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Animal Nutrition Study Guide Concepts of Animal Nutrition (Chapter 1) Nutrition clearly affect health and welfare, emotions,

physical capabilities, susceptibilities to and recovery from diseases, and incidence and severity of chronic metabolic diseases of aging. Nutrition is the interrelated steps by which a living organism assimilates food and uses it for growth, tissue repair and replacement, or elaboration (to produce or develop by labor) of products. On a global scale, the balance of nutrients and all energy transformations must be in equilibrium. Janick et a. said the diversion of the flow of nutrients through the food cycle is the aim of all agriculture technologies. The distinction of the modern agriculture is that is has augmented the food supply by increasing the rate at which nutrients flow through the cycle. This has been accomplished by several method, but by far, the most common and one of the most important consist of speeding the return of nutrients to the soil, where they can be reabsorbed. Hence, in order to feed human population, we must ensure the nutrition of an assortment of plants, animals, and microorganisms.Most plants require only inorganic elements, nitrogen in the form of nitrate or ammonia, water, carbon dioxide, and solar energy captured by the chlorophyll in the plant through photosynthesis. In this way, plants provide the essential link between soil and animal life. The science of animal nutrition requires the application of chemistry, physics, and mathematics as well as the integration of advances in soil science, plant science, animal science, biochemistry, engineering genetics, production systems, and other disciplines. A nutrient is any chemical element or compound in the diet that supports normal reproduction, growth, lactation, or maintenance of life processes. The six classes are water, proteins and amino acids, carbohydrates, lipids, vitamins, and inorganic elements. Energy can be provided by fat, carbohydrates, and by the carbon skeleton of the amino acid after the removal of nitrogen. The nutrient support cellular needs for water, fuel, structural

constituents (skin, muscle, bone, nerves, fat), and metabolic regulation. They cannot be synthesized by the body in sufficient amounts to satisfy metabolic needs are essential or indispensable nutrients. The science of nutrition is partly the outgrowth of observations by farmers and livestock feeders over many centuries and advances in science and technology developed by animal scientist and those in other disciplines. The quantitative aspects of nutrition: the ability to describe nutrient requirements for different species in a variety of situations, the definition of deficiency signs and symptoms, and the accumulation of knowledge about the metabolism of nutrients. The lab rat made a tremendous contribution to our knowledge of vitamins, amino acids, minerals, and toxicants. The dog played an important part in the discovery of insulin and metabolism of carbs and in the discovery of the role of nicotinic acid in the prevention and cure of pellagra. The guinea pig was the animal model used to elucidate the cause and prevention of scurvy. Hamsters, pigs, monkeys, chicken, quail, other mammals, and birds have all played a role in expanding knowledge of nutrition. Animal nutrition requires that nutritionist be able to formulate diets or supplemental feeds that are sufficiently palatable to ensure and intake adequate for the purposes desired. The diet formula may include growth promotants, medicines, or other nonnutritive additives for specific purposes. The diets formulated must have adequate milling, mixing, handling, and storage properties. A blend of molecular and whole-animal nutrition research, and the spectrum of activities between promises to yield greater progress in improving animal nutrition and productivity than strict emphasis on either one. Antoine Lavoisier is often called the founder of the science of nutrition. Today, we recognize over 40 nutrients needed in the animal diet. Mass spectrometry permit the use of stable isotopes to study the metabolism of carbs, lipids, amino acids, proteins, and mineral elements in feedstuffs intrinsically labeled with the isotopes of interest (carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, and other elements. Chicken nutrition is more well know than other species because chickens are more uniform environmental conditions than other domestiv animals and are less genetically diverse. Als, the age and weight of broilers when they are marketed is relatively

uniform, and they are usually grown under similar conditions and fed diets of similar composition regardless of geographic location. Unique features of anatomy and functions of the digestive system of various species of animals are associated with differences in nutrient requirements among domestic animal species. Human nutrition. Marasmus- deficiency of energy, protein, and possibly other nurtiens. Kwasiorkior- deficiency of protein quality and/or quantitiy. Vitamin A deficiency. Goiter- iodine deficiency. Nutritional anemia- iron, vitamin B12, folic acid, and others. Animal Nutrition: its role in modern agriculture and society (Chapter 2) Adequate food supplies depend on the continuing advances in new specific knowledge, the success of agricultural research and related disciplines, and the application of science and technology to the challenges related to the production of nutritious, safe, and wholesome food. Food products from animals enhance the opportunity for adequate intake of nutrients in forms of high biological availability. Nutrient: any chemical element or compound in the diet that is requires for normal reproduction, growth, lactation, or maintenance of life processes. Food: an edible material that provides nutrients Feed: refers to food but more commonly is used to designate animal food Feedstuff/foodstuff: any material made into or used as food or feed. Diet: a mixture of feedstudds used to supply nutrients to an animal Ration: a daily allocation of food.

