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Culture: additional is the turning off of the lights every 12:00 PM until 1:00 PM. 3.

0 Planning: On the Job Personal Experiences 3.1 The Situation and Nature of Planning Decision Management planning is the process of assessing an organization's goals and creating a realistic, detailed plan of action for meeting those goals, according to Lisa McQuerrey. The planning decision of DTI-Cebu Provincial Office is always on track with the bottom-line targets set by the RODG. Each office is required to submit a report regarding on the bottom-line targets. The outcome levels of the number of new products introduced, number of markets and market linkages developed, and number of new exporters developed, as stated in their reports, are, then assessed and consolidated which serve as their basis for the 10% increase, which is fixed. Using the figures, the organization will then create development plan of actions that will be delegated to the divisions. This is employed in the next year, usually, by early January. Quarterly, they have a meeting with RODG, including all regional and provincial offices. This meeting allows them to agree on reviews or changes on the basis for the 10% increase; that is why their reports always have revisions prepared from the initial outcome of the year.

3.2 Steps in the Planning Process Since we were assigned in the same division, we could provide the planning process of the IDIPD only, not of the whole organization. The basic steps in the divisions planning process create a path that leads them on the right track which outlines each task the division must achieve in attaining its goals and objectives. For a clearer view on the steps on their planning process, we cited out an example that had actually happened in the division. When they had their meeting that tackles on the planning for their recent program which is called as the Planning Workshop for the Cebu Investment Assistance Workshop, they first established a goal which is to have the government and private agencies coordinated that would help improve the investment status of the Philippines. Next, they identify the resources by which they identify how many people it will require to execute the project, the cost that will be incurred for the expenses including the rental fee of the venue, the

cost for the wages of the technical operators and the foods. Then, each one in the division was assigned to a specific task into show fairness to everyone. For instance, Maam Fely was the one responsible for the communications. She sent invitations to the selected participants, made confirmations for their participation and prepared certifications that were given after the workshop. Next to that is that they created a timeline wherein the specific tasks are associated with the assigned staff members and time considered necessary to complete the assignments. Finally, the division identified contingency plans if ever there will be rejections of the invitations from the participants or conflicts with the set schedule between them. 3.3 Drivers and Barriers to the Planning Process In our observations, their drivers to their planning process are their close relationship and familiarity of each other. Each one is motivated to achieve the objectives of the plan not to mention their dedication to their job. In addition, they could easily get along with everyone without hesitations. They already know how to adjust with the different personalities of their colleagues, since they have been together for a long while. In other words, their drivers to such process are found internally. Nevertheless, there are still barriers that are found outside the workplace. These are the participants, for example, who were very needed for the success of the workshop. As what weve observed, they used to change the set schedule of the said project since they tried to compensate with the time being of the participants, especially of the important ones. 3.4 Implementation of the Plans IDIPD always makes it sure that they have executed the plan bounded with the laws and policies imposed by the government. They identify and understand first the possible drivers and barriers as they design their plan to know when and how they could anticipate the barriers, and thus ensure the maximum degree of the success of the plan. Hence, they are really good in plan implementation because when conflicts occur while the activity is in progress, they always have Plan B or C. In addition, in the case of their recent Planning Workshop, they implemented it with the help of other government agencies. They incorporated with them and Gizette as well. 3.5 Lessons Learned from the Planning Process Experiences

Based on our experience, we have learned that plan-making is just easy not until it is going to be implemented. There will be times that the lack of resources, different external factors such as weather and the people involved are the possible barriers that could pull down the progress of the implementation. Another learning we have is that our behavior really counts. It really matters especially during implementation. The behavior of a person reflects the success of the plan despite the barriers from the inside out. Indeed, there is no incorrect plan except for those with negative intentions. However, although it is correct yet unimplemented, it becomes useless. Thus, making the efforts exerted on the planning wasted. 5.0 Communication and Interpersonal Processes 5.1 Communication in the Organization As what we have observed, IDIPD is implementing one-way and two-way communication processes. One-way communication takes place every time the Division Chief conveys information or instructions to the other staff without expecting any comments or reactions from them. This makes them communicate quickly with each other because lesser time is spent in talking or expressing their thoughts, to the extent that she does not require them to criticize or question on it. This is usually observed when Maam Hope only leaves a note stating certain information to their cubicles. Another is when she sends an e-mail to them regarding the changes of their projects or programs. On the other hand, two-way communication occurs either in a formal or informal way. Unlike one-way communication, this needs a longer time because each one of them is mandated to give suggestions, inputs or reactions to whatever the colleagues have expressed. Further, the communication is formal when there is a meeting held. In the meeting, each of the staff is required to highlight her accomplishments done in the previous month. In contrast, it is called informal if the communications are not so job-related such as chitchats regarding the latest trends, news, happenings about American Idol and the like. These are however done during their vacant time. 5.2 Organizational Communication Channels

