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"Study the Various schemes of health & safety and its employees satisfaction level

Rani Durgavati Vishwavidyalaya, Jabalpur (M.P.)

-: Prepared & Submitted by:-

Sarita Ku. Kanojia

MBA 3rd SEM.


Gyan Ganga Institute of Technology & Science, Jabalpur (M.P.)


I here by forward the project reportentitled on the topic study the various schemes of health & safety and its employee satisfaction level . Submitted by Sarita Ku. Kanojia MBA III Semester. In partial fulfillment of course Curriculum of the degree Master of Business Administration RDVV, Jabalpur M.P.

Mr. A. K. Dhagat Director


I hereby declare that the project report entitled with Study the Various shemes of health & safety and It employees satisfication level Work done by me is my own peach of work and Authentic to the best of my knowledge under the guidance of Mrs. Shabana

Date: Signature Place:


We consider it a privilege to acknowledge our gratitude to Dr. P. L. Bankar (C.P.O.) for giving us an opportunity to visit the organization and collect valuable information about the topics selected and for his valuable guidance. We express our deep sense of gratitude and indebtness to our project guides Mrs. Shabana for their valuable knowledge ,their encouraging attitude and helping nature throughout the project. We would also like to acknowledge all the employees of the West Central Railways DRM Office. (JBP. Div.) For providing us such conducive environment to Work.

Sarita Ku. Kanojia


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The map investigates the population densities of people older than 65 in the Sacramento Region. An emphasis is added to the areas within an estimated 10 minute walking distance of an existing light rail station. Geographical census information was found available to anyone for free at the California website Cal Atlas. This information is shown separated into geographical areas of varying size. Each area is identified with a color signifying the population density of the people over 65 years of age. Roads of many different capacities are displayed in varying line widths and colors. The Sacramento Regional Transit District light rail system is shown in a unique color and line weight combination. Stations are identified with black dots. Centered on each station is a circular buffer.

To study the health & safety measure foe railway employees. To findingout the satisfaction level of employees about health & safety measure provided by DRM. To study the impact health & safety measure on employees working capacity.

Research methodology is a strategy that guides a researcher in providing answers to the research questions and for this research, survey is done. A research design is the specification of method and procedure for acquiring the information needed it is the overall operational pattern framework of the project the stipulates what information is to be collected from which sources by what procedure. If it is a good design, it will ensure that the information obtained is relevant to the research questions and that it was collected by objective and economical procedure. Research in common parlance refers to a search for knowledge. Research is an academic activity and as such the term should be used in a technical sense. According to Clifford woody- research comprises, defining and redefining problem, formulating hypothesis. The researcher has to determine whether they fit the formulating hypothesis. The researcher has to decide the method to be used which helps him to get a desired direction in a systematic way. This study was done in the following manner. Sample can be defined as a part of the whole. Thus, sampling is a set of unit or proportion of aggregate which has been selected in the belief that it will be the representative of the whole aggregate or sampling may be defined as- selection of a portion of the whole in which each element of the population has an equal chance of being selected. A random drawn sample is an unbiased sample. Sampling area of the project undertaken would be DRM and the sampling size would include 20 respondents which are the permanent employees of DRM Jabalpur.

Data was gathered from various departments and also from the records of the staff, also by discussion and interaction with employees and various executives of the relevant departments and by observation. The bulk of the relevant information was gathered by going through the files of the workers, which contained various aspects.


Primary method
Primary data was collected using structured questionnaire and interviewing the respondents. A structured questionnaire was formulated after conducting a pilot survey.

Secondary method
This was done by referring to the literature available i.e. Journal, magazines, websites etc.


After the data was collected, it was analyzed to get a meaningful detail. Then according to the analysis, interpretations and evaluations were made that were are the strong and weak point of the collected data or the detail gathered or current system of information of the human resources.


DRM Office is a department owned and controlled by the Government of India, via the Ministry of Railways. As of May 2009, the Railway Ministry is headed by Mamata Banerjee, the Union Minister for Railways and assisted by two ministers of State for DRM Office. Indian DRM Office is administered by the Railway Board, which has a financial commissioner, five members and a chairman. The headquarters of the Indian Railways in Railways is divided into zones, which are further sub-divided into divisions. The number of zones in Indian Railways increased from six to eight in 1951, nine in 1952, and finally 16 in 2003. Each zonal railway is made up of a certain number of divisions, each having a divisional headquarters. There are a total of sixty-seven divisions. The Kolkata Metro is owned and operated by Indian Railways, but is not a part of any of the zones. It is administratively considered to have the status of a zonal railway. Each of the sixteen zones, as well as the Kolkata Metro, is headed by a General Manager (GM) who reports directly to the Railway Board. The zones are further divided into divisions under the control of Divisional Railway Managers (DRM). The divisional officers of engineering, mechanical, electrical, signal and telecommunication, accounts, personnel, operating, commercial and safety branches report to the respective Divisional Manager and are in charge of operation and maintenance of assets. Further down the hierarchy tree are the Station Masters who control individual stations and the train movement through the track territory under their stations' administration. Sl. No Name Abbr. 1. CentralCR

2. East CentralECR 3. East CoastECoR 4. EasternER 5. North CentralNCR 6. North EasternNER 7. North WesternNWR 8. Northeast FrontierNFR 9. NorthernNR 10. South CentralSCR 11. South East CentralSECR 12. South EasternSER 13. South WesternSWR 14. SouthernSR

The swot analysis is the way to ascertain the overall stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. dimensions of an

organization by analyzing its internal and external environment .The term swot

INTERNAL ENVIRONMENT The internal environment comprises of the strengths and weaknesses of the following-

Strengths : Human Resources 1. The w.c.r. has an adequate number of manpower. 2. The top officials are the creamy layer being selected through all India govt.entrance exams. 3. The are sufficient provisions for the training and development.

Information Technology

1. The software like the PRS, PRIME, PMIS are the added advantage. 2. The rail net provides all the relevant information quickly. 3. The IT has helped in reducing the paper work and speeding the operations.


1. The w.c.r. gets adequate financial support from the government. 2. The financial support for welfare activities in the form of SBF is an added advantage.

Research and Development1. The R&D has helped in continuous up gradation of goods and services. 2. The scientists at R&D simplified the procedures.

WEAKNESSESHuman Resources1. Diffiulty in managing huge manpower. 2. They are governed by too many labour laws.

