine is one of the subjects that are ( exchanged found taught ) in English. He is studying (areengineeringmedicine). He is going to be and engineer. Our company does a lot of ( entertainment information trade ) with foreign companies. People all over the world can find and ( type need exchange ) information on the internet. The internet is like a ( small tiny huge ) information bank. When students finish ( primary prep nursery ) school, they go to secondary school. English is an important ( subject entertainment job ) for all students. The internet is a worldwide network of ( videos telephones computers ). The Toshka Valley is in ( England Japan Egypt ) . Punctuate the following : why do many people need to learn english/ i like to watch tv programmes in english / hello / my name is nahla gamal/ hi / i m salwa / i speak english but i don t speak japanese / i m magdy / i m studying engineering at cairo university/ Write what you would say in each of the following situations : Your friend meets you in the morning. He greets you and you reply. You are leaving your friend . You meet your neighbour, Mr. Aziz, on your way to school. You greet him. You meet your friends father for the first time. Match the words in ( A ) with their meanings in ( B ) : (A) (B) 1- rubbish a- to save someone from danger 2- coach b- to fight in order to protect someone or something 3- rescue c- a result 4- defend d- things that you do not want and will throw away 5- brave e- not afraid or not showing fear 6- effect f- person who gives special lessons in sports Finish the sentences with words from the list :
coachdefendattack fireman throw pirate rescued rubbish effects

11. 12. 13. 14.


16. 17. 18. 19.


21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26.


The cupboard was full of old papers, broken toys and other . They the boy who fell into the river. Eating too much rice can have bad on your health. Our tennis helped us to win the final match. When the dog attacked me, I could myself with a stick. The brave saved the old woman from the burning building. I dont want this paper. You can it away. Punctuate the following sentences : good morning mr hassanein / hi / how are things / hello / how are you / fine / and you / i m very well thank you / Choose and write the correct word : Putting out fires is not an easy job. A fireman is a person who puts out ..(1)... . He is ..(2).. and is always ready to help people. He ..(3).. people; men, women or young children from burning ..(4).. . He usually uses big ..(5).. to reach the tops of buildings. 1- a) rubbish b) fires c) computers d) buildings 2- a) bad b) silly c) brave d) favourite 3- a) rescues b) needs c) defends d) attacks 4- a) buildings b) projects c) books d) subjects 5- a) chairs b) tools c) tables d) ladders

28. 29. 30. 31. 32.


Choose the correct word : 34. An ( engine engineering engineer ) is a person who plans and builds machines. 35. For ( entertain entertainment entertaining ) we watch television. 36. ( Scientist Scientific Science ) is one of the subjects that are taught in English. 37. My brother studies ( engineering engine engineer ) at university. He wants to be an engineer. 38. We do a lot of trade with ( nation international nationality ) companies. Choose the correct word : 39. People can exchange ( network internet information marks ) through the internet . 40. The internet is a worldwide network of ( machines companies projects computers ) . 41. The teacher gave me a good ( mark trade example subject ) for my compositions.


If you know English, you can ( rescue learn exchange communicate ) with a lot of people. 43. There is a good railway ( internet network telephone company ) in Egypt. Write what you would say in each of the following situations : You meet someone for the first time. You leave your school friend. Your friend says Hi! How are you ? Greet your teacher in the morning. Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue between two friends: Omar : Hi! How are things, Safwat? Safwat : .(1).? Omar : Im ver well, thanks. What are you doing? Safwat : .(2). . I need to know English to work on computers. I want to communicate with people in different parts of the world through the internet. Omar : (3). ? Safwat : Its a worldwide network of computers. Millions of people can exchange information through it. Omar : How amazing! Choose and write the correct word : People learn foreign languages for different reasons. English is the most widely spoken (1)..all over the world. Students at prep (2) ... study English to find a (3)at secondary school and university. (4). need to know English to help the tourists who visit our country. Businessmen can do a lot of (5). with foreign companies if they know English. 1- a) English b) job c) programme d) language 2- a) school b) college c) university d) company 3- a) subject b) bed c) coach d) place 4- a) Doctors b) Engineers c) Tour guides d) Firemen 5- a) problems b) trade c) practice d) mistakes Read and complete the table : Magdy Anwar was born in Sohag on 23rd October, 1984. He is 1.52 metres tall and he weight fifty-three kilograms. In his spare time he plays basketball. His hobbies are photography and carpentry. His favourite foods are meat and rice. Full name Place of birth Date of birth Height Magdy Anwar

44. 45. 46. 47. 48.




Weight Sport Hobbies

Read the following passage and then answer the questions : People all over the world need to know English to work on computers and to be able use the internet. The internet is a worldwide network of computers that allows millions of people to find and exchange information. They can get the information they need before they blink their eyes. For example, if people in English want to know about the Toshka Valley project in Egypt, they can switch their computers onto the internet and type in Toshka. In a few seconds, their computers will connect to a number of computers in Egypt and other countries which have information on the project. About 60 million people in the world now get information from the internet. Nearly all of this information is in English. Choose the correct answer : 52. To be able to use the internet, you should ( teach know listen to write ) English. 53. The underlined word they refers to ( people all over the world millions of people people in England computers ) . 54. The underlined word blink means ( to sleep to shut and open the eyes quickly to open the eyes slowly to shut the eyes and sleep ) . Answer the following questions : 55. What is the internet ? 56. What can people do with the help of the internet ? Punctuate the following : 57. the toshka valley is a great project 58. in my spare time i like to watch videos of films in english

1. 2. 3.


7. 8. 9.

Choose the correct answer : Courageous means ( clever beautiful brave dangerous ) . You should breathe in ( hot air smoke clean air water ) . An old man was ( trapped grabbed put pulled ) inside the burning house. He couldnt get out. Our army acted ( lazily safely happily courageously ) in the war and could win the battle . He lost an arm a leg in the accident, but he didnt lose ( hope safety money difficulty ) . A storm (broke came went gave ) out last night. It destroyed the crops. He ( gave received grabbed trapped ) a gold medal for his bravery. The telephone is ( between through by with ) the window. Goha thought his life ( came went cut began ) to an end when he fell off his horse.




14. 15. 16. 17. 18.

19. 20.

A swimming ( teacher coach man student ) taught her how to swim. Read the following story and answer the question : Tiffany Betts Tiffany Betts is Canadian. She was twelve years old when this story happened. One night, she was sleeping in her room when she woke up suddenly. She could smell smoke. When she switched on the light by her bed, smoke was pouring in under the door of the bedroom. The house was on fire. She jumped out of bed and crawled out of her room. Tiffany was safe, but her parents and her four sisters were trapped inside the burning house. She ran back into the house and crawled to her sisters bedroom. She woke them up and led them out. Her sisters were safe, but her parents were still in the burning house. She ran to her parents room. Her father was lying on the floor, and her mother was trying to pull him to the door. Tiffany grabbed her fathers arm, and she and her mother pulled him out of the room to safety. Tiffany Betts became the youngest person to receive the Star of Courage. It is a Canadian medal for people who have acted very courageously. Questions : Where does Tiffany Betts come from ? ( What is her nationality ? ) How old was she when this story happened ? What was Tiffany doing when the fire broke out ? How did Tiffany save her sisters ? What did Tiffany see when she crawled to her parents bedroom? What was the mother doing in the house ? How did Tiffany save her father ? What courageous thing did Tiffany do ? How was Tiffany rewarded for her courage ? The underlined word it refers to ( courage the burning house the Star of Courage Tiffanys bedroom ) . Punctuate the following : samira and faten go to a girls school the english channel is between france and england the brave girl was given the star of courage president hosni mubarak congratulated the champions many athletes competed in the 1996 atlanta paralympic games Read the following and then answer the questions : Magdys father was working on his farm when the accident happened. He wanted to burn some rubbish, so he poured some petrol on it, lit a match and threw it on the rubbish. But some of the petrol spilt on his clothes and they caught fire. Magdy was doing his homework when he looked out of the window and saw his father with his clothes on fire. Magdy knew what to do. He grabbed a blanket and ran outside. He


23. 24. 25.


27. 28.

30. 31.

covered his father with the blanked and put the fire out. Magdys father spent three months in hospital, but he was very proud of his son. Choose the correct answer : Magdy was ( putting the fire out helping his father doing his homework working on the farm ) when the accident happened. Magdy could put the fire out with ( a blanket petrol a match some rubbish ) . The underlined word they refers to ( the rubbish petrol the fathers clothes matches ) . Answer the following questions: How long did Magdys father stay in hospital ? Why was Magdys father proud of his son ?

Choose the correct word : 32. We dont have enough petrol. Well have to stop at the nearest ( metro petrol police fire ) station to get some. 33. ( Blankets Radios Books Matches ) are made of wool. 34. Dont play with ( coaches medals blankets matches ). It is dangerous. 35. You can put out a small fire with a ( knife book blanket ball ) . 36. Be careful. Dont ( spell spill split slip ) petrol on your clothes or they will catch fire. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42.

Choose the correct word : She was very thirsty, so she drank three ( plates packets vases glasses ) of water. While she was eating a ( glass bottle sandwich cup ), her sister arrived. My brother is proud of the ( pot medal stick bottle ) which he received for the hundred metres. When he arrived at the (house station hotel shop), the train wasnt there. I didnt have enough money to buy that camera. It was very ( expensive cheap small old ). He wants to be a tour guide, so English is an important subject for ( me you her him ) . The little girl was screaming. A man jumped into the canal and pulled ( him her them me ) to safety. Read the following story and answer the questions : Once upon a time there was German hunter called Hans. He lived with his young son and two dogs: an old dog and a young one. One day, Hans went out to shoot some rabbits with the young dog. He left the old dog at home. Hans shot some rabbits and went home. When he got home, he opened the door and a terrible sight met his eyes. His son was lying on the floor covered in blood and the old dog was lying asleep in

the corner. That dog has killed my son! screamed Hans, and he lifted his gun and shot the dog. Then he examined his son. The boy was badly hurt, but he was not dead. Then Hans looked at the dog. It was also covered in blood. Hans son recovered and told his father what had happened. Soon after you went out, a wolf broke into the house. It attacked me. The old dog tried to defend me and the wolf ran away. Luckily, Hanss shot did not kill the brave dog. 44. 45. Choose the correct answer : What attacked the hunters son a) a rabbit b) The old dog c) A wolf d) Two dogs 46. The hunters son ( was badly hurt and dead was not hurt was not dead was dead ) . 47. The underlined word It refers to ( the gun the wolf the old dog the young dog ) . Answer the following questions : 48. How many dogs did Hans have ? 49. What did the hunter see when he got back home? Punctuate the following sentences : 50. while he was driving along the road he saw some smoke coming out of the car s engine 51. i was watching tv at twelve o clock Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue : Sally fell and broke her leg while she was running to catch a bus. Dina : Have you heard the news about Sally? Riham : No, what happened? Dina : She had an accident (1).. . Riham : Oh, how awful! What was she doing? Dina : (2). . Riham : (3). . Dina : Yesterday afternoon. Nabila told me about it last night. 52. Choose and write the correct word : Courage means the ability to do dangerous things without feeling afraid. Soldiers show great (1) in battles. When a child or an old man falls into a canal or a river, many people hurry to ..(2),,,,, him . A womans .(3).. at mid-night awakes all the people. When a fire (4).. out in a house, many courageous people rush into the house and try to put the .(5) out and save the people who are trapped inside. 1- a) safety b) danger c) hope d) courage 2- a) leave b) rescue c) receive d) congratulate 3- a) accident b) game c) scream d) greeting 4- a) breaks b) makes c) works d) cuts 5- a) smoke b) fire

c) water

d) people




56. 57. 1.

3. 4.

6. 7. 8. 9.

11. 12. 13.

. Read the following passage and then answer the questions : I jumped out of bed when I heard the terrible words Fire! Fire! I opened the door of my room and stepped out into the passage. It was full of smoke. I began to run, but I was still only half-awake. Instead of going towards the stairs, I went in the opposite direction. I could see flames all around and the floor became hot under my foot. I decided to jump out. I ran into my neighbours room to get to the window. But before I could reach it. I found a bundle of clothes. I picked it up to protect my face from smoke and heat. I jumped out of the window with the bundle of clothes on my face. When I reached the ground and began to breathe cold air, I heard a cry from the bundle of clothes. A woman, who was screaming, came towards me. My baby! My baby! she cried. She took her baby. The woman thought I was a hero because I saved her baby. Choose the correct answer : The floor became hot because (the house was on fire the writer was half-awake there was a bundle of clothes the writer breathed cold air ) . The writer ran into his neighbours room to (breathe cold air save the baby tell his neighbour about the fire reach the window and jump out) The underlined word it refers to ( the window the bundle of clothes the ground the neighbours room ) . Answer the questions: Why did the writer sick up the bundle of clothes ? What was inside the bundle of clothes ? Choose the correct word : Our classroom has been on a ( match trip game party ) to the zoo. The child fell in a big ( hope home hole hall ) in the road. This is our ( late later latest last ) year at prep school. Write soon and tell me your ( noise letters name news ) . I was ( happy glad sorry pleased ) to hear your bad news. Choose the correct answer : The holidays are ( under on in over ) and we are back to school. My uncle has bought a new car and he is very proud (bywithof from) it. Last week they went to Hurghada ( in of to on ) a diving holiday. Has Youssef ( changes changed change changing ) his job ? The reporter says, Here ( are were is was ) the news. Punctuate the following sentences : next september i ll go to secondary school last week we went on a picnic to port said my sister and i have been to sinai


16. 17. 18. 19.


i m afraid i ve got bad news what has ahmed s uncle done Choose the correct word : In (boxingathleticsskiingfootball) players win by scoring the most goals. Players hit a ball ( under over in through ) a net to score in tennis. In rugby players may dick or ( leave hit send carry ) the ball. A golf player hits a small ball into a ( hole net basket ring ) . Hockey is a team sport in which players use ( shoes nets sticks basks ) to hit a ball into a goal. Write the words in order to form correct sentences : you ever seen a have python ? telephoned you ever has she ? in factory never I a have worked . been you Aswan have the Dam to ever ? an have had accident ever you ? Match the two parts of each sentence : (A) (B) 1- Cars, buses and trains a) system in Egypt. 2- Goods are b) who control what happens in a country3- The government are the people c) carry people from one place to another 4- There is a large road d) built good houses for people. 5- The government has e) things that are bought sold like food or clothes.

21. 22. 23. 24. 25.


Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue. Fahmi suggests having lunch with his friend at the new restaurant. Fahmi : Why dont we have lunch now? Reda : .(1). . Im really hungry. Where are we going to have the meal? Fahmi : .(2) next to the Nile Hotel. Reda : Do we need to take t taxi? Fahmi : .(3). . Its not far from here. Write what you would say in each of the following situations : 28. You suggest watching TV and your friend likes the idea. 29. Your sister suggests staying at home but you dont like the idea. 30. You friend says, Why dont we have lunch now? - You answer poisitively. 31. Your friend says, Shall we do our homework? - You dont agree because you want to sleep.

Finish the sentences with words from the list :

32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37.


39. 40. 41. 42.


44. 45. 46. 47. 48.

good foreign goods abroad government transport developments system What are the latest in transport ? There is a large of roads in Egypt . The has built good houses for the people . Things that are bought and sold are called . Public is necessary for all the people to be able to go to their work. She is studying . She is not in Egypt . Write what you would say in each of the following situations : You suggest going to the pyramids. Your friend suggests going to the cinema, but you dont like the idea. You suggest playing computer games, and your friend likes the idea. Your sister says, Shall we watch a video? You reply positively. Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue. Hala hasnt seen her friend Manal for a long time. Hala : Hi! How are you, Manal ? Manal : Fine! And you ? Hala : Very well, thanks. Where have you been ? Manal : (1). . Hala : To New York? How wonderful! .(2) ? Manal : Last February . Hala : And how long did you stay there ? Manal : (3). . Choose and write the correct word: A pen friend is a person in foreign country to whom you (1)and who writes to you, even though you have never (2) . I have two pen friends; one in London and the other is in the USA. They dont know Arabic, so we (3)letters in English. Writing letter to pen friends is a very interesting (4) . It is a good way to (5)English. 1- a) speak b) listen c) write d) read 2- a) met b) told c) asked d) helped 3- a) communicate b) exchange c) connect d) examine 4- a) game b) trip c) hobby d) sport 5- a) practise b) pray c) prepare d) produce Choose the correct answer : I cant find my umbrella. Someone ( has taken have taken will take ) it. Im writing to give you my ( late last later latest ) news. My uncle has gone ( in to on at ) a holiday to Greece. Have you ( never ever yet ago ) had an accident ? I havent seen Heba ( for just ever since ) she left.

49. 50. 51.

The film hasnt started ( never yet ever since ) . My friend sent me a letter two months ( yet ago for since ) . How long have you ( been be to be being ) at this school. Read the following letter and then answer the questions : 46 Ibrahim Youssef St. Assiut 15 th November Dear Ann, Greetings from Egypt. I am writing to you to give you my latest news. The holidays are over and we have been back at school since the middle of September. This is my last year at prep school. Next September, Ill go to secondary school. But I will be sorry to leave this school. My classmates are great fun and the teachers are very good. Our class has been on two interesting trips this year. A month ago we went to the zoo and last week we went on a picnic to Ismailiya. My family are all very well. My Dad has bought a new car. My uncle has changed his job. He is working in a factory in the 10th of Ramadan City. My sister, Rehab, and I have been to Alexandria. We enjoyed swimming in the sea. Ive got some bad news. My friend Amina has had an accident. She was walking home from school when she fell and broke her leg. Thats all for now, Ann. Write soon and tell me your news.

Best wishes, Heba Questions : Choose the correct answer : 52. This is Hebas ( first second third fourth ) year at prep school. 53. The underlined word He refers to ( Dad Hebas father Hebas uncle the teacher ) . 54. The underlined word sorry means ( glad sad pleased happy ) . 55. 56. Answer the following questions : How long has Heba been at prep school ? What bad news did Heba have ?

Choose the correct answer :

1. The Cairo metro is a very important development is ( telecommunications trade transport telephones ) . 2. The TV reporter made an ( internet invention injury interview ) with Dr. Ahmed. 3. It is easier now to ( move remove mix reach ) food, clothes and other good round the country . 4. Many thousands of ( fields feddans metres centimetres ) have already been reclaimed from the desert. 5. The famous footballer was talking to an ( interviewer inventor engineer - enemy ) on TV about the 1998 World Cup. 6. In the future, more metro lines will be (reduced taken moved extended) 7. Thank you very much ( indeed need in need deed ) for giving me your dictionary. 8. Thanks to the improvements in the telephone system, businessmen can talk to their trading ( parents parts partners pairs ) abroad very easily. 9. Many improvements have ( given taken reduced extended ) place in Egypt during the last ten years. 10. The metro reduces ( communication connection pollution information ) Choose and write the correct word : Many developments have taken place in Egypt during the last ten years. The most important of them is (1).. the new cities. A lot of new (2).. have been built in Egypt since 1980. These cities are very important for many reasons. A lot of factories have been built in them. These (3) .. have provided work for thousands of people. The government has built homes for the (4) .. there, so thousands of people have already moved from Cairo to live and work in these new cities. This has (5) .. the lives of many Egyptians. 1- a) reclaiming b) reducing c) building d) moving 2- a) pyramids b) cities c) museums d) towers 3- a) shops b) markets c) workshops d) factories 4- a) builders b) soldiers c) workers d) thieves 5- a) improved b) moved c) reduced d) produced Choose the correct answer : 11. The factories in the new cities have ( provided provides providing provide ) work for thousands of people . 12. Switch on your TV quickly. The interview with professor Zoweil is ( by at in on ) air now . 13. She always talks ( on with by in ) English . 14. He was talking to the interviewer ( at from about in ) his inventions. 15. Many new factories ( have built have been building have been built built ) in the 6th of October City. 16. New metro lines ( has extended have extended have been extended has been extended ) in Cairo.

17. Do your homework ( as soon soon sooner soonest ) as you can. We want to go out for a walk tonight. 18. A new school ( has been built has built have been built have built ) next to the post office. Choose the correct word : 19. Satellites are the most important development in broadcasting and (interviews connections telecommunications pollution ) . 20. Ali was here an hour ago and left a ( satellite telephone mistake message ) for you . 21. making a TV programme is not an easy ( programme product production process ) . 22. An ( inventor interviewer editor engineer ) is a person who prepares books or newspapers before they are printed. 23. The news programme will be ( interviewed destroyed collected broadcast ) at seven oclock tomorrow. You can listen to it. 24. The Earth goes round the ( sun stars moon sky ) once a year . 25. TV programmes should interest all ( views viewers interviews interviewers ); men, women, boys, girls or children. 26. Nile-sat is the first Egyptian (moonstationsatellitestar) sent into space. 27. A time capsule is a ( computer continent container company ) which was put into a satellite and sent into space. 28. Interviews are usually made with ( experts explosions experiments explanations ) who know a lot about different subjects. 29. Match the two parts of the sentences : 1. They didnt eat a) but we went out. 2. She drank much orange juice b) because its going to rain. 3. He felt ill c) although they were hungry. 4. It was raining d) because she was thirsty. 5. Take your umbrella e) so he stayed at home. 30. Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue. Ahmeds grandfather has died. Samir : You look sad, Ahmed. Whats the matter ? Ahmed : .(1). . Samir : Your grandfather? Im sorry to hear that bad news. Ahmed : Well, (2) . Samir : .(3).? Ahmed : Yes. He was 82 Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets : 31. The metro is very good for the passengers because it reduces pollution.(so) 32. Im hungry but I dont want to eat. ( although ) 33. Although I like Cairo, I dont want to live there. ( but ) 34. I got up. I had my breakfast. ( and ) 35. We havent got money, so we cant go out tonight. ( because ) Punctuate the following sentences :

36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44.

although walid had a terrible accident he played sports she felt ill so she didn t go to work i m sorry to hear your bad news i know it s terrible isnt it Punctuate the following : they ve been building the cairo metro since 1981 she s been talking to heba he s cleaned his bicycle so his hands are dirty they ve been building new factories in helwan i ve been watching tv for two hours Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue. Omar is acting as a TV interviewer. He is making an interview with the headmaster on the school broadcast. Omar : Good morning, Mr. Ashraf. May I ask you a few questions? Mr. Ashraf: ..(1) . Omar : What are the latest improvements that have bee mad in our school? Mr. Ashraf: A new playground (2) . . So, all the students will be able to exercise and play games during the break. Omar : Wonderful ! .(3).. ? Mr. Ashraf: Two new science laboratories have also been built to allow the students to do more experiments. rite what you would say in each of the following situations : Your friend has passed the final exam. Your friend has congratulated you on scoring three goals in the final match. Your friend told you that he was sorry to hear about your uncles death. Your friend has bought a new bicycle . Choose and write the correct word : Making a TV programme is not an easy process. First, a (1) is chosen that will interest the viewers. Then, an expert is chosen who knows (2) about the subject. After that, a good interviewer is (3) . Then, a (4) is chosen to record the interview. The expert is interviewed by the (5) . Finally, the programme is broadcast to the viewers. 1. (a) snake (b) sport (c) space (d) subject 2. (a) nothing (b) a lot (c) a little (d) a few 3. (a) interviewed (b) asked (c) chosen (d) killed 4. (a) fireman (b) postman (c) policeman (d) cameraman 5. (a) interviewer (b) viewer (c) interview (d) view Read the following passage and answer the questions: Reclaiming the desert for farmland is one of the most important

45. 46. 47. 48. 49.

developments in Egypt. Many thousands of feddans have already been reclaimed from the desert. The most exciting project is the Toshka Valley. The government is going to build the Toshka Canal. This will help us to reclaim half a million feddans in the Western Desert. Huge amounts of food will be produced and the government will be able to feed the people. In addition to this, new cities will be built in the valley as well as factories, offices and airports, These will provide work for people who now live in crowded places beside the Nile. The Toshka Valley Project will improve our country and the lives of the people. This project will probably take about 20 years and cost three hundred billion ponds. Choose the correct answer : 50. The underlined word This refers to ( Egypt the Toshka Valley the government the Toshka Canal ) . 51. Most people live in crowded places ( in the desert beside Toshka on the banks of the Nile beside the Canal ) . 52. This huge project will take about ( twenty years billions of years a thousand years millions of years ) . Answer the following questions : 53. What will improve our country in the future ? 54. What will help us to reclaim thousands of feddans in the Western Desert ? Punctuate the following : 55. although she came early she didn t meet her friend 56. the metro is important because it is quick cheap safe and clean 57. Read and finish the paragraph : Transport has been improved in Egypt. The government has been . (1).. new road all over the country. These (2) join all the important parts of the country. So, it is easier now to move food and other goods round the country. The other development in transport .. (3).. the Cairo metro. ..(4). pollution. The first metro line ran from El-Marg ..(6) Helwan .

1. Choose the correct word :

2. In my ( system interview project opinion ),youre wrong. 3. The River Nile ( flows follows flies fills ) through three countries. 4. All governments try to reduce ( prices production pollution development ) on Earth. 5. Building new road all over the country has improved ( telecommunications transport satellites companies ) . 6. The (reasonreply report result) why Im late is because I missed the bus. 7. Im (trading training winning scoring ) for the next competition. I want to win the race. 8. Read the following and fill in the application form to join El-Shabab Sports Club . You want to train for boxing and football . Your name is Ali and your fathers name is Ibrahim Hassan. You were born in Luxor on 22nd April, 1985. You are 1.74 metres tall and you weigh 49 kilograms. El-Shabab Sports Club Application form Full name Place of birth .. Date of birth Height .. Punctuate the following sentences : Weight . the toshka valley project is sports . in egypt Preferred the most important development the expert was interviewed by a woman from the bbc tv in london ibrahim was born in aswan on 14th septemer 1982 in my opinion she s right our class went on a trip to cairo zoo last week Choose the correct word : Many (busessubjectscomputersfactories)have been built in the new cities. The telephone is one of the best means of ( development trnsport communication information ) . We ( help hope hold train ) we will win the next match in Spain. My uncle has bought a new car. He is ( sorry proud angry sad ) or it. If you talk any more in class, Ill sent you off to see the ( principal engineer policeman businessman ). ( If Since Because Although ) the lesson was not that easy. I understood it at once. Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets without changing the meaning of the sentences : He came to school late because he missed the bus. ( so ) The programme was not interesting, so I switched off the TV. ( because ) They are rich but they are unhappy. ( although )

9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19.

20. 21. 22.

23. He went to his computer. He switched it on. ( and ) 24. Although he was sick, he came to school. ( but ) 25. Match each of the following situations with the suitable reply: (A) Situations 1- You have just received the results of a test. Your mark is high. Your friend says, Well done! Thats excellent. What would you say ? .. [ ] 2- Your friend failed the exam and she is unhappy. What would you say to her ? .. [ ] 3- Your friend wants to borrow your new bicycle. You dont want to lend it What would you say ? .. [ ] 4- You are watching an important match in the World Cup competition . Your friend telephones and says, Lets go shopping. What would you say ? .. [ ] (B) Replies a) Good afternoon. b) Well, Id rather you didnt. c) I really dont feel like it . d) Im terribly sorry to hear that. e) Yes, I cant believe it myself. Write what you would say in each of the following situations : 26. You are interviewing the school principal on the school broadcast. You want to ask him some questions. 27. You meet a classmate during the break. You greet him. 28. Your uncle has died. Your friend says to you, Im sorry to hear the bad news. 29. You are hungry. Your friend says, Why dont we have lunch now? 30. Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue. Nora has just got the results of the exam. She has got a high mark in English. Nadia : Hi! How are you, Nora? Nora : Very well, thanks. And you? Nadia : Fine. You look happy today. Whats happened ? Nora : .(1).. . Nadia : Thats wonderful! .(2).. . Nora : Thanks. I cant believe it myself! Nadia : (3) . Nora : Yes, it was difficult, but I study well, you know. 31. Choose and write the correct word : One of the most dangerous problems in our world is pollution in big cities. Air pollution is usually caused by the (1) .. that comes out of factories, cars, buses and lorries. When people (2) .. this smoke, they become ill. There is also (3) .. in water. Many people

throw (4) .. away into rivers and canals. Dead (5) .. like horses and dogs are sometimes thrown away in rivers. This causes much harm to many people. 1- a) flame b) fire c) air d) smoke 2- a) breathe b) enjoy c) extend d) imagine 3- a) improvement b) development c) pollution d) information 4- a) stones b) rubbish c) money d) flowers 5- a) people b) birds c) animals d) trees 32. Read and finish the paragraph : Mona is a tour guide. She helps the (1) .. who come to visit Egypt. She guides them (2) .. shows them important places. She takes them to the (3) .. in Giza, the Egyptian Museum and the Cairo Tower. Mona (4) .. interested in her (5) .. . She knows that tourism is important for Egypt (6) .. a lot of tourists spend their money here. Read the following passage and then answer the questions : Most accidents that happen to children in their homes are caused by fire and hot liquids. Small children often reach up and touch pots of boiling water or oil on the cooker. The pots fall over and the hot liquid falls on the children and burns them. Some children like to play with fire. They enjoy throwing things on a fire to make it burn brightly. If a fire gets too big, it gets out of control. Then the house catches fire. It is very dangerous to play with matches. When a child strikes a match, the flame soon burns near his fingers, so he drops the match on the floor. Many houses catch fire in this way. Choose the correct answer : 33. The underlined word it refers to ( water a fire the house a match ) . 34. The house catches fire when ( the fire gets smaller the fire becomes very big boiling water falls on the child a child touches a hot pot ) . 35. When the matchs flame burns near a small boys fingers, he ( plays with matches strikes a match drops it on the floor makes drops of water ) Answer the following questions : 36. What often happens when a small child touches a hot pot ? 37. When does a fire get out of control ?



the correct word : 2. Today, ( teachers passengers pilots engineers ) are planning a super jumbo jet.

