Parishable Items: Denmark Congregational United Church of Christ

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Parishable Items

Denmark Congregational United Church of Christ June

June 1 is the set-up for the Bake Sale. June 2nd and 3rd are Heritage Days.


The Trustees are meeting at 8:00 p.m. on June 12th. Christian Ed is meeting on the 13th at 6:45 p.m. There are no meetings of the choir or Wacky Wednesday this month. Fathers Day is on June 17th this year! There is a 4H meeting scheduled for the same day, June 17th at the Church after the service. The Choir will not be singing on Sunday again until late summer. Well let you know when choir rehearsal resumes.
VBS will run from Sunday July 22nd until Thursday July 26th. There will be a list of supplies needed in the weekly church announcements. The VBS BBQ is scheduled for Sunday July 29th.


The Bake Sale is on June 2nd starting at 9:00 a.m. It is being held inside the Church. There are a lot of events planned. There is a Calendar of Events in this newsletter on page 6. On June 2nd Bill Rileys Talent Show starts at 3:00 p.m. Please call Jenni Hoenig with questions. Her cell number is 319-470-7121 June 3rd Communion will be served at the Sunday Service. There will be no meeting of Sawyer Circle this month. Dont forget the Annual Meeting and 50th Birthday Celebration from June 7th to June 10th in Grinnell Iowa!

Parishable Items

June 2012 Harris, both of North Carolina who have advocated, from the pulpit, the separation, imprisonment and abuse of people, simply because of their sexual orientation. I dont know where most of you sit on this issue. Right now in the Denmarks life, I dont think that this issue should be foremost on our minds. I do think, that as a Christian, if you ever hear of someone advocating the beating, torture, imprisonment, or marginalization of someone that has done no harm, then you can say with reasonable certainty, That person is passionate, but they are not preaching Christ. You see, in our current political climate, even the churches have largely forgotten the ministry of Christ; the ministry that went to the tax collectors and the sinners, the prostitutes, the women, the children and the unclean. The church has ignored the teachings of Jesus to take the teachings of Moses and Paul out of context. I am once again saddened by the direction the global church and this country is going, marginalizing some group because of the desire to preserve some mythical status quo. There is so much good that the church could be doing in this world. There are people everywhere that need clean water, food, books, clothes, help with bills et cetera. Why are we spending our precious resources fighting battles that need not be fought? I fully intend to continue ministering to this community. This means that on most Sundays I will stand before you with scripture and a sermon. Sometimes these sermons will be challenging, sometimes they may even feel threatening. What they will not be is hate-filled rhetoric that seeks to discriminate others or make anyone to feel worthless. We preach a risen Savior that conquered sin and death. Our message, as long as I am here, will be about the promise of forgiveness, the path of our Lord, and the hope of the resurrection. Peace,

WARNING: THE FOLLOWING CONTAINS OPINIONS ON POLITICS AND RELIGION. READ AT YOU OWN DISCRETION. Greetings, What follows is something I feel compelled to address. This may be controversial to some of you and I urge you to come and talk to me about anything that may rub you the wrong way. The political climate of this country is messed up. This has been true for a number of years, and whether one is a democrat, a republican or neither, this is difficult to refute. My own political views need not be a secret, but I hope that they are not obvious from the pulpit. This particular piece is what I want to address in this article. Whether I walk around or stand behind it; the pulpit, to me, is sacred space. From that sacred space, I am charged with the task of interpreting Holy Scripture for the education, lifting up, and holding accountable of the gathered congregation. (The gathered congregation includes me.) In the fulfillment of this task, it is my responsibility to make sure that everyone that comes into the church is able to recognize and meet God. It is the responsibility of the preacher to offer some Truth from scripture that will help the people of the particular community to grow. It is not the responsibility of the preacher to preach his or her politics. This is one of the greatest failures that I see in the global church today. The pulpit is now being used as a soap box, where people are being allowed to say anything they want, without regard for scriptural or faithful integrity. This form of speech should be protected, it is useful and appropriate for our national conversation; but when it comes from the pulpit, the words and thoughts expressed had better have some biblical grounding that is defensible. What has brought about this tirade of mine? The words of Pastor Charles L. Worley and Pastor Sean

Parishable Items

June 2012

June 1 June 2 June 5 June 5 June 6 June 6 June 7 June 8 June 9 June 12 June 15 June 15 June 16 June 21 June 22 June 25 June 25 June 27 June 27 June 27 June 29 June 30

Dean Blanchard Elizabeth Fincher Kathy Blanchard Whitney Weisinger Jay Blanchard Allison Houston Marcus Todd Randy Weisinger Erin Ross Cody Pumphrey Charley Huebner Luke Ross Alyssa Houston Sandy Lozano Zach Fincher Brandon Bonar Owen Ried Menke Jack Stotts Sean Blanchard Charles Miller Ashley Knipe Marilyn Crabtree

