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Worksheet on Comparative and Superlative Forms SUPERLATIVE

Light (1) afraid amazed bad bitter bored boring brave busy carefully cheap greyish close complete dangerous Dark difficult Dirty Early Easy enjoyable friendly Funny Good hard Heavy honest Hot hungry

Lighter (than)

Teacher Manasss Silva Superlative Adjective

the lightest important interesting large late low narrow nervous nice offended old orange outraged political simple sleepy small surprising surprised sweet tall terrible tired tiring upset useful useful useless white wide



Worksheet on Comparative and Superlative Forms SUPERLATIVE

Teacher Manasss Silva

2.Translate: Eu tenho mais faminto do que ontem. Somos mais velhos. Ns somos os mais novos. Eles so os mais inteligentes. a coisa mais chata do mundo. Eu estou menos chato do que no outro dia. Este programa de TV melhor que o outro. Minha irm mais alta que eu. Estou mais magro que Sara. Eu era mais cansado. Minha me mais velha que o meu pai. Este sof mais confortvel do que o outro. Eu sou mais engraado do que voc. Estes so os meus melhores amigos. 3. Fill in the gaps with the appropriate form of the adjective in brackets: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. I was .... (interested) in this movie than in that one. Going uphill was . (tiring) experience in my whole life! I really need to get a .. (cheap) PC. I cant afford that one. This exercise is (easy) than the one before. Im going to tell you . (funny) joke Ive ever heard! Its .. (cold) today than yesterday, dont you think? This book is the . (enjoyable) Ive ever read! I was . (surprised) to hear from you than when you gave me that surprise party last year

4. Fill in the correct form of the words in brackets (comparative or superlative). 1. My house is __________________(big) than yours. 2. This flower is ______________ (pretty)than that one. 3. Non-smokers usually live __________________(long) than smokers. 4. Who is the __________________(rich) woman on earth? 5. He was the __________________(clever) thief of all. 6. New York is __________________(big) Paris. 7. English milk is __________________(strong) French milk. 8. An elephant is __________________(heavy) a fly.

Worksheet on Comparative and Superlative Forms SUPERLATIVE

Teacher Manasss Silva

9. A Mini is __________________(cheap) a Jaguar. 10. Rugby is __________________(funny) than football. 11. Mary is the __________________ (pretty) of all. 12. Tom is the __________________ (tall) of class. 13. They are the __________________ (ugly) boys in the world. 14. Susan is __________________ (happy) than Bob.

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