INDUSTRIAL Saftey Question Paper

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Industrial Safety Full Marks: 50 Time: 1 hr. NAME: Employee no.

: Discipline:
Tick the correct answer: (35x1)

1. Who is responsible to ensure safety, health and welfare of employees in a factory as per factories act 1948. a) Executives b) Operators c) Occupier d) Higher management 2. The role of safety officer is a) To supervise the work b) To ensure safety at work place c) To guide management on safety issues d) To prepare factory plan 3. Accidents are caused by a) Unsafe working b) Unsafe acts c) Fatigue d) All of the above 4. Lifting tools and tackles to be tested. a) Every six month b) Once in every year c) As and when maintenance carried out d) Only selected tools to be tested 5. What are the full forms of. a) PPE personal protective equipments b) SHE - safety health environment c) OHSAS Occupational, health & safety assessment series d) ISO-International Organization for Standardization

6. Qualified safety officer is. a) Any graduate engineer b) Any person having Diploma in Industrial Safety c) Any engg. Graduate with diploma in industrial safety d) Any designated person. 7. Schedule 3 of factories act shows. a) List of hazardous industries b) List of occupational diseases c) Form for reporting of accidents d) All of the above 8. Occupational discuses are caused by. a) Inhalation of toxic gases b) Exposure to dusty atmosphere c) Undue stress at work place d) Only (a) & (b) above e) All of the above 9. On site Disaster management plan is required to. a) Ensure safety at work place b) Take mitigation measures c) Show to concerned authorities d) Display 10. Maximum accidents occur due to a) Electric shock b) Road accidents c) Fall form height d) Drowning 11. If fatal accident occur in a factory to whom it should reported. a) District collector b) Local MLA/MP c) Inspector of factories d) Labour commissioner 12. If a reportable accident occurs in construction to whom it should be reported.

District collector b) Local MLA/MP c) Inspector of factories d) Labour commissioner 13. Reporting time in case of fatal injury. a) Within 24 Hrs of happening b) Within 4 Hrs of happening c) Within 12 Hrs of happening d) Within 72 Hrs of happening 14. Year of amendment of factories act. a) 1960 b) 2000 c) 1987 d) Non of the above 15. Who declares Occupier of a PSU factory ? a) Chief Executives officer b) Director (HR) c) Concerned state minister d) Concerned Minister at Center 16. Who declares factory manager? a) Minister of concerned industry b) Occupier c) CEO of company d) All of the above 17. Safety committee is formed by. a) Equal members of unions and management b) Members of different unions c) Members of management only d) Non of the above 18. The factories act 1948 is meant for. a) To ensure safety of workers b) Health and welfare of workers c) Safety, health and welfare of workers d) Social obligation of workers 19. Safety audit is carried out to.

a) Ensure safety at work place b) Ensure working of systems c) Ensure safety health and environment d) Thorough checking of plants for safety 20. Use asbestos hand globes while working on. a) Electrical system b) Handling of materials c) Hot surfaces d) Lubrication 21. Electrical fire is caused by. a) Loose connections b) Overloading of circuits c) Short circuiting d) Only (b) & (c) e) All of the above 22. Medical examination of the workers working in Hazardous area are to be examined once in a. a) Six months b) Year c) Two years d) Three years 23. An accidents is called reportable accident, if a worker is absent for a work more than .hours. e) 24 hours f) 36 hours g) 48 hours h) 15 days 24. Safety audit of Hazardous industry is mandatory under notification of Ministry of Environment & Forests. The safety audit shall be conducted a) Every year b) Every Two year c) Any Major modification d) After Every accidents. 25. Suitable fall arresting system is mandatory for preventing

fall of persons if any person working at height of-------- or more is carried out. a) 5 Meters b) 4 Meters c) 3 Meters d) 2Meters 26. The work platform should not deflect more than. Of the span when loaded. a) 1/15 b) 1/30 c) 1/60 d) 1/90 27. One of the following workers participation in safety Management schemes are mandatory. a) Safety stewards b) Safety circular c) Safety task force d) Safety committee. 28. Fire Safety day is celebrated on a) 4th March b) 14th April c) 24th May d) 5th June 29. Minimum Age of audit worker in factory act. a) 18 Years b) 20 Years c) 25 Years d) 21 Years 30.Maximum weight a male adult worker can lift as per factory act. a) 40 kgs b) 50 kgs c) 55 kgs d) 60 kgs 31.Disease caused by can fiber is called.

a) Bagassosis b) Byssinosis c) tobacossis 32. Asphyxiating gases are all except. a) Carbon Monoxide b) Cyanide c) Sculpture dioxide d) Nitrous Oxide 33. Symptoms of shock are all except. a) Feeling of coldness. b) Sweating c) May be difficulty in breathing d) fever 34. Chlorine poisoning patient should but giver milk. a) Lime juice b) Fresh water c) Milk of magnesia d) All of the above e) Non of the above 35. In case of Spinal Injury all are true except. a) Do not let the victim attempt to move b) Greatest are should be taken not to bend neck or back. c) Transfer the victim to a canvas stretcher d) Fix the victim on the stretcher with the blankets round him. e) The victim should always be transported in supine (face upwards) position. 36. Short questions : (5x1) (i) What is the relationship between fire and explosion? (ii) How do you extinguish if you see a pan containing oil bursting into flame? (iii) How fire is classified ?

(iv) Fire involving inflammable liquids is best fought with material? (v) Fire involving solids like paper, wood cloths etc. is best fought with what? 37. What are the district sources of disaster that cause emergencies and disasters in power plants?

38. How the emergency drills and fire drills are conducted and what advantage do they provide to improve management interventions?

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