3. 4. 5. 6.


8. 9. 10. 11.

It is dangerous to drive at high (heightweight speed flight) inside towns. How long will the flight to London ( take give carry make ) ? The future plane will be shaped like a ( square circle rectangle triangle) Planes need ( music entertainment fuel meals ) to fly. Choose and write the correct word : My uncle is a pilot. He ..(1) a Boeing 747. It is a jumbo jet which has four powerful (2) . It can fly at a (3)of 880 kilometres per (4) . It can travel 10.000 kilometres non-stop. Hot meals are (5) during the flight. My uncle says travelling in a modern jumbo jet is very comfortable. 1. (a) flies (b) drives (c) rides (d) works 2. (a) triangles (b) engines (c) tails (d) projects 3. (a) height (b) flight (c) shape (d) speed 4. (a) day (b) week (c) month (d) hour 5. (a) watched (b) bought (c) served (d) sold Complete the missing parts in the following dialogue ? Wesam is a pilot on a modern jumbo jet plane. He is being interviewed on a TV programme. Interviewer : Could you tell us about passenger planes in the present ? Wesam : Yes. Theyre very big and fast. Interviewer : (1). ? Wesam : 600 passengers. Interviewer : .(2) ? Wesam : It can fly at a speed of 880 kilometres per hour. Interviewer : (3) ? Wesam : Yes, travelling is a modern jumbo jet is very comfortable. Read and finish the paragraph : The computer is a modern invention. (1)..can do many (2) In the future, it (3) be smaller. People will be (4) to carry it everywhere. Some people think that in the (5) , we will not read books. We will read everything on computers. Other people think that it (6) control our lives, but this is not probable because computers cannot think for themselves. Choose the correct answer : Im travelling by train. Im going to take a taxi to the ( airport but stop railway station radio station ) . I want to know when the train arrives. I have to read the ( timetable story quiz magazine ) . Its a good ( sport habit game hobby ) that people leave their shoes before entering a house. At the booking office I asked the booking clerk to give me some ( ideas codes information systems ) about the trains to Alexandria.

12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23.


25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.

The flight will arrive at 7 a.m. This means that the plane will arrive ( in the evening in the afternoon at night in the morning ) . He did not catch the train. This means that he ( took missed got into waited for ) . Choose the correct answer : Did he ( used use used to use ) get up early in the morning ? He ( used used to uses use to ) play football when he was young. ( Did Does Do Will ) he use to exercise last year ? My cousin used ( ride to ride rode to riding ) a bike to school when he was young . I ( should didnt do dont ) use to visit my friends when I was a child . Write what you would say in each of the following situations : Someone thanks you for your help. Thank your friend for inviting you to his birthday party . You predict fine weather for tomorrow. You ask your friend if he used to smoke when he was young . Complete the missing parts in the following dialogue : Youre asking your fathers friend about the comforts he enjoys when he travels by air. You : Ive never been on a plane. Are modern planes comfortable ? Fathers friend : (1) . You : What can passengers do during the flight ? Fathers friend : (2) You : What else can they do ? Fathers friend : (3) Choose and write the correct word : 1- a) timetable b) book c) ticket d) letter 2- a) train b) study c) fly d) play 3- a) tourists b) classmates c) passengers d) engineers 4- a) weak b) fat c) fit d) sick 5- a) money b) match c) draft d) flight Choose the correct answer : Planes ( cant couldnt wont dont ) travel very far in the past. In the past, many improvements ( is made was made were made are made ) bo aircraft. Modern passenger planes can fly at a speed of 880 kilometres ( in on per for ) hour. Hhow ( far much high many ) passengers can a jumbo jet carry? During the flight, the passengers can watch films (in into inside on) TV. In the past, I didnt ( used use using use to ) ride bikes.

31. 32. 33.

34. 35.

36. 37. 38. 39. 40.

Could you tell me ( where is the club where the club is where the club where was the club ) please ? (How highWhat time How much How far) will the train arrive in Cairo? Read and finish the paragraph : My grandfather used to tell me stories when I was young. He told me that once he took a plane from Cairo (1) London. The weather (2) bad and the plane was very slow. They (3) a whole day on the plane. At last, the (4) on the plane were happy when they knew that the plane was going to land. To their surprise, the (5) told them that (6) were in Egypt. One of the engines had stopped working. Punctuation : when he was young he didn t use to travel i m meeting my friend at eight o clock Read the following passage and then answer the questions : Samir is a businessman. He does a lot of work with trading partners abroad . Last January he said to his wife, Im going to fly to New York next week. Ive got some work to do there. Where are you going to stay there? his wife asked. I dont know yes, Samir answered. Please send me you address from there in a telegram, his wife said. He flew to New York on 31st January and found a nice hotel in the center of the city. He put his things in his room and sent his wife a telegram. He put the address in it. In the evening, he met some businessmen. Then he went to a cinema. When he came out of the cinema, he did not remember the name and address of his hotel. So, he went to the telegraph office and sent his wife a telegram asking her to send him his address. Choose the correct answer : Samir travelled to New York on ( the first day the twenty third the last day the thirtieth ) of January. The underlined word abroad means ( in Egypt in a foreing country in the same country in the capital city ) . The underlined word there refers to ( the centre of the city the hotel the telegraph office New York ) . Answer the following questions : How did Samir know the address of the hotel ? Why did Samir travel to the USA ?


Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue : Two friends meet again after the long summer holiday. They are now in prep2. Adel : Hello Samir. How are you ? Samir : Im fine, (1) . Adel : What (2) Hello! Prep 1 ? Samir : I remember many things. Adel : Do you remember the time machine ? What did it do ? Samir : Yes, I do. It (3) . Fill in the spaces with words from the list : (animals home practise school interesting writing reading ) We ... writing in the workbook. If there isnt time in class, we can do the Workbook exercises at ... . Wild ... are dangerous . Dictation is a good practice of listening and ... . Goha and the donkey was the most ... story I have read. Rearrange the words to make correct sentences : is Who this ? you can How improve your handwriting ? find Where we can workers and machines ? lessons many do you How have English every week ? your favourite subject What is ? Punctuate the following sentences : what s his father s name his name is mr ragab
must - can Fill in the spaces using :

2. 3. 4. 5.

7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

12. 13. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23.


I ... speak English, but I cant speak French. You ... do your homework this afternoon or youll be punished. You ... see the mosque from this window. You ... have a passport to visit foreign countries. We ... see, hear and read English outside school. Supply the missing parts in the following mini-dialogues : 1- Wafaa : I dont know the meaning of the word questionnaire. what can I do ? Afaf : .. or . 2- Tarek : . ? Ahmed : I can see and hear English on TV. 3- Fatma : Sarah, Im not good at reading English. What can I do ? Sarah : at home. Fill in the spaces with words from the box :

Homework pictures goal score advertisements songs - signs 25. We can ... in newspapers and magazines.

26. Do you listen to English ... on the radio ? 27. Our team scored a ... in the last minute of the match. 28. Add up your ... and lets see who has won. 29. Magazines are always full of colourful ... . Choose the correct answer : 30. Try listen ( for by to on ) English programmes on TV and radio. 31. You must practise English inside and ( behind under beside outside ) school. 32. If you dont know the meaning of a word, look it ( for up from on ) in the dictionary. 33. When I read a new word, I try ( go guess guess guessed will guess ) what it means. 34. Five English lessons a week is not enough ( practised practice practise practcal ) . You must ( practice practical practise practised ) English outside school.


36. 37. 38. 39.

40. 41. 42. 43. 44.

Rearrange the words to make correct sentences : read Do advertisements in you English ? always I ask my teacher words in English to explain. practise English school You outside must . see Where English you can or hear ? can swim in the She river . Finish in the words : I sometimes read ad erti ements and si - - s in English. My sister al ay- reads b - - ks and maga in s . Try to g ess the m aning of this word. What does the word questio - - aire m - - n ? You should pract - - e English in ide and ou - - ide school. Finish the sentences : A ... is a person who is ill. Magdy is the best at high jump. His favourite sports is ... . Getting up early is a good ... . The floor is not wet. It is ... . ... is something that patients drink. Scientists do their ... in a laboratory. Fill in the spaces with words from the list : ( bought freeze old big sign brought patients ) Huge means very ... . The past tense of buy is ... . Doctors look after their ... in a hospital . Its hot today. Put some water in the fridge to ... . A ... is some words ( or a picture ) that tell you something.

45. 46. 47. 48. 49.


51. 52. 53. 54.


Rearrange the words to make correct sentences : 56. the opposite is of wet What ?

57. laboratory is a What ? 58. you spell How photograph do ? 59. a person is A doctor in - a hospital looks after who patients. 60. people In run and jump athletics.
61. 62. 63. 64. 65.

Finish the words : Mahmoud has a l t of go d ha - - ts . He al a s gets up e rl- . A l - - oratory is a place where s - - entists work. A doctor examined the pa - - ent and gave him some med - - ine . Dictation is a good pra ti e of lis ening and w itin Write each of the following words in its right group :

( beans jumping signs doctor desk football jam advertisements classroom nurse swimming eggs board patient TV programmes ) 66. 67. 68. 69.

Things inside a school English outside school People in a hospital Sports : Foods :

: a : a : a a a

b b b b b

c c c c c

71. 72. 73. 74.


Fill in the spaces with words from the list : ( todays piece topic vocabulary guess regularly improve ) Mr. Sherif is talking with the headmaster on the same .. . To learn new words, you should start a .. book. Cover this word with a .. of paper and try to write it. Take the medicine .. to get better. Revise .. lesson before you go to bed.

Choose the correct word : 76. The patient, the doctor and the nurse are ( people places athletics topics ) in a hospital. 77. Revise the words for a few ( days minutes hours months ) every night before you go to bed. 78. Reading English in newspapers is a good (sign advertisement practice topic) outside school. 79. The teachers and the students are people in a ( workshop laboratory hospital school ) . 80. Jumping and running are ( school subjects athletics topics signs ) . Rearrange the words to make correct sentences : 81. vocabulary a Start book. 82. new in Collect words groups . 83. the words new Revise before every night to go you bed . Punctuate the following sentences : 84. revise all the weeks words at the end of the week 85. at the end of the month revise all the months words


Match the words on the left with their meanings on the right : 1- air a) to go up 2- wind b) air that blows in the sky 3- drop c) a long way up 4- soil d) what we breathe 5- rise e) a small amount of liquid 6- high f) what the wind does 7- blow g) the earth in a garden or a field Fill in the spaces with words from the list : ( soil air blows rises breathe drop wind ) I felt a .. of water on my head. Its going to rain. A balloon with hot .. rises . The sun .. in the east . People and animals need air to .. . Farmers plant trees in the .. . Supply the missing letters : The sun always r - - es in the e - - t . There is a l t of w nd in wi t r . Athletes can cl - - b h gh places . Air is some hing that we br ath - . A drop is a sma - - amou t of water.

87. 88. 89. 90. 91.

93. 94. 95. 96. 97.

Punctuate the following sentences : 98. is egypt in the north east of africa 99. have you ever been to the united states 100. climb run jump and walk are action verbs Finish the sentences with words from the box : ice athletes athletics medicine experiments balloon - air We take .. when we are ill . A .. with hot air flies high . Running, jumping and throwing things are called .. . Water turns into .. when we freeze it . We do .. in the science laboratory .

101. 102. 103. 104. 105.

Read the following passage and then answer the questions : One day an elephant escaped from a circus and walked into a hospital. It wasnt ill, and it didnt have anyone to visit. It went into a ward full of patients. It waved its trunk from side to side and broke a vase. The patients were frightened. A nurse held out two carrots and the elephant followed her outside the hospital. 106. Why were the patients frightened? 107. How did the elephant leave the hospital? Choose the correct answer : 108. A word means ( a person in a school a place in the zoo a room at home - a room in a hospital . 109. The ward was full of ( nurses athletes sick people carrots ) . 110. The elephant likes ( circuses hospitals nurses carrots ) . 111. Use the information in the table to write a paragraph of four sentences about: How you can improve your English. listen to English programmes, radio, TV read books, magazines write new words speak friends, teachers

Punctuate the following : 112. we can see and hear english on tv 113. i can t revise all the weeks lessons in one hour


2. 3. 4. 5.

Finish the sentences with words from the list : ( ice steam sides meat soil earth squares ) A square has four . Water turns into when it is very hot. Wild animals often eat . The always goes round the sun. When water is very cold, it becomes .

Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d : 7. The wind things dry. a) making b) make c) makes d) made 8. Trees water from the soil. a) got b) getting c) get d) gets 9. I hope to be a doctor when I school. a) finishes b) finished c) finish d) finishing 10. A square four sides. a) have b) has c) had d) having 11. My sister enjoys reading stories in English. She a story every night. a) was reading b) read c) reading d) reads Rearrange the works to make correct sentences :

12. becomes when Water ice it is cold very 13. have a triangle three Does sides ? 14. round goes The sun earth the. 15. Look up the following words in the mini-dictionary and match them with their meanings: 1- boil a- to turn into ice 2- cool b- to make something hot 3- freeze c- to make something colder 4- heat d- to make a liquid very hot Choose the correct answer : 17. What ( happened happen happens is happening ) when you freeze water ? - It turns into ice. 18. When we go from Aswan to Alexandria, we ( doesnt go dont go go goes ) south. We go north. 19. When the sun rises, it ( is isnt does doesnt ) evening. 20. A cow ( eat eats dont eat doesnt eat ) snakes. 21. When you cool the steam, it ( turn turned turns turning ) back into water.

