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Intra State District Level Panchayati Raj Games

Proposal to conduct District Level Games in all 18 districts of Chhattisgarh in 8 different disciplines towards the mainstream inclusion of the rural population of the state in the field of sports and games, with the intention to encourage sports and to identify talent towards the oncoming national Games being organized by the state in 2013.

The Life Foundation

The Life Foundation

Intra State District Level Panchayati Raj Games

Proposal to conduct District Level Games in all 18 districts of Chhattisgarh in 8 different disciplines towards the mainstream inclusion of the rural population of the state in the field of sports and games, with the intention to encourage sports and to identify talent towards the oncoming national Games being organized by the state in 2013.

The state of Chhattisgarh has been bestowed with the opportunity and the responsibility to organize the 2013 National Games. Our young state, on its quest to find its feet, and to establish itself solidly, has given rise to many innovations, both in individual spheres as well as those which impact the social structure. We have been getting numerous coveted awards and recognitions in many spheres, including Sports, Governance, Industrialization, Food Security, Employment Generation, and a general state of well-being of the population. The leadership in the Centre, even though it is politically opposed to the elected government of the state, has been very forthcoming and supportive of the good-intentions of development of the state government, and it is in this respect, that the state was given the opportunity to prove itself in organizing the National Games. Chhattisgarh is chiefly a Tribal State, and more than Four-Fifths of the people live in Rural Areas. Even though basic facilities exist in most of the areas, it is still not developed in any of the quality-of-life enhancement facilities. The general population of the state is therefore, not exposed to sports as much as is necessary for their physical and mental well-being. It is in light of these existing ground realities that we propose this agenda.

District Level Games

The proposal is very simple, straight-forward and effective. We plan on organizing the games with a 3-tier approach. 1. Initially, we will setup a survey and registration organization, and invite requests for registration and admission into the games by the sportspersons. All registrations will be entertained only if they have been forwarded by the Panchayat and the General Body of the Village Panchayat of that respective village (only after consensus has been arrived at a general meeting of the village). 1

The Life Foundation


A database will be prepared of all registrants, and thereafter, Block Level selection trials will be organized, and we will identify eligible candidates, and forward their names to the Block Panchayat Committees for them to finally send a Block Level Team back to us. 3. The Block Level Teams will again have to go through Sports Trials and a final District Level Team of Sportspersons will be given the responsibility and privilege to represent the District in the State Level Games. This final District Level Team will be generated by the District Panchayat and will consist of the names suggested by us, as well as others as deemed by the District Panchayat. 4. Furthermore, we will eventually be conducting State Level Games, and will so place the activities so as to maximize the geographical coverage of the venues, and hopefully, spread the message across the state.

Schedule of Sports to be included in the Events

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Archery ( Team and Solo) Swimming (including Solo and Team Events) Kabaddi Kho Kho Volleyball Football Track and Fields (Team and Solo) Handball

Plan of Action
Tier I
We will be setting up temporary survey offices in ever Administrative Block of each District for 30 days simultaneously, and thereafter, send intimation to every Village Panchayat to provide us with eligible candidates for the Block Level Qualifiers. We will thereafter identify and test the candidates, and thereafter send the successful candidates for further training.

Tier II
We will organize District Level Qualifiers and identify successful and promising candidates, and forward their names to the District Panchayat, upon confirmation of which, we will send the District Level Teams for further training.

Tier III
We will organize the State Level Event, and will reward the successful sportspersons in cash and kind, and also send the winners and the promising candidates for further training to enable them to be successful during the National Games. 2

The Life Foundation

Tier I
Block Resource Centre and adjoining Sports complexes in every Block Panchayat HQ. The Block Resource Centers will be rented for a period of 3 months, which is also the maximum permissible of continuous rental of the BRC.

Tier II
The District Sports Center and all the respective Sports facilities of the District will be employed. Accommodation and Administration will be managed from Government and privately owned premises.

Tier III
All the activities will be spread over 5 cities. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Watersports activities will be conducted in Durg. Track and Field in Bilaspur. Volleyball and Handball in Raigarh. Kho kho and Kabaddi in Jagdalpur. Archery and Football in Raipur.

Post Organization Events

Post Prize Distribution Ceremony in Raipur, the Organization will set itself on a task to prepare a detailed assessment of each district-level finalist, and set out to arrange for their performance improvements. The Organization will then setup permanent offices in each of the 18 Districts with a permanent staff, and the following state level units: 1. Administration Unit in Raipur 2. Training Units in Bilaspur, Rajnandgaon, Ambikapur and Jagdalpur. 3. Legal and Media Unit in Durg. The organization with thereafter send each promising individual and team to be trained by imminent sporting professionals and personalities, both in its private capacity, as well as by forwarding our recommendations to the state government for inclusion in the Training Camps organized by the state government for the National Games.

We sincerely hope that our idea will be appreciated and we will be given the opportunity to put it into action. We have all the Human Resources and Organizational Capacity to achieve the desired results. 3

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