Indecent Docent

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At last," shouted Caitlin, throwing her cap into the air as Pomp and Circumstance blared in the background. The elation was short-lived; she'd need to find a job and then get a graduate degree in her chosen field, Art History. Overprotected and sheltered, things had been easy so far. Everything had always been done for her. Mommy and Daddy had always given her anything she asked for and Grandma was always there with a vast and bottomless checkbook to provide a shower of gifts for the Princess. The personalized license plate on the new Honda Civic Grandma had bought her said "Caitlin" and the license plate bracket read "Hard work is always rewarded." Life was sweet.

'Maybe Grandma will pay my grad school tuition,' Caitlin thought. 'I'll ask her as soon as she gets back from her cruise in three weeks. Guess I'll have to look for a job in the meanwhile.'

Diana came from different circumstances. There was little extra money in her parents' house to provide for wants. There was no Grandma with a checkbook; Grandma died when Diana was five years old. She worked her way through two years of community college. In love at nineteen years old, married at twenty, and a mother at twenty-one, she became a housewife. She was intelligent and a voracious reader, but stayed at home to care for her family. Over the years her marriage grew stale and her husband became distant. Being confined mostly to the house, she became mundane, as he stayed worldly. He treated her as such. Once too many times he told her "You wouldn't understand," in a condescending tone when she asked him to explain something. She resented it and vowed to prove her intelligence. The kids were big now; she could return to school. She had always appreciated the arts and resolved to pursue a higher education. Four years later she had her Masters Degree in Fine Arts, having graduated Magna Cum Laude. She soon found employment at a prestigious museum as a docent and quickly worked her way up to chief curator with a corner office. To keep her finger on the pulse, she continued conducting museum tours on weekends without revealing her title. Possessing skills with masterpieces as well as with people, she was responsible for art procurement and was the final arbiter on hiring decisions in the curatorial department. Underlings conducted initial interviews of job applicants and weeded out the unworthy. Those few candidates who passed this initial grilling were referred to Diana for a final decision. Caitlin had excelled in the interview process and was thus passed to Diana. She knocked before entering.

"Come in."

"Good morning. My name is Caitlin. Your staff made an appointment for me to see you at 10:00 o'clock." Diana looked up from her paperwork toward the clock. 10:00 AM sharp. Perfect. She was a stickler for punctuality. She shifted her focus to Caitlin.

Caitlin possessed that alluring beauty that mother Eve had bestowed upon her favored daughters. Standing at about 5'5", she wore closed-toed pumps, a stylish dress hemmed at her knees, and her lush chestnut-brown hair was obviously styled professionally. Her makeup accentuated her fine features and was tastefully applied. Her earrings were small and fine. Cultured pearls hung from her neck. Diana completed her head to toe once-over. Caitlin had long legs, an athletic body, and healthy, pointy breasts. Although very proper, she exuded a sex appeal she didn't even know she had. Or how to exploit for personal gain. Diana liked what she saw.

"Good morning. Come in. I was just looking over your application file." Caitlin stepped forward.

"Did my staff give you a thorough vetting? I know how they can be."

"Yes, they were thorough," was all Caitlin could muster.

"Well congratulations on passing through that screen. I know they're tough."

'They're jerks,' thought Caitlin. "You'll find this phase of the interview process quite different than the last. Much less formal. We can get to know each other. In private. Close the door, please."

Caitlin turned and closed the door. It clicked shut.

"Let's dispense with etiquette. We'll sit on the couch," said Diana, rising from

behind her desk. The women sat on either end of the couch in Diana's office, half facing each other, legs crossed toward each other.

Diana continued. "There is much competition for this position. We've been interviewing for weeks. As I'm sure my staff informed you, our benefits package is quite generous. Two weeks vacation after six months, full 401(k) match, and tuition assistance for continuing education."

"That's great. The tuition assistance would be especially helpful. I'd like to start my graduate studies in Fine Arts in the Fall, but it's so expensive."

"Yes, I know how steep tuition is." Diana had been paying for college for her son. "So Caitlin, when did you become interested in the arts?"

"As long as I can remember, I've always loved art. In High School when I wasn't playing softball or running track I gazed at Renaissance art in books at the library. By college, I knew I wanted to major in Art History."

Caitlin had discreetly surveilled the office while formulating her response before she replied. "That's a nice triptych. The Garden of Earthly Delights," she added.

"Yes, I bought it on a trip to Spain."

While Caitlin admired the triptych, Diana took note of her midriff; her dress had pulled taut as she sat and twisted. She brought the conversation back to Caitlin.