Rearrange the words to make correct sentences : 22. heating Magdy his is dinner. 23. ice When it water turns back heat you into. 24. when What happens freeze you water ? Punctuate the following : 25. when we travel from cairo to assiut, we don t go north we go south 26. water doesn t turn into ice when it is hot Finish the sentences with words from the list : ( cold condensation process steam drops hot evaporation ) Another name of is water vapour. Steam is made of very small of water. The of evaporation and condensation cause rain. is the process of turning water vapour into water. High in the sky, the air is very .

27. 28. 29. 30. 31.

32. Read the following table and finish the paragraph: Why is rain important ? plants people earth grow drink, wash keep the earth clean Rain helps to grow. It is for drinking. It is also important for . . It keeps the clean. Supply the missing letters in the black-typed words: High in the s-y , the a-r is very c- -d.


46. 47.

The d-ops of water fall when the wi-d cannot su- - ort them. The proce- - es of eva-oration and co - - ensation cause r- -n. Fill in the spaces: and - but - so Shaker likes experiments, he wants to be a scientist. Dalia likes English, she isnt good at it. Ahmed likes football, he plays it every day. I want to but this dress, it is very expensive. It often rains in winter, I always take my umbrella. The man was tired, he went to bed early. Fill in the spaces using : and when but because so We usually eat beans for breakfast, today we are having jam. He has already fed the animals, he is feeding the chickens now. The drops of water in a cloud fall as rain they become heavy. The room was very hot, she opened the window. Randa wants be thinner, she runs every evening. I didnt go out it was very cold.

48. 49. 50. 51. 52.


54. 55. 56. 57. 58.


Fill in the spaces in the following story : and but so 60. Yesterday was a terrible day. I got up I had my breakfast as usual. I was late for school, I took the bus. When I got into the bus, I discovered that I had no money, I got off very quickly. I fell hurt my leg. I tried to walk to school I couldnt. I went home. Rearrange the words to make correct sentences: 61. tired so was I early to bed I went. 62. walked opened He in the door and. 63. looked for a candle He but couldnt find one he. Supply the missing letters in the black-typed words : 64. Mansour swi- -hed on the TV, b-t there were no in- -ewarinf programmes. 65. The profe- -or went to his co-puter and switched it on. 66. He wanted to do an e-p-riment, so he went to his la- -ratory. Finish the sentences with words from the list: fed makes does eaten running raining have 67. 68. 69. 70.

Rain things clean. She has already the baby. While he was to school, he fell and broke his leg. We usually bread and cheese for breakfast. It is now, so I cant go out.

Rearrange the words to make correct sentences : 72. was to school she While hurrying fell she down . 73. homework will I in the afternoon do my. 74. the park We visited Friday last. Punctuate the following : 75. hussein likes milk but he doesn t like coffee

76. while karim was driving to cairo airport he had an accident


Complete the missing parts in the following dialogue between two friends at school:


: Hello, Nabila. I know that your favourite subject is science. Do you often go to the science laboratory? Nabila : (1) twice a week. Sahar : What do you do there? Nabila : (2) . Sahar : Do you know what happens if we freeze water? Nabila : (3) . Fill the sentences with words from the list: rises has goes does hopes becomes happens Manal be a scientist. Zaki always .. good work. What .. when you heat ice? A triangle .. three sides.

78. 79. 80. 81.

Choose the correct answer : 82. The room was very hot, ( and but or so ) I opened the window. 83. ( Did Does Do Doing ) your brother enjoy experiments? - Yes, he does. 84. Turning water into steam is ( called call calls calling ) evaporation. 85. Heba always ( tried trying try tries ) to be early, so she hurries to school. 86. Science ( were are is am ) my favourite subject. Read the following passage and then answer the questions : Science has told us many things about the moon. It is not a friendly place. There is not air or water there, so there can be no life of any kind. There are plains of dust with mountains around them. Above, the sun and stars shine in a black sky. The moon is also a very silent world because sound can only travel through air. You can see the earth from there. It looks like an immense ball, coloured blue, green and brown. 87. Why is the moon a silent world? 88. Can you live on the moon? Why? Choose the correct answer: 89. The word immense means ( small very small not big huge ) . 90. The underlined word there refers to ( the earth the moon the sky the sun ). 91. The moon is a ( noisy friendly quiet small ) place. Rearrange the words to make correct sentences: 92. hopes Rehab a teacher to be she when finishes school. 93. cause rain The processes condensation of evaporation and . 94. four A has square sides. Punctuate the following sentence: 95. english is nadias favourite subject 96. Use the following information in the following table to write paragraph of four sentences about: Scientific processes


Result steam water ice

Name of the process evaporation condensation freezing

water boils steam condenses water freezes

Funny Fred ( met went ate drove drank got ) Funny Fred has funny habits. He did funny things yesterday. He .(1) .. to bed in the morning, so he .(2).. up at night. He . (3).. an ice-cream sandwich for breakfast and .(4).. a cup of cold tea. He .(5).. into town and .(6).. his friend Sam. Choose the correct answer : 2. I ( visit visits will visit visited ) my uncles farm last month. 3. Hala ( buys bought buy is buying ) a mew pair of shoes yesterday.


While the scientist was doing the experiment, the light ( goes went go will go ) out. 5. The girl ( ate eat is eating eats ) four sandwiches. She was hungry. 6. Emam drank lots of water. He ( be was will be is ) thirsty . 7. Rearrange the following sentences and write the story : { } He jumped into the canal to save him. { } He pulled the boy out of the canal. { } The boy was wet and frightened. { 1 } Uncle fahmi saw a little boy in the canal . Rearrange the words to make correct sentences : 8. to bed Yesterday went Khaled oclock at nine . 9. pulled out of The man the boy the canal . 10. Dina the meaning guessed of the word .

Finish the following questions and answers using : did didnt 11. Did Fred go to bed in the morning? - Yes, he . 12. Did he get up in the afternoon? - No, he . He got up at night. 13. Magdy eat an egg sandwich? - No, he . He ate a cheese sandwich. 14. Who you see on your way to school yesterday? - I saw Ali. 15. What you do after school yesterday? - I my homework . 16. Supply the missing parts in the following mini-dialogues: 1- Lutfi : Did you read the story of Funny Fred? Maher: . 2- Fatma : Did you eat a jam sandwich for breakfast this morning? Zeinab : . I ate beans and eggs. 3- Mahmoud : . ? Tarek : No, I didnt. I went to the zoo. Finish the questions using : when What Where How 17. 1- did Hatem go to bed ? - He went to bed at ten oclock. 18. 2- did Tamer go to work yesterday? - By car. 19. 3- did you do after school yesterday? - I had lunch and then watched TV. 20. 4- did you go last Friday? - I went to the park. 21. 5- did you do in the last summer holiday ? - I visited my uncle in Port Said. 22. Punctuate the following: did ahed go to mansoura last week no he didn t

24. Rearrange the words to make correct sentences:

25. 26.

28. 29. 30. 31.


33. 34. 35. 36.


38. 39.
40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46.

47. 48. 49. 50.


52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57.


kamel go early Did to bed last night ? you did Who speak to ? watch TV Did you night last ? Finish the sentences with words from the list : ( nails drill hammer ladder saw roof scissors ) Firemen and builders use a to climb to the tops of buildings. We useto join pieces of wood together. A dressmaker uses a pair ofto cut cloth. You cant cut wood without a . ais a machine used for making holes. Choose the correct answer: We use a drill to ( makes made making make ) holes. Nails are ( make made makes making ) of metal. I use a pair ( for from in - of ) scissors to cut cloth and paper. The hammer and the saw are ( use using useful uses ) tools. The woman ran ( across under against above ) the street suddenly, so a car hit her. Rearrange the words to make correct sentences: uses to A carpenter a saw cut wood. onto He the roof climbed of his house. Water will it If rains get into his house. Choose the correct word: Ali, Nabil and Ahmed are peoples ( actions places names things ). Peoples names are ( adjectives actions verbs nouns ). Eat and work are words for ( processes actions places people ). The hammer and the saw are ( things places people actions ). The hammer, the drill and the saw are ( ideas tools processes habits ) that a carpenter uses. Evaporation is ( a place an adjective an action a process ) . Finish the sentences with words from the list : ( cap tap sad cat thin sat top ) The opposite of fat is . Turn on the if you want some water. A usually chases mice. My uncle sometimes wars aon his head. The opposite of happy is . Choose the correct answer : Hoda is a ( teaches teach teacher teaching ) of English. Water ( evaporate evaporation vaporize vapour ) is called steam. A person who does experiments is a ( science scientist scientific sciences). The opposite of sad is ( happier unhappy happiness happy ) . The word vapour is ( a verb a noun an adjective a preposition ) . Rearrange the word to make correct sentences: a straight You can line draw with a ruler . has two A bike wheels. Punctuate the following :

59. 60.


london and paris are capital cities in europe egypt saudi arabia and syria are countries in the middle east Finish the sentences with words from the box: Medicine patient teacher London laboratory continent - countries

63. 64. 65. 66.


Mr. been to . Last year Sameh visitedand he saw Big Ben. Mr. Sherif is a of science. A scientist does experiments in the . The patient takes thethree times a day. Rearrange the words to make correct sentences: favourite My subject science is . in Sinai Oil is found . My brother history likes .

Ragab has many foreign

68. 69. 70. 71. 72.


Punctuate the following sentences: my friend took many pictures of big ben oil is found under the red sea Supply the missing nouns: film years TV animal Europe Middle East man I watchedlast night. I saw an interestingabout Salah El-Din. He was a very interesting . He was a very important person in thefor many . Complete the missing parts in the following dialogue between Aziza and Nawal on the phone: Aziza : Did you go out last night ? Nawal : .(1). It was raining, so I had to stay at home. Aziza : (2).. ? Nawal : I watched TV for about two hours. Aziza : .(3). ? Nawal : I went to bed at ten oclock as usual. Finish the sentences with words from the box:


Replied ladder give drill crawled neighbour carpenter 75. 76. 77. 78.

The opposite of take is . . A carpenter uses a . To make holes. You need reach the roof. The baby.towards is mother. a person who lives near you.

80. 81.

Punctuate the following sentences: i won t lend you money, said seif i must mend it, he said


Use the information in the table to write a paragraph of four sentences on: What a carpenter needs to make a table 83.What a saw a drill nails a hammer 84.Why cut wood make holes join pieces of put nails wood together into wood Read the following and then answer the questions: Farouk arrived home and discovered that he had forgotten the door key. He knocked on the door, but nobody come to open it. He waited for about an hour. Still nobody come. He went to his neighbour who was a painter and asked him to lend him a ladder. He climbed the ladder and tried to get into the house through the kitchen window, but it was too small. While he was climbing down the ladder, his wife opened the door. 85.Why did Farouk go to his neighbour ? 86.How did he try to get into the house ? Choose the correct answer: 87.A door key is made of ( metal wood rubber plastic ) . 88.The underlined word it refers to ( the window the door the kitchen the house ) . 89.Who opened the door at the end ? ( Farouk Nobody Farouks wife The neighbour )


supply the missing parts in the following mini-dialogues: a) Adel : ? Ragab : No, they arent. Theyre sitting outside the caf. b) Heba : Were you cooking food when I phoned yesterday ? Amal : . Finish the sentences with words from the list : islands hole outside boiled rivers carried sailing Some people like to sit a caf. In the past, peoplewater to their houses. Three ships wereon the sea when my sister took the photograph. Japan is group ofin the east of Asia. My friend fell in ain the road and hurt his leg. Rearrange the words to make correct sentences : 8. coming smoke Was the out of volcano ? 9. the Were shopping people ? 10. were Three children playing outside the ark. Punctuate the following : 11. were hisham zaki swimming 12. no they werent they were sitting at a caf Finish the sentences with words ( disappeared diver soil

3. 4. 5. 6.

13. 14. 15. 16.


from the list : exploded pilot driver boil ) The bomb the middle of the town, but nobody was injured. I cant see the bird. It ..suddenly. a person who flies planes. We can grow many crops in this .. . A ..can stay under water for a long time.

Choose the correct answer : 18. How ( much any many heavy ) men were walking in the park ? 19. What (was are is were ) the children doing when their mother came home?

20. How many ships were ( sail sails sailing sailed ) on the sea ? 21. What was the diver ( does doing do did ) ? 22. Where were the farmers ( sitting sat sit sits ) ? Rearrange the words to make correct sentences : 23. people were How sitting many under the tree ? 24. Where the noise from coming was ? 25. doing were Nefissa and her husband What in the market ?
26. 27.

Supply the missing letters in the black-typed words : Deep d-wn, the - -rth is very h-t . When a volcano er- -ts, smoke comes out of the m- -ntain.

Finish the sentences with words from the list : ( backwards explosion terrified upwards cold lava hot ) 28. Hot liquid rock is called . . 29. Deep down the earth is so .that rock turns into liquid. 30. The sound of the . was very strong . 31. When there is a volcano, lava moves. . 32. The people were .when they heard the news of the plane crash. 33. 34. 35. 36.

Choose the correct answer : When the people heard the ( explode explosion explosive exploded ) they were frightened. Sometimes there is (movemovesmovementmoved) deep down in the earth . Many people were walking in the street when the volcano ( erupt erupted erupts erupting ) . Smoke was coming ( out of out for on ) the hole at the top of the volcano. While the plane ( flew flies is flying was flying ) over the ocean, the pilot saw strange animals in the desert .

Finish the following sentences using : ( must be cant be may be ) 38. Mona is holding her stomach. She.ill . 39. Wheres Sarah ? - Im not sure. home . 40. That man is wearing a cap. Hes taking photographs. He.a tourist . 41. Look! Smoke is coming out of that house. - It.on fire. 42. 43. 44. 45.

Choose the correct answer : This dress is very nice. It ( cant be mustnt may be must be ) expensive. That woman ( may be cant be is must be ) a tourist. Im not sure. Farouk ( will be isnt must be cant be ) hungry. Hes eating a huge meal. Karima ( must be cant be is may be ) happy. She is crying. Is this car made in Egypt ? - Im not sure. It ( is must be cant be may be ) . A lot of cars are made in Egypt .

Rearrange the words to make correct sentences : 47. a volcano be must It . 48. cant be That a tourist woman . 49. man Is a farmer that ?

50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55.

