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It started out as a good idea

Freeing the slaves, and returning them to AFRICA.

In 1847 the new nation of Liberia was founded on the West Coast of Africa. Slaves from the East Coast of America arrived full of hope for a new life

Things did not go well

The African tribes already on the coast did not welcome the freed slaves. The freed slaves did not treat them well, and enslaved them. For many years, hatred and discontent grew, until the 1980s when there was a bloody and brutal 14 year civil war. The war left Liberia in utter ruin.

Civil War
For fourteen long and terrible years the government and rebels battled back and forth. The war was financed by blood diamonds, diamonds sold for cash to buy weapons. The President was Charles Taylor and the people of Liberia suffered like few others have suffered.

Forced child soldiers-both boys and girls Given drugs to make them kill, rape, and perform acts of brutality Chopping off of limbs of people from infants to the elderly to instill fear Cannibalism and human sacrifice practiced freely

Pain, suffering, loss

The War

They believed that dressing up in wigs and womens clothing gave them protection from harm.

Horrific acts of brutality and bloodshed brought the nation to its knees. Cannibalism, which has long been practiced in Liberia, was common practice during the war.

The capitol city of Monrovia was in ruins. Thousands lost everything.

Liberia had a thin veneer of Christianity. Missionaries had to flee the war, and the believers in the country did not make a stand to pray until desperation set in. They begin to take a stand, calling on the name of the Lord. The women began to pray. The war ended in 2003.

Post War Challenges

The war ended in 2003, but the country was devastated. Thousands of child soldiers (many drug addicts), women and girls who had suffered rape, ruined towns, displaced people, destroyed churches, villages, hospitals and schools. Crops were destroyed, wells were polluted. Many people migrated to the capitol city looking for safety and have remained in vast slum areas.

A new woman President, the first in Africa, has brought a sustainable peace, with the help of the United Nations. But they can only do so much. God must touch the hearts of the people of Liberia.

The people of Monrovia are ready for revival.

Because a great door for effective work has opened to me I Corinthians 16:9

This is the area where we feel God is leading us.

It is known as one of the worst slums in Africa, It is called West Point slum, it is severely overcrowded and filthy and is home to 75,000 desperate people

There are many spiritual challenges the people of West Point face
Mental trauma from the war (rape, murder, violence they were forced to perform.) Churches and church life destroyed Families broken up, murdered Worst of all, the spiritual void. Traditional religions are on the upswing, encourage idolatry, bondage to tradition and false gods, and demonic activity.

There are many physical challenges for the people of West Point slum
Lack of clean water Sanitation problems Cholera and other water borne diseases Poor mother and child health Severely overcrowded conditions, people living together in unhealthy ways

We believe that the gospel can transform this slum community of over 75,000 peoplemen, women and little children touched by war and hatred.

We will introduce the Community Health Evangelism program

Is being used in over 160 countries of the world Transforms communities from the inside out Integrated program that combines Biblical teaching and principles into all aspects of outreach Used to train teams (pastors, health workers, sanitations teams) to go out and thus multiplying the effort

A Growing Vision
Small Bible groups in and around the area Illustrated Bible stories Street church outreach Literacy classes Community Health Evangelism Water and sanitation projects Care of the most needy Health classes Orphanage projects Small business start ups Mental and emotional support
There are NO limits to what God can do if we determine to share His love

What can we do?

God is presenting all of us with a tremendous opportunity, a wide open door We can do A LOT if we work TOGETHER Please consider praying for us on a daily basis There is no way that this work will make any progress without strong prayer and intercession We invite you to partner with us financially to support the projects in this slum

This little girl deserves a chance to hear about the love of God, and to see It lived out in a practical way in front of her.

Our missions agency: World Outreach Ministries PO Box B Marietta GA 30061 Designate for Jim and Terri Cannon, #39, Africa Thank you!

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