"Do you still play sports?"

"Some tennis. But not as much as I'd like. I still run, though, for fitness."

"I can tell. You have an athletic figure," Diana observed, openly leering at Caitlin's body.

"Thank you," Caitlin said with an unsuspecting smile.

"That's a very nice dress. I wish I could wear that. I wouldn't fill it as well as you do, though. Too small on top." Caitlin was silent. "Oh," said Diana, "now I'm getting into women talk. Guess it's part of my love for art, design, and fashion. Please excuse me."

"It's OK. I like talking about women's fashions, too. It's an Ann Taylor Cotton Shirt Dress. It's good for summer wear and is way easy to coordinate with. You can wear it anywhere. I love it."

"It's beautiful," said Diana. "Stand up. I'd like to admire it."

Caitlin stood. 'Delightful,' thought Diana, eyeing her up and down.

"Turn around." Caitlin obeyed with a cute pirouette. Diana admired Caitlin's shape. 'She's awfully trusting.'

"Very nice." Caitlin spun back around, wearing a proud smile. 'Now to get her to model without the dress,' schemed Diana.

"Thank you," said Caitlin. Diana gazed at Caitlin's pointy breasts. She envied them.

"What kind of bra do you wear with that?"

"Any kind. A push up, an underwire, a foam, a plunge. I'm wearing a lined soft cup."

"It does wonders for your figure. May I see it?"

"Sure." 'She's totally unsuspecting,' marvelled Diana in her thoughts. Still standing, Caitlin unbuttoned the top two buttons of her dress. Diana stood too and delicately approached her. Caitlin was lovely to behold as she unbuttoned her dress. She was completely innocent with trusting eyes. She didn't feel lascivious showing her bra to a woman twice her age. Caitlin thought it was just two women bonding with girl talk. She revealed her bra to Diana.

"It's nice. You certainly don't need the padded bra. Your breasts are beautiful."

"Thank you," said Caitlin with a blush.

'This girl is gullible,' thought Diana.

"You say it's a lined soft cup. Can I feel the lining?"

"Go ahead. You can feel it here in the cups," Caitlin said, pinching the cup over her right breast with her left thumb and forefinger.

'Very naive.' Diana reached into Caitlin's bra and rubbed the material. "It is soft. It feels comfortable."

'Let's test her naivet.' "It is," said Caitlin. Diana unbuttoned two more buttons of Caitlin's dress to get

a better look. She put the fingers of both hands now in Caitlin's cups and noticed it was a front-close bra. Diana released the clip and the bra fell away. Caitlin's pointy tits burst forth.

"What are you doing?" Caitlin cried.

"Don't be embarrassed. We're both women," said Diana, now holding Caitlin's warm tits in her hands. After a quick squeeze to determine size and firmness, she unbuckled Caitlin's dress. It fell at her feet. Caitlin stood motionless in her panties and heels. Diana bent down and removed Caitlin's pumps. Moments later Caitlin was stepping gingerly out of her panties, Diana crouching before her, holding them at her ankles. She was completely naked.

'What a cutie,' thought Diana. 'About my son's age.'

Diana stood, eyeing her prize. Caitlin cowered before her, arms folded across her chest.

"Put your arms at your side." Caitlin slowly dropped her arms.

Diana lightly grazed Caitlin's boobs with her fingernails as she examined her body. Her other hand explored Caitlin's hair, back, tummy, and thighs. She wanted to see Caitlin's cute little spin again.

"Turn around," she ordered Caitlin. There was no spin now; she nervously complied, this time with baby steps. 'Good, no tattoos.' Diana inspected Caitlin's shapely body from the rear and gave her ass a pinch. She ran her fingers through Caitlin's luxuriant hair and then reached around to cup her breasts. Caitlin quivered in her arms as she gave them another squeeze.

"Sit down." Caitlin sat on the couch. Her proud smile was gone; she was embarrassed in her nakedness.

Diana stood over her. She then kneeled down and pulled Caitlin by her ass to the edge of the couch, then pushed her by the boobs, making her sit back. She got right to work. She put her hands behind Caitlin's knees and spread her legs wide. Caitlin's vagina was dry, but had the natural moisture caused by being confined in panties. Caitlin's dry but slightly sticky lips slowly yawned open, starting at the bottom and progressing upward. Diana stared covetously as Caitlin's pussy bashfully opened before her, inviting her. She held it in her gaze for some seconds. Caitlin fidgeted nervously.

"Sit still, Caitlin, so I can look at your vagina." Caitlin obeyed and became still.