Supply the missing letters in the black-typed words: I cant r-de a b-ke . Sn-kes are d-ngerous . Children will learn from comp-ters in the f-ture . He m-kes t-bles and ch-irs . Adel te a h-ge m-al . Complete the missing parts in the following dialogue between Ibrahim and Mansour about volcanoes : Ibrahim : .(1) . Mansour : Yes, it must be a volcano . Ibrahim : Why do you think so ? Mansour : Smoke .(2)... . Ibrahim : Is the inside of the earth hot ? Mansour : Yes. Its so hot that rock..(3) . Finish the sentences with words from the list : ( eruption ocean remains smoke liquid flames river ) That must be a factory. is coming out of it . Lava is hotrock . The people could see the of fire two kilometres away . Tourists visit Cairo, Athens and Rome to see the old . The Atlanticis between Africa and America . Read the following passage and then answer the questions : It was two oclock in the afternoon last Friday. Tarek and Zaki were walking home through the market. They were talking happily about the experiments they do in the school laboratory . Tarek asked, What time is it? Its getting dark. Are we late, Zaki? Zaki answered, No, Its two oclock. Whats happening? The two boys looked round. The people were running in the streets. Oh, Tarek! Its a sand storm. The wind is blowing very fast. Run!, shouted Zaki. What time did the sand storm start ? What were the boys talking about ? Choose the correct answer : Students do experiments ( in the class at home in the market in the laboratory ) . It was getting dark because ( the boys were late Zaki shouted a sand storm blew the boys were talking ) . The opposite of fast is ( rapid quick quiet slow ) . Punctuate the following : this car can t be new / it must be old / it doesn t run

56. 57. 58. 59.



63. 64. 65.


1. Rearrange the words to make correct sentences : 26. tea a cup drinking is She of . 27. go your Does father to work on Saturday ? 28. Ali them Where did meet ? Punctuate the following : 29. did hoda wash her dress last Friday 30. my sister doesn t go to work on Sunday with words from the list : wood habit person tool saw hammer ) 31. Rock and .are not liquids . 32. A pilot is a .who flies a planes . 33. Brushing your teeth every night is a good. . 34. Flames and smoke come out of a . . 35. A .is a tool that carpenters use to cut wood . Finish the sentences ( volcano

Rearrange the words to make correct sentences : 36. at nine Were oclock yesterday you sleeping ? 37. A carpenters saw is a tool that use . 38. sitting was I the caf outside it started to rain when .

Punctuate the following : 39. was mervat listening to the radio when i phoned 40. no she wasn t / she was having breakfast Practice 41. I looked my watch everywhere, but I didnt find it. 42. Look the pictures and finish the sentences. 43. Mothers looktheir babies. 44. What time do you getin the morning? 45. We want to sleep. Switchthe TV, please. Finish the sentences with words from the list : ( make work doing look got walked switched ) 46. Children usually up early. 47. Our science teacher isan experiment now. 48. The thievesaway with a lot of money last night. 49. She cant out large sums. 50. He off the lights and went to bed early. Choose the correct answer : 51. That man is wearing a hat and shorts. He ( cant be may be isnt must be ) a tourist . 52. Its flying too fast. It ( must be wasnt cant be may be ) a bird . 53. I got up late this morning, ( but because so if ) I took a taxi. 54. Hoda washed her face ( but and so because ) went to school. 55. Ibrahim switched on the TV, ( and so but because ) he didnt watch the programme. Rearrange the words to make correct sentences : 56. time do up get you What morning in the ? 57. trees plant soil We the in . 58. freeze water ice turns When you it into . 59. Complete the missing parts in the following dialogue between Gamal and Adel. Gamal Adel Gamal Adel Gamal Adel : Hello, Adel. I telephoned you yesterday but you didnt answer. Were you at home ? : (1) but I couldnt answer the phone. : What was wrong with you ? : (2) . : Did you see the doctor ? : Yes, and he (3) .

Finish the sentences with words from the list : ( process noun verb work patient saw tourist ) 60. That man is helping tourists. He must be aguide. 61. I cant out large sums. 62. Dr. Fadel went to the hospital to see a who was very ill. 63. The from explode is explosion. Rearrange the words to make correct sentences:

64. broke the Who window ? 65. you yesterday did do What ? 66. did switch Why you the TV off ? Punctuate the following : 67. it was raining last night so we didn t go out Read the following passage and then answer the questions : Learning a new language is not easy . It is like learning to swim. You must learn and then have a lot of practice. Good language learners think about how to learn. They practise the new language every day inside and outside school. They read, write, speak and listen to the new language. They find people to speak to or they can talk to themselves in the new language. When they dont understand a word, they dont get angry. They try to guess its meaning or look it up in the dictionary. They listen to the correct pronunciation of a word and repeat it out loud. Good learners dont feel bad when they make mistakes. 68. Where should learners practise the new language they are learning ? 69. What are the four skills of learning a new language ? Choose the correct answer : 70. repeat it means . a) never to say it again b) write it on the board c) say it again d) listen to it many times 71. If you dont understand a word, you should . a) get angry b) leave school c) look after it d) look it up in the dictionary 72. When a good learner makes a mistake, he/she . a) feels bad b) feels happy c) repeats it d) doesnt feel bad 73. Use the information in the table to write a paragraph of four sentences. What were they doing when the lights went out? Heba Adel Mother Father iron shirts do homework cook food read - newspaper


2. 3. 4. 5.

Finish the sentences with words from the list : ( sure be last next future able tomorrow ) Ill phone you .week. People may be .to live under the sea . Hala will visit us . . Well be able to use robots to help us at home. Im . . Im twelve now. Next January Ill .thirteen.

Choose the correct answer : 7. Your English is very good. Im sure you (maywont willcant) pass the lest. 8. Nabil ( will wont may must ) pass his science test. He doesnt work hard enough. 9. Do you think it will rain tomorrow? I hope it ( will must cant wont ) rain. I dont like rain. 10. How old will you be next March ? I ( must be can will be may be ) thirteen . 11. Im afraid you ( will wont will able to may ) catch the train. Its already one oclock. Rearrange the words to make correct sentences : 12. be to able We will the moon visit. 13. go you to next Will Port Said year ? 14. I not play will Next Friday football. Punctuate the following : 15. i m sure we ll be able to visit the moon


i won t be able to meet you next Friday

Fill in the spaces with words from the list : measure temperature length tools protractor weighing machine computer 17. A .is used to measure angles. 18. Thermometers show us the . . 19. Children can practise maths on a . . 20. The saw and the hammer are .used by a carpenter. 21. Use a protractor to find out the .of this angle. Rearrange the words to make correct sentences : 22. a protractor We to measure use angles. 23. be able to play Will the children games on this TV set ? 24. used are Thermometers temperatures to measure .
25. 26. 27.

Supply the missing letters in the underlined words : Therm-m-ters are used to m-as-re tem- -rat-re. A r-ler is used to d-aw strai-ht li-ess. A ca-era is used for ta-ing pi-t-res . Fill in the spaces with words from the list : ( newspapers patients cotton books milk secretaries football ) Cheese is made from .. . Computers are used by write letters. Advertisements are put in .. . played all over the world. Medicine is taken by .. . Choose the correct answer : My new shirt is made ( by in from of ) cotton . What about this dress ? Its made ( in by from of ) Paris. Thermometers are made ( by in from of ) glass or plastic . Football ( plays played is playing is played ) in clubs, not at home . Oil ( is found found finds has found ) near Suez and in Sinai .

28. 29. 30. 31.


33. 34. 35. 36.


Rearrange the words to make correct sentences : 38. used by are Hammers carpenters and nails . 39. in Chairs made are Damietta . 40. from is oil kerosine made . Fill in the spaces with words from the list : ( store help translate blink man easier accurate ) Computers are .to carry than books. A computer can .huge amounts of information . Doctors examine patients with the .of computers . A computer can do large sums before you .your eyes . Nabil can .this sentence from English into Arabic .

41. 42. 43. 44.


46. 47. 48. 49.


Choose the correct answer : A doctor can examine his patients with the help (byofforfrom) computers . In the future, computers ( can will be able to were able to are able ) translate from Arabic into other languages. Today, computers ( use are using used are used ) everywhere . The invention of computers is one of ( more the most as most ) important inventions in modern times . Most newspapers ( make made are made are making ) with the help of computers .

Rearrange the words to make correct sentences : 51. can store Computers information of huge amounts . 52. do accurately and quickly Computers large sums can . 53. examine Doctors sick people can with help the of computers. Finish the sentences with words from the list : ( type head cool work shade main translate ) You can ..out this scientific problem with the help of a computer . She cant ..from English into German . When you, it turns into water . What is the ..idea in this paragraph ? Farmers like to sit in the ..of a tree on a hot day . Supply the missing letters in the black-typed words : Food is a n- -n, but feed is a v- -b . Give me some w-ter. Im th- -sty . The day before Friday is Th- -sday . We have breakfast in the m- -ning . Who can pron- -nce this word ? A hill is a small m- -ntain . Salwa wrote f- -r words on the blackb- -rd. A c- - can pull a pl- -gh . Its w- -m in a-tumn . She br- -ght some water to clean the fl- -r . Complete the missing parts in the following dialogue between Samiras mother and the teacher . Mother : Samira is taking her second term exam next week. Do you think shell pass ? Teacher : Im not sure. She .(1). . Mother : Why do you think so ? Teacher : Because (2). . Mother : (3) . Teacher : She must work harder . Finish the sentences with words from the list : temperature scientist nurses angles compute verb learn )

54. 55. 56. 57.


59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69.

70. At school we ..English, Maths and Science. 71. Computer is a noun, but compute is a .. . 72. Whats the ..of boiling water ? Its one hundred degrees centigrade. 73. A protractor is used to measure . . 74. Thermometers are used by hospitals . 75. 76. 77. 78.

Choose the correct answer : Computers are used ( by in of from ) banks to store information about peoples money. In the future we ( can may be able to will could ) read everything on computer. Im not sure. Computers ( will may wont must ) be able to talk like you and me. dont think so. Ahmed ( sells sold was selling will sell ) the old house next month. Fatma ( left leaves has left will leave ) tomorrow .

Read the following passage and then answer the questions : In the past, people counted on their fingers. So, they could not do large sums. Today, computers are used everywhere. They can do large sums quickly and accurately. Secretaries use them to write letters, writers use them to write books and bankers use them to store information about the money of their customers. They are also used in factories, airports and in hospitals. They are essential for travelling to the moon and into the outer space. 80. Why are computers used everywhere ? 81. What does the word They in the second line refer to ? Choose the correct answer : 82. In the past, people used their ( brains computers fingers ) to do sums . 83. Computers are used in ( hospitals airports factories the outer space ) to help doctors . 84. The word essential means ( unimportant very important modern dangerous . Rearrange the words to make correct sentences : 85. use can You a computer problems to work out scientific. 86. used by a lot of Telephones people are . 87. angles to measure a protractor We use . Punctuate the following : i m sure we will have tv watches in the near future


Supply the missing parts in the following mini-dialogues : a) Teacher : Have you finished your homework, Ahmed?

Ahmed b) Mona Salwa 2. 3. 4.


: No, sir. ..yet . : .. ? : Im cooking rice.

Choose the correct word : The farmer is ( feeding picking collecting ploughing ) the field. The woman is ( planting mending feeding watering ) the car. The girl is ( feeding ploughing picking mending ) the fruit. The man is ( mending watering feeding eating ) the flowers. Choose the correct answer :


Supply the missing parts in the following mini-dialogues : a) Laila : Have you bought a new dress ? Samira : . yet . b) Munir Zaki : Ali? : Yes, Ive just met him.

Rearrange the words to make correct sentences : 17. has eaten The child sweets a lot of . 18. bike has just his He mended . 19. just I my have homework finished . 20. Punctuate the following : yes he s finished his work

Correct the verbs between brackets : 21. Have you ( write ) anything today ? 22. Ive ( lend ) Mona my new pen. 23. Magdy ( give ) Amal a present yesterday . 24. Weve ( see ) an exciting match . 25. Ive just ( eat ) my breakfast. Rearrange the words to make correct sentences : 26. you did lose When your watch ? 27. the wallet found I yesterday . 28. you Have caught any fish ?

29. 30. 31. 32. 33.

Fill in the spaces with words from the list : ( made golden upon lot jewellers greedy ) Oncea time there was a farmer and his wife . The next morning, the farmer found aof eggs . He went to a and sold the golden egg . The rich man became . He wanted more and more money . There were noeggs inside the hen .


Look! One of the eggs is of gold . Choose the correct word : The cat ( sold sent killed replied ) the bird . He is ( good greedy clever kind ). He ate all our sweets . My sisters jewellery is made of ( cotton wood oil gold ) . Im ( excited sad dead unhappy ) about our holiday next week . I ( study wonder learn yell ) why Maher is always late for school.

35. 36. 37. 38.


Rearrange the words to make correct sentences : 40. decided to work He hard . 41. full of fruit The basket is . 42. I who money my took wonder . 43. Punctuate the following : - let s go out and meet our friend nabil Fill in the spaces with adjectives : 44. Magda is not thin, she is . 45. She could answer the test because it was . 46. Lake Nasser is a lake . 47. Rami is not weak; he is . 48. She is a woman. She weighs 100kg. Fill in the spaces with words from the list : ( beautiful huge old nouns colour white adjectives ) Fat and thin are . The opposite of new is . We dont have a black andtelevision at home. We have a colour one. The pyramids arebuildings. Hala bought a dress last week .

49. 50. 51. 52.


Rearrange the words to make correct sentences : 54. all the food The greedy boy ate . 55. hen fat has laid The a golden egg . 56. fed The hungry woman has old the ducks . 57. Punctuate the following : go to the jewellers and sell the golden egg said his wife

Complete the missing parts in the following dialogue between two friends : Rashad : Have you ever been to Aswan, Sherif ? Sherif : Yes. I (1) several times . Rashad : Really? When was that ? Sherif : (2) . Rashad : (3) ? Sherif : I visited the High Dam and the Temples of Abu Simbel .

Finish the sentences with words from the list : ( hard working greedy red old short hungry lazy ) 59. Some dates are; others are yellow . 60. My grandfather is very ; he is over eighty .

61. Magda is a girl. Im sure shell pass the exam . 62. The woman is feeding her children . 63. The man wanted to be richer . Read the following passage and then answer the questions : Gohas neighbour wanted to know what Goha was doing. Every day he watched Goha from the window. In the morning and in the evening, Goha went into the street outside the house. He walked backwards and forwards, moving his arm from side to side. So the neighbour decided to find out what Goha was doing. He put his head out of the window. Again, Goha was walking backwards and forwards in the street. What are you doing? he asked. Im watering the flowers said Goha. But I cant see any water, said the neighbour. Well, can you see any flowers? said Goha. 64. What did Goha do every day ? 65. What did the neighbour decide to do ? Choose the correct answer : 66. A neighbour is a person who lives ( next door far away in another town on a farm) 67. Goha said he was ( walking watering flowers excited moving his arm from side to side ) . 68. In fact, Goha was watering ( some plants nothing flowers a new crop ) . Rearrange the words to make correct sentences : 69. read the book new Lets. 70. eggs a lot of hens The laid . 71. My greedy rich became neighbour but he is .