Within the unit, IDIPD communicates through electronic mails, sticky notes or any piece of paper for the written communication, oral and non-verbal languages. Outside the unit wherein the staff keep in touch with the exporters, entrepreneurs and other government, private agencies and the LGUs communication is done through outbound and inbound calls via mobile phone and telephone, emails, face to face interaction with the clients, physical meeting at a certain venue with the people invited from particular organizations when there are planning, projects and activities the unit has prepared in line with their functions to promote trade and investment. For the communication flow in the division, they apply the vertical communication in which the message is exchanged between two or more levels of the division hierarchy. It involves upward and downward direction flows. Usually in the division, they are used to execute downward communication. The message flow starts from the Chief down to her subordinates. This communication usually involves both written and oral, and takes the form of directives or instructions such as staff meetings, informational memos and face-to-face contact. 5.3 Communication and Interpersonal Processes: An Experience In our experiences, the two-way communication process was commonly used. Every time we were given tasks to do, we used to ask questions considering our clarifications on the tasks. In addition, when we were given the privilege to attend to their Monthly Management Review Meeting for the month of April, each of us was asked to share our accomplishments and the lessons we learned from our experiences with them in the division. By then, the staff asked some follow-up questions and provided feedback to what we have just said. 7.0 Controls in the Organization 7.1 Types of Major Control Systems The control system of IDIPD is a systematic effort that should be executed in order to evaluate the outputs of the staff and to compare the actual and standard performances, and to take actions that would assure whether the subordinates perform, along with the objectives, in an effective and efficient way.

IDIPD basically uses only one control system which is the Feedback Control. This focuses on the outputs of the subordinates after the service process is complete. This provides them meaningful information on how effective their planning effort was. If it happens that the actual and standard performances have a little difference, the planning has achieved their targets. Otherwise, it is still an advantage to the division for it can serve as their basis in generating more improved plans. In addition, this type of control develops a persons motivation, for a feedback is an important factor for our self-growth. 7.2 Managerial Approaches to Implementing Controls To implement the Feedback Control System, Maam Hope, the IDIPD Chief makes it sure that the staff members are doing their job on track with the objectives provided. She would ask, How is your assignment? and looks after the output, evaluate her performance with the standards and then, give positive feedback to her as much as possible. Her approach to each of the staff depends on her perception to them. If she knows that the person has shown initiative based on her previous tasks, Maam Hope will just instruct her and leave to her the necessary things or information for the task. Then its up to the latter how would she strategize and go beyond the given task. With this, she expects that her feedback would be good. Maam Hope always does adjustments with her staff members every time she gives them assignments. She also encourages them to come and open up to her whenever problems occur.

7.3 TQM Quality Performance of the staff is focused in IDIPD. If there are opportunities such as trainings for the staff, certain forum, invitations and workshops that are helpful and are presumed that could contribute to their improvement; the staff is allowed to attend or participate to. For example, Maam Marilyn was selected to attend the Writeshop to enhance her writing skills. Another example is when Maam Badse was sent to Bohol to join the seminar regarding Agriculture. It is expected that there will be cost incurred upon participation, but it doesnt matter to them if it has a great contribution to each ones skills and abilities.

For creativity development, Maam Hope required them to submit, which was implemented since last year, a powerpoint presentation consisting a short write-up of their accomplishments of the quarter. She recognizes it as a Workshop because creating a presentation through MS Powerpoint builds up and widens their creativity.

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