Information Technology1. Still some of the advanced systems are needed to be introduced. 2. The IT need to be supported further.

Finance.The risk capital is avoided so, the growth margin moves at a steady rate.

Research and DevelopmentThe research works are at initial stages as w.c.r. is established later than the other zones.



Social1. The railways can bring further innovations as per the satisfaction of the mass. 2. The additional services can be provided to the weaker sections of the society.

1.The rules can be made flexible as per the changing scenario. 2.The legal bondages which effect its progress can be removed.

1.The maximum output at minimum cost should be the main goal. 2.The favourable economic policies can be availed.

1.The use of the advanced soft wares which can increase efficiency be used. 2.The advanced equipments, methods of productionbe used to compete private sectors.


SocialThe customs ,beliefs ,thinking etc. of the society if not considered the severe results have to be confronted.

Legal There so many laws made for its functioning and non follow up of any of it raise the difficulty for the organization.

Technological The technologies used by the private sectors are far more advanced .

Health and safety training

Executive Health and Safety

What is training? Training means helping people to learn how to do something, telling people what they should or should not do, or simply giving them information. Training isnt just about formal classroom courses.

What you need to know

This leaflet explains the importance of health and safety training to owners and managers of businesses. It gives advice on who may need training, what form the training may take and how to organise it.

Who needs health and safety training?

You do! Whether you are an employer or selfemployed, are you sure that youre up to date with how to identify the hazards and control the risks from your work? Do you know how to get help from your trade association, your local Chamber of Commerce, or your health and safety enforcing authority? Do you know what you have to do about consulting your employees, or their representatives, on health and safety issues? If not, you would probably benefit from some training. Your managers and supervisors do! If you employ managers or supervisors they will certainly need some training. They need to know what you expect from them in terms of health and safety, and how you expect them to deliver. They need to understand your

health and safety policy, where they fit in, and how you want health and safety managed. They may also need training in the specific hazards of your processes and how you expect the risks to be controlled. Your employees do! Everyone who works for you, including selfemployed people,needs to know how to work safely and without risks to health. Like your supervisors, they need to know about your health and safety policy, your arrangements for implementing it, and the part they play. They also need to know how they can raise any health and safety concerns with you. You should: take into account the capabilities, training, knowledge and experience of workers; and ensure that the demands of the job do not exceed their ability to carry out their work without risk to themselves and others. Some employees may have particular training needs, for example: new recruits need basic induction training into how to work safely, including arrangements for first aid, fire and evacuation; people changing jobs or taking on extra responsibilities need to know about any new health and safety implications; young employees are particularly vulnerable to accidents and you need to pay particular attention to their needs, so their training should be a priority. It is also important that new, inexperienced or young employees are adequately supervised; some peoples skills may need updating by refresher training. Your risk assessment should identify any further specific training needs.

Why is health and safety training important?

Providing health and safety information and training helps you to: ensure your employees are not injured or made ill by the work they do; develop a positive health and safety culture, where safe and healthy working find out how you could manage health and safety better; meet your legal duty to protect the health and safety of your employees.

becomes second nature to everyone;

Effective training: will contribute towards making your employees competent in health and can help your business avoid the distress that accidents and ill health cause; can help you avoid the financial costs of accidents and occupational ill



Introduction to Health and Safety in Construction

Introduction to Health Insurance in India
How many accident you need to realise that you need Health Cover? It takes just one visit to a hospital to make us realize how vulnerable we are, every passing second. For the rich as well as poor, male as well as female and young as well as old, being diagnosed with an illness and having the need to be hospitalized can be a tough ordeal. Heart problems, diabetes, stroke, renal failure, cancer the list of lifestyle diseases just seem to get longer and more common these days. Thankfully there are more speciality hospitals and specialist doctors but all that comes at a cost. The super rich can afford such costs, but what about an average middle class person. For an illness that requires hospitalization/ surgery, costs can easily run into five digit bills. A Health insurance policy can cover such expenses to a large extent. Read why Health Insurance is more Important these days compared to Old days

Types of Health Insurance

There are mainly three types of Health Insurance covers: Individual Mediclaim : The simplest form of health insurance is the Individual Mediclaim policy. It covers the hospitalization expenses for an individual for up to the sum assured limit. The insurance premium is dependent on the sum assured value. Example : If you have 3 family members you can get an individual cover of Rs 2 lacs each . In this case each of you are covered for 2 lacs , if 3 members face a need for hospitalization , all 3 of them can get expenses recovered upto Rs 2 lacs . All the 3 policies are independent . Family Floater policy : Family Floater Policies are enhanced version of the mediclaim policy. The sum assured value floats among the family members. i.e each opted family member comes under the policy, and it covers expenses for the entire family up to the sum

assured limit. The premium for family floater plans is typically less than that for separate insurance cover for each family member. Example : In this case if suppose there are 3 family members , you can take a Family floater policy for Rs 6 lacs in total . Now anyone can claim upto 6 lacs in expenses , but then the cover will go down by that much amount for that year . So if one of the family member is hospitalised and the expenses are 4.5 lacs . It will be paid and then the cover will be reduced to 1.5 lacs for that particular year . Next year again it will start from fresh 6 lacs. Family floater makes sense for a family because that way each one in family gets a big cover and probability of more than 1 getting hospitalized in same year is too low untill and unless whole family is travelling together most of the times in a year . What is the Ideal Cover for Health Insurance As mentioned earlier, the cost of Health Insurance depends on the sum assured , age, current health condition and your previous medical history. Higher the sum assured, higher the premium. So what is the ideal health insurance cover requirement? There is no standard answer or thumb rule for this. If we agree that health insurance is important, one has to look at his/ her own lifestyle, health condition, age/ life stage, family history of illnesses and affordability. Keep in mind that most insurance companies limit the sum assured to a maximum of 5 lakhs. Also note that many health insurance policies provide additional benefits such as daily allowance, ambulance charges, etc. for hospitalization. Not only are such benefits superfluous, they tend to drive the premiums higher. So it is best to avoid such plans and stick to something basic and simple.