1. 2. 3. 4.

Choose the correct word : St is the abbreviation of ( road / street / story ) . Mrs means ( a married / an unmarried / a young ) woman . The short form of the United States of America is ( UK / USA / UN ) . We write ( Mrs / Mr / Miss ) before the name of an unmarried woman . A short form of road is (St / Rd / Dr ) .

Choose the correct answer : 6. Amal is interested ( on at in of ) playing the piano . 7. Murad is ( interest interesting interests interested ) in science, but he isnt interested in listening to music. 8. Im interested in ( read reads reading is reading ) stories. 9. ( Are Is Has Have ) Laila interested in cooking? - No, she isnt . 10. ( When Where What Why ) are you interested in ? 11. Supply the missing parts in the following mini-dialogues : a) Saber : Would you like to write to a foreign pen friend ? Hatem : . Im interested in writing in English . b) Sherin : . ?


: Im interested in swimming and cycling . Maths Swimming Sixteen America

Match the following questions and answers : 1- Where is Mary from ? a2- What is her favourite subject ? b3- What is she interested in ? c4- How old is she ? d-

13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19.


Choose the correct word : ( What Where How When ) is Reem Hassanein from ? - She is from Syria . In a letter we write the date ( between above next to under ) the address. Please write to me and ( read see ask tell ) me about yourself . My favourite ( sports pictures subjects wishes ) ARE English and science. I replied ( on for at to ) the advertisement yesterday . Rewrite the words in the correct order to make three sentences : pen friend your I to be would like . tell write Please and about yourself me . wishes best With . Choose the correct answer : Where is Nader ( for with from of ) ? - Hes from Jordan. How old ( is he he is he has has he ) ? - Hes twelve years old . I ( will must can would ) like to be your pen friend . ( Who Whose Whos Wheres ) address is it? - Its Sohas . Who would you like to be your ( pen pan pin pens ) friend ?

21. 22. 23. 24.


Rearrange the words to make correct sentences : 26. the address under Write 0 date the . 27. in music I am interested reading and . 28. to be would you like Who your pen friend ?
29. 30. 31. 32.

Supply the missing letters : Manal is int-re-ted in S-ien-e . Her fav- -rite subjects are E-g-ish and Ma- -s . I am th- -teen years o-d . Finish the words, read them and write down their meanings : ai ea oa tr--n b--ns c--t sn--l j--ns r--d t--l --t b--t r--n m--t s--p m--n r--d l--f n--ls st--m gt Choose the correct word : Its raining. I will wear my ( umbrella glasses cart coat ) . Come to the table and ( meet eat feed read ) some beans . I wash my face with ( soap soup sand sound ) and water . We think with our ( eyes ears hands brains ) .

33. 34. 35. 36.


A ( rocket boat plane helicopter ) is slower than a train .

Supply the missing letters : 38. The most important idea in paragraph is cal-ed the m- -n idea . 39. Divers l-ked for the rem- -ns of Atlantis . 40. Look up the m- -ning of the word in your dicti-nary . 41. Munir is w- -ring a new c- -t . 42. Water vap-ur is c-lled st- -m . 43. Write a letter to Bill martin. Your name is Ahmed Rami and you live at number fifty-four Tahreer Street, Dokki, Cairo. Your favourite subject is Maths and you are interested in cycling and swimming. 44. Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue between two friends. Hind : Whatre you doing, Sarah? Sarah : ..(1) . Hind : A letter? To whom ? Sarah : To an American girl. Her name is Suzan Clark . Hind : Would ..(2)help you ? Sarah : Yes, please. You know Im not clever at English . Hind : ..(3)? Sarah : Im interested in cooking and listening to music . Finish the sentences with words from the list : ( date address Miss Street letter doctor stamp Mr ) is the abbreviation for an unmarried woman . St is the abbreviation for . Dr is the abbreviation for . You must put a . On the envelope . We put the .. inside the envelope . We write the .. on the envelope .

45. 46. 47. 48. 49.


Read the following passage and then answer the questions : Pen friends are people who have never met before. I have got two of them, Tom and Jane. I read about them in the advertisements in Good Morning Egypt magazine. Tom comes from Britain and Jane is an American girl. I am fourteen years old and they are about the same age. We all have different interests. Tom is interested in reading books about Egypt and playing the guitar. Jane likes cycling and swimming very much. As for myself, football and computers are my interests . 51. What nationality is Tom ? 52. What is the writer interested in ? Choose the correct answer : 53. The word them in the second line refers to ( people advertisements Tom and Jane pen friends ) . 54. Food Morning Egypt is ( a book about Egypt a pen friend an advertisement a magazine ) . 55. A pen friend is a person you ( often meet have never met meet in class see every morning ) .


Fill in the spaces with words from the list : ( watching finished cooked running doing caught bought ) 2. Hani and Samir have been shopping. Theyve .some shirts. 3. The lion has been hunting for food. It has .a small antelope. 4. Adel has been studying English for two hours. He has .for lessons. 5. What have you been., Ahmed? - Ive been running. 6. Have you been .TV? - Yes, I have.

Rearrange the words to make correct sentences : 7. you have What doing been ? 8. Nabil been Has running ? 9. been have I watching TV . Choose the correct answer : 10. How ( far long high deep ) have you been learning English ? Ive been learning English for four years 11. My uncle has got a small house ( in at by on ) the museum. 12. The sea has been very ( rough soft glad busy ), so she hasnt sailed for a long time . 13. Mona has been ( learned learning learns learn ) to play the piano . Choose the correct answer : 14. ( How How old How long How many ) have you been walking ? Ive been walking for six hours . 15. I ( will ring am ringing wont ring have been ringing ) the door bell for ten minutes, but no one answered . 16. The baby ( has been crying cries will cry is crying ) for two hours. Where have you bee ?

17. My uncle has got a new house ( in under between by ) the sea . 18. Nabila and her brother have been waiting for the bus ( to for by at ) half and hour. Rearrange the words to make correct sentences : 19. long running you How have been ? 20. you very much your nice Thank for present . 21. English for four learning I years have been . 22. Punctuate the following : she s been living in sohag for five years Fill in the spaces with words from the list :
( playing free time running bad excellent carpentry deep sea diving )

23. 24. 25. 26.


I often read stories in my .. . My uncle is interested in .. . He likes the sea . My friend has been learning .. . He has mended a lot of chairs . Captain Ali is an ..player. He has scored a lot of goals . How long has he been .

Choose the correct answer : 28. Ahmed has been busy ( since when ago for ) a very long time . 29. ( What Who Where How ) has been learning carpentry? - Nabil . 30. Shes been studying French ( for since ago when ) last September . 31. The boys have been playing football for ( two hours two oclock last week the summer . 32. Amgad has been playing ( at for on by ) the team since 1994 . 33. Welcome ( for to on by ) our party . 34. I hope Samiha ( does makes takes finds ) well this year .
35. 36. 37.

Supply the missing letters in the underlined words : In my fr- - time, I play m-sic . Hind h-s been work- - - in Benha for two m-nth- . Ive b- -n learning deep-sea diving sin- - last January .

Choose the correct word : 38. My favourite playing chess. ( subject hobby ) 39. sport where people run, jump and throw. (Athletics Ping pong) 40. My sister keeps a .. . She puts pictures from magazines and newspapers in it . ( scrap book workbook ) 41. you run? - One hundred metres. ( distance height ) 42. Who to play chess? - My father did. ( learned taught ) 43. Match the following words with their opposites : 1- deep a- dishonest 2- hate b- soft 3- honest c- careless 4- hard d- love 5- careful e- shallow Fill in the spaces with words from the list : ( loudly slowly quietly happily angrily quickly dangerously )

44. 45. 46. 47. 48.

You should eat .. . Were late . The baby is sleeping. Speak .. . My grandfather walks .. . He cant run . He is speaking .. . I dont like that . The band played very ..and we couldnt hear ourselves speak.


Rearrange the words to make correct sentences : 50. carefully writing are The boys . 51. She angrily is speaking . 52. quickly are They reading . 53. Complete the missing parts in the following dialogue between Samira and her teacher. Her hobby is drawing pictures : Teacher : What do you do in your spare time ? Samira : (1).. . Teacher : What do you like to draw ? Samira : Oh, anything. look(2).. . Teacher : Thats wonderful . (3).. ? Samira : Oh, for about two years . Finish the sentences with words from the list :
( hobby two oclock Athletics drawing two hours Chess photography )

54. 55. 56. 57.


My favourite hobby is . I like taking pictures with my camera. . Collecting stamps is my favourite . is game played with black and white pieces on a board . is a sport where people run, jump and throw things . Shes been talking on the phone since . Choose the correct answer : It has been ( rain rains rained raining ) for three hours . Soha has been writing letters ( since for when from ) 9 oclock . Ive been living in Giza ( from when for since ) nine years . Hanaa is very good at maths. She can do sums ( easy easily lazy angry ) . ( What When How Why ) did she sing in the party ? - She sang beautifully . Read the following passage and then answer the questions : On a TV programme yesterday, the reporter interviewed three famous football players; Tarek, Hossam and Hani. They play for El-shark Football Team of Alexandria. Captain Tarek is the oldest on the team. He is thirty-five and he has lived in Alexandria all his life. He has been playing football since he was eight years old. Mr. Hossam has been playing for ten years. Mr. Hani has been playing for about the same number of years but he has been playing for this team for seven years only. He has scored forty goals so far. It is always said that he is the best goal-scorer. Who is the best goal-scorer ? How long has Captain Tarek been playing football ? Choose the correct answer :

59. 60. 61. 62. 63.


66. Mr. Hani has been playing football for about ( eight seventeen seven ten ) years . 67. The underlined word he refers to ( the TV reporter Captain Hossam Mr. Hani Mr. Hossam ) . 68. The underlined word interviewed means (talked toplayed for told scored). 69. Punctuate the following : she s been going to that school since last september 70. Read the following table and write a paragraph of four sentences about your friends : Name What has he/she been doing How long? Youssef lean - Spanish two years Fatma learn English last year Ayman teach in a school long time Karima use computers last January


Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue : Kamal : Has your uncle bought a new car ? Fawzi : . Kamal : ? Fawzi : He bought it last month . Rearrange the words to make correct sentences : has caught fish Amgad a lot of . Friday Omneya visited last her grandmother . are used Rulers to make lines straight . Choose the correct verb form : Amany ( lived has been living ) for two years . Bassim ( came has been coming ) to this school since 1996 . Have they been playing football for a long time ? - No, they ( have havent ) .

3. 4.

6. 7. 8.


Scissors ( is are ) used to cut things . A clock is ( used using ) to measure time . Finish the sentences with words from the list : ( planted laid controlled measured translated replied wrote ) Angles are ..with a protractor . I paragraph from Arabic into English yesterday. The teacher asked her a question and she ..correctly . The fat hen egg yesterday . The farmers havent ..all the rice yet . Finish the sentences with words from the list : ( plastic carefully trousers clock expensive scissors beautifully ) Pens are often made of .. . I can see a .. on the wall . A pen is not ..but it is important . You will need ..if you want to make a dress or a galabeya . You must use the sharp knife .. .

11. 12. 13. 14.


16. 17. 18. 19.


Rearrange the words to make correct sentences : 21. been She running for has half an hour . 22. since four They have been chess playing oclock . 23. his class must A teacher control . Fill in the spaces with words from the list : ( adjectives seen saw verbs lay lie terribly ) 24. give, make and take are all .. . 25. The past participle of see is .. . 26. The adverb from terrible is .. . 27. thin, fat and tall are all .. .
28. 29. 30.

Supply the missing letters in the underlined words : Soha is g- -d at spe- -ing . Maher is exce- -ent at r- -ding . Magdy has b- -n plying f- -tball since 1990 .

Punctuate the following : 31. has ahmed been learning english for five years 32. no he hasnt / he s been learning it since last february 33. Complete the following dialogue between Mufeed and Rushdy. Rushdy has been fishing for five hours but he hasnt caught any fish : Mufeed : Hello, Rushdy. You look angry . Whats the matter ? Rushdy : (1). . Mufeed : Why are you tired ? Rushdy : (2). for five hours . Mufeed : Have you caught any fish ? Rushdy : (3). . This is why I am very angry . Finish the sentences with words from the list : ( egg cycling condensation driving music evaporation carpentry )

34. 35. 36. 37.


Sami is good at . . He has made a beautiful chair . I am interested in. . I have been playing the piano for two years . Steam is formed by . . The hen has just laid an . . He has bought a new bike. He is interested in . .

Read the following passage and then answer the questions : A dog once stole a big bone from a butchers shop. It ran away very fast. The butcher shouted, Stop, thief! but no one could stop it. Outside the village there was a small river. The dog stopped there and started to eat the bone. When it looked down into the water, it saw another dog with a bone in its mouth. The dog wanted to take the bone from the other dog. It opened its mouth to get it but the bone it was carrying fell off into the water and sank deep down the river . 39. What did the butcher do when the dog stole the bone ? 40. What did the dog see in the river ? Choose the correct answer : 41. This story tells us not to ( be greedy be happy run away eat bones ) . 42. At the end, the dog got (the second bonethe first bone the two bonesnothing) . 43. The underlined word it refers to ( the real dog the bone the other dog the river ) .


list : luck break spilling ) 2. If you .scissors, youll have bad luck .

Fill in the spaces with words from the ( walk bad good lucky

3. 4. 5.

Youll have good .if you see an old woman in the morning . If you .under a ladder, youll be unlucky . If you .a mirror, youll have .luck . .coffee is unlucky . Rearrange the words to make correct sentences : study If you hard will pass the exam you . cold is tomorrow If it I wear will - my coat . strange dont in I ideas believe .

7. 8.

Punctuation : 10. they ll be late if they don t hurry 11. if there s no school tomorrow i ll get wet Choose the correct answer : Which is the biggest animal in the world ? - ( The blue whale. / The buffalo. ) Which animals can be heavy as two elephants ? - ( Lions. / Sharks. ) Which animal is as long as four buses ? - (The blue whale./The elephant.) How many arms has an octopus got ? - ( Eighteen. / Eight. ) Which animal can smell blood ? - ( Sharks. / Cats. ) If a killer whale is hurt, what will the others do ? - ( They will help it. / They will attack it and eat it ) Why are killer whales easy to se ? - ( They are black and white. / They are blue. ) What must you do if an octopus catches you ? - ( You must run. / You must keep still . )

12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.