June June June June June June June June June

3 5 8 12 12 19 25 25 26

Lindy & Scott Blanchard Brandon & Sarah Barnes Bruce & Marilyn Carlson Kathy & Leroy Mabeus Randy & Katie Vanniewaal Allen & Shelly Martin Dean & Kathy Blanchard Gerald & Carolyn Anderson Marvin & Kay Gingrich

June 3

Isa 6:1-8; Ps 29; Rom 8:12-17 John 3:1-17

June 10

1 Sam 8:4-11, (12-15), 16-20; Ps 138 or Gen 3:8-15; Ps 130; 2 Cor 4:13-5:1; Mark 3:20-35

June 17

1 Sam 15:34-16:13; Ps 20 or Ezek 17:22-24; Ps 92:1-4, 12-15; 2 Cor 5:6-10, (11-13), 14-17 or 2 Cor 5:6-17; Mark 4:26-34

We wish to thank our church family for the kindness, support and expressions of sympathy in the loss of our grandson Patrick (PJ) Gray. Wed like to give a special thank you to Pastor Chad for his visits and spiritual help. May God bless each and every one of you. Charles & Ellyn Miller

June 24

1 Sam 17:(1a, 4-11, 19-23),32-49 Ps 9:9-20 or Job 38:1-11; Ps 107:1-3, 23-32; 2 Cor 6:1-13 Mark 4:35-41

Parishable Items

June 2012


The Trustees met on April 10, 2012 at 8:00 pm. Those in attendance were Joel Bobb, Dave Houston, Ben Heckart, Laurel Klopfenstein, Scott Weisinger, David Fincher, Sylvia Harvey, Ray McKee and Rev. Chad Savage. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved on a motion by Dave H. and seconded by Scott. The Financial Reports were approved on a motion by Ben and seconded by Scott. Reports: The parsonage project is now finished. This included a new roof, siding, soffit and a new faucet in the kitchen. A bill for $4744.00 for labor was submitted. The final bill for materials will be submitted at the next meeting. Old Business: The Church Work Day will be Sunday May 20th following morning worship. There will be a pot luck dinner immediately following worship. Projects to be completed or reviewed will be: 1) Plaster repair on the interior walls 2) East doors in Fellowship hall 3) Carpet on front steps 4) Cleaning under radiators in Fellowship Hall 5) Trim trees and weed flower beds 6) Weeds in parking lot and fill cracks 7) Clean out shed 8) Attic inspection 9) Fix leak under kitchen sink

The Mother-Daughter Banquet went well and the committee expresses a big Thank You to all who helped. The Trustees have not received any requests for the Trustee Challenge. New Business: The Cemetery Association is in need of financial assistance. A letter will be published in the May newsletter requesting donations. The next meeting will be May 8, 2012 at 8:00 pm. The meeting adjourned. Pastor Chad led us in the Lords Prayer. Respectfully submitted, Laurel Klopfenstein

Standing Committee meeting minutes from 4/15/12 (Note: Secretary K Bobb absent from this meeting. Meeting minutes compiled from Harleys notes.) Terry Hoenig called meeting to order at 11:15 a.m. Terry Hoenig, Sherry McKee, Mariellis Hasenclever, Linda Roxberg, Mike Hasenclever, Harley Morton, Jeff Weisinger and Pastor Chad present. Pastor Chad provided opening prayer. Secretary report: March 2012 meeting minutes were presented for committee review and approval.

Parishable Items

June 2012

Old Business Chair Terry Hoenig received a response from the Memorial Committee approving $2,500 to $3,000 for the multimedia project. The By-Laws committee membership is scheduled to meet April 22. Kathy Blanchard to prepare communion and open church in May. The 175th anniversary was discussed and Linda Roxberg will get materials together, including slides to DVD by North Lee County Historical Committee. Pastor Chad will announce and ask for those interested in being church historical committee members. The Church History update will be discussed at next meeting. New Business Standing Committee needs to do a Pastor Evaluation Report and provide it to the trustees. Discussed having a new pictorial directory completed in time for the 175th anniversary. The food pantry food of the month is Jell-O. This will be mentioned in church announcements. Pulpit supply is needed for June 10; SHPF is conducting service on May 20.

Terry will request copy of Christian Ed meeting minutes. It is time to place an order for pew cards and we will order bookmarks for Mothers day. Motion by Linda R. to order bookmarks for Mothers Day, seconded by Mike H. Terry will put together some music for background music. Pastors report included Easter and communion summary. Meeting adjourned with Lords Prayer at 12:40. Respectfully Submitted, Kjrsten Bobb, Secretary

Please call Sue Watson at 5284494 or the church office at 528-4465 with any prayer concerns. We are praying for: Patty Dochterman Tony Haeffner Sandra Parrish Chris Jackson Clayton Whitmarsh Mike Horn Mike & Carol Smith Dora Horn Ralph Evans Brent Daugherty Rick Goldie Steve Daugherty Ellyn & Charles Miller and Family Soney Nickel

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