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Enhanced Retrofit


Hannes Kerber

January, 2011

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© SAP 2010 / ALM EMEA RIG / Page 2

System Landscape in the Standard Retrofit

Maintenance Landscape


Retrofit Implementation Landscape


+ further Implementation Landscapes

 The Retrofit is performed for a transport request which is controlled by SAP Solution Manager
 The Retrofit is part of the Change Request Management Process supported by SAP Solution Manager
 The Retrofit is performed with the SAP Solution Manager
 Retrofit can be performed between any types of landscapes
© SAP 2010 / ALM EMEA RIG / Page 3
Dual phased Landscape



Cross System
Object Lock
Maintenance Project

R Implementation Project

System Role Types
D – Source System
O – Target System
P – Production System
R – Post Processing System
Typical Customer Challenges

Customers face typical challenges when maintaining a dual landscape/multiple

development system landscape

Conflict Detection?

Synchronization? Comparison of Systems?

Organization? DV1 QA1 PRD

DV2 QA2 STG Avoid Downgrades?

Automation? DV3 QA3 Project Harmonization?

Sequencing? Conflict Resolution?

Different EHP Levels? When to synchronize?

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© SAP 2010 / ALM EMEA RIG / Page 5
Motivation of the Enhanced Retrofit

The enhanced version of the retrofit was developed due to the following reasons and
with the following goals:

 Retrofit available with SAP Solution Manager 7.0 EHP 1

 Support of synchronization between Maintenance and Implementation Landscape  Reduce Manual
 Achieved with Use of Correction Workbench for Repository Changes and BC-Sets for Customizing
 Support of approx. 75% of objects changed in Maintenance (due to limitations of tools) in average case

 Goals of the Enhanced Retrofit

 Support 100% of transportable objects
 Automatic Conflict Detection
 Reduce manual effort (more automation)
 More information for users performing the retrofit (logging, messages, process control)
 Detect technical dependencies
 Customizing and BADIs for customer specific requirements

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© SAP 2010 / ALM EMEA RIG / Page 6
Enhanced Retrofit – Quick Facts

The main new features and advantages of the Enhanced Retrofit Functionality can be
summarized to:

 Automatic Retrofit via Transport on Button Click

 Automatic Conflict Detection
 System Comparison
 Detection of technical sequence dependencies
 Additional Features like logging, access to expert tools, enhancements

Some Numbers:

Customer Case % Automatic Retrofit % Tool Supported Retrofit % Manual Retrofit

3000 Transport per Month,
90 10
Upgrade Scenario
Classic Dual Phased
85 8 7
Landscape, Multiple Products
Highly Customized and none
standard solution, Data 80 10 10
Conversion in parallel

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© SAP 2010 / ALM EMEA RIG / Page 7
Dual Landscape Synchronization - Retrofit
Reduce effort for double maintenance – 3 Step Approach
Maintenance Project



Implementation Projects  Tool based

 Minimized risk through integration in the
maintenance project
DV2 QA2  Logging of the changes
 Less manual effort for double maintenance
 Improved process reliability for retrofit
1. Select Transport
2. Choose Method
(based on conflict detection) 3. Retrofit

Tool Supported
(Conflict Case)

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(Conflict Case)
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© 2010 SAP AG. All rights reserved. / Page 8
Enhanced Retrofit vs. Standard Retrofit

The Enhanced Retrofit provides various additional features and improvements:

Feature Standard Retrofit Enhanced Retrofit

Automatic Data Capturing

Tool Support for Landscape


ChaRM Integration

Easy & Fast Setup

Full Support of Objects

Automatic Conflict Detection

Detection of Sequence Dependencies

System Comparison

Enhancement Options
This presentation and SAP‘s strategy and possible future developments are subject to change and may be changed by SAP at any time for any reason without notice. This document is provided without a warranty of any kind,
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© SAP 2010 / ALM EMEA RIG / Page 9
Enhanced Retrofit – Quick Facts