Finish the sentences with words from the list : ( dangerous teeth biggest catch legs diver arms ) 20. The animal in the world that lives in the sea is the blue whale. 21. The octopus is a horrible animal with eight . 22. If the keeps still, the octopus will feel him for a few minutes and then let him go . 23. The killer whales have huge . 24. Octopuses divers . Choose the correct answer : 25. If the killer whale ( is was were are ) injured, the others will attack it. 26. Cairo is the ( bigger big biggest the most ) city in Egypt . 27. A shark is as heavy ( so as than the ) two elephants . 28. If the diver keeps still, the octopus ( felt feel feeling will feel ) him and then let him go . 29. Swimming in the Red Sea is ( lucky dangerous safe unlucky ) . Rearrange the words to make correct sentences : 30. animal biggest - is The called the blue whale . 31. small Sharks blood can .


the most What in the sea animals are dangerous ? Supply the missing letters in the underlind words : If an oct- -us catches you, k- -p st- -l . If a sh- -k smells bl- -d, it will sw-m towards it .

33. 34.

Finish the sentences : 35. English is easier than French. - English is not as as French. 36. Rabbits are faster than tortoises. - Rabbits are not as fast tortoises . 37. Ali is weaker than Magdy. - Ali is not strongMagdy . 38. Supply the missing parts in the following mini-dialogues : a) Mona : My cousin has won two gold medals in Bari is Italy . Raghda : How ! b) Ahmed : Rania is a good swimmer, isnt she ? Hazem : Yes. She swims as as a fish . Fill in the spaces with words from the list : ( others oldest youngest big near amazing deep ) Mr. Bahi is the teacher in our school . He is fifty-nine now . A) A blue whale is as long as four buses. B) Thats . . If a killer whale is injured, the .will eat it . Whales live .down in the sea . The first computer in the world was as .as a house . Choose the correct answer : Ghada is ( unlucky lucky kind untrue ) . She won the prize . I was ( ill slow fat tall ) ten years ago, but I am thin now . Be careful! Our roads are ( dangerous unkind true safe ) . Blue whales are heavier than killer whales. Killer whales arent as ( light heavy strong weak ) as them . Nader is ( than as the a ) heaviest boy in our group . Write the opposites of the following words : 1- kind x (.) - untrue x (.) 2- unlucky x (.) - important x (.) 3- interested x (.) - interesting x (.) 4- quiet x (.) - low x (.) 5- easy x (.) - horrible x (.) Fill in the spaces with words from the list : ( biggest lucky towards dangerous cheaper expensive long ) Ibrahim walked .the station . Amal find a gold ring in the street . It cross a busy road . The Rolls Royce is the . Cairo is in Africa .

39. 40. 41. 42.


44. 45. 46. 47. 48.


50. 51. 52. 53.


Choose the correct answer : 55. The car is ( slow slowly slowest shower ) than a train .

56. If a snake bites you, you ( die will die died dies ) in a few minutes . 57. Animal programmes on TV are more ( interest interests interested interesting ) than other programmes . 58. The cheetah is the ( fast fastest faster as fast ) animal . 59. Adel is better than Ali at school. Ali is not as ( better best good better than ) as Adel . Rearrange the words to make sentences : 60. the bought camera She most expensive . 61. more than A wolf a dog is dangerous . 62. was It exciting the most programme.
63. 64. 65.

Supply the missing letters : Aswan is the ho- -est city in Egypt . Cairo is bi- -er th-n Alexandria . The ch- -tah is the fast- -t animal . Supply the missing letters : Water vap- -r is called st- -m . M- father b- -ght an ana-ing red t-e . The pr-tract-r and the r-ler are useful inst- - -ents . Finish the sentences with words from the list : ( amazing expensive smell beautiful eat frightening drop ) Whales are .animals . This dress is very . . I cant buy it . If you .a glass, it will break . A blue whale is as heavy as twenty-five elephants . How ! Sharks can. blood and swim towards it . Punctuation : if you revise these words you ll remember them

66. 67. 68.

69. 70. 71. 72. 73.


Read the following passage and then answer the questions : Hamed is a bus driver. He lives in a small town near Assiut with his wife and four children. His father and his wifes father live with them too. His father is too old to do any work. Hamed has been very ill for over a month. He cant go to work. He is still too weak to drive his bus. Hameds son, Osman is twenty-five. He teaches in a village school . He lives in the village because it takes too long travel there every day from his fathers house. 75. What does Osman do ? 76. Why does Osman live in the village ? Choose the correct answer : 77. Hamed cannot go to work because he is ( old strong ill a driver ) . 78. ( Four Six Eight Seven ) people live with Hamed . 79. the underlined word He refers to ( Hameds son Hamed Hameds father the wifes father ) .


Fill in the spaces with words from the list : ( hide present balloon fly motorbike visit travel ) 2. Id to Europe by plane . 3. Hassan would buy a if he won the match. 4. If I had a lot of money, Id many places in English . 5. Id buy Mum a if passed the exam .
6. 7.

Punctuate the following : if you had a lot of money would you buy a car/ - no i wouldnt /

Finish the sentences with words from the list : ( hungry frightened - ill happy dangerous bored tired ) 8. If I worked hard for a long time, I would feel . 9. If I saw a boring film, I would feel . 10. If passed my exam, I would feel . 11. If I saw a wolf in the street, I would feel . 12. If I smelt nice food, I would feel .

Rearrange the words to make correct sentences : 13. tell the police would I If I an accident saw . 14. if you What you do lost your pen would ? 15. you were If I would go I on holiday . Punctuate the following : 16. what s happened 17. i m very tired / i don t know what to do 18. if i were you i d go to bed 19. Write the plurals of the following nouns : city ball picture factory thief match radio train loaf dentist family woman foot address month submarine carpenter secretary caf child computer octopus wife roof country ----- + s ------ + es y ies f (e) ves Irregular

Finish the sentences with words from the list : octopuses firemen children leaves clouds child octopus ) 20. This has one tooth . 21. An has eight arms . 22. I can see some in the sky . 23. The put out the fire . 24. The trees in the garden have green . 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31.

Find the plural from of the nouns in brackets : My uncle has two ( wife ) and five ( child ) . There are a thousand ( workman ) in the two ( factory ) . We bought some ( tomato ) to eat with our ( sandwich ) . We saw a cartoon about ( cat ) and ( mouse ) . All the ( house ) have different ( roof ) . The ( wolf ) killed two ( baby ) . These ( man ) are ( policeman ) . Complete the following dialogue between Nadia and her teacher : Teacher : Were you absent yesterday, Nadia ? Nadia : (1). . Teacher : Why ? Nadia : Because I was ill and I had a bad tooth. It was hurting . Teacher : (2) ? Nadia : Yes, I did . Teacher : (3) ? Nadia : He gave me some medicine and advised me not to eat sweets .

Rearrange the words to make sentences : 33. attacked the killer whale The submarine . 34. were you I If wouldnt go down I in a submarine . Finish the sentences with can, cant, could, couldnt : 35. When I was four, I walk but I drive a car . 36. When she was six, sheswim but she can swim now . 37. When they looked through the glass, they see the killer whale . 38. The little child felt frightened because he find his mother . 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49.

Choose the correct preposition : The money is ( on in with ) the table . He was waiting ( in about at ) the station . The milk is ( with by in ) the fridge . I usually get up ( in at on ) six oclock . I bought her a present ( to on at ) her birthday . The weather is nice ( on in at ) April . She was ill yesterday, so she stayed ( in by at ) home . She will go shopping ( to on with ) Thursday . My grandfather was born ( by in on ) 1925 . I would like to go down ( to with in ) the bottom of the sea . I have just read a book ( about to by ) submarines . You can find the meanings ( of to with ) words in dictionary .

51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62.

Finish the sentences with can, cant, could or couldnt : Birdsfly, but people . Dogs bark, but they talk . He help me now, but yesterday he couldnt . The policeman catch the thief. He ran away. When I was young, I run fast, but now I . I help you now because Im busy . People talk, but animals . Supply the missing prepositions : I usually go to school foot, but sometimes bus . I would stay home if I had a holiday . I usually listen the news the radio . I was born 1984 Sohag . I read a book animals Africa . I live my family a small village .

Rearrange the words to make correct sentences: 64. couldnt a car I when I drive was young . 65. swim can Laila in the river . 66. find We meaning can of in words dictionaries . 67. Punctuate the following : 1- i couldn t swim when i was young 2- salwa can t understand french

Complete the missing parts in the following dialogue : Ahmed : Have you ever seen a snake, Samir ? Samir : No, (1). . Ahmed : How would you feel if you saw a snake ? Samir : Id feel .(2) . Ahmed : Why do you feel frightened ? Samir : Because it is .(3).. .

Finish the sentences with words from the list : ( advise thieves submarine go firemen advice leaves ) 69. A is a kink of shop that travels under the water . 70. If I saw a fire, Id call the . 71. If I were you, Id to a dentist . 72. Some tried to get into my flat yesterday . 73. You should study hard to pass the exams. Its a good . Read the following passage and then answer the questions : My name is Samir. I have a friend in England who is called john. Although I have never met him or spoken to him, I know him quite well. We are pen friends. We started to write to each other a year ago. My letters to him are very short because it is still hard for me to write a long letter in English . 74. Where does Samirs friend live ? 75. Have Samir and his friend ever met before ? Choose the correct answer :

76. The two friends have been writing letters to each other for ( two years a week ago one year three years ago ) . 77. Samirs letters are short because ( his Arabic is not good he knows English well he doesnt know English at all he knows a little English ) . 78. John is ( Egyptian an Arab British Turkish ) .


Complete the following dialogue : Rami : Hello, Nabil. How are you ? Nabil : .(1). . Rami : Tomorrow is the week-end . Would you like to come with us to the cinema ? Nabil : Im sorry (2).my homework . Rami : All right. Shall I help you with your homework ? Nabil : )3) . I can do it myself . Finish the sentences with words from the list : ( bath last thirsty happy water book sick ) The engine is getting very hot, so well have to stop for . . Im . . I need to have a drink. Ill have to take a .because I got hot . When you are ., you have to see a doctor . We were late .night, so we had to take a taxi .

2. 3. 4. 5.

Choose the correct answer : 7. She ( have to has to had to ) work hard to pass last years the exam . 8. If you buy that car, you ( have to will have to has to ) pay a lot of money . 9. Im sorry, I cant. I ( had to will have to have to ) go to Alexandria tomorrow . 10. Next winter, she ( had to has to will have to ) buy a new umbrella .

11. If you break the window, you ( must have to will have to ) pay for it . 12. Punctuate the following : - if you lose your pen you ll have to buy another one Finish the sentences with words from the list : ( scream torch reward filled suit full blanket ) Youll have to take a.because its very dark there . You have to put on a diving .to dive down . The cup is .of tea . Dont . . It isnt dangerous . The police gave Ahmed a .of l,000 pounds for his honesty . Supply the missing prepositions : We dont go to school .Fridays . Soha travelled to London .plane . The submarine is made .special glass . I went to a caf .a drink . I watch TV .the evening . Supply the missing letters in the underlined words : I h- -rd a scr- -m at midni-ht . He f- -nd a tr- -sure . How marvell- -s . Many tourists visit the Egypt- -n m-se-m .

13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21.


23. 24. 25.

Choose the correct answer : 26. It was raining yesterday. So I ( have to has to had to must ) take a taxi . 27. You arent good at science. You ( has to have to had to may ) study hard . 28. My mother was ill yesterday and I ( have to ll have to has to had to ) wash the dishes . 29. Why ( do did does had ) you have to buy a birthday resent last Friday ? Because it was Samiras birthday . 30. She fell and broke her am, so she ( has to have to had to able to ) go to hospital . Choose the correct word : Me. Ragabs plans for the holiday 31. What is Mr. Ragab ( do doing ) next week ? - He is ( take taking ) the family on holiday to Europe . st 32. What ( is are ) the Ragabs doing on 1 July ? - They are ( fly flying ) to Paris and ( stay staying ) at Park Hotel . 33. What are they ( do doing ) next Friday ? - They are ( return - returning ) to Cairo .

Supply the missing parts in the following mini-dialogues: a) Ahmed : What are you doing next Friday, Nabil ? Nabil : . . b) Heba : Im travelling to Alexandria next week . Nermin : ? Heba : By train .

Choose the correct answer : 35. Mr. Ragab ( gave bought received sent ) a reward for the treasure from the museum . 36. Mr. Ragab is taking the family ( on in at with ) holiday to Europe in July . 37. The Eiffel Tower is in ( Cairo Rome London Paris ) . 38. The Ragabs are visiting the (ColosseumCairo TowerPyramidsSphinx)in Rome 39. The Ragabs ( travelled have travelled are travelling were travelling ) to Rome next week . Rearrange the words to make correct sentences : 40. doing next you What Monday are ? 41. home coming they When are ? 42. She is friends to see her hoping . 43. Finish the following dialogue between Rami and Ibrahim. Rami is going on holiday to London . Ibrahim: Are you going on holiday, Rami ? Rami : (1)., next Friday . Ibrahim: Where are you going ? Rami : ..(2).. . Ibrahim: How ..(3).? Rami : By plane . Ibrahim: Send me a postcard ! Finish the following sentences with words from the list : ( lost hungry radio people light suits dresses ) There is no the bottom of the sea. It is dark there . We listen to the news on the .. . The Egyptian ..are very kink . Some men wear ..when they go to work . We are .. . Well have to ask the way . Choose the correct answer : ( When What Who How ) are you travelling ? - By train . Im thirsty. We (ll have tohad todidnt have todont have to) stop for a dink . ( Can Did Would Will ) you like to come to my birthday party ? - Yes, I would . They ( had to must have to ll have to ) buy new clothes next summer . Why ( does did will is ) she have to take a taxi ? - It was raining .

44. 45. 46. 47.


49. 50. 51. 52.


