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Term Papers for CSE202 for Section K2002 Serial No. 1. Roll Nos.

Topic Description

a working RK2002A01 Program for video Create shop database program which is RK2002A02 capable of serving the needs of a video shop database. The program should provide the RK2002A03 facilities of stock RK2002A05 updation as well as bill generation. Address program Book Create a working program which behaves as an address book and is capable of adding, deleting and modifying records.






Food Create a working RK2002A06 Fast Automation System program which serves RK2002A07 the needs of a fast food joint. It should contain the facilities of stock and bill generation as well. Phone Book Create a working RK2002A08 program which behaves RK2002A09 Program and provides all the facilities of a phone book along with addition, modification and deletion of records. Program for creating Create a working RK2002A10 a student database. program which serves RK2002A12 The program should as a student database offer options of and offers the facilities adding, deleting, mentioned. updating and other operations. a working RK2002A13Super Market Billing Create System. program which serves RK2002A14 as a super market billing system and provides facilities such as addition, modification and deletion.


RK2002A15Student report card. RK2002A16

Create a program which all the available in a report card.

working provides features student


Implementation of a Create a working RK2002A17 text editor. program which provides RK2002A18 text editing facilities along with cut, copy, paste and search and replace functionalities.


driven RK2002A19 Menu RK2002A20 program to keep track of students course schedule.



Create a working program which is capable of tracking students course schedule and provides all relevant features. Billing Create a working RK2002A21Telephone System program which is RK2002A22 capable of generating telephone bill along with any additions, deletions and modifications. Create a working RK2002A23Immigration Consultancy program which can be RK2002A24 Database System. used in an immigration consultancy and serves all its needs. Create a working program which is capable of performing all the functions of a scientific calculator.


RK2002A25 Scientific Calculator. RK2002A26



a working RK2002A27Student Information Create program which is RK2002A29System. capable of handling all student information along with updation, addition, deletion. Create a working RK2002A30 Periodic Table program which RK2002A31 simulates the periodic table and is fully capable of performing all its functions.









a working RK2002B32Library Management Create program which helps in RK2002B34System Library management and helps in keeping a track of the books issued, fine applicable etc. Store Create a working RK2002B35 Medical program which helps in Management RK2002B36 Medical Store System. Management including stock, bill generation etc. Book Store Create a working RK2002B37 program which helps in RK2002B38 Management book store System. management including book title searches and sale of books etc Petrol Pump Create a working RK2002B39 program which helps in RK2002B40 Management petrol pump System. management including stock checking and bill generation etc. Ticket Create a working RK2002B41 Airline Reservation System. program which helps in RK2002B42 airline ticket reservation and provides facilities for ticket reservation and cancelling the reservation etc. Goods Create a working RK2002B43Electronics program which can be Management RK2002B44 used in an electronics System. goods shop and can provide facilities of stock updation as well as bill generation. Tours and Travels Create a working RK2002B45 program which helps in RK2002B48 Agency System. managing a tours and travels agency including database management and bill generation etc. Create a working program which helps in calculating the tax. RK2002B49 Tax Calculator RK2002B50


RK2002B51Toll RK2002B52Management System.

Tax Create a working program which helps in the management of toll tax including updation of charges, bill generation etc. Create a working program which helps in inventory management including stock updation, maintenance etc. Create a working program which behaves like the manual diary and maintains a daily log of activities, reminders for events etc Create a working program which helps in HR management including maintenance of employee database Create a working program which helps in managing the fee structure of a university including pending fee etc. Create a working program which helps in LPG cylinder booking and provides facility for checking stock and booking the order against stock, generates a receipt etc.


RK2002B54 Inventory RK2002B55 Management System.


RK2002B56 RK2002B57

Digital Diary


RK2002B59 RK2002B60

HR Management System


RK2002B63 RK2002B65

Fee Structure Management of a University.


RK2002B66 RK2002B68

LPG cylinder booking system.

Guidelines The following guidelines shall be followed for evaluation of term paper: 1) The Term Paper is of 10 marks (for Courses with Theory component only). The mode of submission will be online.

2) It has to be up to 1500 words. 3) In case the content is copied from the Internet or any other student 0 (zero) marks will be awarded. If the same Term Paper has been given to two students; it is an individual exercise for them and should not be a Team Activity. 4) Index, References, Further Readings, Bibliography is to be an essential part of the whole document. 5) Final Submission based on the above mentioned criterion before ETE in the 9th week.

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