The main new features and advantages of the Enhanced Retrofit Functionality can be
summarized to:

 Automatic Import for Objects of Transport Request into the Retrofit System (Support of 100% of
transportable objects!)
 Automatic Categorization of Objects (Auto Import, Retrofit and Manual)
 Set status also on Object Level, not only on transport request level
 Possibility to perform retrofit on object level

 Detection of technical sequence dependencies

 Detection of same objects to be retrofitted in which order
 Advanced Control of Retrofit Sequence

 Additional Features
 Enhanced Logging of Messages
 Access to TMS Alert Viewer
 Access to BC-Sets
 Comparison of compatible objects before retrofitting
 Various Customizing Possibilities
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© SAP 2010 / ALM EMEA RIG / Page 10
Retrofit Object Category Calculation –
An Example
Req. Obj. Cat. Stat.

1 RA AI 1 Modify Report RA on MAINT and release it

4 2 RB NO 2 SolMan creates Retrofit Data  Auto Import RA
DEV 3 RC AI 3 SolMan Triggers Auto Import of Report RA
3 RB RF 4 Report RB is modified on DEV
2 5 Lock Entry for Report RB is created on SolMan
SolMan 6 Reports RB/RC are modified and released in MAINT

7 SolMan creates RFIT Data  RC is Auto Import

 RB is Retrofit
3 8 8 SolMan triggers retrofit  RC via Auto Import
7  RB via SCWB

Maintenance Landscape

© SAP 2010 / ALM EMEA RIG / Page 11

How to retrofit with the Enhanced Retrofit?

The retrofit is always performed for a transport request, but based on the object
categorization offers different options:

 Automatic Import for Objects of Transport Request into the Retrofit System
 Applies for all Objects of a Transport Request which have no conflict  They have not been changed
in the retrofit system
 Retrofit is performed through a transport of copies which is automatically created and released and
contains only the objects without conflicts (retrofit tool imports this transport of copies)
 Current figures of other pilot customers show a rate of around 90% of all transports and objects are
handled with the “Automatic Import”

 Semi-Automatic Retrofit with Correction Workbench (Note Assistant) or BC-Sets

 Applies for all Objects of a Transport Request which have a conflict and which are supported by one of
the tools (Repository Objects with Correction Workbench, Customizing via BC-Sets)  This was
available with the “old” version of the retrofit (supportability of 70-80% of objects)
 Both tools offer the possibility to do adjustments, which are necessary in case of a conflict to not simply
overwrite a change in the Implementation Project (Release Development)

 Manual Retrofit
 Objects with conflicts which have no tool support

 Conflict Detection is performed via Cross System Object Lock

This presentation and SAP‘s strategy and possible future developments are subject to change and may be changed by SAP at any time for any reason without notice. This document is provided without a warranty of any kind,
either express or implied, including but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement
© SAP 2010 / ALM EMEA RIG / Page 12
New Features – Overview 2 Sequence
of a TR


Retrofit possibility based on
objects inside TR (automatic
conflict detection)

© SAP 2010 / ALM EMEA RIG / Page 13

New Features of Retrofit
(1. Retrofit possibility based on objects inside TR)

 Retrofit can be performed based on objects inside a transport request

 Objects are evaluated  this determines the possibility of retrofit tools (automatic conflict
 Automatic Import (New) 
 SCWB/BC-Set (Currently Existing) 
 Manual Retrofit (New) 

 Access via Double Click on TR

 All Objects in this TR

 Line Color determines category

 Filtering is possible

 Remote Comparison is possible

 Detailed Sequence Dependency

 Status Information

© SAP 2010 / ALM EMEA RIG / Page 14

New Features – Overview
(2. Analysis of Sequence Dependency)

Icon can
work as
filter Button
to show

© SAP 2010 / ALM EMEA RIG / Page 15

Thank You!

Hannes Kerber

SAP AG – Active Global Support

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