Health Insurance provided by Employer

Many employers provide health cover for their employees. Isnt that sufficient? Three aspects need to be considered in such a case Is that cover sufficient? Is the insurer good enough? What happens if you change your job? Health insurance is provided as a perk to the employees. So it is important to understand the policy a bit more in detail and to check for coverage. The best way is to ask the HR Department for policy details. Get into details ,

what is covered , what is not covered ? Many times Employees just think that they have health Insurance and

Health Insurance for the aged

Till a few years back, health insurance companies were reluctant to provide cover for the aged. But nowadays there are a lot of insurance companies providing policies for the senior citizens. Insurance cover paid for a person of age 65 years and above, can provide additional tax exemption of up to Rs.20,000. But keep in mind that the premium rates are higher for senior citizens. For the employed, another option is to approach the employer to negotiate with the official insurer to provide an option for additional cover to parents. Since the volumes are high, the insurer can provide such added cover at attractive premium rates. One of our readers Pattu has shared a great calculator which he discussed in his comment is uploaded here , If you want to download it , Click here Tax Exemption from Health Insurance Premiums Sec 80D covers Health Insurance . You can get exemptions of Upto Rs. 15,000 paid for self + spouse + children. Upto Rs 15,000 paid for Parents (Rs 20,000 if parents are senior citizens) So in total if you pay your health insuance and your parents health Insurance premium , you can save upto maximum of 35,000 . Note : If you take Health Insurance riders with Term Insurance like Critical Illness cover , the extra premium paid for that will be actually be covered under Sec 80D , not sec 80C . See Tax Rules What is TPA (Third Party Administrators) ? TPA stands for Third Party Administrator. TPA is a middlemen between Insurer and the Customer . Customer can directly deal with TPA at the time of claim and TPA will help with with all the process of claim settlement . A TPA is a specialized health service provider rendering variety of services like networking with hospitals, arranging for hospitalization and claim processing and settlement. The concept of TPA has been introduced by the IRDA (Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India) for

the benefit of both the insured and the insurer. While the insured is benefited by quicker & better health service, insurers are benefited by reduction in their administrative costs, fraudulent claims and ultimately bringing down the claim ratios. An insurance company can have more than one TPA and a TPA can serve more than one insurance company. There are 2 ways by which health insurance claims are settled: Cashless : For availing cashless treatment (only at authorized network hospitals), the TPA has to be notified in advance (for planned hospitalization) or within the stipulated time limits (for emergencies). The insurance desk at hospitals usually helps with all paper work. The claim amount need to be approved by the TPA, and the hospital settles the amount with the TPA/ Insurer. Typically there will be exclusions and such amount will have to be settled directly at the hospital. Reimbursement : Reimbursement facility can be availed at both the network and nonnetwork hospitals. Here the insured avails the treatment and settles the hospital bills directly at the hospital. The insured can claim reimbursement for hospitalization by submitting relevant bills/ documents for the claimed amount to the TPA. The TPA mode of claims settling has its own problems. The TPA is incentivized to limit insurance claims The TPA mode of claims settling has its own problems. The TPA is incentivized to limit insurance claims and they are not the ones who sells the policy. There are many cases where the insured had a tough time to claim for his hospital expenses. So before taking health insurance it would be useful to check who the TPA is and how good are they when it comes to claims processing. Internet search and a friendly chat with the hospital staff can give you good insight on the insurer/ TPA. There are also some health insurance providers who do not employ TPAs and does claims settlement directly (this is called Inhouse TPA) . Comments , What are the best health Insurance policies you are aware of ? Do you feel it makes sense to buy health insurance at early stage or after getting married only ? Please share your views on this . This is a Guest Article from Ganesh who is an avid follower of this blog and his blog is My Graffiti Page. Please note that this post is NOT intended to promote or suggest any Health Insurance plan. If anyone is planning to take Health Insurance this New Year, the post can

possibly provide some useful tips and pointers for selecting a suitable plan. Your comments and thoughts are most welcome. You might also like: 17 Most asked questions in Health Insurance How to choose Medical Insurance Policy ? Health InsuranceWhat is Health or Medical Insurance ?The Review of HeartBeat Health Insurance Policy from Max Bupa Beware of Loading and Co-pay in Mediclaim Policies

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What do you think about your Retirement ? customer surveys

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Top of Form Bottom of Form { 161 comments read them below or add one } 1 pattu January 7, 2010 at 10:50 pm Dear Manish, 1) Reg. Health ULIPS: You write This is only recommended for people who who are eligible for market linked products like ULIP a This doesnt make sense. How can someone be eligible for a ULIP! 2) Here are two good links on choosing critical illness or major surgery plan in addition to medicalim 4) One should invest in MFs+DEbt similar to ret. plan to create a health corpus for expenses in old age or after mediclaim expires. Once also do this in a health-ULIP like LICs health plus in addition to mediclaim This is a surgical assistance+ ULIP plan which invests in nearly 50 % debt instruments. Although it has some drawbacks and not as good as simple MF route it does provide surgical assistance for several surgeries (better than most CI plans) and can help if need at young age.


ORR Health and Safety Report 2010 - Introduction ORRs aim We aim to make sure that the:

health, safety and welfare of passengers, railway employees and members of the public who may be exposed to risks from the railway is protected; rail industry achieves excellence in health and safety culture and risk control.

ORRs vision
Our health and safety vision is for zero workforce and industry-caused passenger fatalities, with an ever-decreasing overall safety risk.

ORRs approach
We aim to ensure that the rail industry manages risks adequately, and continuously improves its health and safety performance as far as is reasonably practical. Informed through regular audits and inspections, the investigations of incidents and complaints, we are able to take an efficient risk-based approach to regulation. Our regulatory approach includes:

using our newly-developed railway management maturity model which helps to identify how well duty holders are meeting the requirements of their safetymanagement systems;

proactive inspection and audit to inform the railway management maturity model; monitoring health and safety performance indicators, including the assessments undertaken by other bodies, such as the Rail Safety and Standards Board (RSSB) and the Rail Accident Investigation Branch (RAIB);

providing industry advice and guidance to help duty holders comply with the law; using our powers and influence to help the industry tackle common issues such as competence, supervision, managing change and safety awareness; and using appropriate enforcement to:
o o o

make sure duty holders take immediate action to deal with serious risks; ensure duty holders meet the legal requirements; and if appropriate, make sure duty holders are held to account in the courts for any health and safety failings.

