Law Office Management

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Legal education is the basis of an efficient legal profession which is the basis of a well organized and sound judicial

system. In order to know the procedure of management of law office, I attended the chamber of Mr. Vishnu Sharma, Advocate, Sivsagar Bar Association from 18-10-2010 to 24-10-2010. When I attended his chamber for the first time, I observed the chamber closely. He maintained a good chamber and office. This helped him to have a reasonable contact with his client. I came to know that every lawyer is required to maintain a library of his own because the books are the basis of the legal profession. That is why on attending his chamber I found several law text-books, law tutorials and brief of the cases kept apparently. I observed that there were Gauhati Law Journals, Gauhati Law Times, Gauhati Law Reports which are used for the references of the suit. The law reports enable him to have knowledge of the judicial decisions and views of the courts on different issues relating to different laws. The reference books which I found in his chamber are necessary for the knowledge of the statutory laws. Further, I also had gone through the Supreme Court Cases (SCC), Supreme Court Journals, and All India Reports etc. These books help him to know the law and precedent. The reference books were alphabetically arranged and journals and law reports were arranged year wise. I observed that Junior Advocate of Mr. Vishnu Sharma used to visit in the morning and evening time and assist him. The Junior follow the advocate diary of the particular day and as per advocate diary find out the brief of the cases and prepare & draft the attendance as well as the petition as per mention in the advocates diary. I learned that citation of relevant cases plays an important role in winning the cases and he told me that an advocate should know all the relevant cases on the point involved in the case. He taught me that an advocate should always keep in mind that his opponent may cite the precedent in favour of his client and so he should always be prepared to face such a situation and he can meet such a situation successfully only if he knows fully the precedent on the issues involved in the case. On the day of hearing, I noticed that evidence of the concerning clients are prepared and drafted. The junior also used to maintain the day to day case record and they were very quick in communicating relevant informations to the clients. The reference books contain the principles of law and detailed facts are usually not stated and discussed. He advised me to read the text books and collect the references of the relevant cases and study the cases from relevant journals or law reports. On enquiry regarding the day to day office management learnt that advocate used to take the help of computer and internet services. The plaint, briefs, arguments and notes etc may be typed. Besides, the telephone saves the time of the advocates and enables him to

have a direct contact with his client. By telephone, the client may get appointment from the advocates. Thus, it saves time, money and physical strain. As we know now a days internet facilities are available. In his chamber also internet was connected to the computer and it enables him to collect the legal materials which are useful in advocacy profession. Besides, the use of computer or laptops is useful in various ways. The information received by the client is stored in his computer. He enters the relevant cases in the computer which enable him to find it quickly whenever he needs them. I have learned that daily 6-7 hours is required for the legal chamber for its management and preparation of cases. During tat period I found many clients visit his chamber for appointments, to discuss the cases or to file a fresh suit. I observed the conversation between the advocate and the clients. I noticed that good negotiation and counseling plays an important role in the success as an advocate. He was very patient hearing to the client and he try to encourage him to reveal him everything that is within his knowledge. I observed that the advocate hear all the matters spoken by the client and thereafter he examine every documents produced by the client. He applies the relevant law to the facts gathered from the client and thereafter he gives his advice. So, from all this I learned that soft, decent and fair dealings with the clients are essential. For law office management one efficient clerk and sincere Junior who can devote the time in Chamber are required. So, I had a good experience in his chamber and learned many things regarding managing advocates chamber and office.

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