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Histology Skin Layer/ Part Stratum (subcutaneous) corneum Stratum (subcutaneous) germinativum Stratum spongiosum/ laxum Stratum compactum

Chromatophore Cutaneous gland Features Outermost layer of epidermis Several rows of columnar cells Loose connective tissue Deepest layer of dermis; tightly packed Cells contain pigment granules Multicellular grand (formed by infolding) Function Non-living; shed off Living; replace stratum corneum cells Contains chromatophores, pigment granules, cutaneous glands, blood vessels, lymph spaces Contains blood vessels and nerves Produce and control skin coloration Secrete mucus; keep skin moist

Liver Layer/ Part Hepatocyte Sinusoid Pigment granule Bile duct Artery Vein Features Liver cell (polygonal, dark spherical nuclei) Endothelial tubes Irregularly scattered Lined with cuboidal epithelium Thick-walled Thin-walled Function Protein synthesis; detoxification Very permeable; absorption Produce coloration Produce and secrete bile (fat emulsifier) Bring oxygenated blood from heart to body Bring deoxygenated blood from body to heart

Kidney Layer/ Part Malpighian body/ renal corpuscle Glomerulus Bowmans capsule Uriniferous tubule Collecting tubule Wolffian duct/ mesonephric duct Features Round masses on ventral part of kidney Capillary network inside Malpighian body Cup-shaped double membrane of glomerulus Long coiled tubule With wide lumen lined with cuboidal cells Near renal portal vein Function Filters blood Filters blood Covers glomerulus Reabsorption of water and other substances Continuation of uriniferous tubules Opening of collecting tubules

Intestine Layer/ Part Valves of Kerkring Lumen Goblet cell Tunica mucosa Tunica submucosa Tunica muscularis Stratum circulare Stratum longitudinale Tunica serosa Mesothelium Features Circular folds of inner wall of intestine Cavity/ interior of intestinal tract Unicellular gland; slender base, dilated apex Innermost layer; mucous coat Outside mucosa; loose connective tissue Outside submucosa; muscular coat Thick inner circular layer Thin outer longitudinal layer Outermost layer; very thin layer of loose connective tissue; covered with mesothelium Pavement epithelial cells Function Slow passage of food; increased absorption N/A Secrete mucin (which becomes mucous) Traps pathogens; facilitates movement Contains blood vessels and lymph space Consists of 2 layers; facilitates gut movement Spindle-shaped smooth muscle cells Cross-sections of muscle cells Serous coat; visceral peritoneum Facilitate intracoelomic movement; Line internal cavity; derived from mesoderm

Stomach Layer/ Part Ruga Lumen Tunica mucosa Columnar cells Lamina propria Gastric gland Zymogenic/ chief cell Parietal cell Muscularis mucosa Tela submucosa Tunica muscularis Subserosa Tunica serosa Features Large wavy folds of inner wall of stomach Cavity/ interior of stomach Innermost layer; mucous coat Innermost layer Outer layer of connective tissue Branched tubular glands with neck and body Base of fundus Wedged between chief cells Outside lamina propria; consists of 2 layers Loose connective tissue Very thick; circular layer of smooth muscle Narrow layer of connective tissue Outermost layer; covered with mesothelium Function Absorption N/A Facilitates movement; composed of 2 layers Secretion and absorption Contain openings for gastric pits Secrete mucus, gastric acid, etc. Secrete pepsinogen, rennin Secrete gastric acid and intrinsic factor Facilitates outflow from gastric glands Contains large blood and lymph vessels Facilitates movement of food particles Contains sections of blood vessels Visceral peritoneum; contains nerves

Spinal Cord Layer/ Part White matter Gray matter Cornua (dorsal and ventral) Fissure (dorsal and ventral) Central canal Ependymal cell Neuroglia/ glia cell Motor cell Motor neuron/ efferent neuron Dura mater Subdural space Arachnoid mater Pia mater Features Outer layer; loosely arranged medullated nerve fibers and supporting neuroglia Inner layer; made up of cell bodies Horn-like projections (ventral is farther apart) Invagination of spinal cord surface Cavity found in center of spinal cord Cells lining central canal Small oval bodies; scattered in spinal cord Concentrated in cornua; star-shaped Concentrated in cornua; 3-7 at each horn Thick loose connective tissue; made up of fatty tissue with many veins Lies beneath dura mater Spiderweb-like layer of connective tissue Thin layer of connective tissue Function Passage of messages Controls muscles, sensory perception, etc Controls axial muscles, touch and sensation Contains spinal artery Contains cerebrospinal fluid Produces cerebrospinal fluid Non-neuronal cells; support and protection Connection with neurons Makes synaptic connection with interneuron Carries blood from brain to heart; supports dural sinuses Artificial space created as a result of trauma Allows cerebrospinal fluid flow beneath Contains blood vessels investing the spinal cord; nourishes brain

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