Roles of the Key industry bodies


enforces compliance with Health and Safety at Work Act (HSWA) and subordinate regulations for GB railways by: o setting railway specific policy; o producing guidance; o inspection, audit and investigation of risk controls; o driving improvement through advice and formal enforcement; and o ensuring research is carried out. assuring system safety for mainline railway; and acts as National Safety Authority (Europe).


independent investigation body for railways accidents/incidents; has no enforcement powers; produces reports with recommendations about preventing a recurrence; can produce urgent safety advice notices; and does not apportion blame or liability.


supports the mainline industry only; manages Railway Group Standards for interfaces (operational/performance benefits as well as safety); assists the industry in securing health and safety by: o data gathering & modelling; o research; and o providing technical expertise.

Railways duty holders

duty to eliminate or control risk by: conducting risk assessments; o implementing control measures within a Safety Management System (SMS) through setting safe systems of work, instruction, training, supervision, monitoring and review of the effectiveness of their controls; and cooperating with other operators and parties.licence condition requires railway group members .

Government of India Ministry of Health & Family welfare Department of Health & Family welfare Nirman Bhavan, New Delhi


OBJECT OF DEMAND SURVEY Government of India is contemplating introduction of a Health Insurance Scheme for Central Government Employees and Pensioners and their dependent family members all over India. Ministry of Health & Family Welfare intends to assess the demand for the above Scheme from the prospective through this survey for taking further steps in this direction.


personnel of the Central Government including All India Service officers, serving and retired, and others who are covered under the existing CGHS (Central Government Health Scheme) and under CS(MA)Rules [Central services (Medical Attendance) Rules] Can join the Scheme. The Scheme is proposed to be

implemented on voluntary basis for existing employees and pensioners and compulsorily for future employees and pensioners.


provide coverage for meeting expenses of hospitalization and surgical procedures for beneficiary members up to Rs.5.00 lakh per family per year subject to limits, in any of the network hospitals. The benefit to the family will be on floater basis i.e. the total reimbursement of Rs.5.00 lakh can be availed of individually or collectively by members of the family.Coverage of Pre-existing diseases: All diseases under the proposed scheme shall be covered from day one.

INSURANCE PREMIUM The beneficiary will

have to pay an annual premium which will be determined after the formal introduction of the Scheme. It will vary according to the grade pay of the officer. The estimated annual premium for a standard family size will be in the range of Rs.8,000 to Rs.12,000 p.a. It is however proposed to be subsidized by the Government to a considerable extent. The amount of premium shall be decided by the transparent process of bidding amongst the Insurance companies participating in the Scheme. In case of serving employees, the premium would be deducted by the Drawing & Disbursing Officer. In the case of pensioners, they would be required to authorize the Band branch from which they are drawing their pension, to deduct the insurance premium.

a) In case of serving employees, self, spouse, two dependent children and dependent parents would be covered. New born will be covered as a part of insured family member during the currency of the policy. b) In case of retired employees, self, spouse, two dependent children and dependent parents would be covered.

1. Additional dependent family member can be covered under the scheme by paying an additional premium per additional family member. The premium shall be borne by the beneficiary and there would be no govt. subsidy for the same. 2. The definition of dependent shall be as per guidelines issued by Central Government from time to time. Serving Central Government employees and Central Government pensioners, if interested in becoming a member of the proposed insurance scheme may send their details as per the format given below, to the Additional Director / Joint Director in the following cities nearest to his place, where CGHS is presently functioning, not later than 15th Feb. 2010. Ahmedabad - Guwahati - Mumbai Allahabad - Hyderabad - Nagpur Bangalore - Jaipur - Patna Bhubaneshwar - Jabalpur - Pune Bhopal - Jammu - Ranchi

Chandigarh - Kanpur - Shillong Chennai - Kolkata - Trivandraum Delhi - Lucknow - Jammu Dehradun - Meerut

1. Name : 2. Designation : 3. Office Address : 4. Mailing Address : 5. e-mail id (if available) : 6. Date of Birth : 7. Age as on 01.01.2010 : 8. Date of Retirement : (for pensioners) 9. Whether CGHS beneficiary : (Yes / No) 10. Nearest CGHS location : 11. Family size : (Details including gender & age) I am interested in joining the Health Insurance Scheme as and when it becomes operational. Date: Place:


Health IT and Electronic Health Topics:

Electronic health records security compliance Electronic health records security compliance is a top priority. Learn about security systems and how, when and where to deploy encryption to secure personal health information and records, medical records, electronic health records and health systems, and manage secure health information systems under the requirements of HIPAA, HITECH and ARRA.


Meanings There are two slightly different meanings of safety. For example, home safety may indicate a building's ability to protect against external harm events (such as weather, home invasion, etc.), or may indicate that its internal installations (such as appliances, stairs, etc.) are safe (not dangerous or harmful) for its inhabitants. Limitations Safety can be limited in relation to some guarantee or a standard of insurance to the quality and unharmful function of an object or organization. It is used in order to ensure that the object or organization will do only what it is meant to do. It is important to realize that safety is relative. Eliminating all risk, if even possible, would be extremely difficult and very expensive. A safe situation is one where risks of injury or property damage are low and manageable.

Types of safety
It is important to distinguish between products that meet standards, that are safe, and those that merely feel safe. The highway safety community uses these terms:

Normative safety
Normative safety is a term used to describe products or designs that meet applicable design standards and protection.

Substantive safety
Substantive, or objective safety means that the real-world safety history is favorable, whether or not standards are met.

Perceived safety
Perceived, or subjective safety refers to the level of comfort of users. For example, traffic signals are perceived as safe, yet under some circumstances, they can increase traffic crashes at an intersection. Traffic roundabouts have a generally favorable safety record, yet often make drivers nervous.

Risks and responses

afety is generally interpreted as implying a real and significant impact on risk of death, injury or damage to property. In response to perceived risks many interventions may be proposed with engineering responses and regulation being two of the most common. Probably the most common individual response to perceived safety issues is insurance, which compensates for or provides restitution in the case of damage or loss.

System safety and reliability engineering

S ystem safety and reliability engineering is an engineering discipline. Continuous changes in technology, environmental regulation and public safety concerns make the analysis of complex safetycritical systems more and more demanding. A common fallacy, for example among electrical engineers regarding structure power systems, is that safety issues can be readily deduced. In fact, safety issues have been discovered one by one, over more than a century in the case mentioned, in the work of many thousands of practitioners, and cannot be deduced by a single individual over a few decades. A knowledge of the literature, the standards and custom in a field is a critical part of safety engineering. A combination of theory and track record of practices is involved, and track record indicates some of the areas of theory that are relevant. (In the USA, persons with a state license in Professional Engineering in Electrical Engineering are expected to be competent in this regard, the foregoing notwithstanding, but most electrical engineers have no need of the license for their work.)