"Hold yourself open for me." Caitlin placed her hands behind her knees and pulled. Diana then moved in to inspect closely. Caitlin had generous labia that folded gently. Diana toyed with them for some minutes, enjoying them, pulling them this way and that, admiring their young elasticity. No matter how she pulled Caitlin's lips, they happily sprung back to their natural position. There were soft sighs as Diana delighted herself entertaining Caitlin's labia and violating her virtue. Caitlin held absolutely still, as instructed. Diana continued playfully plundering Caitlin's innocence, awed at how cooperative she was. She'd squeeze Caitlin's lips together and gently tug on them. Then she'd grasp the fatty tissue on the sides and pull left and right, opening Caitlin to daylight. Diana was thoroughly enjoying herself. She was fascinated at the suppleness and elasticity of Caitlin's vagina.

All this manipulating had made Caitlin wet. Diana attempted to insert an index finger into her. Nervous as she was, Caitlin had subconsciously clenched her pelvic muscles. Diana could feel it.

"Relax," she instructed Caitlin.

"But I've never done anything like this," Caitlin murmured, holding her legs open, feet in the air, vagina open but tightened, hard nipples pointing proudly, pretty as a picture.

"Then I'll make it extra special for you, Caitlin," promised Diana, her index finger resting on Caitlin's opening. "Whether you're tense or relaxed, I'm going to win," she added, applying some pressure. "So just relax."

But Caitlin didn't relax; she was still gripped tight. Not to be denied, Diana forged ahead. She slowly inserted her finger against the force of Caitlin's clenched pelvic muscle, but easily overcame the resistance. Caitlin's breath heaved. Diana repeated this forced entry a few more times. Caitlin held still as Diana freely plunged her depths.

"Try to relax now," said Diana, her finger inside. "Take a deep breath."

Caitlin did and her pelvic muscles relaxed as she exhaled.

"Feel the difference?" "Yes," replied Caitlin, Diana's finger deep inside.

"Good. Now come closer and open wider so I can get deeper inside you." Caitlin lowered her feet to the floor and scooted her butt closer to the edge. She sat back and pulled her legs open, feet back in the air. Diana was amazed at how willingly Caitlin cooperated. She concluded that Caitlin would be a good team player in the office. She plunged deeper.

"Grip tight now," instructed Diana. She could feel Caitlin tighten around her finger.

"Relax again." The pressure abated. Diana had Caitlin repeat this exercise several times.

Finally satisfied with molesting Caitlin's tight pussy, Diana held Caitlin's labia again and pulled up, revealing Caitlin's clit. It was healthy white surrounded by pink petals. She gave it a brief massage not by touching it, but by pinching the

skin on either side and manipulating it as she liked. Caitlin's clit swelled and she responded with a sigh. Diana pulled Caitlin open further and inhaled deeply. She then licked her slowly, starting at her opening and working up, savoring every millimeter. Caitlin gasped at the touch of Diana's tongue.

Diana controlled Caitlin's vagina with finesse. She heeded Caitlin's reactions and sighs to find her preferences and then focused there. Caitlin seemed to enjoy slow, full licks that finished with a tickle of her clit. Diana repeated this procedure until Caitlin exploded in orgasm. Diana kept her tongue on Caitlin's clit throughout her throes. When Caitlin finally calmed, Diana repositioned her tongue back to her opening, keeping still while Caitlin's breathing slowed. After some minutes of tender afterglow Diana lay Caitlin flat on the couch.

"Feel more relaxed now?" asked Diana, standing over her.

"Yes," she panted, hoping their tryst was over. Caitlin was mortified for her nakedness, for a woman having gotten her wet, and for having had an orgasm by a woman's touch.

'Why did I allow this? I'm so glad it's over,' Caitlin thought.

But it wasn't over yet. Having laid Caitlin flat, Diana climbed atop and straddled her. After Caitlin's tender finish, Diana had stealthily removed her panties, unnoticed by Caitlin. She hiked up her skirt and pulled herself open in Caitlin's face. Caitlin appeared cross-eyed staring at the open lips an inch off her nose. "Please, I don't know how and I don't think I'll like..."

Diana silenced her by moving so as to smother Caitlin's protestations. Caitlin squirmed, but Diana didn't relent; she held Caitlin steady. Caitlin's further remonstrances were subdued comfortably into Diana's womanhood. 'Talk to the pussy,' thought Diana.

Once Caitlin accepted the inevitable, Diana released her and pulled herself

open again. She didn't need to tell her what she wanted; her countenance was enough.