Pants. Plants take up nitrogen in the form of nitrate or ammonia, and they synthesize complex proteins by incorporating these forms of N into amino acids and other intermediate proteins. Plants requires a large number of inorganic compounds. They also require aluminum, bromine, cession, and strontium. Through the process of photosynthesis, the plant takes in atmospheric CO2, releases O2, and synthesizes glucose, the fundamental biochemical required for growth. Animals require a source of N in the form of essential amino acids, fat in the form of fatty acids, essential mineral elements, fat-soluble and water soluble vitamins, and a source of energy that may vary from primarily fat and protein for carnivores to course fibrous plant tissue for some herbivorous animals. Pg 7 table 2.1. Composition of animal feed, table 2.2. Organic compound include N-containing compounds (proteins containing a range of amino acids, and an array of non protein N-containing compounds), lipids (generally fat soluble), carbs (generally water soluble), and vitamins. Nearly all animal feeds contain protein, which are complex molecules containing various amino acids and other nonprotein components. Lipids known to be required by animals are the fatty acids, linoleic and linolenic acid, and the fat soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K. Carbs make up the major function of most plant tissure, but they represent less than 1% of the weight of animal tissue. Glucose, monosaccride, synthesized by plants from carbon dioxide and water through photosynthesis in the presence of chlorophyll, is the simple sugar that is required by all animal cells as an energy source. Composition of the plant. Water content of pasture grass and of the whole corn plant is much higher than that of other feeds listed. Common practice when comparing feedstuffs on a water-free basis. The protein content of alfalfa hay and pasture grass is relatively high compared with that of other plant

materials listed. The whole corn and wheat plants are lower, whereas wheat and straw are much lower. Soybean and meat meal are concentrated sources of protein. Total carbs include readily digested carbs plus relatively unavailable fibrous components (crude fiber). Legume forages are relatively high in calcium, whereas grasses and the seeds of cereal grains and corn are low. Meat meal is moderately high and variable on levels of calcium ad phosphorous. The seeds of cereal grain, corn, and soybeans contain moderate levels of P, but most of it is phytate P which is biologically unavailable to animals. Animal composition. Animals contain very low concentrations of carbs and generally higher concentrations of fat, on a dry matter basis. Typical body composition of an adult animal is about 60% water, 16% protein, 20% fat, and 4% mineral matter. Water, protein, and ash of the fat free body is 19:5:1 in cattle, goats, mice, rats, sheep, swine, chickens, quail, turkey and fish. Both protein and fat accretion continue of the entire growth period, but fat accumulates at a faster rate, resulting in a substantial decrease in the protein:fat ratio as the animal approaches mature size (table 2.5). Two major variable in animal body composition are the concentrations of water and fat, and these two components vary inversely. Mineral content varies more with age than with species. The success in modifying important crops such as corn and soybeans so that they are adaptable to a wider range of environments and the green revolution have allowed substantial increases in food grain production. Genetically modified crops modified for diseases and pest resistance and improved nutrient composition to accommodate desired changes in the nutrients content of human food and animal feed. Production of milk, meat and eggs is markedly higher on a peranimal basis resulting in more efficient use of feed, labor, land, and capital. Production of fish is more efficient than meats from our typical warm-blooded animals. Many ingredients in farm animal diets can originate from materials that are not edible for humans.