Safety measures
Safety measures are activities and precautions taken to improve safety, i.e. reduce risk related to human health. Common safety measures include:

Root cause analysis to identify causes of a system failure and correct deficiencies. Visual examination for dangerous situations such as emergency exits blocked because they are being used as storage areas. Visual examination for flaws such as cracks, peeling, loose connections. Chemical analysis X-ray analysis to see inside a sealed object such as a weld, a cement wall or an airplane outer skin. Destructive testing of samples Stress testing subjects a person or product to stresses in excess of those the person or product is designed to handle, to determining the "breaking point". Safety margins/Safety factors. For instance, a product rated to never be required to handle more than 200 pounds might be designed to fail under at least 400 pounds, a safety factor of two. Higher numbers are used in more sensitive applications such as medical or transit safety. Implementation of standard protocols and procedures so that activities are conducted in a known way. Training of employees, vendors, product users Instruction manuals explaining how to use a product or perform an activity Instructional videos demonstrating proper use of products Examination of activities by specialists to minimize physical stress or increase productivity

Government regulation so suppliers know what standards their product is expected to meet. Industry regulation so suppliers know what level of quality is expected. Industry

Limitation of health & safety of railway employees


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Rail Resource Management (RRM)

An operational railway is highly dependent upon the performance of its staff, both as individuals and as part of an extended team. As a result, improvements that can be achieved with regard to both individual and teamworking skills have the potential to impact positively on operational performance. Why RRM

In other high performance industries, such as aviation and medicine, training programmes, sometimes referred to as crew resource management, have been implemented to target improvements in these areas. In recent years, following the Ladbroke Grove accident in England and the Waterfall accident in Australia, more focus has been given to the application of this concept in railways worldwide. The aim of RRM training programmes therefore is to develop the skills and underpinning knowledge required to change attitudes and behaviours over time, and to minimise the risk of human factors preventing staff from achieving the highest levels of safety, efficiency and customer focus

How can this be achieved? With almost 20 years experience in designing and implementing human factors/behavioural training programmes ITS can help clients reach these objectives.

We can achieve this by concentrating on a number of key elements such as, for example:

Threat & error management Teamwork Personality, attitude & behaviour Communication Decision making Situation awareness Briefing and debriefing skills Case studies

Why ITS? ITS is a research driven organisation, by which we mean that our training courses are customised to the needs of each individual organisation, based on a detailed evaluation of the client's requirements. We therefore work with individual clients to

understand their specific needs, and to develop appropriate solutions.

Safety, Health, Environment and Quality

We deliver to our clients a high standard of service based on a culture thats guiding philosophy is zero defects and accidents whether they be to people, property, plant, equipment or the environment. Additionally, we seek to minimise disturbance to the local and global environment from our operations.

Our core principles are:

To operate safe systems and methods of work and ensure the safety of the public. To contribute to the physical and social environments in which we operate. To engage with our stakeholders and provide them with information.

To comply with the law, wherever we operate, and to be sensitive to local customs and traditions. To conduct our business and make our decisions within a clear ethical framework

Build long-lasting, fair and honest relationships with our customers, suppliers and employees

Provide a safe and healthy working environment Deliver high quality services reliably, on-time and on-budget Innovate to deliver efficient, effective and safe solutions Foster passion, recognise achievement, and reward excellence Manage financial risk and returns prudently and predictably Share our success with our stakeholders Meet our broader responsibilities to the community and the environment We care We communicate We show openness and integrity We do what we promise We have an unconditional commitment to safety, health, environment and quality We think before we act


We behave consistently and prudently We challenge and reward

Office of Work-Life (CG-111) : Work-Life

Programs The Coast Guard's Work-Life Program is managed by the Office of Work-Life, a Headquarters program manager staff within the Health and Safety Directorate, reporting to the Assistant Commandant for Human Resources. This staff is responsible for establishing, developing and promulgating Work-Life policy and interpreting program standards for Coast Guard-wide implementation. The overall objective is to support the well-being of active duty, reserve and civilian employees and family members.

Office of Work-Life Programs -

Physical Fitness Program Who is Eligible for this Program? The Physical Fitness Program is available to the following members of Team Coast Guard:

Active Duty members and their dependents Reservists Civilian Employees of the Coast Guard

Purpose of Program To ensure a fit, ready for duty workforce, the Health Promotion Programs Physical Fitness component is intended to assist personnel with assessing their current fitness status and design an exercise program to enhance or maintain their current level of fitness. The HP program can assist commands with developing a unit fitness instruction to encourage participation in regular physical training required by Commandant Policy. The Health Promotion Program also provides oversight and subject matter expertise

in the development of Coast Guard wide fitness standards required to qualify for assignment to certain units. Program Confidentiality Results of physical fitness tests remain confidential between a member, the test administrators, unit command, and Health Promotion Manager (if appropriate).

Service and Resources Available

Exercise Program Design Regional Health Promotion Managers can assist individuals with developing a personalized exercise plan to meet their fitness goals. This includes assisting active duty members with completing their annual basic fitness plan (CG Form 6049) required by COMDTINST M1020.8G, Coast Guard Weight and Body Fat Standards Program Manual. Personal Wellness Profile (PWP) The PWP and corresponding physical fitness tests will assess the current fitness level of the individual or unit and identify areas of physical fitness requiring improvement. Results from the PWP can assist Regional Health Promotion Managers with developing safe and effective workouts to the fitness and operational readiness of the crew. Physical Fitness Help Programs, sponsored by the office of Work-Life, Health Promotion Managers.

Unit Fitness Instructions As the frequency and intensity of CG missions continue to increase, the need for organized unit fitness programs to prepare personnel for these operations also increases. Regional Heath Promotion Managers can assist commands with creating a unit fitness instruction which will enhance the physical fitness of the crew and comply with the requirements regarding physical fitness outlined in COMDTINST M1020.8F, Weight and Physical Fitness Standards for Military Personnel. Unit Health Promotion Coordinator (UHPC) Training Every CG unit must have a trained primary and alternate UHPC to carry out the collateral duties associated with that role. UHPCs act as the units physical fitness expert and can assist the command with developing and instruction a unitwide PT program.

