Part III

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Part III: Study Cards

Directions: Students will create flash cards using 3x5 cards with the term on the front and definition and the significance on the back. You can buy spiral bound packs of 3x5 cards for this purpose or an index card plastic box. This method is effective because it will allow you to easily quiz yourself or a study buddy. Our focus on content vocabulary goes beyond the definition of the term. In AP World History, we must also consider its significance. Significance answers the questions so what? or what difference did it make? These are the questions you are more likely to deal with in our discussions and writings. You are expected to know these terms and use them in your writing. While we will be reviewing all words in class, it will be VERY helpful if you spend some time with these words on your own.

Front of Index Card

Back of Index Card

Definition: Earliest variant, the Neanderthal Significance: Used advanced tools, wore clothing, created semipermanent or permanent dwellings, and organized into social groups Spread from Europe to Africa and Asia

Homo Sapiens

The lists of terms for each chapter are listed below: Chapter #1 -Homo sapiens -Nile -Paleolithic -Pyramids -Hunting/gathering -Kush -Cro-Magnon -Hyksos -Venus figurines -Meroe -Neolithic -Hieroglyphs -Jericho -Papyrus -Catal Huyuk -Mummification Chapter #2 -Osiris -Epic of Gilgamesh -Indo-Europeans -Mesopotamia -Niger-Congo -Sumer Chapter #3 -Tigris/Euphrates -Aryans -Ziggurat -Dravidians -Hammurabis Code -Harappan society -Assyrians -Indus River -Bronze -Mohenjo-daro -Iron -Sanskrit -Cuneiform -Vedas -Hebrews -Rig Veda -Phoenicians -Caste -Hittites -Varna -Menes -Brahmans -Hatshepsut -Kshatriyas -Nubia -Vaishyas -Pharaoh -Shurdras -Horus -Patriarchy

-Upanishads -Brahman -Karma -Moksha Chapter #4 -Xia Dynasty -Huang He and Yangzi Rivers -Shang Dynasty -Mandate of Heaven -Zhou dynasty -Warring States Period -Ancestor worship -Book of Songs -Book of Changes -Oracle Bones -Steppe lands Chapter #5 -Land bridges -Olmecs -Maya -Tikal -Chichen Itza -Popul Vuh -Ball game -Teotihuacan -Chavin - Austronesians

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