Caitlin reluctantly complied. Her face was strained as she licked Diana. Her tongue moved randomly over the outside of Diana's labia and then across. She wouldn't approach Diana's opening.

"Caitlin, caress my full length with your tongue. Start inside and work up," Diana said softly, still holding herself open.

Caitlin did as Diana said. She inserted her tongue and Diana moved her pelvis back and forth to lengthen Caitlin's licks. Soon Caitlin began to target her licks to Diana's satisfaction. Diana was getting comfortable and removed her skirt. She settled back on Caitlin's face and reached around to fondle her tits. She then moved her hand to Caitlin's pubic mound and exposed her adorable clit. She gave it a rub with her middle finger. Caitlin shuddered. Diana spanked her pussy a few times.

"I want to watch you masturbate, Caitlin."

"Well, I, uh..." came Caitlin's voice, buried between Diana's thighs.

"Caitlin," she said like a teacher to a child, "masturbate for me." She reached around and with fingers forked, exposed Caitlin's clitoris again.

Caitlin hesitated, then reached down and began to masturbate under Diana's watchful eye.

"That's beautiful, Caitlin. Faster." Diana still had Caitlin's clit out.

Caitlin increased her tempo. "Good girl. Now come for me, Caitlin."

Caitlin sighed into Diana's folds, her slender fingers a blur.

"Come for me, Baby," Diana directed again, her fingers on Caitlin's vagina. Caitlin soon had an orgasm by her own hand, her mouth buried in Diana's increasing wetness. Between watching this show, toying with Caitlin's pretty pussy, and feeling this young girl's hot breath pant an orgasm into her vagina, Diana erupted. She groaned aloud as she lost control of herself and in her frenzy, rubbed her orgasm all over Caitlin's face. Between motherhood, school, and an indifferent husband, she hadn't had this kind of release in years. It took some minutes for both women to calm down from their shared ecstasy. When they did, Diana slid back and on all fours hovered over Caitlin. She seized Caitlin's boobs, squeezing them together and pushing them up. Diana admired the two young tits in her hands. They were lovely to hold. Caitlin's dark and generous pointy nipples topped her twin peaks and due to Diana's firm grip, they bulged bigger. Diana gave each a kiss and then locked eyes with Caitlin. They shared their first kiss.

Caitlin's face was a sticky mess. Her hair was awry, mascara smeared, eyeliner a smudge, her lipstick gone. She had come in prim and cutesy; she now looked like a bedraggled whore on a bad night.

"You made me finish big. Ooh, I made a mess on your face," observed Diana.

"It's okay," cooed Caitlin, her pretty face slimy and smeared.

You had two beautiful orgasms, Caitlin. Did you enjoy them?"

Caitlin batted her eyelashes without knowing it. "I did. Very much," she sheepishly admitted. "I've never finished so intensely," she added in absentminded wonderment.

Some moments of small talk and gentle kisses followed, all the while Diana squeezing Caitlin's tits. "You're hired," Diana said. "I'll have my secretary draw

up an employment contract for you. If you approve of the terms, sign it and you'll start Monday."

"Thank you! I'll try to make a great curator."

"I'm not hiring you as a curator, Caitlin," declared Diana. "You're my administrative assistant. You'll provide general supervision to the curatorial staff and the docents," she continued. "Now give me a few more kisses." Diana straddled Caitlin again and planted it in her face. Caitlin tenderly kissed Diana's sticky pussy as she played with Caitlin's hair. After a minute, Diana tried to rise but Caitlin pulled her back, hands on her hips, to plant a few dozen more kisses. Diana smiled.

Diana finally rose and, holding Caitlin's hands, helped her up, naked as a baby. She grabbed Caitlin's tits and drew her near.

"You'll answer directly to me, not any of my staff members. Understand?" she asked, squeezing Caitlin's tits for emphasis.

"Yes." Diana's orgasm had begun to dry on Caitlin's face, giving the appearance of dry skin.

"Register for graduate school for the Fall; the museum will pay your full tuition."

"Thank you!" Diana brushed Caitlin's cheeks. Flecks of her dried orgasm came off.

"Pick up your clothes and get cleaned up. My bathroom is there behind my desk." Caitlin bent and gathered her clothes. Diana admired her obedience and her ass. She reached down and under and gave Caitlin's pussy a pinch. Caitlin stood smiling. Diana grabbed her tits again.

"Remember, this is our little secret."

"Of course." "Now get dressed," said Diana, and as Caitlin turned, she gave her a hard slap on the ass.

"Thank you so much," gushed Caitlin.

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