Policies Regarding Physical Fitness

As an important factor in mission readiness and an essential component of total wellness, physical fitness should be strongly encouraged at all levels of the command. The following items provide a brief outline for commands regarding CG policy for engaging in physical activity. For more information about policies regarding physical activity during the work day, see Chapter Four of the Coast Guard

Office of Work-Life Programs Personal Wellness Profiles Who is Eligible for this Program? Personal Wellness Profiles (PWPs) are available to the following members of Team Coast Guard:

Active Duty members and their dependents Reservists Civilian Employees of the Coast Guard

Purpose of Program The Coast Guard utilizes the PWP HRA to enhance the health of both the individual Coast Guard member and the organization as a whole. Individual Benefits. The PWP provides each member who completes a questionnaire with a personalized report on their health habits with recommendations for improvement. This report can also be used to assist members in designing their own personal health and fitness plans. Organizational Benefits. The data collected from members provides valuable information for measuring the overall health of the Coast Guard. This information is used to identify and track common risk factors within a unit, a specific portion of the Coast Guard population (rank, rate, age, gender, etc.), and/or the organization as a whole. The HP Program uses this data to formulate targeted education and

intervention programs aimed at decreases these identified risk factors.

Office of Work-Life Programs -

Stress Management Program Who is Eligible for this Program? The Stress Management Program is available to the following members of Team Coast Guard:

Active Duty members and their dependents Reservists Civilian Employees of the Coast Guard

Purpose of Program Safety and operational readiness are closely tied to the ability of personnel to endure the physical, mental and environmental demands of work, social and family systems. Stress management supplements operational risk management programs by focusing specifically on risks that pertain directly to the wear and tear of stress on personnel. The purpose of effective and healthy stress management programs is to identify and control factors that can reduce human endurance and thereby compromise safety and operational readiness. The Health Promotion Program assists Coast Guard members by providing various stress management awareness and skills trainings.

Program Confidentiality Results of the "Stressmap" (see "Awareness and Skills Training") are confidential and are viewed only by the end user and the regional Health Promotions Manager (HPM) if requested by the end user. Definitions The following definitions apply to Stress Management:

Distress: Bad stress, perceived as negative and associated with a sense of loss of control. Eustress: Good stress, perceived as positive and associated with a sense of control. Stress: The non-specific response of the body to any demands placed upon it or what you feel after you encounter a stressor (anxiety, frustration, depression, etc.) Stressors: The causes of stress (transfers, deadlines, etc.) Stressmap: A stress management tool used to measure a persons personal stress load.

Requesting Services or Resources

Office of Safety and Environmental Health (CG-113)
The Office of Safety and Environmental Health is dedicated to protecting our people, increasing operational readiness and enhancing the mission effectiveness of all Coast Guard units by: 1. Identifying the loss exposures that endanger our people, platforms and equipment 2. Evaluating the associated loss exposure risks, and 3. Controlling these risks to minimize loss.

Aims and Objectives of IRHC System

Indian Railway Health Care delivery System has to perform following two important functions: 1.1 Functions related to Industrial Medicine: a) To attend Railway accident & other untoward incidences. b) To provide emergency medical treatment to traveling sick passengers

c) Pre employment Medical examination to allow only fit & suitable candidates to join the services. d) PME (Periodical Medical Examination) of serving employees to allow fit person to continue in those jobs which are related to safe running of the train. e) Medical Boards & other medical certification of serving employees. f) Control on loss of mandays on account of sickness (both normal & HOD). It is kept under control by medical officers. g) Safe water supply at Railway Station: A constant vigil is maintained to check on quality of drinking water made available at Railway Stations. There is a well laid down system of reporting and to take corrective measures for unsatisfactory reports. h) Safe food supply at Railway stations: Following activities are undertaken to ensure safe food supply at Railway station. a) b) c) Regular inspection of kitchen & food stalls. Regular health check up of food handlers. Collection of food samples under PFA Act.

d) Collection of food samples under quality control system. i) Ensuring Factory Act: Medical first aid posts are provided to all factories of Indian Railways (there are 84 such factories) as per Factory Act.

j) Workman Compensation Act: Activities related to WCA is under taken on regular basis. k) Certification of dead bodies at Railway Station, Railway Yards, Railway line, etc. is being done on regular basis. l) Certification of perishable good in Railway Station about their disposal is done as and when required.

1.2 Functions related to Medical treatment to Railway beneficiaries: Total comprehensive Medical treatment is provided by Indian Railway Medical Department. A. Curative health care. A.1 A.2 A.3 B. C. Primary level Secondary level Tertiary level

Preventive health care Promotive health care

Indian Railway health care delivery system is providing Industrial medicine as per the need of the Indian Railway and also providing medical treatment to Railway beneficiaries. The system is a dynamic system which makes suitable changes in proper time

to provide proper medical treatment to Railway beneficiaries. Objectives of Study The central objective of the study is to determine the level of worker participation in management decision making in the Nigerian industry. The specific objective are to; - ascertain workers level of involvement in the decision making process of their work places; establish the general attitude of workers towards worker participation in management decision making ; determine factors which aid or hinder the observed level of participation ; and , - investigate the implications of worker participation to worker and their organizations. Rationale for the Study The rationale for the study is anchored on the need to raise the productivity level of workers through appropriate motivational techniques. The involvement of workers in management decision making is considered as a means for inducing motivation in the

workers leading to positive work attitude and high productivity. The study is also deemed desirable in view of the benefits of worker participation to organization and the society at large. Worker participation has been seen as capable of providing workers conducive work environment, opportunity to exercise their innate potentials and willingness to pursue corporate goal of the organization. Review of the Literature Worker participation has been explained as a plank of industrial democracy (Adewumi, 1991). Mills (1977) described the spread of industrial democracy to Western Europe in the 1970s a story of capitalism in transition. In his words, in countries where it is occurring, industrial democracy, affects the nature, control and even ownership of private enterprise; the nature control, power and bargaining areas of the labour unionsand the roles and contributions and rights of the individual worker in contemporary and future industrial society (cited in