Rearrange the words to make correct sentences : 54. are going Where they next week ? 55. had yesterday I to get up early . 56. dinner have Would you like to with me 57. Punctuate the following : they re flying to paris tomorrow Read the following passage and then answer the questions : Samira is fond of reading, she always saves money to buy interesting stories. It is always exciting for her to buy a new story with pictures. When she gets her money

for the week from her father, she hurries to the bookshop and buys one. As soon as she gets it, she goes through it. She always says, Reading a good story is as interesting as watching a good film . 58. Why does Samira save money ? 59. What kind of books does she like to read ? Choose the correct answer : 60. Ho does Samira get her stories ? a) She sells them. b) She sells them . c) She gets them from her friends . d) She writes them . 61. Samira likes . . a) watching TV. b) going to the cinema . c) getting money from her father. d) reading 62. People can get books at a . a) caf b) bookshop c) restaurant d) bakers

Finish the sentences with words from the list :

Dogs help mice draw meeting killed
(Once upon a time there was a cat and some mice . The cat (1
many of the (2) and ate them . So one day the mice had a (3) They wanted to (4) themselves .

gives - player - paper - favourite - like - leader

To do a sports survey , pupils write their (1) sports on pieces of (2). . Then they give them to the group (3) He (4) them to the teacher

girls - players - goals - help - carry - kick

My favourite sport is football . The team has eleven (1) They must not (2) the ball . They must (3) it . The team with the most . (4) is the winner

homework - bed - watch - game - home - brother

In the afternoon I will have my lunch . I will go to (1) for an hour . Then I will . (do my (2) I will play a computer (3) with my (4

teacher - wallet - policeman - took - ate - thief

One day there was an old man . He had a (1) in his hand . A (2) was standing behind him . He (3) his money and ran away . A (4) caught . the thief and took him to the police station

foot - away - jumped - danced - fell - dog

A man was riding a horse . A (1) came near his horse . The horse

(up and the man (3) of the horse . Then the horse ran (4 (2)

kick - basket - throw - goal - teams - players

My favourite sport is basketball . In this sport there are two (1) Each team has nine (2) The must (3) the ball The players of each team try to throw (the ball into the (4

Work nurse dressmaker looks dresses people

Samira works in a hospital . Shes a (1)She helps doctors with their (2) (She (3)after sick (4

between - people - next - trees - house - buy

Mr. Abdullah has a shop . Its (1)to our (2)Many . visit has shop to (4) things (3)

monkeys - goats - clowns - pump - fields - cotton

My grandfather has got a farm . He grows sugar sane and (1) . There is a . (2)that takes water to the (3) There are cows and (4)too

fly - drive - weather - rains - field - sea

the summer months are June , July and August . In the summer the (1) . is hot . The farmers water the (2) The boys . their kites We swim in the (4) in the summer (3)

primary - long - tall - kilograms - years - metres

My name is Nadia . Im twelve (1) old . Im 1.7 m (2) I weigh thirty three (3) I go to a (4) school

grandfather - the moon - car - bad - watch - story

Next Monday is a holiday . My father is going to wash his (1) My sister is going to (2) TV . My brother is going to read a (3) Im going to visit my ((4

milk - coffee - happy - strong - ears - farmer

We can see many animals on the farm . Cows help the (1)They give us (2) (and meat . The donkey is small and (3)It has got long (4

policeman - teacher - doctor - bookshop - workshop -field

Different people do different things . A farmer works in the (1). A mechanic works in a (2)or a garage . A (3)works in a hospital . The person who (teaches pupils is a (4

kitchen - flat - TV - room - evening - music

I live with my family . We have got a big (1). My brother and I have got our own (2).We sit in the sitting room in the (3). We watch (4). . in it

Listening - computer - duct- plates - room - cooker

Yesterday mother was in the kitchen . She washed the (1). In the sink . She cooked the food on the (2). My father was in his (3). He was (4) . .to music

back - fruit - money - ran - sat - bread

Mahers mother wanted some bread . She gave him some (1). He carried the money and (2).to the shop . He gave the money and (3). Seller . He took the bread and went (4). Home

O'clock - supermarket - factory - book - fruit - loaves

Yesterday morning , mother went to the market . She bought some oranges at the (1). Shop . She went to the (2).and got some cheese and five (3). .(Of brad . She went back home at twelve (4

fridge - ate - fish - slept - like - tea

Yesterday afternoon , I had lunch with my friends . Hani and I (1). Some rice and chicken . Nader does not (2). Chicken So he ate some (3). Then .(we drank (4

rocket - robot - different - school - food - bus

Today we live on earth . We travel by car , by (1). Or by train . We cook our (2). On a cooker . Our children go to (3). To learn . Perhaps in the .(future life will be (4

: Finish the sentences

1. 2.

4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Goha has wife he was dead . give us milk . A pump takes to the fields . He was ill yesterday . He was at all day . He did not come to school . In the future there by houses under the sea . She singing now . There is a post office to our house . Samir wearing a new shirt .

A makes dresses . In the future perhaps we will on the moon . Cairo is a city . It isnt small . My brother cant a horse . Ali watching TV now . He fell off the horse . I thought he his neck . Today we learn school . Ali is very tall . He is the boy in the class .

7. 8.

1. 2. 3.

5. 6. 7. 8.

A makes chairs and tables . He fell down and his arm . Old man walk with a He can see a in the circus . He makes us laugh . Father is listening the radio . Id like to eat ice cream . Is your teacher wearing glasses ? No , he Be careful or you will cut

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. My favourite is football . Maher is a thin boy . He isn't I bought two of tea . The weather is in the summer . I can see a hippo the picture . A guide can tell you the pyramids . Can you show me the way , please ? Yes , I My shoes brown .

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

7. 8. 1.

It's in winter . We usually beans and eggs for breakfast . Moustafa got high marks . He is a boy . Builders build factories and V5 I will visit my grandfather Sunday . Nabil and Hani playing all day yesterday . I want a pullover . You can a get at the clothes shop . Pupils eat during the lesson .

3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Be careful when you the road . An old man usually with a stick . We dont come to school on He is going wash his car . Nabil and Fawzy playing tennis yesterday afternoon . dusted the flat yesterday ? Mother . Goha fell off the horse and thought he dead . He lifting a heavy weight .

I bought a of toothpaste . He waters the every day . I see with my We things with a knife . My pullover new last year . She wants box of matches . are you ? Fine , thanks .

8. 1. 2. 3. 4.

you born in Alexandria ? Yes , I was .

We food in the kitchen . A stole the wallet . Napil goes to primary We were very to win the game . This is my sister . name is Sherifa . you got jeans ? Yes , I have . The bird hit the window and hurt Mum and Dad going to Port Said next week

6. 7. 8.


3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Cows us milk . There are a of buses on the road . A pump takes water to the We want to go to the office to buy a stamp . What Ali do yesterday ? There not a metro in Cairo fifty years ago . This is the boys ball. Give it to They buy a car next week .

A dressmaker makes and skirts . Sami is thin . He isnt What can you in the picture ? He has got two sisters . Their are Fatma and Zeinab . is that ? A camel . Where you live last year ? Faride got long hair ? Yes , she his . Goha thought he dead .

7. 8. 1. 2. 3.

She bought a of toothpaste . Thank very much . It is usually cold in the There are three big in Giza . Dina is sweeping floor . There beautiful in the garden . children like fish ? Yes , they do . Adel go to school tomorrow .

5. 6. 7. 8. 1.

I am ten years . Alis mother gave him some to buy bread .

3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Karim bough a of bread . The mosque is the hospital and the bank . Fadi is very strong . he is the in his group . I havent got oranges . He is tall as his father . Afaf reading a book when I called

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

7. 8. 1. 2. 3.

We can buy bananas at the shop . She went to the bread to buy bread . Hadi weighs 50 . I can a cat under the table . Karima is very young . She is the girl in the class . Im going to be doctor . The builder the house last month . No one helped him . Hani goes to bad ten oclock .

A gives us eggs . Carpenters work with A camel has legs Id llike you to my friend . You not play with matches . They playing football at three oclock yesterday . I want a packet biscuits . I like my friends . I visit every week .

5. 6. 7. 8.

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Sunday comes after . We can buy books at a People in mosques . Whose jeans these ? theyre Alis . Goha fell his horse and thought he was dead She was standing in front the mirror . Kamal is tallest boy in our class . Did you play ping pong ? No I ,

I want to be a to catch thieves . who looks sick people ? A builder builds and factories . It rain tomorrow . Goha thought he dead . She drinking sherbet now . As they washing the car , father took a photograph .


What the thief take ? He took my wallet .

1. 2. 3.

5. 6. 7. 8. 1.

A mends cars . The nurse works in a The farmer works on a . I will my grandfather next Friday . The man fell the horse . He not wash his hands before . I got up six oclock . What you doing at this time yesterday ?

3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

The team with the most goals is the You can get bananas the fruit shop . My is hurting . I cant smell well . Be or you will hurt yourself . She looked in the mirror and saw He is going to a doctor . A bird got two wings . She tidy her room next week .

The players must not the ball in basketball . you tell me about the pyramids ? Yes , I can . I can see some birds the tree . Fawzy isnt old , Hes The teacher said , morning . How many children absent yesterday ? What are your jeans ? Blue . Dont shout . Behave

7. 8. 1. 2.

Many come to Egypt to see the Pyramids . is going to the zoo next Tuesday ? Gamal . Its quarter to five . I going to play a computer game . This story tells us Goha was clever . Rashed is strong . He isnt He gave me a new of shoes . Goha riding his horse when he fell and broke his arm.

4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

the sentences with words from the list :

robot street family address telephone
My name (1) Farouk. I live with my (2)in Cairo . Our (3) . is 35, Abdel Salam Street , Ataba . My (4)number is 4282597

grass - floor - flowers - played - walked - dusted

Last Friday we visited the park . My father walked on the (1) and my mother (2)with him . My brothers Ahmed and Saber (3)football . Samy was . naughty . He picked the (4)and the bees chased him

supper - chicken - breakfast - been - beans - o'clock

We have three meals every day . We have (1)in the morning . We usually eat (2)and eggs . At two (3)We have lunch. We eat meat or (4) and some rice for lunch .

play - left - buses - planes - cross - book

Roads are dangerous today . Cars and ...(1) run in the middle of the road . when (you ...(2) the road , you should ...(3) right and ...(4

next - live - street - small - opposite - new

(My name is Ahmed . I...(1) with my family on a noisy ...(2 . Our house is ...(3) and big . It is ...(4) the post office

home - teacher - years - months - school - father

Suzan is my friend . Shes eleven ...(1) old . Her ...(2) is a doctor . He (works in a hospital . Her mother is a ...(3) She works in a ...(4

pyramids - way - week - helpful - foolish - Egyptian

Last Friday some tourists visited Cairo . they wanted to go to the ...(1) En ...(2) boy was ...(3) He showed them the ...(4) . to the pyramids

lunch - supper - five - homework - school - home

Nabil goes to a primary ...(1) When he goes ...(2) after school , he eats his

(...(3) In the evening he does his ...(4

helpful - pyramids - child - Egypt - park - guide

Tom is a tourist . He was in ...(1) last January . He visited the ...(2) and the Sphinx in Giza . The ...(3) told him all about them . Tom (thanked the guide because he was ...(4

brother - sister - naughty - hospital - chased - packed

Mona is a nurse . She works in big ...(1) in Cairo . She has got two sisters and one ...(2) Her brother is ...(3) When they visited the park yesterday , He picked the flowers and ...(4) the cats there

happy - born - school - favourite - bed - hospital

My grandfather was ...(1) in Cairo . He was not rich but he was ...(2) He

. was clever at ...(3) His ...(4) subjects were English and Maths

under - on - watered - played - chased - listened

last week we visited a park . My father and mother sat ...(1) a tree I ...(2) with the ball My sister ...(3) to the radio . my brother picked flowers and the bees ...(4) him

Finish the sentences :

. We can get a of tea at a cafeteria .1 . We can get stamps at the post .2

. I can get some bananas at the fruit .3 . Thanks very .4 . People usually have in the morning .5 ? Excuse me you tell me the way to the market .6 . The hotel opposite the house .7 . Heba TV last night .8
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Mother makes food in the . I bought a of tea yesterday . Last week Samy went to a park and on the grass . I have at seven oclock in the morning . Thats Alis pullover . Give it to . Yesterday I not at school . There is a picture the wall . Last year I in primary four .

We can get at the post office . We with our ears . Samir is the ball with his left foot . A monkey has got a long . you visit the perk last week ?- Yes ,I did . your father born in Cairo ?- No , he wasnt . You play in the road It is dangerous . A cat got four legs .

Yesterday Ibrahim football . Heba is making tea on the . She washes the in the sink . The boy picked some in the park . You at school yesterday ? Yes , I was . The fruit shop is to the hotel .

7. 8.

Fifty years ago there were a of trees . They having breakfast now .

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

December and January are months . Did you visit the park yesterday ? No, I . I had some bread and tea for this morning . I usually have at two oclock . What did you for lunch ? What would you like eat ? You do your homework every day . You play with matches .

When you cross the road, you should look and left . She has got a of shorts . Ive got a of toothpaste . The hen is a . shirt is this ? Its Ahmeds shirt . Whose jeans these ? Theyre Alis . The boy crossing the street . Tarek and Hani friends .

A cow gives us .................. i usually have breakfast in the .................. Did Nabila .................. her room ? it was untidy . I want a .................. of cake . She wants a box ..................matches . ride a horse ? No, I cant . we .................. be careful on our roads . you .................. drink water from the canal .

I clean my teeth with a tooth .................. . you should comb your .................. I like to .................. Pepsi Cola . There are three big .................. in Giza . What do yesterday ? I went to the park . My shoes .................. new . Now they are old . There .................. many tall building in Cairo now . I .................. in primary four last year .

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Did Heba the radio yesterday . A monkey has got a long .................. . Adel isnt fat . Hes .................. We put cups in the .................. You .................. not play in the road . it is not safe . When .................. your father take you to Alexandria ? last Friday .................. is your favourite player ? Hani Ramzi . Look ! The boy .................. riding a bicycle .

I'm short but my brother is .................. Thank .................. much . Fatma dusts her .................. every week . Everybody has .................. one head . Could you tell .................. the way to the post office ? I usually eat .................. egg in the morning . You can get a .................. of tea at the cafeteria . This is Alis pen . Please give it to .................. .

There are .................. days in a week . you should wash your .................. before you eat . there are twelve .................. in a year . English is my favorite .................. Theres .................. old man in the picture. Farida is reading .................. new book . They .................. having supper now . I .................. in bed all day yesterday .

last year i was in primary .................. A .................. works in a hospital . She helps doctors The kitchen .................. not tidy last night . A year ago he was .................. now he is poor . He likes songs .................. favourite singer is Abdel Wahab . .................. you wash the car ? Yes , I did . A hippo .................. got a short tail . A clown .................. stand on his head .

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