Table of Modal Verbs

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Table of Modal Verbs

Modal verb

Obligation or necessity

You must do the dishes. Foreigners must observe religious traditions when they are in Arabian countries.


don't have to don't need to

imposed by the speaker

Strong advice You can't drive over the speed limit. You aren't allowed to take pictures at a museum.

mustn't can't am not / isn't / aren't allowed to


have to / has to

don't have to / doesn't have to don't need to / doesn't need to

Obligation or necessity You have to pay imposed by a the bills every third party, month. the government, You don't have to work on Labor society, the Day. law and circumstances You should get a visa before flying to the Czech Republic.

should ought to

shouldn't oughtn't to

Advice, suggestions, personal opinions

You oughtn't to (I think it's a good spend hours in front idea...) of the TV!

am / are / is supposed to

Kids are supposed Advice, to help their parents suggestions these get old. based on tradition, Children aren't moral values, supposed to and social disobey their expectations parents.

may might

may not mightn't

Present and future possibilities

It may rain tomorrow. She might be at the party. He may be a criminal.

(maybe something will happen or maybe someone will do something)



Logical deductions

He must be a doctor (I am sure he is). She can't be a bank robber (I am sure she isn't).

(subjective certainty)

Present ability

She can't speak Chinese. He's able to type pretty well.

can am / are / is able to

can't am not / isn't / aren't able to

(I know how to...)

Future ability - will be able I'll be able to speak to English fluently in a few years.

can am / are / is allowed to


You can travel abroad if you want to, but in China you're not allowed to.

Past general When I was a kid, I could play the ability piano very well.


couldn't Past


Sometimes I couldn't travel with my friends when I was a teenager.

was able to were able to managed to (to emphasize success or frustration)

wasn't able to weren't able to couldn't didn't manage to

Past specific ability

Last year I was able to buy a duplex. I didn't manage to pass the physics test this morning.

Present permission

can am / are / is allowed to

You can have as many children as Future you want to, but you're not allowed permission => to in China. will be allowed to

Copyright 2004-2007 Helcio Domingues


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