Heisler and Houck (eds.) (1977: 116) The description above shows that industrial democracy affects many aspects of lives of different people in modern society. This reason may explain the wide clamour for the introduction of worker participation arrangement in most countries. Mills (1977) identified four basic forces underlying the clamour for industrial democracy. The first one was political in nature, pushed primarily by socialists and moderate labour and political leaders. The second was an industrial or economic force championed management by and innovative at times, and by socially-oriented

unions. The third was an intellectual and theoretical force pushed by MacGregor (1960) Maslow (1964) and Emery, Thosrud and Trist (1964). The last force is what Mills (1977) called the revolution of rising entitlements prominent in 33 western Capitalist and democratic societies. This egalitarian spirit manifested itself in, growing public distaste, desire and disillusionment with traditional institutions and their leadership, growing aberrant social behaviours including crime and drug

Procedures HLS-PR-001: Creating Smoke-Free Environments HLS-PR-002: Workplace Rehabilitation HLS-PR-003: First Aid HLS-PR-004: Infection Control and Management of Prescribed Contagious Conditions HLS-PR-005: Health and Safety Incident Recording and Notification HLS-PR-006: Managing Occupational Risks with Chemicals HLS-PR-009: Administration of Routine and Emergency Medication in Schools HLS-PR-009: Administration of Routine and Emergency Medication in Schools HLS-PR-010: Manual Handling of Students HLS-PR-011: Control of Head Lice(Pediculosis) in Schools HLS-PR-012: Managing Risks in School Curiculum Activities HLS-PR-013: Developing a Sun Safety Strategy HLS-PR-014: HIV/AIDS Educatio HLS-PR-015: Managing Excessive Heat in Schools

HLS-PR-016: Health, Safety and Wellbeing Communication and Consultation Framework HLS-PR-017: Treatment of Transportation Noise in Queensland Schools HLS-PR-018: CPR for Life in schools HLS-PR-019: Health and Safety Incident Investigation HLS-PR-020: Health, Safety and Wellbeing Management Systems Audits


Merit Basis Seniority Basis Merit-cum-seniority Vertical Promotion Upgradation Promotion Dry Promotion


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The newly carved West Central Railway Zone with its headquarters at Jabalpur comprises of Jabalpur and Bhopal divisions

of erstwhile Central Railway and Kota division of erstwhile Western Railway. The formal gazette notification announcing the formation of this new zonal railway was issued on 4th July 2002 by the Ministry of Railway, Govt. of India.

Mumbai-Howrah route via Itarsi- Jabalpur in the west east direction and from Mathura (excluding to Nagda (excluding on Delhi-Mumbai route via Ratlam forming a part of one of the important diagonal and side of golden quadrilateral of Indian Railways.

In the north-south direction the zone has Bina (Including)Bhopal-Itarsi (Including section of Delhi- Chennai trunk route. In addition important freight corridor of New Kati On-Line and branch line sections of Katni-Singrauli, Satna-Rewa, Jukehi-Kymore, BinaGuna-Kota, Kota- Chanderiya (excluding) and Maksi (excluding Guna-Gwalior (excluding are also within the jurisdiction of this new

zonal railway-West Central Railway caters to 39 districts (24 of M.P.13 of Rajasthan and 2 of U. P.). It has a total route kilometers of 2911 kms. of which 1328 route kms. are electrified.

Important stations served by this railway include Jabalpur, Bhopal, Kota, Habibganj, Itarsi, Bina, Vidisha, Ganjbasoda, Hoshangabad, Harda, Guna, Katni, Satna, Saugor, Maihar, Narsinghpur, Madanmahal, Pipariya, Damoh, Sawai Madhopur, Gangapur city, Bharatpur, Ramganj Mandi, Baran, Chau Mahla, Shri Mahavirji etc. West Central Railway has a fair balance of passenger and freight traffic. On the freight side the most important originating traffic is of cement which is loaded in Satna-Rewa cluster of Jabalpur division. Lakheri, Dadhdevi, Morak stations of Kota division. Other originating commodities handled include bauxite, limestone, dolomite and clinker on Jabalpur division, LPG and POL on Bhopal division fertifilizer on Kota and Bhopal divisions, deoiled cake on Bhopal and Jabalpur divisions and food

grain on Bhopal division. The daily average loading of this Railway is about 1280 Eight wheeler wagons, the annual originating revenue earning loading is approximately 29 million tones whereas the originating annual goods earning is approximate rupees. 1811.85 crores. On the passenger side this railway deals with 376 no. of mail express and 96 no of passenger trains including 7+1 pair of Rajdhani/Shatabdi trains and 2 pair of Jan-Shatabdi trains. Approx. 109 million passengers originate their journey every year on this railway giving a passenger earning of approx. Rs. 600.45 crores. After accounting for other coaching earnings including parcel traffic of Rs. 46.03 crores the overall total annual earning of this railway comes to approx Rs. 2504crores.

West Central Railway has two major marshalling yards at New Katni Jn. And Itarsi Jn. It also has three electric loco sheds at New Katni, Itarsi and Tuglakabad with a total fleet of 349 electric locomotives and two diesel loco sheds at New katni and Itarsi with a

total fleet of 349 diesel locomotives to keep the traffic moving on its routes, To keep the fleet of nearly 700 locomotives in good fettle all the time is a mammoth task and a challenge which is successfully met by this railway. In addition there is a coach repair workshop at Bhopal and a wagon workshop at Kota which are engaged in the activity of heavy repairs to passenger coaches and POH of goods wagons especially of oil tank wagons.

This railway has a total officers and staff strength of 58730(On Roll) who are responsible to ensure that the wheel of the rail is always moving. They work round the clock with

sincerity and devotion to fulfill the aspirations of people from Harot to Mahakoshal and from Malwa to Bundelkhand. If you are fond of the call of jungle then W. C. Railway promises to take you to national reserve forests of Kanha-Kisli, Bandhavgrh, Ranthambore, and Shivpur and bird sanctuary of bharatpur. If you wish to enjoy the scenic beauty of hills then visit Pachmarhi. If you have interest

in historical monuments then plan your trip of Khajuraho, Sanchi orBhimbetka. If you are religious minded you may like to pay homage at Maa Sharda Devi Temple at Maihar, Shri Raj Rajeshwari temple at Shridham, Mahdev Temple near Bandakpur, jain temple at shri Mahavirji or Birla Temple at Bhopal or Nagda. For leisure tourism one may think of pleasant boating between marble rocks near Jabalpur or visit Kota and bundi forts.

The officers and staff of West Central Railway are resolved to fulfill the aspiration of people through their dedicated effort and team work and are committed to lead this railway in the pursuit of excellence through modernization and economy.

