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(Intelligence Bureau) IB's Bearded 'Jihadi' Moulvis

Trapping Muslims
Kashmir Times, Jammu, 22 Sept., 2007

New Delhi

Next time, you confront a long bearded Maulana with some sob story
extorting young men to take to ‘Jihad”. Beware! He could be an
intelligence mole, hunting for fodder to the canon of “war on terrorism”. A
former informer of Delhi Police’s Special Cell and the Intelligence Bureau
(IB) now cooling heals in Delhi’ Tihar Jail is spilling beans.

In a five-page letter from the high-security ward in Tihar’s Jail no. 8, Irshad
Ali writes that he along with his colleague Nawab Qamar were implicated
in a false case, when they refused to take their IB’s bait for too long. Their
lawyer Sufiyan Siddique claims that the intelligence officers had directed
them to join Lashkar-e-Toiba and were forcing them to join a training camp
across the border. “Fearing for their lives, the duo refused, which
infuriated the agencies, who booked and implicated them in a false case,”
he added.

Irshad Ali’s case has now been well documented by the Central Bureau of
Investigation (CBI) on the directions of Delhi High Court. CBI has
corroborated the fact that the duo was kidnapped by an IB officer
Mohammad Khalid alias Majid in league with the Special Cell officials Lalit,
Bhushan, Rajinder and Devdutt.

On the working of the sleuths in the IB, Irshad alleges that they just
concoct stories to keep the government on their feet about the imaginary
terrorist threats. To back their claims, Irshad reveals that they create
terrorists. “A Moulvi type agent supporting a long beard and well versed
with Islamic tenants is launched in some Muslim locality, where he lodges
himself near a mosque and in some cases inside a mosque itself.”

He writes that the “pious nature” of the Moulvi with some heart rending
story earns him sympathy. Targeting mostly educated Muslim youth, the
Moulvi laments the conditions of Muslims and prescribes ‘jihad” as only

After earning confidence of these youth, he introduces himself as Left

commander and these brainwashed youth get recruited in the
organisation. “They are partially trained in small arms operation. In the
meantime, the agent keeps sleuths informed about his operation,” says
“Finally, when the Commander identifies a place and calls for an
operation, the stage is set for their entrapment. The IB informs the Special
Cell, and these youth fall in their lap like ripe fruits without any resistance
along with arms and ammunition. They never know how the police gets
wind of their plans. The Commander is never found. He is back with the IB
to explore newer pastures,” alleges the former informer.

Irshad writes that having worked closely with the IB and the Special Cell,
he feels duty bound to tell the nation the “farce going on in the name of
fighting war on terrorism.”

The informer also reveals that the Special Cell as well as the IB has
procured huge farm houses in the vicinity of Delhi reserved for activities
beyond the preview of law. “Those destined to be killed in fake encounters
are not kept in police stations, but at these farm houses. They are
detained for months and years there before they are killed at some
appropriate time,” he says.

The duo has appealed to the Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh to step
in and put a stop on such activities. “These agencies are not making the
country secure but making it highly insecure by infusing fear psychosis
and creating terrorists,” he maintains. “Fire can never douse fire. It needs
water. Your security agencies are dousing fire with petrol,” says Irshad in
his appeal to the Prime Minister.

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