Common Methods of analysis for nutrients and feedstuffs (chapter 3) - measure the chemical composition of feedstuffs and animal tissues. They quantitatively evaluate the nutrient content of foods, feeds, and animal tissues. Sampling- Modern chemical method are geared to procedures that require small amounts of material that must be collected and prepared to allow the best reasonable estimate of the total batch. The assumption is that each core will correspond reasonably well to the total composition of the bale from which it came and that, if we sample enough bales, our composition sample will be representative of the hay crop. The core samples are brought to the lab grounds, and mixed well, then small subsamples are taken for analysis. The sample must have the same proportion of particle types and sizes of as the original feed so that it is representative of what the animals are actually fed. Quatering and sampling is a god way to mix and subsample. In this method, a feed sample is placed in a plastic sheer and then mixed by lifting one corner of the sheet after another so that the sample mixes without sorting of particle sizes. Then the pile is quartered into four pie slices and two opposite slices are removed from the sheet; the process is repeated until the sample size is appropriate. Analytical Methods- Depend on various procedures that are specific for a given element, compound, or group of compounds. They are mostly methods that involve the use of acid or base titration, colorimetry, chromatography, two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, mass spectrometry, or other sophisticated processes. But these show no information related to the animals degree of utilization of the nutrient. Bacteria have been isolated that have specific requirements for one or more of the nutrients required by animals. These microorganisms can be used to determine how much of a given amino acid or vitamin is available in a given product or mixture. Dry matter- Is the most common procedure used because plant feedstuffs, animal tissue, or other samples of interest may be quite variable in water content, and one most know the amount of water

present to permit comparison of different feeds. After analysis, nutrient composition can be expresses on a dry basis or a normal as fed basis, which is about 90% dry matter for most grains. Place the test material in an oven and leave it until all of the free water has evaporated, usually and 100- 105 C. Moisture an also be estimated by moisture meter devies that give immediate results by means of a probe inserted into the test material. Proximate analysis- a combination of analytical procedures is intended for the routine description of feedstuffs. This method has been encouraged and prolonged because of laws that require the listing of min and max amounts of components that may be present in commercial feed mixtures. Diff fractions that result from proximate analysis produces is water, crude protein, ether extract, ash, crude fiber, and nitrogen- free extract. The procedure used to determine crude protein is known as Kjeldahl method. It depends on the amount of N in the test material to convert the measured N content of feed to protein, the value of N is multiplied by 6.25.The material to be analyzed first is digested in concentrated H2SO4, which converts the N to (NH4)2SO4. This mixture is then cooled and diluted with water, and neutralized with NaOH, which changes the N into the form of ionized ammonium. The sample is then distilled, and the distillate containing the ammonium is titrated with acid. This is applicable to the ruminant species that can utilize any form of N. Nonruminants cannot utilize any nonprotein N. This procedure does not change the N into ammonium salts. Ether extract requires the sample to be extracted with diethyl ether for a period of 4 hours or more. The compounds of quantitative importance are the true fats and fatty acid esters, some of the compound lipids, fat soluble vitamins or provitamins such as carotenoids. This is an attempt to isolate a fraction of feedstuff that has high caloric value.

Ash is the residue remaining after all of the combustible material has been burned off in a furnance heated to 500-600C. High ash values means there is contamination. Crude fiber id determined by using an ether extract sample, boiling in dilute acid, boiling in dilute base, filtering, drying, and burning in a furnace. The difference in the weight before and after the burning is the crude fiber fraction. It is an attempt to simulate digestion that occurs in the first in the gastric stomach then in the small intestines of animals. Crude fiber is made up primarily of plant structural carbs such as cellulose and hemicelluloses, but it also contains some lignin. Nitrogen-free extract (NFE)- is the difference between the original sample weight and the sum of weights of water, ether extract, crude protein, crude fiber, and ash. It is made up of carbs, mainly sugars and starches. The NFE is utilized highly in feedstuffs such as grain.

Chapter 4 The organs, glands, and specialized structures of the GI tract are concerned with procuring, chewing, and swallowing food; with digesting and absorbing nutrients; with performing secretory and excretory functions. Digestion may defined simply as the preparation of food for absorption. It may include mechanical forces, chemical action, or hydrolysis of ingesta by enzymes produced in the GI tract or from microorganisms in various sites in the tract. Absorption consist in processes that result in the passage of small molecules from the lumen of the GI tract through the mucosal cells lining the surface of the lumen and into the blood or lymph system. Nonriminant speciesMouth= lips, teeth, and tongue,that are used for grasping and mastication. When masticating, saliva is released from the submaxillary gland at the base of the tongue, sublingual underneath the tongue, and

the parotids beneath the ear. Saliva aids in turning food into a bolus, which may be easily swallowed, keeping the mouth moist, aiding in the taste mechanisms, and providing a source of enzymes for initiating enzymatic digestion process.

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