The researcher had used questionnaire method as a tool for collecting data and information pertaining to the study. The questionnaire includes the closed ended and open ended questions, basically to get their views on the techniques adapted to measure training development and the difficulties faced by them during and in relation to training. Minimization of the time duration for declaration of the result Valuation of OMR sheet done by railway board Committee/ panel of members for the preparation of confidential report Extension of the time duration for the preparation of the CR

Promotion of senior employees should be on the basis of mixed promotion perforation

Documentation of personnel department should be computerized


What is the number of employees at the premises at peak Full- time Male 30% Part- time Male 10% Self employed Male 25%

time ? Full- time female 20% Part- time female 5% Self employed female 10%

The abobe graph shows that 30% of employees are full time male , 25% of self employed male , 20% of full-time female,

10% of ppart-time male, 10% of self employed female and 5% of part- time female.
Q.2 Have you business produced a written company safety policy? Yes No Not applicable

Analyses As per analysesis 60% of the employees have their probles with their seniors , 36% of the employees are no and 4% of employees are not applicable.


Are satisfied that all workroom are adequately ventilated? Yes 80% No 20%

Yes No

Analysis The above shows that 80% of employees are agree and 20% of employees are no.

Q.4 Are you satisfied that the workroom is kept clean? Highly satisfied 10% Morrately satisfied 70% Not satisfied 20%

0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 Highly satisfied morrately satisfied Not satisfied Series2 Series1


The above graph shows that 10% of employees are highly satisfied with the facility provided by DRM , 70% are morrately satisfied and 20% are not satisfied. Q.5 Are you satisfied that people requiring specific healyh & safety information instruction,supervision ,training and consultation have receive it? Highly satisfied 40% Morrately satisfied 50% Not satisfied 10%

0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 Highly satisfied morrately satisfied Not satisfied S2 S1 Series1 Series2

Analysis The above graph shows that 40% of employees are highly satisfied with the facility provided by DRM , 50%re morrately satisfied and 10% are not satisfied.


Do you agree think that the promotion leads to enhancement of 1. Agree 35% 2. Strongly agree 15% 3. Disagree 50% 4. Not applicable 0%

your skill?

Not agree

Disagree Series1 Strogly agree Agree 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Series2

Analysis The above graph shows that 35% of employees are Agree with the promotion leads, 15% are strongly agree , 50% are disagree and o%are not agree.

Q.7 Have you made provision for pregnant women and nursing mother to lie down if they need to? 1. Agree 2. Strongly agree 3. Disagree 4. Not applicable

Agree Strogly agree Disagree Not agree

Analysis The above graph shows that 60% of employees are Agree with the provision for pregnant women and nursing , 15%are strongly agree , 30% are disagree and o%are not agree.

Q.8 Do you employ anyone who work over 48 hour per week? Yes 0% 50% No 50% Not applicable

Not applicable








As per analysesis 50%of the employees have their probles with their seniors , 50% of the employees are no and 0% of employees are not applicable.


Have you produced a record of all the significant finding? Yes 90% No Agree 10%

Yes No

Analysis The above shows that 90% of employees are agree and 10% of employees are no.


Are there one or more appointed persons trainted to seek

medical help in an emergrncy situation? 1. Agree 75% 2. Strongly agree 5% 3. Disagree 15%


Not applicable 5%

0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 Agree Strogly agree Disagree Not agree Series1 Series2

Analysis The above graph shows that 75% of employees are Agree with the promotion leads, 5% are strongly agree , 15% are disagree and 5%are not agree.

BROAD STATEMENT OF FINDINGS To identify the training need and whatever training programs and running by DRM about that management themselves dont know that they prefer by employees or they are joining these programs forcefully. VARIOUS AIM OF FINDING To identifying the real need of training in the company. To provide satisfaction level of employees about these training programs. To know how harmonious relation adjust in the company. Various training which had already given to the employees implemented in their job. To get suggestion from the company employees about the going on training programs.


It is concluded from the survey on conducted in DRM Jabalpur work is very effective in improving the skill and knowledge of the employee to meet the present and future requirement of the organization. It is found that training place a crucial role in not only the development of employees but also in achieving the over all organizational goals.

Through the research work it was found that employees were very satisfied by the promotion provided to the aim and strongly agreed that after promotion their confidence has also been increased and hence, their was remarkable improvement in their performance.

The researcher had used questionnaire method as a tool for collecting data and information pertaining to the study. The questionnaire includes the closed ended and open ended questions, basically to get their views on the techniques adapted to measure training development and the difficulties faced by them during and in relation to training. Minimization of the time duration for declaration of the result Valuation of OMR sheet done by railway board Committee/ panel of members for the preparation of confidential report Extension of the time duration for the preparation of the CR Promotion of senior employees should be on the basis of mixed promotion perforation Documentation of personnel department should be computerized

Q.1 time ? Full- time female Part- time female Self employed female 10% Full- time Male Part- time Male 30% 10% 25% What is the number of employees at the premises at peak

Self employed Male

Q.2 Have you business produced a written company safety policy? Yes Q.3 No Not applicable

Are satisfied that all workroom are adequately ventilated? Yes No

Q.4 Are you satisfied that the workroom is kept clean? Highly satisfied Morrately satisfied Not satisfied Q.5 Are you satisfied that people requiring specific healyh & safety

information instruction,supervision ,training and consultation have receive it? Highly satisfied Morrately satisfied

Not satisfied Q.6 Do you agree think that the promotion leads to enhancement of 1. Agree 2. Strongly agree 3. Disagree 4. Not applicable Q.7 Have you made provision for pregnant women and nursing mother to lie down if they need to? 5. Agree 6. Strongly agree 7. Disagree 8. Not applicable Q.8 Do you employ anyone who work over 48 hour per week? Yes No Not appplicable

your skill?


Have you produced a record of all the significant finding? Yes No Agree


Are there one or more appointed persons trainted to seek

medical help in an emergrncy situation?

1. Agree 2. Strongly agree 3. Disagree 4. Not applicable


BOOKS Chaturvedi, Mahendra Nath ,Bahris Handbook for

Railwaymen , Jabalpur. Bahri brothers, Indian Railways.


The vote of thanks is given to all the employees and officers of the West Central Railways who have provided their valuable and precious knowledge and support which has guided and enlightened us in our research. We are overwhelmed by their response and express our gratitude to them for their whole hearted support.

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