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Grammar menu

Escolha um tpico gramatical abaixo:

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portugus ingls

Plural dos substantivos Plural de palavras de origem estrangeira Noun gender Lista de substantivos incontveis Countable & uncountable nouns Exerccio: substantivo contvel ou incontvel? Exerccio: plural dos substantivos Exerccio: masculino e feminino

Adjectives Adjetivos seguidos de preposio Predicative adjectives Comparisons with adjetives Adjectives (introduction) All & Whole Order of adjectives Exerccio: comparativo e superlativo de adjetivos

Uso do artigo the

Tabela de emprego do artigo the com nomes prprios Introduo aos artigos indefinidos a e an Uso dos artigos indefinidos a e an Exerccio: uso do artigo definido the Exerccio: artigo indefinido a ou an?

Subject pronouns Object pronouns Possessive pronouns & possessive adjectives Quantifiers - many, much, a few, a little, more, less, fewer Many & Much - contveis e incontveis Relative pronouns Reflexive & reciprocal pronouns This & That Some / Any / No Some compounds Any compounds No compounds Every compounds Pronome thou e correlatos Pronoun chart

Indefinite pronoun chart

Quadro geral de tempos verbais Passive voice chart Future tenses Help with verbs List of irregular verbs Use of verb tenses Regular verbs Irregular verbs Prepositional verbs Lista de prepositional verbs Verb to be Verb to have There to be There to be (tabela de flexes) Verb patterns 1 Verb patterns 2

Verbos auxiliares Introduo aos verbos modais Past modals Present perfect ou past simple? Phrasal verbs Phrasal verbs Phrasal verbs com verb to get 50 useful phrasal verbs Infinitivo ou gerndio? Used to & Would Used to, be used to & get used to Imperative mood Subjunctive mood Have & Have got Tempos verbais (nvel avanado) English verb tenses (advanced level) Present simple (conjugao) Past simple (conjugao) Verb tenses

Exercise 1 Exercise 2

Exercise 3 Exercise 4

Modal verbs

Table of modals 1 Table of modals 2 Modal verbs 3


Past & Perfect tenses Present simple Past simple Present perfect simple Present continuous Past continuous Present perfect continuous Past perfect simple Past perfect continuous Future simple Future continuous Future perfect Future perfect continuous Conditional continuous

Conditional perfect Future be going to Causative have Passive voice Make & Do Can & Could May & Might Should & Ought to Had better Must & Have to Be able to Be allowed to Be supposed to Managed to Would rather Verbs with two objects Wish Go to, go on, go for Verbs go, play & do

Verbs of senses Future in the past Have somebody do something Exerccio: ortografia de verbos na forma ing

To ou for? Prepositions of place and time (at, in & on) Preposies de tempo e lugar (at, in & on) Preposies de lugar (resumo) Preposition practice Como dizer de Prepositions of location Tabela de preposies de movimento Prepositions of movement Above & over After & before Below, under, underneath & beneath Across from & in front of

Ordem dos advrbios de freqncia Formation of adverbs of manner Very / Pretty / Quite / So / Rather / Fairly Already, Yet, Still & Just Almost & Nearly

Conjunes bsicas Coordinating & subordinating conjunctions When, As, While, Just as & Just when Although, Even Though, In Spite of & Despite

Writing numbers Nmeros cardinais Ordinal numbers (tutorial) Lista de ordinais Exerccio com nmeros ordinais Exerccio: ortografia de nmeros cardinais e ordinais

Interjections Exclamations

Tabela para conjugao verbal Exerccio: ortografia de verbos regulares Exerccio: ortografia de verbos no presente Exerccio: ortografia de verbos na forma ing Exerccio: como indicar posse e caractersticas? Exerccio: ortografia dos verbos em ingls Exerccio: passe as oraes para o plural Exerccio: horas em ingls Exerccios de reforo

Exerccios Places (basic)

Cloze exercise 1 (basic)

Cloze exercise 2 (basic) Cloze exercise (advanced) Speaking & Writing 1 Speaking & Writing 2 Speaking & Writing 3

Talking about yourself & someone else Quizzes & Crossword Puzzles

Como fazer perguntas em ingls Devo usar possessive case, of-phrase ou noun compound? Perguntas pessoais Possessive case Erros comuns de gramtica So do I / Neither do I How compounds

Exercise 1


Comparisons with nouns (Overview)

Worksheet1 Worksheet2 Exercise1 Tutorial

Tag questions

Tutorial Exercise Wh-words

Short answers Spelling tips Determiner and quantifier chart Noun clauses Adjective clauses Adverb clauses (chart) Adverb clauses (tutorial) Conditionals Clauses & sentences (tutorial) Pronncia do passado de verbos regulares (ed) Future time clauses

American English & British English Partitive expressions Inversion Contractions Introductory there Subject-verb agreement (concordncia verbal) Reported speech


Reported speech (extended version) Glossary of Grammatical Terms Punctuation marks Syllabification (word division) Descriptive writing Advanced reading

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